
Project NatureConnect

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A Millennium Global Community Study & Activity:

The Globally Balanced Thinking Score (GBT)



"We must recycle our mental pollution. To resolve our disorders using the same nature disconnected thinking that produced them screams: 'Reconnect your thinking with nature now!' "

- Michael J. Cohen


Dear Friend of Earth and Sensibility,

If you would like to build responsible personal and environmental relationships that increase your energy and reduce stress and numbness, we invite you to join us in this study.

Most of our problem relationships don't readily improve because we are bonded to a nature separated, destructive, way of thinking that produces them. Our "unsolveable" personal and environmental problems seldom improve because they are actually psychological addictions. They must be treated as such if they are to change.

Discover a readily available and teachable psychological key to personal and environmental wellness that you can personally validate. Also discover if you are one of the special people who has not lost their natural ability to better think, feel and be nurtured through thoughtful sensory contacts with nature.

This study produces a Globally Balanced Thinking Score (GBT Score). It numerically indicates the amount of trust you can place in a leader, friend or yourself with respect to building balanced, peaceful, interpersonal or environmental relationships. A press release overview about the study is available.

If you can reason with an open mind and heart, the hour you spend in this study will enable you to take a free, giant unifying step that you may use, teach and distribute.

To Participate:

1. READ: Carefully read the Natural Systems Thinking Process description pages 1-10. Optionally participate in its rating scales. These pages will help your thinking better know nature as nature knows itself.

2. DO: the activity found at the end of the study.

3. ENJOY : Note how the activity feels and its value to you. Observe if it helps broaden your thinking and relationships. IMPORTANT: Repeat it for its additional benefits and note if your score changes.

4. ACT: Send us a description of the effects of doing this activity. If you like, pass the activity on to others who might appreciate it.

5. GROW: We will post, anonymously, a variety of the responses we receive at the responses page so you may learn from them, too.

Thank you for considering this invitation to participate.

Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.


Please proceed to the Study and Activity


NOTE: An Overview of the study and its purpose is available.

Links to the Study are located at the end of the Study Activity.



Institute of Global Education
Natural Systems Thinking Process
Project NatureConnect
P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor WA 98250
(360) 378-6313.
Email: nature@pacificrim.net
Internet: www.ecopsych.com

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