..A non-profit NGO
special consultant to the
Nations Economic and Social Council
Project NatureConnect
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director,
MESA, continued from page one
Where do you fit into MESA?
The answer depends upon how you think. Does your thinking recognize
Biologically and psychologically we are, like everything
else, each born as children of our Planet Mother, the
preliterate world. Every particle and sensation in us is
designed to suckle from the womb of Earth. We are
created to be nurtured by nature, and to nurture nature.
In industrial society we live extremely nature separated
lives. Our separation traumatically tears our psyche from
its preliterate survival roots and fulfillments in nature. We are
taught to replant our mentality in cement, steel and nature
conquering stories. They often stress rather than nurture our
natural being and thinking. Our major disorders, hurt
and apathy result. They are not found in undisturbed nature
or nature-centered people.
To reduce our separation discomfort, too often we crave and
psychologically bond to substances and relationships that
are destructive. They plague us because, like smoking
cigarettes, environmental degredation or interpersonal abusiveness,
they are addictive and uncontrollable. They resist change.
Learning how to genuinely reconnect our psyche with
nature demonstrably
produces constructive change. The
reconnection dissolves our hurtful psychological bonds
by replacing them with the joy of unifying responsible
relationships that include all species, minerals and people. A
globally connected, balanced, self and environment emerge.(3, 4,)
Do you know of a process that effectively produces the personal,
social and environmentally responsible relationships people and Earth so
desparately need? If so, read no further.
If your answer to the above question does not fully satisfy you, can
you see why learning how to genuinely reconnect our thinking with nature
helps reverse our destructive foolishness? Wouldn't it be worthwhile to
master and teach this ability?
To continue please select here

Let connections with nature's purity recycle our polluted thinking.
The Natural Systems Thinking Process helps you genuinely connect to nature.
NOTE:The best
way to learn the Process is to engage in it through our short, online Orientation
Course. You may then intern and later teach the course if you choose.