Page Ten (final)


The Global Community Study & Activity

Continued from Page 9


Study Results

Congratulations on having completed the study and selecting to process its results here. Thank you for the information you may share with us and others so that we all may learn and grow from it.

Study result instructions: How to determine your Globally Balanced Thinking Score (GBT).

Determine your a-score results:

1. Listed below, and linked, are the ten (A-J) SUMMARY STATEMENTS found in the study.

On a separate a sheet of paper please lay out a score column, (as below under SCORE,) and enter your original scores on it in the spaces marked "Original." Total your original scores.

Also enter a place for recording some additional revised scores, as shown below under SCORE.

   ..............SCORE ............





.. ....................SCORE 



SUMMARY A: At any given moment we can experience the world as one of the following 3 mental states: 1) conflicting, nature disconnected new brain story (g/o), or 2) as non verbal old brain sensation(s) (g), or 3) as a harmonious, nature connected, whole brain story (g/g).



SUMMARY B: We seldom train our new brain thinking to be conscious of many natural sensitivities that normally keep living systems and organisms in balance with themselves and each other. 




SUMMARY C: A thought, feeling, or memory that is not supported enough to enter our awareness is omitted from our conscious thinking. It may, however, on a feeling level, subconsciously affect our relationships.




SUMMARY D: We learn and often are addicted to keeping the strings of the web of life out of our consciousness and thinking.




SUMMARY E: The web of life consists of strings of attraction sensitivities that we can feel. Our hurtful disconnection from the attraction strings of the web leave us numb and wanting so we seek artificial, unbalanced, fulfillments that too often have additional destructive effects.



SUMMARY F: Our nature separated "conquer nature" lives are guided by nature disconnecting stories that produce stress as they suppress/conquer our natural attraction string loves.



SUMMARY G: The natural systems thinking process enables us to create moments that let some of the 53 attraction strands of our sensory self plug into their origins in nature and, energized there, come into our consciousness and thinking.



SUMMARY H: Studies show that by engaging in the natural systems thinking process, disorders and dependencies subside while interpersonal, environmental and learning skills strengthen.



SUMMARY I: "I found that in the Activity, calling my sensations and feelings natural sensory attraction string(s) had value for me."



SUMMARY J: "I found that repeating the Activity several times had additional value for me."
  ...___Original..___Revised FINAL SCORE TOTALS

2. Please respond to the following question: Has doing the activity changed your degree of agreement with any of the Summaries? If so, please revise your agreement score in that Summary and place that revised score in the revised score column.

3. Repeat the activity again with different senses and feelings, (as many times as you like if you find that repeating it helps improve some revised score(s). Find a different name or label for the strings that works best for you reconnecting with nature. You may do this over a period of days if you choose.

"I found that repeating the Activity several times had some additional value for me."

OPTIONAL: On a piece of paper, record the SUMMARY letter above (A: B: C, etc.) along with the numbers (below) that indicate your amount of agreement with the summary statement a) as a stated truth (1-10) and b) as a 0-100 % percentage of your daily time that you think you practice this truth. Note how you feel about the difference, if there is one, between your a-score and b-score.

1.........2..........3........4.........5.........6.........7.........8..........9.........10. partially agree...........................fffully agree


Finding your a-score:
Total your revised results:
When your revised scores seem to remain constant, total them. Add a percentage mark to your total or write it as a decimal: for example 8.3 on a basis of 1-10, This score helps you be aware of your readiness to enjoyably learn, use and teach the Natural Systems Thinking Process.


Determine your b-score results:

1. Total all your b-score results for your SUMMARIES A-J.


Determine your GBT SCORE.:

1. Add your a-score and b-score together and divide by 2 to determine their average. This average is your GBT SCORE.

2. As you do additional activities and coursework use updated scores to numerically note your improvements and challenge areas with regard to the Natural Systems Thinking Process.


To increase your score, follow the links contained in the study paragraphs from which the Summaries are drawn and become involved with the activities and courses linked to this study. As you have additional experiences in reconnecting with nature, further update your revised results and total score.

Your score:
If your revised score total increases as you re-apply the activity to different senses and feelings,
chances are excellent that you can learn to use the Natural Systems thinking Process to good advantage in some of the following ways:

To enjoy an extraordinary way of thinking and relating in balance and peace.

Counseling and educating with nature.

Increasing your spirit, learning ability and community building skills.

Designing an interesting, responsible livelihood for yourself,

Adding a socially and environmentally sound component to your professional work or personal relationships.

Building healthy interpersonal relationships.

Reducing physical or mental pain, recovering from chemical and other dependencies.

Facilitating, promoting or interning to help others benefit from the process.

Constructively relieving personal despair, depression or apathy.

Enjoying voluntary simplicity.

Guiding a Natural Systems Thinking Process student

Determining whether to trust a leader, friend or yourself. (If a leader or friend does not want to determine their GBT Score, doesn't that tell you something already?)

Additional GBT Measurements: K and L Scores:

For use, as instructed, onnly by students in our courses and degree programs


I found that (name of activity or experience) strongly heightened my cognitive and sensory awareness of the Natural Systems Thinking Process.

OPTIONAL: On a piece of paper, record the SUMMARY letter above (A: B: C, etc.) along with the numbers (below) that indicate your amount of agreement with the summary statement a) as a stated truth (1-10) and b) as a 0-100 % percentage of your daily time that you think you practice this truth. Note how you feel about the difference, if there is one, between your a-score and b-score.

1.........2..........3........4.........5.........6.........7.........8..........9.........10. partially agree...........................fffully agree


I found that (name of activity or experience) strongly heightened my ability to integrate the Natural Systems Thinking Process into the field/discipline/area of (describe the field/discipline/area).

OPTIONAL: On a piece of paper, record the SUMMARY letter above (A: B: C, etc.) along with the numbers (below) that indicate your amount of agreement with the summary statement a) as a stated truth (1-10) and b) as a 0-100 % percentage of your daily time that you think you practice this truth. Note how you feel about the difference, if there is one, between your a-score and b-score.

1.........2..........3........4.........5.........6.........7.........8..........9.........10. partially agree...........................fffully agree


People and places
that support the Natural Systems Thinking Process. Add your link here.

Your Potential:
You can further help create person/planet wellness, balance and unity:

Learn to use and teach the following free activities and introduce them to others:

In Balance With Earth
Letting Earth Teach
(An additional 120 activities are found in the books below.)

A Suggestion:
Ask your teacher, leader or representative what their GBTscore is. If yours is higher, demand that either they raise their score or hire you as a guide so things will go better for all.

About the Author:

Applied Ecopsychologist Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D. founded and coordinates Project NatureConnect and the Natural Systems Thinking Process. They are continuing education workshops, distance learning courses and degree programs of Greenwich University and the Institute of Global Education, in association with the United Nations Department of Public Education. He chairs the Department of Applied Ecopsychology/Integrated Ecology on San Juan Island, Washington. For 33 years, he has established and directed degree granting environmental outdoor education programs for the Trailside Country School, Lesley College, and the National Audubon Society. His 8 books and 56 articles include the award winning Connecting With Nature: Creating Moments that let Earth Teach which is included in his 1997 self-guiding book Reconnecting With Nature and Well Mind, Well Earth: 97 Environmentally Sensitive Activities for Stress Management, Spirit and Self-esteem. Dr. Cohen is the recipient of the Distinguished World Citizen Award.


P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor WA 98250
(360) 378-6313.

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