




















GREEN SUSTAINABILITY DISTANCE EDUCATION UNIVERSITIES: Accredited Nature-Connecting Online Alternative and Natural Holistic Bachelors Masters and PhD Degrees, Sensory Courses, Jobs and Career Training Education, Includes certified life experience equivalence and prior instruction, hands-on sustainable environmental programs. 

The Free Overview Course of Applied Ecopsychology/Integrated Ecology


Course titles:

Portland State University

10149  Principles of Organic Psychology: Educating, Counseling, and Healing with Nature  (1 credit ) Course description is below.

Akamai University

ECO 800NHP: Who are We? The Science of Nature, Psychology and Spirit (1 credit )  View the course description as a book, as an experiential course or as an article.

Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature in Action.

An exploration of the practical art of Natural Attraction Ecology: the uncorrupted thinking and feeling Ecotherapy tool that enables us to increase the sanity and joy of life in balance.



Project NatureConnect
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington, USA
Institute of Global Education 

Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council

Green Careers, Sustainable Jobs, Degrees Graduate Schools Scholarships


This green, values education, careers course and its university syllabus, below, describes a significant breakthrough: subsidized distance education sustainable counseling and therapy training that includes your prior learning, equivalence courses and life experience and that offers financial assistance grants.
It helps you remedy the excessive disconnection of our psyche from nature's dance that produces our disorders and corruption. The joy of its drug free, psychiatric strength application of ecopsychology helps you follow nature's path to Earth and humanity in peaceful balance. 


Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature

Degrees, Grants, Career Training Courses and Jobs Online.

Individuals who have enjoyed a refreshing visit in a natural area often report that their sensory contact with nature's balance and beauty increased their well-being in lasting ways. They say that the connection renewed their psyche, cleared their mind and energized their spirit. To this end, the remarkable process of Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) empowers anyone, anytime, to increase personal, social and environmental well-being, and to help others do the same.

ECHN students learn how to help nature's self-correcting ways interlace with their heart, mind and spirt. This enables them, along with their clients and friends, to increase health and wellness through a grant for thinking, feeling and relating like nature's perfection works.

Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature values education careers training, offers critical nature connected distant education and university distance learning, graduate school scholarships and alternative careers degrees, and jobs. They are designed for independent thinkers who want to add sensory nature-contact methods to therapy, teaching or coaching practices. The environmental need is great for those who have the integrity and dedicated passion to master sustainable, green, health and wellness spirituality skills.  They help individuals who need or seek a safe alternative to the destructive ways of society that block the restorative flow of nature in through and around us. 

We honor your desire to blend your life experience and training with your respect for nature, by providing special grants and equivalence credit for it.

If you like, you may combine our certified accredited coursework with a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most subjects, personal interests, or jobs. (see bottom of this page)
  • Help people remedy their disturbing thoughts and feelings with the special grace, balance and restorative powers of nature's pulsating flow.
  • Increase income through a Natural Attraction Ecology stress-relief and stress management grant.
  • Strengthen personal social and environmental self-esteem and well being.
  • Add the sunlight and beauty of the natural world to your needs and community.
Visit our Homepage for complete information

Values Education Careers and Sustainable Livelihood Training

ECO 800bb  A FREE COURSE in Applied Ecopsychology/Integrated Ecology (Natural Attraction Ecology)

1-3 credits

Other title:

Portland State University

10149  Principles of Organic Psychology: Educating, Counseling, and Healing with Nature  (1 credit )

This course is like a training manual about how to swim in a way that benefits all, including the water.  However, to be an effective and responsible swimmer one must get in the water and learn to actually swim this way. This course does not provide that experience. The "doing" is available, however, through our practical,
online, hands-on, Orientation Course http://www.ecopsych.com/orient.html and/or our free course in the book The Hidden Organic Remedy: Nature as Higher Power.

Free Course Materials Online for this course:
Book: Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN).
Webpage: http://www.NaturalAttractionEcology.com or http://www.PeakFacts.com and their links.

OPTIONAL BOOK: The Web of Life Imperative (The orientation course textbook)

PNC students learn methods and materials that help them and their livelihood become nature avatars, a conscious embodiment or personification of the natural world and its often overlooked powers to help us increase personal, social and environmental well-being.


Read the program overview to be sure this course makes sense to you.

ACTION OPTION: The equivalent free course ECO 800NHP: Who are We? The Science of Nature, Psychology and Spirit is available. It helps its participants beneifit from Earth being their other body and Nature as the natural attraction source of higher power. Check it out. It's process and instructions are different than below.


Students design, or copy, and then respond to statements that they find are key, most important or most attractive parts of the program's books and Internet pages.  Students collect these statements and make them into true statements that could later be used in a "true or false" comprehensive exam. Its purpose would be to demonstrate a student's familiarity with the ways and values of Applied Ecopsychology and Natural Attraction Ecology.

Students locate and collect 125 or more
key statements in ECHN and http://www.NaturalAttractionEcology.com and its links, and OPTIONALLY with the course-related books Web of Life Imperative, Einstein's World and Reconnecting With Nature.

Note that over the past decades, ECHN has also been called Organic Psychology, the Natural Systems Thinking Process(NSTP) or the Reconnecting With Nature Factor or Whole Life factor.

Course Title:  Principles of Organic Psychology: Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature

Instructor/s : Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.  

Quarter credits: 1-3  Graduate or Undergraduate, CEU or Academic.
Tuition: Free (a donation is gratefully appreciated)

Optional: Accredited Transcript Fee $55/credit (Grants or financial assistance for this fee are available if needed 360-378-6313)                                   

Course description:
This course evaluates empirical methods and materials for holistic Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN), a sensory, applied science for increasing human and environmental well-being. To complete this course you 1) select and copy 125 key ECHN statements from assigned ECHN topics that are located on the Internet and 2) create a unique, personalized "true-false" test that includes how you value your selected organic psychology statements personally and professionally. You may explore ECHN at http://www.SaneEarth.com and http://www.ecopsych.com/interview.html

Course purpose: 

Discover and share how to create moments that let Earth teach us to increase personal, social and environmental well-being

Students learn to recognize that we are part of Planet Earth's web of life and that:
  • A. Earth acts like a living organism whose self-correcting, attraction-based, natural systems, in and around us, enable it to create, organize, preserve, self-correct, purify and perpetuate itself.
  • B. It organically produces the perfection of its optimums of life, diversity, balance, cooperation, peace and beauty,
  • C. It sustains its perfection without producing the garbage, pollution and excessive abusiveness, disorders, competition, greed, hostility and isolation that mark Industrial Society.
  • D. Our greatest troubles result from the unreasonable difference between the way we learn to think and how nature's dance works in balance, in and around us.
  • E. Our great challenge is that we don't recognize and address that the way we are socialized to think in Industrial Society is prejudiced against nature.
  • F. Natural Attraction Ecology helps us apply an empirical remedy and preventative for A-E
Course outcomes
By the end of this course its participants are able to describe ecologically sound, nature connecting, natural attraction methods and materials that enable people to make rational sensory contact with nature, backyard or backcountry and be literate about:
  • 1. Ways of thinking sensibly that reconnect with and heed natural callings within ourselves, others and natural areas.
  • 2. Why we naturally deserve to have good feelings and how to obtain them in personally and globally responsible ways.
  • 3. How to reasonably self-regulate by letting natural attraction connections nurture the balanced spirit, wisdom and unity of nature within and about us.
  • 4. How to reverse apathy, stress and dysfunction by identifying and energizing our 53 natural senses.
  • 5. Scientifically helping our natural connectedness safely regenerate and rejuvenate the hurt and abandoned parts of our inner nature.
  • 6. Enjoying the dance of nature's enchantment within and about us.
  • 7. How to speak to Earth and let it teach us to know nature as nature knows itself.
  • 8. Recognizing the culturally induced, unbalanced relationship between our old-brain and new-brain and conscientiously let tangible sensory contact with nature re-balance this relationship.
  • 9. How to personally and professionally organize, facilitate and introduce Project NatureConnect's integrated ecology/ecopsychology natural attraction ecology process to society and to network with others with similar goals.
Course Objective

The overall thrust of this course is for the student to 1) select and submit 125 "True" statements about ECHN that they personally find most valuable and/or attractive.  2) In addition,  the source of each true statement is listed along with 3) the submission of a short description of an experience the student has had with respect to the true statement.

Grade and Completion Reports
Upon the instructor receiving email or .doc attachments of the completed course requirements the student will receive either
1) a Certificate or transcript from IGE/PNC stating that they have completed the course successfully,
2) an optional  accredited transcript from Portland State University
($55/credit) that may be
3) transferred into completing
1-3 academic degree work
and/or as
4) 1-3 CEU credits to maintain professional teaching, counseling or other licenses.

Course credit requirements/evaluation:

Graduate credit:  1 quarterly credit equals 30 hours of classwork and study.                                                               
On a graduate level for a grade (A-F) and credit students:
  • 1.  Make and keep commitments to identify statements that are truths of the way Natural Attraction Ecology works and convey them to the instructor, by postal or E-mail, telephone or personal meetings.
  • 2. Determine and modify their ECHN knowledge before and after the course and note changes that may occur during the course.
  • 3. Determine a numerical evaluative value for the information provided by each part of the course by completing the attraction value section at the end of each selected “true” statement.
  • 4. Report the effects of doing the course in its evaluation.
  • 5.  Submit 125 “true” statements about ECHN .
  • 6.  (Graduate Only) Write a statement about how and where ECHN could contribute to their professional goals
  • 7.  Write a one or more page quotable paper that contributes ideas that you have formed from the course about living in peaceful and sustainable balance.

  • 1. From the information in 1-7 above, identify possible publishers and then create a publishable article that conveys the value and contribution of ECHN Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology. Submit the article for approval by your Instructor and later communicate the outcomes with respect to publishing it, including publication in the Journal of Organic Psychology.

  • 1 Design and carry out a strategy for social and/or academic and/or scientific networking B above, published or not.

Undergraduate credit:

On and undergraduate level meet the same requirements as for the Graduate Level, above, with the exception of item 6.




Bring into you mind now at least one good experience that you have had in nature:
- backyard or backcountry
- mountain, forest or field
- brook, ocean or sky
- pet, garden or aquarium.
  • What colors, sounds, aromas, textures or flavors do you sense in while in this experience.
  • Search. Does this nature-connection experience contain comforting motions or attractive feelings of community, trust or place? 
  • Do you feel this visit is enchanting, self-enhancing or spiritually pleasing?
  • Is it supportive, peaceful or both? Are you more balanced?
  • Do you feel renewed or purified, or that you are part of a greater whole or being. Did you feel you belong? 
  • Do you need a book, teacher or administrator to have this experience or is it simply a natural connection?
  • Describe other attractions you sense or feel in this nature experience.  Would you like to repeat having it in the future?

What may come to your mind in the above are results that many individuals have reported from remembering true, valuable experiences in nature, experiences they would welcome repeating.  Many have also conveyed that they did not need a teacher, class or book to teach them to have an attractive nature experience; its qualities seemed to be innate, some could remember wonderful true experiences from early childhood.  On this course, we hold these truths to be self-evident and students share their "true for me" experiences as part of the course.

Part One Assignment: Write a description of a good experience that you have had in nature and/or your responses to the activity, above. 



A. For total context, read the Natural Attraction Ecology manuscript or book Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) and its links.

B. While doing A, above, or after, identify and collect at least 50 statements that you believe convey key facts or ideas presented in ECHN Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5 and Appendices D and H.

Do A and B above for

http://www.NaturalAttractionEcology.com and its links

Although using the ECHN hard copy book is the most convenient and practical reference and way to access the course material, via http://www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html you can download ECHN in Word (not PDF) and then copy, use a finder, modify or create true statements and paste them into your exam from the downloaded copy.

The more wide ranged and in depth is the exam you design, the stronger is your demonstration of your comprehension of ECHN and the better your grade.

You may use student quotes from the books and web pages. Do not directly use quotes from noted authors that are found in the books or web pages. You may, however, restate noted author quotes (Make them into true statements as in C, below).

For topics you can't find, you may find it helpful to use the Search Engine finder at http://www.ecopsych.com/ksearchengine.html

C. As mentioned above, present each key quote or idea that you find so that it might later be used as an "either true or false question/statement." Indicate the book and page where the statement may be found.
(For example: "ECHN page 22" or "NAE.com" or "transform.html")

You submit only "true" statements. Then:

D. You respond to the question/statement you submit: 

Numerically indicate your personal strength-of-agreement with, or strength of attraction to, your "true question/statement" by inserting an "X" at the number, for example, as below, "x" at #8 :

1     2     3         4      5     6     7        X 8      9    10
No Attraction      Moderate
Attraction    Strong Attraction

E. Add a short comment about when or where you experienced your  response to the statement in your experiences with nature.  Remember that without our stories and literacy, people are nature, too.

RATIONALE: C, D, and E, above, hold the potential for you to bind together facts, including numbers, and experiences to produce  statements that include your personal impressions of them.  These are usually strong and dependable 9-leg statements.
The exam will also serve you well in being able at any time to locate the original source or background of concepts you will be using as a guide, avatar, mentor, facilitator, expert etc.

F. Your comprehensive exam is evaluated with respect to the range of your responses and what is significant to you as citizen of our living planet.

Be sure to identify as, and include, statements about the following key processes and terms, along with their locations so you can find them again. One way to organize this is to recognize that there are, below, about forty overlapping topics along with twenty Axioms that blend to become Natural Attraction Ecology. You can be sure you have covered most of the program by assigning at least two of your statements to each of the topics listed below and direct the remaining statements to other attractions or the axioms. 

  1. Four vs five vs nine leg thinking  nineleg.html
  2. Webstrings  webstrings1000.html
  3. 53 natural senses   insight53senses.html
  4. Self-evidence is pure truth journalpeak.html
  5. GO to GG   counseling.html
  6. Web of life model   ksanity.html
  7. Natural Attraction Ecology  http://www.naturalattractionecology.com
  8. Big Bang natural attraction attributes  mjcohen22.html
  9. Uncomfortable natural senses (25-27) are attractions mjcohen22.html
  10. Disconnection role of Institutions and Socialization  box.html
  11. Nature is non-literate  journalessence.html
  12. Who or What are you?  thesisquote6.html
  13. Contribution of Eco-Art Therapy  eco530.html
  14. Value of Certification  ecocertificate.html
  15. Twenty axioms  http://www.naturalattractionecology.com
  16. Seeking Consent  amental.html
  17. NNIAL and CNNIAAL   earthstories101.html 
  18. Wrangler
  19. New Brain  counseling.html
  20. Old Brain    counseling.html
  21. Higgs Boson significance journalstfrancis.html
  22. Tropicmaking  index.html or ksanity.html
  23. Expedition Education  
  24. Information Value Determination and NNIAAL
  25. Nature and Dualism  journalessence.html
  26. The Universe is alive journal universealive.html
  27. Labels misrepresent nature  ksanity2.html
  28. Source of and rationale for good feelings    http://www.naturalattractionecology.com  
  29. How and why the course activity transformation process works.  transformation.html
  30. Relationship of God to the natural attraction universe "seed"  mjcohen22.html
  31. Source of greed, addiction, abusiveness, depression, disorders  box.html
  32. What are empirical facts?  ksanity.html
  33. Webstring attachments to stories and technologies.  journalessence.html
  34. Prejudice against nature  prejudicebigotry.html
  35. Are the numbers one and zero true?  ksanity2.html
  36. Program History: left-hand diversity, Sunnyside Gardens, Progressive Education  ksanity2.html   history.html
  37. The empty storage closet in your mind  transformation.html
  38. The community process calendar  communityprocesscalendar.html
  39. The role of the Higg Boson  journalcopernicus.html
  40. Empty space in nature  http://www.naturalattractionecology.com 
  41. Humanity and the flowing river dance of natural attractions mjcohen22.html
  42. Planet Earth is a living organism. livingplanetearthkey.html
  43. Corruption of the human dancer and the dance opnaeinfo.html
  44. The dance and pulse of natural attraction  earthstories101.html
  45. The Einstein Unified Field Equation  journalgut.html
  46. Ultimate Intelligence journalaliveness.html
  47. United Nation Petitions  petition2.html
  48. Shortcut to the List of Steps to Degrees and Certification  www.pncsteps.com
  49. Location of the Annotated Index to Key Pages  annotatedpages.html
  50. The Challenge Exam process  eco700.html

An example of a complete true statement for you T-F test:


"Nobody can take any self-evident truth away from us. It has expressed itself.  It has registered in our consciousness. We own it." (ECHN p.3)

My numerical personal strength-of-attraction or agreement with the true statement:

1     2     3         4      5     6     7        X 8      9    10
No Attraction      Moderate
Attraction    Strong Attraction

It is a fact that I visited the pond that attracted me in this activity because I remember through my senses seeing the cattails there, identifying the Redwing Blackbird's wonderful song and getting muddy feet when I obtained a water sample for my aquarium.

Course Completion
Email your completed 125 true question statements, as above, as a Word attachment to
nature@interisland.net with MIKE in caps as part of the subject.

Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to United Nations Economic and Social Council.
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250
(360) 378-6313


Contact: Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Telephone 360-378-6313
Read the Ecopsychology Journal interview with Dr. Cohen: http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html

Email: nature@interisland.net.
Website: www.ecopsych.com 
Personal page: http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html


1. Cohen, M. J. 2008, Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature  Illumina Publishing.

2. Cohen, M. J. 1995, Education and Counseling With Nature: A Greening of Psychotherapy. The Interspych Newsletter, Vol 2, Issue 4

3. Doherty, T. J. 2010, Michael Cohen: Ecopsychology Interview Ecopsychology Journal, Vol 2 No.2. Mary Jane Liebert Publishing.

4. Project NatureConnect 2007, Natural Attraction Ecology

5. Project NatureConnect, 1996, A Survey of Participants

6. Project NatureConnect, 1990, Connecting With Nature, World Peace University Press

7. Project NatureConnect, 1986 New Vistas Dawn: The Only Life of its Kind That We Know, “Reconnecting With Nature”, Ecopress 1997

8. Project NatureConnect 2008, How to Transform Destructive Thinking Into Constructive Relationships.


9. Project NatureConnect 2007 Whom Am I? Who or What is Your Natural Self?

10. Project NatureConnect 2005  Thinking and Learning With all Nine Legs


11. Project NatureConnect 2007  Challenge: The Considerations of a Nature Expert

12. Project NatureConnect 2007  Who, What or When is the Acronym NNIAAL? 

13. The Higgs Boson Discovery

14. Project NatureConnect Adds a Nature-Love Practioner's Cooperative to its Natural Attraction Ecology Program.

15. Project NatureConnect, 2012  The Magic of Something From Nothing

16. Project NatureConnect, 2012  The Eco-Copernican Revolution

Enjoy further information about Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology:

Key Page Indexhttp://www.ecopsych.com/annotatedpages.html


 Journal quotes from students who are doing natural attraction activities:

This weekend we had a wonderful blizzard!  This brought us mounds and mounds and mountains of fluffy white snow which now adorns everything in sight.  The world revolves around the snow for a moment, and I am reveling in it.  At each turn there is a new aspect of the snow which I am fortunate to experience.  The fresh blanket of white is amazing.  I can only hint at the sparkling, pristine beauty...the exquisite purity...and the enchantment.

For this activity I was attracted to a snow cap perched atop something high in the air, a narrow cap of snow perched just so, arching over the top.  I felt into the accumulation of snow, which is stacked about 12 inches high and is about 3 inches wide.  A tall, narrow hat of snow.

I felt into it, and assumed its position and activity:

- Sitting tall, way up high
- Solid, steady
- Completely still
- Cold, collection of millions of flakes which now form a solid mass, a body of snow
- Extremely stable
- Utterly relaxed.  The wind came at just the right angle and blew a bit off of an edge of the hat of snow.  The hat did not waver or flinch.
- Ready to change form: the bit of snow flew off and fell readily and happily, splattering on the ground

I sat and breathed, being these qualities, allowing my body/mind to adopt these qualities of being at a deep level.

Some things that came to mind:

This snow-hat came all of a sudden as a result of sudden environmental conditions.  It is a stable yet transient life-form.  Being both still/stable and relaxed/ready for anything is an extremely balanced state for these conditions.  In the past, I have been in suddenly arising situations in which I was not nearly as stable because I was either ready for anything but not still, or still but not relaxed and ready for anything.  Both of these states of being resulted in instability and painful results- either perilous, terrifying and painful falls, or chaotic movement making coherent organization a challenge.

But when I respond to sudden conditions by adopting a stance of still, calm, stable, cool readiness,

- I am able to attain a graceful form, to become an adornment rather than a mess.
- Knowing that this form is transient gives it spiritual depth and special value.  It becomes precious.
- Myself "as this form" has the opportunity to be a rare piece of artwork in my life, to be remembered with affection for years after the wind blows me into a different form.
- Staying still, calm, and ready, willing to be blown by the wind and frozen by the cold into flakes, I am able to settle just so atop things high above the ground.  I am able to do things which I would not be able to do under ordinary circumstances by maintaining my qualities of stillness, coolness and relaxation while the forces around me create me into a work of art.  Temporarily, my actions and nature's actions together amount to special powers which I can rejoice and delight in, and which I can experience the benefit of.

I felt joy and appreciation for all of these insights, and breathed my thanks to the snow-form, which stood tall and proud.  A gust of chill wind blew a whisp of cloud by overhead, waving in appreciation for my noticing cold, wind, relaxation, readiness to move with it.  Everything in the area began to flutter with this breeze, a dance of delight.  Meanwhile, snow stood by, still and almost blue in its snowy loveliness, seeming to settle even more deeply into itself, into stability and beauty of form, natures sculpture which now includes me.

I feel this way when I do yoga.  The Tree and Chair poses both embody some of these qualities, though both request that one stays in that stable position, while the snow is utterly relaxed and balancing.  Ballerina pose balances this way.  But this "pose" allows for the sort of relaxation in the Corpse pose (lying down).

Emotionally, I feel this way in moments of sweet appreciation for a moment that will be gone in a flash.  I just stop and give thanks for the moment, glad that it happened, not needing it to continue- indeed, not have a wish to extend it, because that would alter something essential (and this would be a loss).  Its transience makes it precious.

Outside, I've experienced this while balancing on a log, arms outstretched, resting lightly, knowing I might tip over at any moment and rest again on the forest floor.  I've experienced it sitting atop a large boulder, so that I feel like an adornment.  Was the feeling considered to be an expression of the natural world?  Yes, it was.

Can I remember any incidents, beliefs or people who who removed you from enjoying this particular natural sense?

There have been situations in which people around me (or wranglers inside me) were unwilling or afraid to adopt one or more of the qualities which combine to create this magical opportunity.

- I or they tried to make the transient moment permanent- to hold fast against the wind rather than letting a piece fly off joyfully and splatter happily over the earth.
- I or they clenched in fear at being suddenly stacked high in the air.  When it was me, I clenched.  When it was they, they pushed me to stay still or cautioned me against my attraction, mistrusting it and pressuring (or begging or manipulating or even asking) me to abandon my attraction for theirs.  Being clenched, the whole thing destabilized and toppled.  The work of art requires readiness for anything, for change, for transformation into something else.
- I responded (or they responded to me) with heat and activity instead of calm, stillness and cool.  The whole thing blew back out into the air and fluttered down in a million pieces.

Are these "wronglers" alive in me?   I suppose to some degree, as this particular combination is one which I will be forever practicing.  I am not yet a master.  But I am better and better at catching myself and cultivating the magical combination.  I have many, many transient moment jewels and feats of magic behind me, and I know how to do it (or to allow it), so I imagine they will continue to be created so long as I live.  They are wonderful!

If I saw someone enjoying this sense, it would bring to mind the works of art which are nature....cathedrals of stone, kaleidoscope skies, looking-glass pools, lacy, beaded flowers, and those unnameable moments of love and meaning created when two living, loving beings grow a gossamer, golden webstring between them.

Activity 9:

My favorite plant, animal, mineral or sensation while doing this activity is the tall, narrow snow-cap.  I like it because it is cool, still, balanced, willing to rest tall and high, at the same time relaxed and receptive to the forces of nature, ready to be swept away into another form the next moment.  It is a transient work of art.  Being this way, simple snowflakes become a strong, if momentary work of art whose beauty is carried forward into the next form.

I like myself because I am cool, still, balanced, willing to rest tall and high.  At the same time, I am relaxed and receptive to the forces of nature, ready to be swept away to a new way of being at any moment.  I am a transient work of art.  Though I am just an ordinary person, these qualities enable me and my life to momentarily become a work of art.  The beauty of this transient, artful form is then carried forward into my future forms.

Matching myself with a person I know:

I feel attracted to match myself with my sister Ellie.  Attractions to her that I recognize in myself:  we are both sweet-natured, nature-loving, fun-loving, intelligent, forgiving, curious, family-oriented, courageous, articulate, empowering, artistic, down-home, and goofy.

2. The three most important things you learned from this chapter and activity. Quote parts of the reading you feel are important and explain why.

  a.  Matching an attraction in nature helps me "get" a way of being holistically "in my body" so that I understand at the physical, emotional, spiritual and social levels.  "You can find that truth by trusting your experience- what you sense adn feel- while doing these activities."

  b.  The insights help me understand and accept the past and empower me for the future.  "The activity is similar to analytical therapies.  It helps differentiate stories from the past from opportunities in the present, including the opportunity to psychologically change past stories."

  c.  Matching my attractions helps me to support and energize the qualities and skills that I value most.  By nature, experiencing attractions is empowering.  It enables me to locate these strengths in myself and bring them to the fore..  "Recognize that if you sense them, they are also some part of you."

My experience in nature shows me that I am a person who gets good feelings from reveling in works of art that are only intended to last for a moment,from still, tall collections of sparkling snowflakes. I get good feelings from honoring the attractions in myself and others. This enhances my trustfulness of nature's essence.  It identifies the part of me who already trusts the wisdom of my visceral senses. Matching to sensory attractions is an effective vehicle for becoming a moment-by-moment work of art.

 This could be helpful for someone who feels very disconnected or alienated from others. It enables a person to quickly identify a way to turn any experience into a work of art.

For an extensive collection of Journal quotes from students doing natural attraction activities:
Visit http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html

Achieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being.

Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest:



"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."

-Stephen Aizenstat


In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.

-Michael J. Cohen


Benefit from learning to enhance the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.





Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology Search Engine

Grant-funded, social and environmental science accredited courses, career training and holistic organic learning degrees: alternative adult education and sustainable career training jobs online for personal and global health.

Act now: student grants, scholarships loans for college online


"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."

"Truth is what stands the test of experience."

- Albert Einstein


Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Healing Hypnosis
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Healing Retreats
Spiritual Life
Free Ideas

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Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Healing Hands
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing
Healing Techniques
Spiritual Growth
Eco Activities

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development

Native American Indian Ways

Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Mind Body Healing
War On Terrorism
Natural Healing
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Spiritual Power
Spiritual Health
Christmas Gifts

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming



Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


Accredited nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money online and increase wellness, spirit and hope.

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature
and the
Naturally Attracted
DVD video