and share the heartfelt natural area organics of Natureness, Psychology, Eco-Arts
Therapy and Gaia-science holism that protect our threatened
rights to person/planet life in independent community. As a fiduciary increase by 850%
evidence-based personal and planetary climates, well-being and healing through
critical social technology management partners, internships, tools and
humanistic Applied Ecopsychology training, courses, certificates and degrees.
of Organic Psychology
Project NatureConnect
Project NatureConnect
Explore Climate Therapy: Training – Courses – Degrees
360-378-6313 www.ProjectNatureConnect.org
Natureness: Create space-time moments that let natural areas teach
"With this mossy root I peacefully unify with Mother Earth’s teaching and guidance without
abusing it. I am welcomed by nature trashing my excessively
technological thinking while attracting me to its beauty. I enjoy this
balance of nature also being my personal balance"
- Scientifically, Nature is its wordless love to begin life.
- Embrace its healing Natureness origins and eons in a natural area.
- Beneficially embody its joy and wisdom through your 54-senses.
- Help it speak the truth of its well-being by interacting with it.
Dramatically increase your health and happiness from your 54-sense
connections with natural areas, backyard or back country, pet or potted
This process is the beautiful core of Climate Therapy eco-arts.
850%, it quickly increases well-being, mental health and social justice.
Climate Therapy’s heartfelt Natureness science resolves our inner and
global conflicts in a natural area because the area itself
is authentic Nature’s and our self-correcting eons of wordless, spacetime love continuing to begin
Learn to think and relate from your universal essence, not from our education's blunders.
NOTE: You are invited to review a free
advanced copy of the book
Therapy: Trust Revolutionary Wisdom or the article
The Therapeutic Climates of Space-Time that
encapsulates it.
are also invited to experience its core truth
For background information read your invitation to visit this webpage
Climate Therapy: Does it make sense for you?
Today's increasing
climate change crisis partially results from people excessively using
Nature as a satisfying resource because they have excessive wants and needs due to being abused.
phenomenon is deteriorating the life of Mother Earth.
Overusing our planet has bankrupted it and it's changing its climate to help its web-of-life, including us,
recover from its/our abuse.
The United Nations affirms we are waging a
suicidal war with Nature, our life support system.
The heartfelt arts
and science of Climate Therapy is a remedy for what ails us.
Nature-connected psychology creates moments that let our 54-sense intelligence reconnect us with the self-balancing life of Nature in natural
areas, backyard or backcountry.
Scientifically, since before forever and as this instant, Nature is its wordless love to begin life.
Being attraction based, its love does not know how to abandon or abuse
It doesn't produce "garbage." Instead it composts and
recycles unreasonableness into the joy of pure food, water, air and relationships.
Because Climate
Therapy strengthens Nature's self-correcting ways, around and in us, it helps us solve our personal, social and planetary problems with justice
for all, including Nature.
Do you recognize that Nature is always loving you into being or that nature-disconnected people in Industrial Society have painfully bullied you into your present challenging circumstances?
Do you think the bullying has made you believe you don't deserve
to have good feelings from your love of Nature and yourself
as part of it?
As your special personal coach, Climate Therapy
helps you transform your undue abuse and hurt into the happiness of
Nature’s wordless love through 54-sense contact with a natural area or
Do you think any of the Natureness Climate Therapy relationships, below, make sense to or for you? If so, would you like to create them for yourself and others?
statements, below, are also available with a white background for
easier, but more disconnected, reading at www.ecopsych.com/CTQUOTES.pdf.
Additional statements are avalialble at www.ecopsych.com/survey.html
...Which of our participants' connections, below, do you think might be of help to you?
Seeking my true
self I saw tree roots growing from a stone. This strongly touched me.
The root attraction made my heart softer, and I felt rootlets slowly
deep breathe in my chest reviving my inner roots. I felt safe and
confident. I am Jodyness rooting in Nature’s love for colorfulness,
surrounded by safeness. Everything health-wise, instinctive, and
intuitive is deeply rooted in me/us/it."
my first time in this natural area, it’s not what I expected. The
attraction is so strong that I was not able to ask for consent to visit
here, I simply had/have an
overwhelming feeling of being enveloped -- cocooned by the winds, the
grasses, and the endless skies. It is not just me feeling this… the
others with
me are ‘giddy’ like we are intoxicated with the place and our strong
attraction to it.…
Strengthened by my senses registering this natural
area, a feeling of peace and calmness came to me via my connection of
my nervous system to earth’s nervous system. The original rupture was my
feelings of isolation and loneliness after being sick with a cold and
my spouse away for the weekend. This nurturing is an always available
comfort to me.
walked kind of numb toward my natural area spot feeling run over by the
stress all around, of late. Plop, I go to the ground, and instantly
Earth cradles me like a mother. I am her child. When I ask her
about me having children she says I am a mother and a child, a sister,
aunt, and friend. My genealogy is earth. From earth, I come, and it is
that earth I bear. We live IN, not on, Earth, as fiduciaries of it and
each other.
I love that your cat sensed what you were doing and
brought another connection right into your lap! We change our
thinking stories and persevering as nature connected beings while not
in the most nature filled space! I love how you connected while inside.
Great job.
As my sadness arose, it attracted other senses to balance it with
appreciation that I could feel accompanied by sensing joy and
contentment, so I was content with my sadness. In Nature, there is a
rhythm between frustration and patience that compassionately extends
who I am. Each day I share it and naturally increase who I am.
was feeling anxiety pain with the crowds and trying to get outside It
was a message that I needed to address ASAP! I asked for
permission to be outside and felt the breeze blow on my face! It was
glorious, and I appreciated its consent for me to be here. Instant
relief. I was able to breathe easier and smile. Gaining consent from
Nature is crucial.
There are no coincidences, these decaying leaves teach us about
homeostasis, life and death in balance in the woods. Strangely, this
cycle and the ability to maintain inner balance calmed me. It helps me
leave old and unnecessary things, situations and attitudes knowing that the whole
planet is creating homeostasis, otherwise we couldn't be here. I felt
enormous gratitude for the Earth.
we recognize discomforts from nature as being affirmative signals that
guide us to overlooked attractions, we place a different image in
our sense of consciousness. This is exactly what happened when I used
my anxiety feeling to signal and move me to my overlooked natural
There were some deep abusive stories in my head that needed addressing
and Climate Therapy helped me replace them with Nature’s love that
never abandons me. I will strive to help others help nature help them
in their recovery and healing processes and that, in turn, helps
Earth’s life restore itself. It’s truly a win-win for all and everybody.
speak to me when you say. ‘When you need nature the most, it won’t let
you down.’ I am coming to slowly realize how nature will always be
there to guide us, nurture us, heal us. It really is a constant we can
count on to transform our problems into Nature’s love.
of the joys of finding PNC is what Mike has developed over time is not
just one person’s way of thinking, but a way of knowing that is
inherent in all living things. It is a matter of digging deep and
helping that loving
way help us be the truth we seek and validate it here. The
science immediately drew me to it after reading the indisputable
evidence for it.
was witness to a beautiful oak tree that looked as if it were out of
balance, more holes than tree. But upon closer inspection, it is a work
of art, flora, and fauna in concert with each other, the tree loving to
stand and bear the weight of animals using it for habitat, food, and
The process of gaining consent to visit this natural area shifted my
awareness from being at a place to being with a sentient being. I
became more focused on the nuances that emerged and my defenses
dropped as I felt total acceptance. I began downloading my thoughts,
and Nature waited patiently for me to run out of words. In the
following silence, I remembered why I was here, and thanked it for that
Your freedom dance to nature’s music in the area is palpable
through your words. My heart quickened as you described your movements
that swirly feeling of rotation, spinning like a top. I am happy from
it, lighter, too. Sharing love right back. Similarly, Mother/Earth is a
continuous dance that connects us all, inviting everything to dance to her
tune. The challenge is to stay in the dance. I have forgotten and
remembered, again and again.
Nature’s Love is all there is, but obstacles prevent us from enjoying
that love. They are different expressions of fear that result from
believing some nature disconnected story. In our confusion and
disconnection, we fail to realize the perfect wisdom an balance of an
attractive natural area, where we can always be lovingly guided by the
happiness of Nature’s coherence.
are my Mother’s spirit watching over me, guiding me, making me feel
secure. The soft singing, the brilliant colors, the intense vibrating
sound of the flight, give me a sense of encouragement, stability,
peace, connection to my Mother, and being a Mother. Friends see me
talking and interacting with hummingbirds, it, makes perfect sense to
them and I know Mother is still around.
A sense of timelessness struck me--- like the past and future were
all here, and nothing else mattered. Every atom felt ensconced in
every other atom. It is all movement and yet no movement at all. The
equilibrium of Motionless. Timeless. Peaceful. Contentment.
Enlightenment. I felt as one with everything that is and was at that
moment, each moment felt infinite. Surrounded by endless skies, this is
the dream. And it is Now.
am still struggling to find anything that is dead, including a rock. I
mean really dead because the planet is the best recycler. Things change
physical form, but do they really die? Plants nourish plants, animals
nourish animals, humans when buried, nourish the earth. Nature’s love
to begin life is the attraction essence of them. It is all around, no
longer physically here but just back to the earth adding to other life. |
Your memory of going to nature as a child resonates in me strongly!
Those times were some of the most wholistic experiences I had and still
have. They play off each other and strengthen the whole of who we are
by filling the hole industrialized living keeps putting us in of
despair, doubt, and debt. I think much of my life I was too busy to
remember the homeostasis of those times in nature as a child, and now,
that love and encourage others regularly. It is all right here in the
now again. It helps me and mine be at home in mother earth again and
thus at home with myself and friends.
first seek permission to carry out this activity so that I may
peacefully Unify with Mother Earth’s teaching and guidance without
abusing it. I am welcomed by nature trashing my excessively
technological thinking while attracting me to its beauty. I enjoy this
balance of nature also being my personal balance.
The death of a loved one is difficult, we let our senses and emotions
take over completely, and we often forget about life. The continuous
circle. I watched my daughter die slowly. Returning my daughter’s body
to the ground was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to
do, but when I took time to breathe and think, I realized, she is still
part of the planet, she has nourished the plants and trees above her,
her grave is home to insects and small rodents (she would have loved
this thought, she adored animals of all kinds). Her Peggyness is
present in the air, in the Earth, and in my memories. Her ability to
share stories physically died but she is still very much alive
After asking permission to spend time in my
favorite sit spot at work, I was able to balance my energy from anxiety
and impatience to calm and easiness. This was mostly accomplished just
by looking at acorn woodpeckers flying back and forth from oak to oak,
hiding and recycling my woes into their acorn food.
What else can I say as I read your message and tears of joy and
realization gather in the corner of my eyes? ‘Love, thy magic spell is
everywhere.’ Beautifully you merge your father's words into the
feelings and senses of now. Now I see we disregard Nature’s
love by excluding it from our reality "magic". Your
nature-connection naturalized love for me as I read it.
what I find most attractive is the wisdom behind your natural area
attractions. To me, it seems the nesting of the bird you observed, the
delicate balance of just enough, triggered you to begin the healing of
a collective human breach of “not enough,” which I find drives our
consumerism. I do hope you continue to find sanctuary in nesting. wisdom....................................................
I sometimes need my mom too, Elsa. The morning after her death (which I
was by her side for), a mourning dove appeared in my back yard for the
first time. The cooing, calming, and presence of her was as a great
validation what any of us have storied and worshiped yet.
Nature’s knows. I will let her keep teaching me into the homeostatic
presence of her ever-balancing love.
In this Now moment – I can see movement – everything is in
constant movement. Absolutely nothing is still, yet even in the
movement, there is calmness, and I don’t feel the chaos of when I am at
home or other human settings, the more movement there is, the more chaos
I feel. I am awe-struck at how nature balances movement and
calmness simultaneously and I’m grateful for this. this..........................................................
After my initial skin diving ‘interruption,’ the fish reorganize, come
back into homeostasis as a school, and include me! I relax, pretending I
have a swim bladder, noticing how the air insideof me adjusts my
position in the water. Surrounded by them, I just ‘became’ a
fish, amazing. Instead of watching them, I become them and seem to move
automatically with the school, or maybe they attune and move with me.
Or maybe we are a superorganism and are all one, as a school, as the
bay, as the planet, as the multiverse. I have been invited and
accepted. What a gift! We live IN the life of Planet Earth. I felt like
I was IN the womb and amniotic waters of the earth while swimming in
the warm bay. I believe she has given birth to me countless times over.
often have flashes of contentment when I think of a good memory. At
times, I get a felt-sense of a shift in the atmosphere, or smell or
belonging and community, and where I can get in touch with time. I feel
good inside as a child in Nature when I was having a rough time
in my life and then feeling better. Now I understand that each time I
needed to heal part of myself. ....................................................
| ......
Sometimes my greatest sense of loneliness has been experienced within
the thralls of crowded moving spaces, like grand central station. As I
become more comfortable with myself by being naturally re-energized in
nature, I become more comfortable in my own skin again, living into the
essence of all things in this singular now attraction of the natural
world I am in. It often refreshes me and reconnects me with Climate
Therapy to make wiser, more natural decisions rather than sucking on my
soggy sock..\
“Thoughts of
my life arose within me as I was hypnotized by the tranquil sounds of the
gentle guiding brook and attractive energies of this paradise-green
tree. In this therapeutic, now moment, the chanting of the brook is
eliminating the inner and outer noise of my nature disconnected stories.
It speaks of limitations in a positive way. For too long I have followed and
struggled with nature disconnected careers, relationships, and life
paths, requiring qualities that I possess but only in limited quantities. ............................................................
............................ |
Now it
feels right to me that Nature’s wordless love to begin life is
spacetime loving everything into being. Seems like Einstein’s
Unification Field consists of of attraction energy, which is 100%
coherent, and that we call love when we experience it
| ......................
Not really. Your breathe-together quote
could appear here.