Green Education: Nature-Contact,
Online, Alternative and Natural Holistic Degrees Courses and Careers
that include mindful life experience and prior training.
Life Intelligence:
A readily available, but secretly hidden, cure and preventative enables us to transform our personal, social and environmental
disorders into responsible, whole earth relationships.
Holistic Online Degrees and Grants: Learn How to Think Like Nature Works
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO
United Nations Economic and Social Council
Creating Moments That Let Earth
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Counseling and Healing With Nature
Subsidized Degrees, Career
Training Courses and Jobs Online.
Project NatureConnect
testimonials and validations confirm the value of fundamental distant
learning programs that enable you to
nature-connected science, experience and credentials to your
and interests. Read living proof ecopsychology testimony that demonstrates how
we honor
your prior training and life experiences by providing grants
equivalent credit for it.
You may take accredited Applied Ecopsychology coursework
and/or obtain
Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most subjects or
personal interests (see the bottom of this page).
* Help people remedy their illiterate disturbances and
unfair thoughts and feelings with the grace balance and restorative
powers of
nature's web of life.
* Increase income through
literate Ecotherapy effects for stress-relief management and sustainability.
* Strengthen personal health assistance,
social and
environmental self-esteem and well being along with global warming reduction.
* Add the sunlight and beauty of the
natural world to your God beliefs and community.
our Homepage for
complete information
Whole Life Intelligence:
A readily available, but secretly hidden, cure and preventative
enables us to transform our personal, social and environmental
disorders into responsible, whole earth relationships.
you read this sentence, you are conscious of its words and phrases not
its individual letters. Now that I have alerted you to this
missing-letters phenomenon, you may have become conscious of the
individual letters in this sentence.
You may also note that our education and training since early childhood
has indoctrinated us to habitually register words and phrases, not
an individual letter. Soon single letters here will again
disappear from
your awareness. In fact, this may have already happened.
History of our World
we were children, it was our society's approval of us to be readers,
along with the shapes, colors, sounds and delights of letters (and the
likes of alphabet blocks) that first attracted us to identify
individual letters and enjoy doing this.
As we matured, the established
thoughts and stories of Industrial Society urge us to be able to
Reading has immense value and we certainly wouldn't want to change or
hurt this literate ability. However, if we did want to change it,
require us to develop a very special tool or process or technology.
This is because information, and/or our will-power alone, seldom gives us the ability to
change our strong habits, socialization or addictions. We simply just
can't decide to see individual letters continuously, we are
"indoctrinated" or "addicted" to do otherwise.
Habitual thinking and behavior explains
why you are probably not seeing individual letters right now. Unfortunately, it is
also the reason that we can be unbalanced or unfair, the reason
that we may stay on an unreasonable course even though we are
by its outcomes.
We are unable to remedy many harmful habits and disorders
simply because we can't transform how we think, feel and act without
obtaining responsible assistance.
Responsible assistance is
aid that
does not take unfair advantage of our helplessness and cause further
Responsible assistance for our major disorders has been readily available for decades.
However most of us, including our leaders, are in the dark ages with
respect to thinking with it and passionately using this assistance to
help us build
responsible relationships with the environment and each other.
Like an individual letter, they have been programed not to
register it when they see it.
Assistance and Answers, Here and Now
are part of nature. We inherit its self-correcting, healing and
restorative powers, in and around us. These powers produce
optimums of life, diversity, purity, peace and cooperation.
accomplish this without producing garbage or our runaway abusiveness,
greed, pollution and health disorders.
We produce and suffer
most of our disorders simply because, from womb to tomb, our society
severely disconnects our body, mind and spirit from the way nature's non-literate (pre-literate)
powers work. It substitutes for them with stories that are only partially accurate, stories that don't contain nature's healing and restorative ways.
Disneyland prides itself on being a fictional fantasy, an illusion about life.
Similar to Disneyland is the way that Industrial
Society, including you and me, live within the blinders of a fictional
fantasy. We have been addicted to destructive, short-sighted illusions about how nature works and its value.
we impose Industrial Society's detrimental "conquer nature" fantasy on nature in and
around us, we suffer the toxic stress and misfortune of its impact
on nature, in and around us.
Our conquer nature story powerfully undermines our
natural inheritance, the seemingly miraculous ways that nature creates and sustains its purity, balance and beauty, in and around us.
Earth could speak it would no doubt say that that with respect to the
pure and balanced, life supportive way nature and its eons work,
Industrial Society appears to be designed by Goofy and Donald Duck.
Similar to helping us re-discover hidden individual
letters and their value, the Applied Ecopsychology science of Natural
Attraction Ecology (NAE) helps us identify, connect with and benefit
from the way nature works to produce its homeostatic perfection in our human body and in Earth, our other body.
Our Contemporary "Dark Age"
"educated" and established thinking is unable to help us live in the
optimums of life, diversity, cooperation, peace,
purity, balance and beauty that the undisturbed natural attraction
world enjoys.
This suggests that we are indoctrinated to wear blinders to nature's
extraordinary natural attraction information and intelligence
that we inherit and that is available in and around us. This
information is identified in
20 fundamental axioms
that are the foundation of Natural Attraction Ecology. They
identify nine major NA observations, below, that we indoctrinate ourselves to
omit in our everyday thoughts and feelings. Due to this omission, we suffer
many disorders.
Axioms appear to be radical and as controversial as the discovery that Earth
was a sphere, not flat, or that our planet circled around the sun and
was not the center of the solar system. However, the Axioms are
based on empirical evidence, on things that are, at present,
irrefutable because they register directly on our 53 natural senses, including our
sense of reason:
- Planet Earth along with its spirit is an intelligent and conscious living organism.
- We deny that we are deeply prejudiced against nature.
- Life is attractive. The purpose of life is to support life.
- The essence of materials and energy is natural attraction, and it includes our 53 natural senses.
- The natural world does not produce garbage, all natural things are equally attractive and important.
- To be part of a system a thing must be in communication with the system and vice versa.
- Nature's
plant, animal and mineral community and its energy are non-literate yet
conscious, intelligent and mutually supportive.
- Nature is
a perfection of its own whose vital sensitivities we inherit but we painfully conquer. We bury these senses in our subconscious in fear of feeling their pain again.
- The process of Educating,
Counseling and Healing With Nature enables our thoughts and feelings to
make restorative sensory contacts with the power of nature's essence, backyard or
Fundamental Core of Nature's Powers
Nobody has met the long-time challenge by Dr. Michael
J. Cohen to refute the NAE claim that natural
attraction is the essence of nature's eons of mutually
supportive interactions at sub-atomic, personal, global and universal
to the vital roots and values of hidden individual letters, the sensory
art of NAE's Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature process
(ECHN) is the hidden, yet readily available and responsible means to help us remedy, prevent
and transform our disorders.
at some point in time, you think your consciousness is ready to take
personal or professional advantage of NAE and ECHN training courses and
degree programs, we invite you to enroll in our online Orientation
Course. In all possible ways it and we will support
your desire to make a significant difference and help others do the
All the information you need to learn more about NAE and ECHN is
available via www.SaneEarth.com and our Annotated Articles page.
However, the best way to learn the procedure is by engaging
in it. This gives you "the genuine ability to swim," not just a story about
swimming. Folks who know just the story often drown when they wade over their heads into
Industrial Society.
A sample of the course process is found at our online
nature trail.
The fundamental core for obtaining responsible assistance is simple: "Hug a tree." When expanded the "hugging a tree" process includes to:
- Follow you attraction to learn how to create sensory moments that let Earth teach.
- Invite
nature and its powers to help you transform the destructive attachments
of our 53 natural senses into responsible relationships.
- Enable yourself and others, at every level of endeavor, to use organic psychology.
It welcomes nature to compost and recycle the detrimental pollutants
that Industrial Society has introduced into our body, mind and spirit.
The fundamental evidence is readily available:
If you have every enjoyed the benefits from some quiet time spent in a
natural area, you know full well that, backyard or backcountry,
reconnecting with nature works.
was another beautiful day in paradise! The summer sun is beginning
to bake the earth on the cliff side of the lake; seed heads are now
being released and are floating on the surface. The breeze enabling
this dispersing is the same breeze that feels delightful on my skin.
Small insects flit over the ripples, and damselflies, agile in their
flight are mating and swooping down onto the water in their effortless
style. I swam along the edge of the lake, finding a cove to glide
into. (I feel like I am there with you!)
While in this magical water world, I observed the rock face that
juts out from the water and the colorful life growing upon it. I
thought about the basic intelligence of nature and her webstrings, and
felt reverence for the process of eternal renewal. The rock, where it
was crumbling, now supports little plant-life that in turn, attracts
and feeds little creatures. I am reminded of the quote from St. Basil,
“Wherever you may go, the least plant may bring you clear remembrance
of the Creator.” I am so very thankful that I am able to be a
part of this magnificence. (I acknowledge attraction to this as well! Do you think there actually such a thing as a "least" plant?)
am learning that the expansion I experience when my consciousness takes
in the encompassing greater scheme of nature and its workings is
critical for my well-being. I am also learning to increase my
sensitivities so that I may make more opportunities for this expanded
consciousness. When reading through the seventy statements used for our
Eco IQ test, I am overwhelmed by the voices of wisdom throughout the
ages. The spiritual importance of their united messages is very
inspiring to me.
If this experience were taken away from me, I
would feel sadly out of whack. I require these webstring attractions to
continue on my life path. (WONDERFUL! Wouldn't it be nice if everyone acknowledged this!!!) My
activity gave me feelings of vibrant aliveness. I love, trust and
carefully respect nature. This gives me a geological/historical earth
perspective which supports the oneness with nature that I seek.
A key word for me is educare, ”to draw out from within.” Another is profound beingness. (---I
Love this Nancy! I am so attracted to this word
EDUCARE! I feel so strongly that this is an important
concept to teach!)
When I am
true to my nature, and feed it by embracing the natural environment, I
reverberate unconsciously to others health and receptivity.
awoke early to start my day by greeting the outside world. I have put
into my trustable, uncontaminated thought/feeling room/space in my mind the notion
that I am not alone in my quest; that there are wise teachers from
across time and culture to draw upon. (I am right here with you Nancy! We will walk arm in arm! LOVE!!! ")
800 life
experience, field study testimonials and evaluations
that support independent nature-connection
research may be
found on the
pages, below (often in the middle of them.)
Survey Results
Blog #1
Blog #2 with additional links
Appendix D
Appendix D2
as well as
quotes in Einstein's
and the
Appendices of Educating
Counseling and Healing with Nature
Reports From
287 Participants
Study Reports
Search Engine
Aids in exploring educating,
counseling and healing with nature. Learn and teach
Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology.
information: contact Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Email: nature@interisland.net.
Film http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1357054/
Resource Book: http://www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html
We invite
you to visit www.ecopsych.com
send email
Green your
livelihood. Increase its value.
may obtain a
nature-connected Applied Ecopsychology degree online in conjunction
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
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Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
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Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus &
Herbal Remedy
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
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Energy Healing
Qigong |
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Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
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Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming
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