A non-profit NGO special consultant to the
United Nations Economic and Social Council
Department of Integrated Ecology
Post Office Box 1605
Friday Harbor, Washington 98250
(360) 378-6313
email: nature@pacificrim.net,
Project NatureConnect
Sensory ecology activities, courses,
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director
Mother Earth Sensory Attraction

Be'wil'dered: 1.
to have strayed from wilderness
"He drowned because he drilled a hole in
the floor of the boat and as water gushed in, he brilliantly drilled more
holes to drain it."
- Morey Amsterdam
Most people are deluded. They believe that because our thinking can
define "balance," it means our thinking can produce balance.
Consider this: the way we have learned to think has thrown the world out
of balance. Isn't it time to think again?
Our destructive personal and environmental imbalances produce war, abusiveness
and mental disorder. Although we despise them, they don't readily change
for, subconsciously, we have psychologically bonded to the things that
produce these
horrors. Our imbalances are actually
psychological addictions that we neither recognize nor treat as such. Without
receiving environmentally appropriate psychological treatment, we and consequently
Earth, remain unbalanced.
The good news is that our addiction to imbalance responds to proper
treatment. The bad news is that, like any addict, we deny we are addicted
and refuse to treat imbalance as such. Chances are your psyche is caught
in this cultural dilemma and you don't know it.
Considering that Earth and its people are at risk, anybody who is not
doing all they can do to alleviate the situation is part of the problem.
Due to our addictions, most of us are not doing all we can easily do.
"Nature and I are two."
-Woody Allen
If he's serious, Mr. Allen's indoor life has obviously distorted his
thinking. Biologically and psychologically we are part of nature and nature
is part of us. However, along with Mr. Allen, we live in extreme separation
from nature. This hurtfully severs us from the psychologically fulfilling
way the natural world works in balance.
Our severance from balanced fulfillment produces addictive cravings
that we must gratify, no matter their ruinous effects. They color our thinking
to the point that we negate we can dissolve them by using a newly researched
sensory Process that psychologically reconnects us to nature.
Sadly, most people who have the opportunity to impliment and teach this
Process do not do so. This is typical of addicts.
"The Lord helps those who help themselves," applies to reversing
our disorders. Without including a sorely needed addiction treatment process,
we meditate, pray, educate, legalize, compromise, negotiate, politicize,
preach, celebrate, spirit, war, theorize, dance, sing, march, confront,
argue, purchase, vote, philosophize and take action to produce life in
peace and balance. However, as exemplified by America's inability to convert
to the Metric System, information, discussion, laws and preaching alone
do not reverse psychological addiction.
Today, Earth and its people are more at risk than ever. Even Jesus was
unable to reverse our aberration. Why? Because our society has addicted
itself to thinking in literate ways that are estranged from the preliterate
wisdom by which Mother Earth achieves her balance and beauty within and
around us.
You might want to read the last sentence again. Most people have lost
the ability to register, understand and act upon it. This is not surprising
for, on average, we spend less than .000022% of our life in conscious sensory
contact with the natural world. It has dropped out of our thinking. We
have become so bewildered that we try to resolve our problems by using
the same nature disconnected thinking that produces them.
"Religiously drinking a Dry Martini every morning is not a good
way to cure alcholism."
- David Brower
MESA has established a thoughtful
political and
social force. It psychologically enables any leader or lay person to tangibly
plug their thinking into the consensus based wisdom, balance and beauty
of how nature works. This has dramatically helped people think and relate
in balance.
People who sponsor MESA are not guessing. They have had decades of experience
using, teaching and validating a Natural Systems Thinking Process and its
personal and global benefits. Via the internet, this hands-on website singularly
teaches anybody how to scientifically create moments that let Earth teach
us what we need to know. Anybody can use the Process once they overcome
their psychological addictions long enough to recognize this: it is
reasonable to learn how psychologically reconnect with Earth and think
like nature works.
If this makes sense to you, I invite you to
Select here to visit the website.
For Unity,
Michael J. Cohen
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director
Project NatureConnnect
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to United Nations Economic and Social Council
Faculty: Greenwich University
Faculty: Portland State University Extended Studies
P. O. Box 1605,
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
1-888-285-4694 (toll free)