Holistic, Avatar/Pandoran Degree Courses Online: Natural Career Education
Personal and
Professional Whole Life System Internet Training Grants and Jobs
Let's become what Avatar kept well hidden from us. 12/1/12 update
Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Practical online distance learning to increase person/planet wellness.
A UN Avatar/Pandora Petition to Increase Well-Being Generates
Testimonials About Learning How to Think, Feel and Build Relationships Like Nature's
Perfection Works.
Professor of Natural Attraction Ecology accuses most personnel in education,
science and the media of withholding a key tool for increasing
personal, social and environmental well-being. The secret
omission of this tool is exemplified in the film "Avatar" where the
restorative connections made between the Na'vi and nature take place on
another planet, Pandora. This development is misleading news. The
crucial, free connection process is actually alive in real life on Earth and
available through hero activist training program work, jobs and online
degrees. Each helps to establish mutually supportive, earth-connected relationships and moments of clarity.
The article on this
page describes a funded Mother Earth sensory science in
It is an established holistic, organic psychology tool whose activities
produce a real life Pandora Na'vi braid nature connection on Planet
Earth, not just
the fictional connection depicted in James Cameron's AVATAR film. Real
connection news and abilities give us
the opportunity to improve health
wellness and counseling. By enabling our thinking and feeling to
contact and safely
tap into the real life training progrm to develop hero
activists. Throughnature's grace, balance and restorative
powers we benefit from and strengthen
our original inborn love of nature, in and around us, and its benefits.
This development enables participants to master crucial, yet free,
alternative therapist coaching, stress release management and holistic
spiritual psychology for work and new jobs.
Project NatureConnect
a nature-centered distant learning opportunity that enables you to add
the benefits
of nature-connecting research, methods and credentials to your degree
and/or your skills, interests and hobbies.
honor your
prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent
education credit for it.
may take accredited or professional online CEU coursework and/or obtain
Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal
interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom
of this page.
- Improve
your income and
satisfaction through new independent, interdisciplinary or integrated
and Ecopsychology activities.
- Help
people connect their
heart, thoughts and feelings with the self-correcting and renewing ways
- Increase
personal social and
environmental well being.
- Add
the self-correcting sunlight beauty and
spirit of the natural world to your life, job and community.
Visit our Internet Homepage
complete information





The UN Avatar/Pandora Nature-Connection Petition:
Why the media is withholding a key tool for increasing
personal, social and environmental well-being.
- Michael J. Cohen
It is
the year 2010 and a new signature alert is appearing on
emails and in Facebook:
Yourself. Sign our "Earth Avatar" United Nations Petition to Increase
Well Being.
about how much better you will feel if you take advantage of Project
NatureConnect's opportunity to increase personal, social and
environmental well-being. We invite you to sign
our petition
to the United Nations. It urges the UN to
promote the process of educating, counseling and healing with nature.
This transformative, sensory science helps us, like the Na'vi on
Pandora, plug our psyche into the restorative wisdom and joy of nature
on this planet. This is real, not Hollywood fantasy. The
connection enables us to walk together in the
real-life beauty, cooperation and peace of nature's amazing grace.
By January 14, 2010 a petition to the UN has generated 203 signature and
testimonials. It reports to the Secretary General the fact
that a readily available Nature-connection
tool on
Planet Earth today is, in real life, the same as the Planet Pandora
Na'vi braid connection
to nature that is fictionalized in James Cameron's "Avatar" movie film
that was released in December. The 200th signature left this
"This program is the most sensible
thing we have going for us. Everyone on Earth should be in on this. I
have traveled this path for years and believe it is the most single and
significant way to get to where we must be as partners with the
The testimonials validate that
who learn to use the connection-tool program and teach others to use
it, are
unheralded Avatar heros on Planet Earth. They empower the people of this
world to
increase personal, social and environmental well-being.
The 55
testimonial quotes that
are included, below, are a sampling from the signees on the
Petition. They represent the good experiences of
thousands of others that are engaged in or support
the nature-connection tool of Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE), the
process of Educating, Counseling and
Healing with Nature (ECHN).
The petition was conceived because we
live in a society whose initial balanced life
relationship with nature has become a conquering and nature-exploitive addiction.
We seldom recognize that we have biased our our mentality against
nature. For
excessive profit we place our thoughts and feelings in a "protective,"
nature-isolated closet and then, with nature's wise
input missing, we deteriorate nature and the natural. The dire effects
from doing this are painfully obvious. We are deteriorating personal, social and environmental well-being We don't stop,
however, because we are addicted to perceive this unreasonable
relationship as progress and economic growth rather than an irrational
be commercially profitable, the news and facts that don't sell well to
our nature-biased mind set are often omitted or distorted in the media.
Sense-stimulating crime, violence, sex,
freaks and the bizarre take their place. Disconnected from the
satisfactions derived from contact with nature's grounded-life
reality, the latter are sought to satisfy the void and discontent of our
nature-separated psyche.
nature-disconnected thinking is limited and distorted. This
often leads us to
dismiss folks like the signers of the ECHN petition as nature
freaks, fuzzy
thinkers, earth muffins, air heads and the like. We
consider ourselves to be smarter than them. We fool ourselves to think
that we can discern
that what these nature-connected people are doing is strange. It is
invalid for us and they are "fuzzy thinking" "hippies," "earth muffins"
and the like.
Meanwhile our suffering, disorders and
trespasses continue. With the wisdom of genuine nature-connection
missing from our lives and psyche, we invent very few solutions for our
problems that don't create
additional problems. The contribution of ECHN, and the remedy it
offers, although long established, goes unnoticed
continually suppressing the
science of ECHN, our leaders and the media intensify our troubles as
exclude or demean the sustainablity things that what we need to learn
from nature about life-in-balance. We tend to believe that
our intelligence will find a solution and to ignore that nature is
the fountainhead of authority about how it works to achieve its
Without using a real-life nature connection tool, we are like animals
locked in a zoo of our own making. We
exhibit abnormal behavior and thinking because we are hurtfully
from nature's self-correcting ways. Rendered helpless, we become
addictively dependent upon the zookeepers who sell us their services
and medicines.
They, in turn, profit from our disorders and suffering.
ECHN process is neither fantasy nor flakey. Like the Pandora
Na'vi utopian connection to nature's paradise that is
fictionalized in the Avatar movie film,
using ECHN now, on this Planet, genuinely connects our thinking
to nature's restorative
ways. It is free of charge and free of the zoo. It is real in the same
way that Earth and its balanced perfection are real, when
The rationale, power and value of ECHN as an antidote for what ails us, is conclusively demonstrated by engaging in the process, online at http://www.ecopsych.com/giftearthday1.html, experiencing its effects, and noting how it has affected others at http://www.ecopsych.com/iloveactivity.html
The thinking and consciousness of a small number of people has
escaped the zoo or never been fully captured in it. These
understand the value of ECHN; they are bold enough to sign the
petition. Many have gained the expertise to connect their
thinking with nature by creating moments in their lives that let Earth
teach. Each of them would be Avatar heros in a society that
valued rather than exploited nature.
What the petition brings to the attention of the UN is that Avatar
training and beneficial Pandora nature-connected life relationships are
fictional as portrayed in our nature-disconnected films, books and
media. They are authentic human attributes that are from and
part of
nature. We inherit them. A few of us cherish them as our greatest hope
for sanity. It is this few that have signed the petition and may learn how
to use ECHN to empower themselves to help others get out of the zoo and its
discontents. If you are such a person, you are invited to explore our UN
petition site and sign our petition.
Sadly, the media and our education, social and political leaders seldom
let us know
that a "Pandoran" connective thinking and feeling braid beween
ourselves and the natural world is available and that it is neither
magic nor imaginary. This
information has long been known to these authorities. ECHN
those of us who recognize this problem
and who want to help deal with it. ECHN intensifies the benefits of NAE
for us and enables us to
teach its science from experience, in the same way Avatar learned it
from the Pandorans.
To our loss,
the media and our leaders, including Steven Speilberg, have also failed
to inform
us that ET was not ExtraTerrestrial. ET was a true
representation of
Earth itself and its powers. Where can we find the education
information that passionately conveys the truth of ET and
Avatar so that we can, without
shame or fear, embrace our living planet and its gifts of life in
beauty for us. Has the same prejudice against nature distorted
the actualities of the beneficial effects of the wilderness on Jesus
when he spent 40 days there. Has it dismissed the tree that the
Buddah sat under as a source of his valuable observations?
caught up in mediated information generated by
nature-disconnected media personnel seldom makes us recognize
that, on average,
over 98 percent of our time, thinking and feeling is injuriously
separated from
contact with authentic nature.
Where, then, can we learn that we destructively closet
ourselves and our psyche from nature and its ability to help us recycle the
pollution in our thinking that causes our disturbances?
ECHN has
been available online for 20 years. Where is the funding,
or intelligence to make its contributions available to the public?
Where is ECHN a required process to be learned as part of the
24,000 impressionable hours of our formative early years, years that we
spend, like zoo inmates, indoors, in nature-separated classrooms, homes,
offices and vehicles?
Phil and our teachers mislead us when they say, "Get real by learning
about life from a fake Avatar film that doesn't even help you know that you are born
with the
powers of Pandora and the Na'vi, a film that does not help you discover,
benefit from and
strengthen these powers"
If all this makes us feel unsettled, that does
not mean there is something wrong with us. Rather, it means that part
us is smart enough to signal that it is upset because we are shamefully
vulnerable to Industrial Society
turning our natural Pandoran selves into cultural
objects that excessively consume goods to fuel the economy and increase
some people, one
good experience in nature can help them see and feel that it is
nature in and around
us, not books, lectures and courses, that is the true, freely accessible
source of our abiity
to have our good experiences in the mountains, the forests, at the
beach or with close friends.
of us have learned to consider our outdoor vacation experiences as
escapes from real
life, as recreation rather than re-creation. Most of us learn to demean
our outdoor experieces rather than honor connections with natural areas
for their deep attraction to reestablish
mutually supportive relationships with us, as of old.
Deep within us, most of us trust and honor a sunset more
that we
respect our cell phone or 2 plus 2 equals four. We need to
Avatars to Industrial Society on and for our planet, Earth. Do it. We must increase personal, social and
environmental well being by giving nature
time and space to help us achive this crucial goal.
is important
because it empowers us to create moments that let earth
teach. It enables us to pass this skill on to
others. It
us grow, think and feel like nature's purity and balanced perfection
of the petition signees are "Earth Avatars," students and graduates
from Project NatureConnect and Akamai
University's Institute of Applied Ecopsychology, Portland State
University Extended Education courses and the training program of the
Institute of Global
Education. The signees' statements on the petition are
not those of
inexperienced amateurs. They are from educated mid-career professionals who are
learning how to apply
and teach the integral ecology livelihood of ECHN. Their unsollicited
quotes testify to the value of this process.
omission of ECHN in Industrial Society demonstrates our potent bias to
conquer and excessively exploit nature for profit instead of peacefully
co-creating in mutually supportive ways with nature's global life
Can all these petition signers really be off
base, or are they, instead, unrecognized hero Avatars and Pandorans of
this planet? Are they
folks that we have learned to disregard because they offer us an
truth? Our good experiences in nature can best help us answer
this question for ourselves.
Turning to the dogma of our biased
society for solutions is similar to shooting ourselves in the foot.
For Earth Day, 2012, a 250 word statement was made available
that helps its readers clearly identify the core of our great problems,
its solution, and how to become an Earth Avatar that helps people
implement the solution.
Below are samples of the testimonial
statements that accompanied the signatures on the Petition to the UN.
Hopefully they will help some of us see the light.
(Visit the Petition Web Page for the sources
of these quotes and for additional statements that have been posted
after they appeared. Also visit the Research
Page that helps verify these testimonials.)
California "This
petition is one of the most important
documents concerning personal health and health for our planet that I
can imagine."
"We should live WITH the earth, not just on it.
Teaching our young people this is vital."
"Nature-connected thinking has made sense to me
for the last ten years. I recommend as a principle part of healing
ourselves and bringing into being a more harmonious relationship to our
environment. Learning to trust what you learn from your good
experiences in nature is the first step to establishing a respectful
attitude to what really sustains us."
New York
"I support all Project Nature Connect activities
and have every confidence that reconnecting with nature is the best
method of increased well being and quality mental health."
"There is no substitute for real contact with real
nature, for that's what makes us real people. 'If a living system is
suffering from ill health, the remedy is to connect it with more of
itself.' "
"Connecting with nature is an integral part of my life that has
immeasurably enhanced my life."
Maine "Using natural attraction ecology techniques has reduced my feelings of
anxiety and improved my total feeling of well-being. It has become
integral part of how I interact with the planet and the myriad of life
forms that compose the biosphere. I know that if more people had access
to these techniques and used them regularly that there would be great
increases in personal, community, and planetary well-being with
decreases in armed conflict and the degradation of life systems."
"Educating through nature has enhanced my entire
life . . . it just makes sense to have a healthy well-being. Natural
ecology activities invite you to explore what ails you, and natural
attractions are trustable and enjoyable . . . a direct natural sensory
"Through my direct sensory experiences in Project Nature Connect's
program, I know that earth is a living organism, and that I am
intimately connected in myriad ways to everything on earth. Because of
my sensory awareness of this fact, I function much more sustainably
than I did prior to the development of my awareness. I am now much more
aware- on a real, sensory level- of where I am in harmony and where my
behavior or choices are out of sync. These shifts have
changed my
life forever, and I am forever in debt to this program."
"We live _with_ nature and find harmony and
sustainability, or we seek to dominate or control nature and we choose
the path of self destruction."
"Reconnecting our way of thinking and living with
that of the rest of nature is the most important step we can take to
understand and dissolve the many social, psychological and economic
problems facing our country, the global economy and the planet."
"My experiences in natural areas helped me learn to think
nature's perfection works and to help others learn this valuable
"It makes sense that the more our species remembers how think
and act the way Nature works--in mutually supportive relationship with
the planet that sustains us--the fewer personal, societal, and
environmental problems we will experience."
North Carolina
"The incidence of mental illness has grown by
leaps and bounds, with few therapies that are effective. Natural
attraction thinking is a viable and sensible way to promote health and
well-being of individuals and the planet."
South Africa
"As nature always forgives us our mistakes, it is time we make the
effort to help Mother Nature heal."
New York
"Learning to think like Nature works has
re-spirited my body, mind and psyche. I feel much more peaceful and
connected to the world around me. Just imagine if every human
understood their inter-dependence and lived in global Oneness with all
beings! By embracing and acting upon truths from the natural world,
it's possible!"
"The nature connect thinking make a big
difference for myself and for my clients I went in NatureConnecting as
a counselor and coach. This is the New World people speak about to give
freedom and happiness. Because it is all in us already, just has to be
re-discovered again. I am so blessed with a new way of thinking, that
making choices in life are more balanced than ever before".
"Nature connected thinking is the only thing I truly trust. Nature does
not judge and it does not tell/create stories. I'll take nature as my
teacher everyday!"
"Nature-connected thinking and knowing is the
living consciousness of our lives. There is no substitute, replacement
or shortcuts for a direct natural experience. However through having
such an experience a person will discover for themselves their own true
nature in harmony with all what is natural."
"Catalyzed by this time of climate change, it is
critical for us to experience the Oneness that connects all living
things. This profound experience then affects and generates each action
that we take."
"Considering all the controversy over the
Environmental Problems (global warming & climate change) ...we
should all consider learning as much as we can about how Nature works
and how we may effect our environment. Nature offers so many benefits
to us...for healing, rejuvenation, nurturing, medicines, and all that
we need for survival."
"We are intimately dependent on the biosphere
of Earth to survive and thrive. With studies demonstrating
nature-connections improve emotional, psychological, physical, and
spiritual well-being, it is madness to NOT include a comprehensive
infiltration of knowledge of, and direct contact with, the grace and
intelligence of nature in all aspects of our lives."
"As a former special education teacher I
personally witnessed the healing benefits of contact with nature on the
emotionally challenged children I taught. Please give this program your
highest priority and consideration for the benefit of our collective
survival and continued enjoyment."
"Experiences with and in Nature calm and support me.
I always feel valued and part of a whole system that has an
intelligence beyond my daily awareness. Knowing that everyone is
supported in this way confirms that we are nature."
North Carolina
"My connection with nature has brought
wellness and joy into my life. Whether we choose to acknoweledge it or
not, it is the natural world around us that allows us to be whole. It
creates and sustains our existence...why would we not want to honor
"This is a very innovative "Discovery Program"
that I feel is on the cutting edge of education. The huge additional
benefit is that I have been able to incorporate the Project Nature
Connect curriculum and have seen dramatic shifts in my students self
esteem, self confidence, attitude about learning, behavior, and desire
to work as a team. I can not adequately express the dramatic difference
the PNC program is making in my work with my students."
"Many of us recognize that all living entities on
Earth share one biosphere, and need to protect it. Even in psychology,
awareness is growing that true mental health cannot be attained when
the degradation of the environment continues at such a rapid pace -
with the prospect of destroying the environment comes depression,
despair and pathological detachment."
"Earth is a living organism, no doubt!"
"Nature connection is as vital to me in my daily life
as is food. It brings me peace, clear thinking, and a route to the
heart of mankind"
"Since I began reconnecting with nature using the
techniques taught through Dr. Cohen's course, I have experienced a
shift in the way I approach life. I feel more connected to the earth,
my community and my family. I now see how the web of life extends to
all life and how everything is interconnected and interdependent."
"There are many roads to walk in this life. They
all eventually lead back to the same place - a oneness with Mother
Earth and the cosmos. We have the choice to deepen our experience of
that oneness now, in support of universal evolution, including
consciousness itself. This, then, is the meaning of meaning, of a
deeper, richer, more satisfying life. ProjectNatureConnect is a
straightforward, effective route to this greater journey."
New York
"This experience has been life altering to me and greatly serves those
with whom I work."
"The whole psyche of the planet is dependant on
the wonderful and mysterious processes occurring in the natural world
at every moment. The more people know, the more healthy humankind will
be. There is not much time."
"My entire life has been enriched and I feel a
great connection with other people, animals, plants, and all of nature
in general. Understanding how we are connected to nature has opened my
eyes to the true meaning of "living green". It's an entire lifestyle,
not just something you do. If my life can be changed so drastically,
imagine the impact we can make if we educate the whole world!"
"I participated in this program, and the improvement
in my quality of life has been incredible! We prove to ourselves over
and over again how industrial life hurts us, other creatures, and the
land we depend on. Instead of spending energy on that, shouldn't we be
putting energy into things that will *feed* our minds, bodies, and
souls? Shouldn't we be focusing on what we know will heal, rather than
New Mexico
"The sense i got after watching the Avatar
movie, that it may be too late for humans. we still don't seem to get
that we need to change our lives completely and immediately and be one
with earth, yet continue to do things like get to the movie driving
across town in the big suv, reading about an oil discovery undersea on
yahoo news and seeing no mention of concern about global warming in
that article."
"I used to be hostile to nature and office locked!
When I joined the Nature connect, I started going to enjoy nature and
my life is completely changed! There a super natural power of God
present in nature and you just need to befriend it to find it. Nature
is healing and kind to all creation."
"Nature is one of the most important blessings AND
commodities we have. She needs to be cared for and protected NOW and
forever. She is one of the most miraculously beautiful and sacred
realms of our lives. Her forests, trees, oceans, beaches, parks and
much more need to be preserved and conserved. NOW IS THE
Earth is a living organism that restores, revitalizes and nurtures my
nature She needs to be protected and preserved."
"Nature isn't something to be feared about, she
is not our adversary, not something that is to be conquered, but rather
something that is part of us. She is us. The time to coexist and care
for nature, to appreciate her beauty, her efficiency, admire her giving
personality, her transcending and ever shining light of equality where
every livigin thing matters to her, every rock, pebble, mountain and
river adds to her grace."
"We, humans, are living in a world not only of concrete and steel but
also in a world filled with air, warmth, fire and a ground we can stand
on. We are part of nature...we are nature. We are not robots but
sometimes we forget."
"Nature bats last. Get the U.N. outdoors! It's
time to smell the roses and get to first base in motivating everyone to
take a deep breath of fresh air and connect, connect, connect!!"
"Nature is so important for the soul. We
are saturated with the manufactured that very little of every day life
come from what is pure and natural. Mother Earth provides all that we
need. It is true in life that you learn as you grow and what better way
to help children that to share the experience at a young age?"
"When one recognizes, what we do to
another ultimately we do to ourselves, we will walk more gently on the
Earth and honor everything as one living, breathing whole."
"Everything that i learned in
ecopsychology by dr.cohen, is helping me influence my own life as well
as my student's life at the.university where i work as a lecturer in
physical growth and development, communication skills, child health and
nutrition. My students say they find more truth and logic in what i
say, than they can find in text books."
"Nature is the guidance that our society
has sorely done without, creating monumental opportunities for
destruction, abuse, waste, un-fulfillment, and intolerance.
Nature has supports me physically, mentally, emotionally, and
spiritually but only when my thinking allows it to. Disturbed and
distorted thinking that creates destructive acts towards nature has
brought our world to catastrophe and the only way to contribute to
cleaning up the mess is by a natural systems thinking process that
connects to nature, intelligence, attraction, and love."
North Carolina
"We need more nature in our
lives! WE need to see and be in the sky, earth, plants, trees, to be
well and healthy. I have taken Cohen's online course. It was excellent.
His work is tremendous."
"Please consider this teaching as a
valid and exceptional way to bring peace to people in the world. While
simple on its face the changes that can be experienced from utilizing
the knowledge here are nothing short of miracles."
"I have learned through course work in
Applied Ecopsychology and Natural Attraction Ecology to have hope.
Beyond me and my skills as one counsellor working with each family I
can help in turn. To being a part of Nations of people each learning,
sharing, educating and healing. The psyche of everyone can be nurtured
by Earth and Nature. It offers healing to those in need without cost.
Recognizing that we are nature rather
than apart from it has been such an important lesson in my life. Nature
nutures me in so many ways - physically, emotionally, mentally and
spiritually. It is when I take the time to be still in the out of doors
and pay attention to what is happening around me that I feel at peace
and centered.
I believe full heartedly that
Science will continue to prove even more that we are connected, plants
& animals have energy fields that help, connect with and heal
South Carolina
Nature connecting has made a
huge impact on my life. When I am outdoors, I make sure that nature is
allowed to calm me and create peace within each busy day. I do this by
taking time to look at the trees and flowers and notice the birds
soaring past. This is an active mediation everyone can use and benefit
Nature connected way of thinking,
prioritizing teaching with Nature, re-connecting with Nature, from
personal level to cultural level is only way individuals, community,
country, and world will be sustainable, enjoyable, and ever able to
near ultimate potential of good in the world.
I owe my quality of
life and my increasingly healthy, optimistic, wiser adult -well being,
to re-connecting with nature and ecopsychology techniques of helping
one re-connect with nature. I look forward to pursuing a career along
these lines with all my heart.
Through this program people learn to
recognize themselves as nature and once again connect with the greater
nature of the earth and begin to live more balanced and harmonious
lives along with the rest of nature as a whole, helping others to learn
how to do this in the process.
Nature connected thinking makes sense
to me in the same way that communicating with my own Mother makes sense
to me. As a child, without my Mom, I don't exist. Without Mother
Nature, none of us exist here. It is extremely important that our
thoughts be connected to the things that we cannot do without.
Through the practice of Natural
Systems Thinking Process and Project Nature Connect I have increased my
awareness of my impact on Nature and in my own human relationships. As
a former special education teacher I personally witnessed the healing
benefits of contact with nature on the emotionally challenged children
I taught. Please give this program your highest priority and
consideration for the benefit of our collective survival and continued
Quotes from Field Study Journals
you for this course, i am learning things that are liberating my spirit
and it is making everything i have always thought about and feel make
sense to me. I have always felt differently then other people and all
the activities i have been doing just edify that this is exactly what
my lifes purpose is. My question is.. i know for sure that this is what
i want to do.. i want my PhD in this descipline, i am excited to finish
the orientation course but have already decided that i want to continue.
feel a connection with you, we think in similar terms and you express
yourself in such a way that i am attracted to your responses because
they mirror my own thoughts and feelings on the subject matter. I was
especially attracted to the 99% theory as well, and find it fascinating
to the point that i observed my own interaction and discovered that
indeed most of my time is spent indoors and it really is relative to
the way we feel and react in terms of being 'artifical' yet expecting
balance.. I find since this activity i am seeking natural environments
as often and frequently as i possibly can. I most enjoy this course!
discovered that nature does not care who I am, what I do , or what I
call myself. Nature sees us all as equals. It has no pre-conceived
judgements. I also reflected on the fact that since nature is not
selective of who can enter it is up to us to take care of it. It is
like a baby with no prejudice and no immediate protection either."
snow feels exceptionally pure, radiant, and clear. Once I when it was
snowing very exquisitely, I had a sudden clear, deep feeling that the
snow brought peace down with it, changing everything it touched. My
sense of it was so profound that I called all of my friends and asked
them to sense it with me, in hopes of amplifying the effect and
bringing peace to all the earth. This is the ultimate form of safe
A press release about this article and the Petition is available for
your use
Explore your attractive self.
Benefit from your natural attractions,
strengthen your personal and professional well-being and save time and
1. Read some of the student reports, above, and discover
if you find them attractive. If so:
2. Do this fun and easy natural attraction activity.
If it makes sense and is attractive to you,
you are eligible to take our Organic Psychology Track for a degree or
certification in the ECHN.
This track
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years of undergraduate work.
Call or email nature@interisland.net for an application 360-378-6313.
We accept USA invitations to have us call you.
Save time and be complete. Call us. Tell us about yourself and what you
are looking for or seek to accomplish. We will help you find the
quickest and
least expensive means to achieve your goals. 360-378-6313
us and we'll call you (USA): nature@interisland.net
now. Master
Organic Psychology by doing it.
Explore it from our homepage
Additional Student Reports
Read a press release about NAE
Contact us at
360-378-6313 <email>
a Degree or
Certificate to
strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by
connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you
increase personal and global well being.
subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other
areas of interest:
behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The
rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious
traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When
these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and
societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are
industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to
betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking
over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we
normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our
subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of
these senses underlies our greatest troubles.
J. Cohen
from learning to enhance the natural psychic pulse within and around
us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic
Psychology to
your life and livelihood.

research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is
determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action
of people."
is what stands the
test of experience."
Albert Einstein
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
to the
top of
this page
................................................. |
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus &
Herbal Remedy
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management |
& Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming
Special NGO consultant United
Nations Economic and Social Council

Project NatureConnect offers
accredited CEU Courses, Certification, Grants and Degree Programs
online to sustain the well-being of person, planet and spirit. Prior
training and life experience is incorporated into all programs.
Successful completion of a
CEU course makes you automatically eligible for the Project
NatureConnect program.
Visit us at www.ecopsych.com
Box 1605,
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Natural Systems Thinking Process
Michael J. Cohen, Director
send email
All programs start with the Orientation Course
contained in the book
Web of Life Imperative.
about how much better you will feel if you take advantage of Project
NatureConnect's opportunity to increase personal, social and
environmental well being. We invite you to sign our petition
the United Nations. It urges the UN to promote the process of
educating, counseling and healing with nature. This transformative,
sensory science helps us benefit by plugging into the restorative
wisdom and joy of nature, backyard or backcountry. The connection
enables us to walk together in the beauty, cooperation and peace of
nature's amazing grace. http://www.ecopsych.com/petition2.html
Project NatureConnect, P. O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, WA
360-378-6313 http://www.ecopsych.com