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Online Alternative and Natural Holistic Degrees Courses and Careers
that include life experience and prior training, independent thinking,
essential networking and mentoring jobs.
the missing element for fixing a broken society
Project NatureConnect
Natural Attraction Degrees-Courses-Grants
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant
United Nations Economic and Social Council
Educating, Counseling and Healing
With Nature
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Counseling and Healing With Nature
Subsidized Degrees, Career
Training Courses and Jobs Online.
NatureConnect offers core distant learning that enables you to
fulfilling nature-connecting methods and credentials to your skills and
We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants
and equivalent credit for it.
You may take accredited
coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in
most subjects or devoted personal interests. (see bottom of this page)
- Help
people remedy their disturbances, thoughts and feelings with the grace
balance and
restorative powers of nature's web of life.
- Increase income through
ecotherapy stress-relief management.
- Strengthen missing personal social
and environmental self-esteem/well being.
- Add the sunlight and beauty
of the natural world to your needs and community.
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FROM: Project NatureConnect, Akamai University Institute of
Applied Ecopsychology
the missing element for fixing a broken society
May Get the
Message But Is our IQ Missing The Boat?
Studies Find intelligence and Sanity are Increased Through Sensory Nature Connection Methods and Materials
It has been over a year, and although many have tried, nobody has
met the momentous challenge put forth by Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
claims that nobody having met his challenge verifies the value of
Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN), a sensory science
that he has researched and taught since 1969. Cohen is an
Akamai University Ecopsychologist who practices on San Juan Island,
Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)
is a hands-on, relationship building tool that helps anybody increase
personal, social and environmental well-being along with their IQ. The
art of its methods and materials enables the industrial world to heal
the wounds that underlie most disorders.
Cohen's challenge is
for any person to identify any "thing," be it a noun or a verb, that
does not consist of natural attraction energy (1). He says, "Nobody has
successfully met this challenge, with one exception, because
natural attraction is the essence of everything, including us."
attraction (NA) is the basic of nature that unifies all things in
mutually supportive ways so that nature produces no garbage and has
self-correcting powers that are found everywhere. We overlook that
these powers manifest themselves in us as balanced natural sensory
attractions such as our natural attraction, thirst, for water, or our
NA love of place, community or peace.
We undeniably experience
the benefit of NA powers when we are attracted to quietly visit a
natural area. Our psyche becomes calm; we feel more alive, intact and
ECHN recognizes that NA is the fundamental energy in
sub-atomics, ourselves and galaxies. It interconnects as well as holds
all things together cooperatively. To our loss, we learn to
overlook that it registers in our consciousness as at least 53 natural
senses (2).
Each natural sense attracts our body, mind and
spirit to consciously interlace with authentic nature's ways. Doing so
triggers rewarding "happiness endorphins" along with more sensible
relationships and increased wellness (3).
"We are part of
nature," says Cohen. "However, the excessive, nature-disconnected
and conquering ways of Industrial Society weaken, hurt or frighten most
of our 53 NA sensitivities into our subconscious. It is the
absence of their benefits to how we think and feel, or our fear of
their their pain, that excessively stresses us. It prevents us from
thinking, feeling and relating like the balanced and restorative ways
of NA work, in and around us. Similar to splitting the integrity of an
atom, this can be polluting and explosive."
Cohen says that the
wide range of conflicting wants and needs expressed by the Occupy Wall
Street movement (OWS) identifies the central problem that we and OWS
protestors have yet to address. "Due to the reduction of NA whole-life
energy and spirit in our thoughts and feelings, we suffer the nonsense
of supporting and living in the stupid unfairness of an insane society."
we seek in common is happiness, the cooperative sanity and peaceful
wellness that NA helps us achieve when it is present in our lives,"
says Cohen. (4). "Most bankers, politicians, brokers and their families
seek this as well but from money, not by making conscious sensory
contact with NA."
"Significantly, our leaders and the OWS
participants have yet to recognize that the loss of NA in our psyche
produces our insanity, nor do they know how to correct this loss,"
offers Cohen. "More significant still is that ECHN is a purifying
remedy for our madness that has long been available (5).
All the
above implies that the fundamental problem we suffer is denial.
We deny that our unbalanced ways result from the loss of NA in our
senses, thoughts and feelings. In addition, we deny that ECHN enables
us to replace this loss."
Cohen shows that individuals trained
in ECHN therapeutically add it to their relationships. This helps the
world build peaceful, green, relationships and economies (7).
further information contact: Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
http://www.SaneEarth.com, <nature@interisland.net>, 360-378-6313
REFERENCES: 1. http://www.ecopsych.com/journalchallenge.html 2. http://www.ecopsych.com/insight53senses.html 3. http://www.ecopsych.com/2004ecoheal.html 4. http://www.ecopsych.com/testimonals.html 5. http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html 6. http://www.ecopsych.com/journaliqrelease.html 7. http://www.ecopsych.com/insight2005.html
# # #
Biography of Michael J Cohen:
Recipient of the 1994 Distinguished World Citizen Award, Applied
Ecopsychologist Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D., is a Program Director of the
Institute of Global Education where he coordinates its Integrated
Ecology Department and Project NatureConnect. He also serves
on the faculty of Portland State University and the Akamai University
Institute of Applied Ecopsychology whose program he initiated and has
directed since 1990. In 1965, Dr. Cohen discovered that
Planet Earth acted like a living organism and from this he founded
sensory, Gaia based, degree granting Environmental and Expedition
Education outdoor programs independently and for the National Audubon
Society and Lesley University. He conceived the 1985 National
Audubon International Symposium "Is the Earth a Living Organism," at
the University of Massachusetts and established the sensory science of
Natural Attraction Ecology in 2008. He is the Editor of the
"Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology" and an
award winning author of ten books dealing with Applied Ecopsychology
including "Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature," "The Web Of
Life Imperative" and "Reconnecting With Nature." Dr. Cohen is
also an accomplished folk song artist and contra dancer who presents
traditional music programs accompanied by guitar, banjo and accordion
for the U.S. National Park Service and Skagit Valley College
Elderhostel on San Juan Island, Washington.
A video about his lifework may be viewed at
CONTACT: http://www.ecopsych.com <nature@interisland.net>
Telephone 360-378-6313, Pacific Time Zone
information: contact Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Barbara Huning MA LP 507-450-0200
Email: nature@interisland.net.
Personal page:
We invite you to
visit www.ecopsych.com
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from empowering your livelihood and prior experience to be more
validated, green, holistic, environmental, sustainable, natural,
nature-connected, healthy, alternative, spiritual, organic and
a degree or certification that strengthens your contributions as a
counselor, healer, teacher, environmentalist, coach, therapist,
spiritualist, leader or health and wellness mentor.
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