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  Continued from 
The Mind Reading Camera: final report




"Give Peace with Earth a chance"
Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.

Candidate for Nominee as President of the United States of America




Dear Inquirer,

Thank you for your interest in the phenomena we explore on this page of the Mind Reading Camera adventure.

As you may know, I am a candidate for U.S, Presidential Nomination. The contribution and thrust of my platform is "Peace on Earth through peace with natural systems within and around us"

This page and the Mindread Camera help explain the heart of my Presidential goals. The urgent reason for my campaign is exemplified in the technology and secret of the mind reading camera and the missing card. They demonstrate the ways we have learned to think that produce many troubles.


The disappearing card and disconnection

The purpose of this "Mind-Reading Camera" website is educational: it helps you understand the psychology of how and why the card disappears for you and/or other people. Learning this psychology is important because the Camera mimics how too many destructive parts of contemporary society work. The Camera tells you lies and omits information in order to achieve its goal.

The Camera's distortions disconnect and manipulate your full mental powers by psychologically focusing your intelligence on false stories about its abilities. These stories remove some of your intelligence energy from your total mental capacity. This prevents you from accurately registering the whole phenomenon that you experience with the cards and camera.

With part of your intelligence rendered inoperative, the card "magically" disappears. Similarly, in contemporary society, the peaceful, supportive, wellness and integrity of life on Earth is disappearing in people and places.

The significance of the disappearance phenomenon is that it occurs whenever you disconnect the integrity of a whole system through a lie or adverse action. The disturbed system functions differently and thereby loses some of its integrity.

As shown by the social and environmental state of our living planet, we are excessively disturbing natural systems around and within us. For this reason they and we are losing our integrity.


System integrity

In Nature, as they have for eons, natural systems self-organize to produce Earth's natural optimums of life, diversity, recycling and cooperation. Natural systems achieve this unique perfection without producing the stressful garbage, abusiveness, violence, isolation, war, pollution or madness that marks contemporary society. Nature connected people(s) neither cause nor display these symptoms.

People are part of Nature; we consist almost entirely of natural systems that we share with Nature. Thus we inherit the ability to think, feel and relate like Nature works, with Nature's unifying healing powers, intelligence and perfection. Research shows "magical" benefits result from this process.


Disconnected thinking

The Mind Reading Camera web pages momentarily focus you thinking energies on the hi-tech story of how the Camera works as well as on deciding which card you want to choose. It does this to manipulate your thinking to lose conscious contact with the wholeness of the moment. That wholeness includes the rest of the screen and all the cards (as well as the rest of your life at that moment). Because of this loss, you fail to register that NONE of the cards that come up the second time are the same as the original group of cards.

All the cards are replaced, not just the one you pick. That is why any card you pick is replaced.


The disconnection crises:

Similar to the card demonstration, to our loss, our Nature separated society teaches us to think and know the world, moment by moment, in isolated disconnection from the whole integrity of natural systems. We learn the lie that "In order for us to survive happily we must conquer and exploit natural systems and convert them into 'natural resources.' "

To survive this way, we learn false nature separated stories and disconnected, nature-exploitive relationships. In addition, powerful education, economic and social forces in our nature conquering society continually reward our disconnected thinking process thereby strengthening and conditioning its disconnectedness.

Our thinking's disconnectedness becomes habitual.

We become programmed to think and know the world through half truths that are far more powerful and destructive than the mind reading camera falsehood.


Mental effects of disconnection:

Sadly, over more than 99.9% of our lifetime we think while out of conscious contact with intelligent sensory signals from natural systems within and around us. These sensitivities make possible the healing, self-purifying, regenerative ways by which nature's perfection works. Research shows that when applied to our mentality, these recycling sensitivities heal our psyche and purify our contaminated thinking.

Our great problems arise because we habitually think in ways that disconnect our mentality from the intelligence and healing power of natural system energies.



It is important to recognize that the Mind Reading Camera instructions and our society perpetrate the lie of Omission. They omit the suggestion that you become whole, that you engage your full intelligence, that you check the total differences in the pages as well as that you obtain information from natural systems. Instead, the instructions "Enron" us to believe the mind reading camera is a reality. They also "Enron" us conquer or exploit Nature to support our economy and our survival. The destructive results speak for themselves


An Antidote

There is an antidote to habitually thinking with the the disconnecting lies we learn about how natural systems in and around us work and their value. The antidote consists of a Process that teaches us how to to think for ourselves by consciously reconnecting our thinking with authentic natural system attraction energies in natural areas and discovering the benefits.

The Process enables us to enjoy Nature's perfection by discovering and experiencing it in authentic Nature, backyard or back country. This is similar to visiting the Camera again and noticing that all the cards change and the Camera's reported powers are a lie.

The antidote is called the Natural Systems Thinking Process. It is an effective tool in enabling us to genuinely reconnect our thinking with Nature and thereby use our whole natural intelligence to resolve our great personal and global problems.

It is intelligent to enlist Nature's aid to heal and recycle our contaminated ways of thinking. That is why introducing the Process is the heart of my candidacy for President.

We can no longer afford to omit the Process. Its personal and environmental problem solving information is as helpful to our thinking as is the information that enables us to solve the mystery of the disappearing card.

The Process works because it empowers us to restore and nurture back into our consciousness the unifying natural system intelligence that lies buried alive and hurting beneath our contemporary awareness.

Once that intelligence is reconnected to its origins in Nature as well as with our contemporary thinking, it heals and rejuvenates our thinking so it can improve our relationships and increase our joy. This helps us become more active, contributing, parts of self-government. It takes place on personal, local and federal, levels. It contributes to global sanity and peace.

Unfortunately, just as with the disappearance of the card you selected, due to our culture's distortions and omissions, this beneficial power of Nature has disappeared from our thinking and relationships. It's loss produces our reduced level of sanity.

How will your thinking ever decide on its own to try to seek the the benefits that conscious contact with natural systems offers us? Just because something is wrong does not mean we are aware of it or will deal with it. After all, did you notice the word THE was doubled in the first sentence of this paragraph? You habitually overlooked it for reasons similar to overlooking the screen changes that made the card disappear. For the same reason you are probably unaware of twelve of your natural senses that came into play and were manipulated in the Mind Reading Camera adventure. They disappear from your awareness because most of us are falsely ingrained to believe that we only have five senses.

The antidote to our thinking's destructive disconnection is to include the Process as a component of the many ways we build relationships. The best way to begin is to learn the Process by engaging in it.



The Mindread Camera helps explain why my potential entrance into the Presidential race is important. My candidacy is dedicated to help people learn and teach an important missing link, a genuine natural systems reconnection Process that enables us to reverse the destructive omissions and ways we learn to think. It empowers people to recover from our distorted stories about our life relationships, the false stories that contaminate our reasoning, values and good intentions. The Process helps us help others, including politicians, do the same.

You are welcome to learn the Process even though you may not support my candidacy.

I encourage you to contact me and join me on this quest. There is much to learn and do.


Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.

P.O. Box 1605
Friday Harbor WA 98250


Further Information:






"This program offers an environmentally sound, educational process that reduces apathy, catalyzes peace and promotes mental health. It fulfills our personal and economic needs, deeper ideals and spirit; it deserves the attention of every person who seeks to reverse our troubles."

Dr. Robert Muller
Assistant Secretary General Emeritus of the United Nations.
Recipient of the Albert Schweitzer Peace Prize and UNESCO prize for peace.
Chancellor of the University for Peace, United Nations.



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