Accredited Nature-Connecting Holistic Degree Courses On Line: Natural Career Education Personal and Professional Whole Life System Training Grants and Jobs.NEW COURSE:
SYNOPSIS: This page describes an inexpensive (whatever you want to contribute, $58 suggested) home-study course entitled "We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident: Thinking and Feeling as if Ecology Matters." It uses the book Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature, by Michael J. Cohen to introduce caring and thoughtful students to the sensory web of life science of Natural Attraction Ecology. The student explores the history, rationale and basic methods of an organic psychology tool, the "Natural Systems Thinking Process," that helps them become actively involved in increasing personal, social and environmental well being, locally and globally. Natural Attraction Ecology enables our thinking and feeling to safely tap into the nature's grace, balance and renewing powers. Participants benefit from and strengthen their inborn love of nature as they master the means to energize the restorative flow of natural systems through their psyche as a stress release management and holistic spiritual psychology that they can teach. GENERAL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Supportive Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs On Line Project NatureConnect offers nature-centered distant learning that enables you to add the benefits of nature-connecting methods and credentials to your degree program and/or your skills, interests and hobbies. We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent education credit for it. You may take accredited or professional CEU coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page.
NOTE The best way to learn and teach
psychology, counseling and education is to do it through our
classic, short, online Applied Ecopsychology Orientation
Course entitled Psychological Elements of Global
Citizenship. The new course, described below, is similar to
about and learning to drive a car from a Drivers Manual. However, on
the Orientation
Course a student is educated from
the manual and learns, as
well, to get behind the wheel, start the engine and
drive the car wisely fifteen times. SAVE MONEY COURSE: ECO
525. We
Hold These Truths to be Self Evident: Thinking and Feeling as if
Ecology Matters. Home
study reading, thinking, feeling and writing. 2 credits, 90 hours. No time limit. Cost, by
donation, $58 suggested (this includes a copy of the book Educating, Counseling and
Healing With Nature (value $48.00). Graduate or undergraduate,
you may obtain one or two accredited and transferable academic or CEU
professional training "Clock Hour" credits through Portland State
University for this course at $55/credit. Save money.
These credits are usually $300-$500 each at many graduate or
undergrauate programs. Call 360-378-6313 for further information.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course helps a student explore and identify
the most important and beneficial aspects of an easy-to-read book Educating, Counseling and
Healing With Nature by Michael J.Cohen, Ph.D. The
explores and successfully validates the nature-connected thinking and
process described on the Project NatureConnect homepage.
COURSE HISTORY: In 1936, a New York City elementary school
insisted that Cohen, a left-handed child in the first grade, write with
his right hand. This produced speech, posture, depression and stress
disorders in him for which he received therapy. Later, as an
environmental educator he found a nature-connected remedy for many
additional disorders that resulted from assaults on our personal,
social and environmental well being. These disorders were caused by
Industrial Society unreasonably impeding at least one or more of our 53
natural senses -including left-handedness for 10 percent of the
population. They are natural senses that we inherit as part of nature's
communication and guidance. They help us sustain balanced and mutually
relationships with all members of the global life, plant, animal and
mineral community. Cohen's book describes and
defends the unique contributions and significance of the web of life
model that he developed to increase local and global well-being.
COURSE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Discover if the topic of this course makes
sense to you by doing the on-line Natural Attraction Trail. 2. Obtain by email, an application for the course
from nature@interisland.net or call 360-378-6313 3. Submit the application along with a check or
money order for your contribution. The application will ask
you to
describe at least one good experience you have had in or with nature,
backyard or backcountry. You will receive by postal mail a copy of the
book Educating,
Counseling and Healing With Nature. It contains the
course reading material. Course instructions: The
object of this course is to discover how, where and why your
natural sensibilities and attractions guide you in a balanced way. To achieve
this 1. Follow the course description and instructions for Eco800FREE.html or A.
Read the book Educating, Counseling and
Healing With Nature including Appendices
A,B,D,E,H,I,K. As you read it, identify 20 or more critically
important ideas,
sensibiities or incidents it describes that are attractive to you. You
want to read the total book first and go through it a second time to
identify your attractions to its most significant material. C. If
it is helpful, you may download an online copy of the book in Microsoft
Word or PDF. D. You will receive a certificate in the mail that affirms your completion of the course satisfactorily. You may ask for a letter grade if you would like one. Questions? Call us at 360-378-6313 OPTION:
You may share your attractions from this course by forming or joining
an online discussion group with others who are taking this course
Organic Psychology by doing it. http://www.ecopsych.comAchieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being. Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest: |
Yoga Reiki Self-Improvement Self-Confidence Self-Esteem Weight Loss Ecotherapy Intimacy Holistic Leadership Organic Psychology Friendship Happiness Unitarian Universalist Pantheism Mental Health Peace Climate Change Shamanism Earth Day Activities Retreat Centers Energy Medicine Natural Systems Parenting Child Development Alternatives Dog Cat Pet Care Return to the top of this page ................................................. |
Therapy Massage Therapy Ecopsychology Therapist Training Hypnotherapy Wilderness Therapy Human Services Social Work Counseling Teaching Life Coaching Integral Therapy Hospice Caregiving Home Schooling Creative Writing Life Experience Naturopathy Consciousness Jesus & Wilderness Biophilia Herbal Remedy Life Science Violence Prevention Outdoor Education Continuing Education Anger Management |
& Life Relationships Recovery from: |