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Project NatureConnect (PNC)
Institute of Global Education
Consensus Based Nature-Connected Education Counseling...and Healing
Revolutionary alternative holistic program online: Nature-Connected Learning. Add to your life and livelihood natural, hands-on accredited training courses and jobs. Benefit from grant-funded career education and degrees that increase sustainable personal and environmental well-being.
NOTE: This Petition has been updated and moved tohttp://www.ecopsych.com/petition2.html
Please proceed to this new location
A global cooperation and consensus petition for leaders, parents and students to engage in a unique, organic, education/counseling/healing process that enables people anywhere to dissolve the nature-disconnected roots of social and environmental terrorism and establish peace on Earth through peace with Earth.
Until mankind can extend the circle of his
compassion to include all living things,
he will never, himself, know peace."
- Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize, l950
As exemplified by a pacing, caged, animal in a zoo, when you separate any organism from its natural environment, it acts abnormally because it loses contact with its balancing and restorative survival origins in Earth. However, it often returns close to normal when it returns to its natural home.
Our thinking produces our well being and our destiny. Like a caged animal, most of our great troubles result from the estrangement of our thinking from its origins and home in nature. Truly nature-connected people seldom display our problems or cause them, nor are these dysfunctions found in natural systems.
"In the woods we return to reason and faith. There I feel
that nothing can befall me in life--no disgrace, no
calamity (leaving me my eyes), which nature cannot repair."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
A readily available Organic Psychology science, the Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) (1) enables any caring person to genuinely reconnect their thinking to earth's unifying intelligence and spirit. Organic Psychology is an educational, nature
connected way of knowing and being that helps people produce wellness by building responsible personal, social and environmental relationships.
The document below petions leaders and workers in all fields to help people use and teach this extraordinary means to fulfill our fondest ideals, hopes and dreams.
The Peace With Earth Petition
1. In a democracy, to reach our greatest hopes and dreams, each responsible idea needs an educational process that empowers individuals and groups to implement that idea.
2. The unifying process and essence in natural systems within and around us contains regenerative powers that intelligently sustain earth's peace, balance and purity (2),
3. With respect to nature's blanced perfection, no substitute has been found for the real thing.
4. Biologically, psychologically and spiritually people are part of earth and vice versa. Parts of most natural systems flow through us continually.
5. Because we do not know how to deal with the underlying elements of our greatest problems, many destructive personal, social, and environmental relationships, including terrorism and war, cause Earth and people to suffer.
6. Our underlying problem is that we deny that we have emotionally bonded to addictive ways of nature-disconnected learning, thinking and relating, ways that conquer natural systems within and around us. Since a major part of us is part of nature, as our addiction to destructive nature-substitutes hurt nature, we addictively hurt a major part of ourselves and each other.
7. Psychological addictions demand psychological solutions. We don't use the latter because we deny our addiction. We call or label out addictiveness normal, or progress, or economic growth.
8. We learn to spend, on average, over 95% of our time indoors; in addition over 99.9% of our thinking is disconnected from direct sensory contact with the intelligent, renewing, powers of Earth. This makes us and Earth dysfunctional. When genuinely reconnected they begin to peacefully sustain people, and natural systems in an intelligent and fair balance.
9. To help reverse our troubles, any individual or group in any country may choose to engage in a readily available, nature reconnecting, educational process of thinking and relating. The Process enables our psyche and spirit to rewardingly tap into nature's restorative powers and thereby help us transform our destructive bonds into constructive relationships. (4)
10. There is a unique balanced way of thinking (3) that anybody can learn, do and teach. It helps each of us thoughtfully engage in a unifying person-planet process that enables us to enjoy the rewards of responsible relationships.
Because we seldom begin to think unless we are confronted by a problem, we petition leaders and individuals in all fields of endeavor to either:
A. learn to use and teach Organic Psychology NSTP and the Global Peace and Wellness Activity and add it to each effort that they make to help build responsible personal, social and evironmental relationships.
B. explain to the public why, to our cost, the leader chooses to disregard this valuable tool for unification and its whole-thinking Process.
Michael J. Cohen
Mardi Jones
Theresa Sweeny
Dave Paulson
Allison Weeks,
Karen Adams Harden
Chuck McClintock
Carol Biggs
David R. Givers
Hillol Ray
Holly Jedlika
Denise Jakob
Cyrus Rhode Jr.
Mirna Santana
Kate Kulchar-Spychalski
Darvin Oliver
Jessica PizzuliSusie V Kaufman
Tammy Siu
Kurt Mueller
Marianne Widmalm
Sandy Turner
David Hemsley
Natras Maharaj
Darvin C. Oliver
Tammy M. Shaffer
Steven J. Dale
Lexa D. Jobe
Carole Keene
Revalyn Faba
Suriya Osman
Marsha Reames-Sheare
Patricia Kempadoo.
Kelly SpirakusAmy Kline-Rodriguez
Jennifer and Joshua Bellin
Patrick Doss-Smith
Martine Lebeau
Dianne Womersley
Barbara B. L'Argileyre
Suzanne Knight
Elle M. Mayes
Kerry Edmunds
Alexia Vassiliou
Julie Kelley Roy Maese,
Dan Shelton,
We ecourage you to add your name to this petition by going to its 2010 petition update location
(1) http://www.maverickgenius.com/
(2) http://www.ecopsych.com/ispoindex.html
(3) http://www.ecopsych.com/nineleg.html
(4) http://www.ecopsych.com/wholeness2.html
INSTITUTE OF GLOBAL EDUCATION Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council PROJECT NATURECONNECT Readily available online tools for the health of person, planet and spirit
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 360-378-6313 www.ecopsych.com
APPLIED ECOPSYCHOLOGY IN ACTIONThe Natural Systems Thinking Process
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director
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