Elements of Global Citizenship: PRE POSTING SCHEDULE The more effort you put into preparing for the course before it begins, the more you will get out of doing the activities. Give yourself the time for this as there is a lot to absorb in the beginning. Test your wings in the nest before you jump to catch the currents!
Background Readings: During or after you have completed the Prerequsite Requirements, in the week prior to posting, please read through the following Pre-posting sections listed below- They will familiarize you with what Project NatureConnect is about. Please ignore the material on these pages that repeats information on other pages or was sent to you in the letter that starts the course: www.rockisland.com/~process/5grnch.html about Natural Systems Thinking Process www.rockisland.com/~process/5grnchapnc.html course descriptions www.rockisland.com/~process/5grglobal.html a description of this course www.rockisland.com/~process/5grnchbdescript.html course synopsis www.rockisland.com/~process/5grnchcgroup.html
a review of group process Preparing for Active Course Participation: · A special button/pin is used in an activity at the end of this course. You should have the button by the time you do that activity 2-3 weeks from now. You may obtain the button by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Button Fulfillment, PO Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250· · If you intend to take this course for credit, now or at a later date, if you have not yet done so, be sure to obtain and complete the Credit Application Form by visiting www.rockisland.com/~process/5grnchapplic.html · Be sure to have ordered the optional course textbook, "Reconnecting With Nature", if, as an option, you want to use it. The cost of the book and postage is $17. Send your postal mailing address with a request for the book to nature@pacificrim.net or call 1-360-378-6313. It is required in the Degree Program and the Introductory Course that follows this course. The latter will start shortly after the Orientation Course is completed, for those interested in continuing. At your earliest convenience, please let us know if you are going to take that course so we may hold a place for you. Either way, the book will let you continue your growth in what you learn here.· · IMPORTANT: Please let us know now if you will not be doing the particular section of the course that you have been asigned to. Another section will start in about 2 weeks.· Preparing to Post: · Make Batch/Group Mailing List: It's sometimes called an "Alias" "nicknames" or "multiple accounts". It is one address that will reach all the members of the address list. Each email program has instructions on how to do this but may have different names for it and different ways to set it up. If you do not have this feature on your e-mail, work out a convenient way of copying and pasting the interact group of addresses on your mail. This email should should contain all the addresses in the address. (Since you are a member of the group, if you keep your address on the list, you will get your own letters back every time. This is helpfully reflective and a way to reference what you have written.) You may reach all by using it it as a template. Duplicate it, and the duplicate should have all the addresses so you can then erase old messages and write new ones. Contact your group members if you need help with this.· · Address all email to all participants at all times, using the batch address. Most often you reply to the group as a whole by simply selecting "RETURN MESSAGE TO ALL" or a similar email command. Contacting the total group and facilitator with questions and comments allows us to learn from each other. We have found that, at times, private communications/discussions between members has sapped some very worthwhile learning experiences from the group. Note that I am one of the people on your list and you may write me directly with questions. Time permitting, I'll get back to you. Please note that unless I consent to do otherwise, I or the facilitator will repost your questions, postings, and my responses back to your interact group and sometimes the total course and natureconnect mailing list so they may consider them and learn from them. I also repost interesting observations and experiences from this course to other courses, the list, the newsletter and vice versa. We have found this an excellent way to learn from experiences of others. We only post contributions using your first name or no name so that you won't be flooded by excessive mail and can remain anonymous.· · Only send your postings via email, NOT by attachments to emails as many attachments do not interface with other computers and they are quite time consuming as well. Please use lower case when possible as UPPER CASE IS HARDER TO READ AND IT COMES ACROSS LIKE WE ARE SHOUTING.· · ADDRESS ALL EMAIL PROPERLY: You should create a separate email file folder (if you can) in which to save all postings for future reference. Use the following format in the "subject heading" of all postings to ensure all email is easy to track/identify. We often work with up to 11 groups at a time.· YOUR GROUP'S NAME : ______________'s Activity _______ eg: Seagulls: Susan's Introduction eg:Barnacles: John's Part 4
For Posting on Day 1 (Sunday): Prerequsite Material REGISTRATION STATEMENT: On the Friday before the first post, send out your registration statement as a test message to your batch email address to be sure you are in contact with all participants. Use "reply all" to acknowledge receipt of each members' test email, and type in a short note - eg: "message received", "got it", "hello", etc. We work out any communication snags over the next two days so that everything will run smoothly when we post on Sunday. The course officially begins AFTER you have prepared the prerequisites and posted them on the first Sunday of the course, the date of which you have been sent by email. In order to help the course go smoothly and not take an excessive amount of time to complete, we may not admit participants to the course until they have completed these Prerequisite Requirements. If you cannot complete the prerequisites by the starting date, please let us know, continue to work on them and make arrangements to participate in this section, or the next course section which will begin in about two weeks. Upon our receipt of your prerequisite paragraphs you will be placed on the active course participant list. I suggest that you optionally determine your GBT Score score both before and after the course and see what it indicates with regards to growth. It can be done in about an hour the first time, 15 minutes the second time. It is only required for folks entering the Greenwich Degree Program once they decide to do so. It covers much of the course reading, so you will be able to do the course more easily, timewise.· Post the prequsite material introduction and survey attraction on the Start Date. As you receive the posts of others, use the "reply all" function we spoke of earlier to greet your coursemates. Respond to and comment on that which attracts you in their posts. In this way, we begin to "web" with each other and build trust and group cohesion. The more trust and cohesion, the more the group and each member in it will grow from the course. Treat others as you expect to be treated. When you post to the course interact group, briefly indicate the subject and/or person that you are responding to. For example: "Jill writes that she wondered about the rock's color.".........and then continue with your thought, feeling or reaction. Who, where and what you are experiencing, are essential facts of life and an important ingrediant for responsible growth. As you act to produce responsible long term effects, you shape every aspect of society that touches you.
At this point you have completed the "Pre-posting Schedule" section of the course. You are now prepared to start the course schedule. Please proceed to the Base Camp.