Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology (OP/NAE)

Project NatureConnect  Akamai University Institute of Applied Ecopsychology
VOLUME 1,  NUMBER 2011-2013                                                      Dr.  Michael J. Cohen, Editor

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Project NatureConnect

Funded, sensory, accredited, courses, degrees and career training: BS, MS, Ph.D.


Our.alternative, natural happiness studies include your life experience and prior education.

This amazing whole-life program
offers.core.distant learning. It to add practical, hands-on, nature connecting methods and credentials to your career, livelihood and interests.

Ecopsychology in action!

Homepage: learn how to create moments that let Earth teach.

Take our free, accredited, CEU course online








An OP/NAE publication of responses to the Project NatureConnect Warranty:


Project NatureConnect Warranty Confirmed 

Confirmation of the Project NatureConnect (PNC) Assurance of Uncorrupted Science, Psychology and Ecology Information

For those who love nature or truly care about the well-being of people, society and the environment, the Warranty validations, below, affirm that your personal and professional life will significantly benefit as you make unadulterated sensory connections to authentic nature’s balance, beauty and purifying powers, in and around you. They guarantee that PNC gives you far greater wisdom and support than what is offered by the corruption that undermines leadership, education, science, psychology, economics, therapies and spirituality that have misguided us for centuries to create the dilemmas we face and suffer today.

If you want to confirm the Warranty, email us for details.

"I officially endorse the Warranty, having experienced its Truth since participating in the Orientation Course in 1994 and all subsequent courses.

Establishing residence on San Juan Island in 2000 has enabled me to work with Dr. Mike in person every summer and participate in local PNC gatherings. As a teacher, I have introduced all my students to the PNC NatureConnecting process and have used it to heal and promote harmony among my students. I, too, know that Earth is my other body."

Dr. Jane Anne Jeffries


"From 20 years of personal experience studying, living, teaching and observing these principles at work, I can attest to their validity. I teach an online course in Eco-Art Therapy and have seen lives transformed as folks learn to reconnect with the intelligence and love of the natural world within and around themselves. My own life has been forever changed from incorporating nature's balance, truth and power into my everyday thinking. There can be no doubt that the ECHN science works and I bear personal witness to it's trustable reliability and authenticity."
Theresa Sweeney, Ph.D., Eco-Art Therapist


"I David Rogge, M Div, MA,LADC and Ph D student in Applied Ecopsychology attest that this warranty is valid and true.
  • The author of the warranty radiates Integrity that attracts others to the truth of what he teaches. I am growing daily in my ability to dance the dance with the rest of the blue planet.
  • I have introduced the dance to locked up drug addicts who were sprung for 15 minute time periods once a week to experience nature and her healing web strings. They blossomed and remembered who they really are through their shared experiences in nature.
  • I currently work with former heroin addicts recovering through Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Some are homeless and camping in the parks and under the bridges of Minneapolis Mn. They resonated with the truth of Eco psychology and the freedom living with out walls is for them.
  • Some former addicts reconnected with their love of nature through experiencing a resurrection of their own integrity as they came in touch, through web strings, with nature and their own inner selves again. They had given up on themselves, but began to realize nature never did or will give up on them. Resilience rose in their spirits and they dance the dance of life again.
  • I personally have come to my senses through Applied Ecopsychology as I have walked, practiced, taught and shared it's truth in small courses on line, and in my work places, always learning as I go.
  • Humility keeps me asking May I join you before each nature experience. It always reminds me of asking "May I have this dance?" She never turns me down. Nature is a sure and certain partner in the dance of life.
  • Nature as Therapy has the power to reconnect people from the inside out. We see and experience nature's attractions that we are drawn to, and we learn that we are those very attractions and the world just wouldn't be the same with out us. It wouldn't be the same without you either. May I have this dance? With deep gratitude and agreement to the warranty,"
David Rogge MA, LADC


"This is a strong new document in the right direction.  It brings wonderful holistic assurance news to all of us who have signed the petition to the United Nations that asks the UN to use PNC to increase well-being for person and planet earth.  We live so estranged from nature that it is necessary to have this Warranty How could what it guarantees not be so?

I attest to this warranty and the truth being presented in PNC. This program has given me the fundamentals to shift my life completely and learn to be one with nature (which in reality is what I am) by re-educating nature within myself. Through meeting different people in the program, sharing in their experiences, and sharing time with Dr. Mike, I have found a precious community. PNC has reeducated me about the interconnectedness of life. I approve this warranty because I know that anyone who is willing to take a first step toward learning nature's ways will find that all of Nature supports this journey, and the benefits, rewards, and blessings that emerge are natural, organic, experiential, loving, living, and transferable.  Everyone in my life has benefited from these teachings directly and indirectly. Healing from our own disconnection comes simply by being in a state of gratitude. We must realize that the war on nature is occurring within ourselves also, and we need to develop and teach this program to cease the insane thinking and behavior that this war against Nature and Mother Earth has brought us.

Jessika Chaudry


As a perpetual student of life and a student of Project NatureConnect since 2009 I affirm the statements in this warranty as being factual and truthful.
By utilizing the ECHN process offered by Project NatureConnect I have been able to significantly improve my personal well-being. ECHN has safely guided me in a simplistic process that has enabled me to become more attentive to all levels of my human consciousness. As a result, I have restored and produced a more responsible and compassionate relationship with not just my inner self, but the external world around me.
I authenticate through 40 years of traveling on this earthly plain as a human that the existence of our human suffering is a direct result of our disconnection with our other body- Earth.  The degree of imbalance felt in our human world has been accepted and tolerated as “normal”.  This nature-separated thinking caused me great suffering while trying to maintain what is deemed a “normal life.” Through ECHN I have been able to remove the blinders revealing the most vulnerable and raw feelings exposing myself to the self-correcting process of nature and its unconditional love. As a result, I have gained a deepened level of clarity that guides me on a daily basis, it reminds me that I am a part of a much larger ”web of life” and to be free in the living world around me.

Stacey Mallory, M.S.


I confirm the Warranty because becoming involved with the PNC Process was "the" smartest thing I have ever done in my life.  The reason I feel this way is because the Natural Systems Thinking Process is a proven vehicle that has offered me a way of connecting with nature, by giving me a certain sense of well-being and quieting of the mind, that I have never experienced before.  This was made possible through my own nature-connecting activities that enabled me to bring webstrings-natural sensory attraction relationships back into my life.  As a result, I am able to experience my whole mind, heart and soul, that I was taught to ignore.  This has led me to a deeper sense of connectedness in everything I do, feel and experience.  There can be no psychological therapy anywhere that could have supported me in a way that this simple process has been able to do, thus offering me a refreshing release from my past Insecurities.  This has resulted in an acceptance of who I really am as a person, deep down inside.  This deep sense of connection has developed into a profound sense of responsibility to not only live more respectfully with the rest of nature, but also to be a more positive catalyst for change.

Margie Schneider, Ph.D. Student


I Danny C. Shelton, Ph.D. affirm and support the Project NatureConnect Warranty.  In 2009, I completed a doctoral degree in Applied Ecopsychology and Integrated Ecology through Project NatureConnect and the Applied Ecopsychology Graduate Program at Akamai University in Hilo, Hawaii.  Throughout many years of counseling and therapy, I have not found any therapy as holistically helpful as the Project NatureConnect.   Dr. Michael J. Cohens' accredited graduate program in Applied Ecopsychology and the Sensory Science of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology is unique compared to any other program, because it honors our inherent natural sensory being in relationship with all of Nature. 

Danny C. Shelton, Ph.D.

The nature of our nature is nature. We are interdependent with everything that lives, breathes, and is, on this planet. Our planet is interdependent with all the forces--gentle and otherwise--that make up our universe. We are part of a continuous creative whole born out of a manifestation of attraction and when we know this without reservation we know our own individual wholeness without reservation. And when we know this wholeness we no longer have to destroy. There is no "other"--be it a tree, a person, a fish, a tiger, or a mountain. There is nothing left to conquer--in our lives or in our imaginations. We are free to be fully with our own natural attraction to life--in all its manifestations. This is healing.
And in this age of abuse and culture of denial, healing means the very continuity of life itself.

Natural Attraction Ecology nurtures life itself--inside and out. It strengthens the web of existence as well as our own unique being-ness in this world. It is a being-ness without end and learning this and experiencing it is a pathway to healing. Project NatureConnect leads us to the understanding and articulation of all that is wordless. Through Education, Counseling and Healing with Nature, we learn to name it, to respect it, to honor it, and to protect its creative and wordless power. We become part of this sacred and endless environment where there is no burnout to our environmental-ism. We are able to face the depth of destruction we face on this earth, while holding to, and remaining part of, all that is in creation all the time. We are honored by life and we honor life--even as we take on the most destructive elements ever unleashed upon this earth.

This Project NatureConnect work is its own warranty.

Janet Thomas


I, Gerald Beeck, endorse  Project Nature Connect Warranty. Since 2009 I am a student of PNC and gained much respect for the organization of the long distance classes. Working together with students all over the world to learn to reconnect to (a) our nature and (b) to our inner nature has changed me so much for the better. My understanding of  society, economy, environment and personal/psychological  well being  became integrated. PNC studies have  a synergy effect on my personal life. Not only understanding on cognitive level increased but even more on a “felt” level through the many experiential exercises. This carries over in my working life.

As a certified counsellor in private practice, meditation teacher, retreat facilitator and working in a rehab clinic I see positive results, such as an increase in self worth, confidence, trust, acceptance, letting go and insights into the “bigger picture”, in my clients when exposed to nature connected activities. Even with clients who spend much time in outdoor activities and nature a big shift happened as PNC is much more then getting in touch with nature.  

My own positive experiences with Mike Cohen’s Project Nature Connect in theory and experiential activities and seeing the positive changes in my clients reinforces my own trust in The Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature process. I therefore endorse PNC Warranty with gratitude.

Gerald Beeck


I do not remember how old I was when I realized that I could hear the trees and dance with and among them.  I do remember when my mother told me how wrong it was. I did learn to quit talking about the trees, the ocean and the lessons that I was learning. I walked away from talking from the trees and the ocean for a long time.  I am relearning the language of hope to teach to others.  I am now learning and using the language of horses to help me discover more about myself and to help others find balance.  Balance and peace! That is what we learn from nature, balance and peace.  A gift for ourselves and for others. But first we have to learn how to listen to nature.
I warranty that Project Nature Connect has helped me remember the language of my youth.
Betty Hames, BS, CC


This is the most perfectly orchestrated journey you’ll ever embark upon! 

With every breath I take and move I make I affirm this warranty to be true and faithful to all life!  In my experience, Project NatureConnect represents the most valuable journey to our recovery from sensory loss and disconnection/separation from Life.  This brilliant process opened me to the most tangible, respectful and repeatable truths I've ever known!  I am now an awakened activated human animal with a conscience that knows Earth is my home, my source of life, and the macro/microcosm of my biology.  Earth is alive, conscious and so am I.
With deepest respect and gratitude,
Janet R. Weisberg, LLC

Founder of
Project NatureConnect Earth Day Event Planner and Guide
Project Natu(re)Connect Practitioner (PNC),  Guide, Counselor & Ambassador. B.S. Sociology
Certified Traumatologist # 1503
Licensed and Certified Massage and Bodywork Therapist, MA 37646
Certified Yoga Teacher
Certified Peace Ambassador
Creator and facilitator of integrative workshops: Creative Emergence Process, Slide Down the Rabbit Hole, Self Discovery Through Connections, TAT and Thai for eating disorders with co-facilitator Deb Sitron


I Warrant that this has been one of the most naturally attractive journeys I have undertaken. I was introduced to Dr. Michael Cohen of Project Nature Connect, at the end of November, 2008.  He invited me to join a long distance learning group that helped people 'think in balance with natural systems', known as The Natural Systems Thinking Process. As we experienced, applied gratitude, trusted, registered and validated our natural activities we found the webstring intelligence strengthen and sensory connect us communally.  On completion of this Orientation Course I was introduced to Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) and experienced, as well as Validated my 54 Senses through my Inner-Self and/or Other Body, and teaching others to think in balance with their natural sensory system.

The course attractively continued with Well Mind, Well Earth introducing 97 Environmentally Sensitive Activities for Stress Management, Spirit and Self-Esteem.   This opened new areas in my life, and I guarantee I would not have been able to accomplish this without the knowledge of the Applied Ecopsychology activities. For example, I went to Peru to climb the Machu Picchu Trail with people I had never met.  Nature attractively created 'moments that let earth teach' and I was able to introduce them to the (NSTP)as we experienced our natural world.

Peace, Wellness and Spirit with Einstein's World followed, and it was one of my most difficult dances.  I took this book into nature and I couldn't find an attractive connection, until one day the Earth sparked a connection and extra energy was consciously applied. I also have this warranty of (NNIAAL) Now Nameless Intelligence Alive Attraction Love with nature, and have 'Regenerated Kinship with Planet Earth'.

My sensory activities are part of my life and I reinforce the awareness of my natural senses as I Enjoy, Validate, Match, Resonate, Appreciate, Trust and Celebrate my environment and its expression in myself. (SEVMRATC). To live in the Moment is to experience the Natural Attraction Dance 'including the thoughts, senses, feelings and relationships of our body, mind and spirit.'

Dorothy Callcott-Stevens


I, SaVonni Yestanti, guarantee the Project Nature Connect Warranty.

Here's why in simple terms: The Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature process works.

How do I know this?

How does one know that the new gadget they just purchased works? they take it out of it's package, read the user manual and apply it's guidance. If it doesn't work, they can always take it back and exchange it for something else. But if it does? We've got a winner.

Dr. Michael Cohen has got a winner in ECHN. I guarantee the ECHN warranty because the Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE) truths work in my life, as witnessed by my own continual changes. They are self evidenced, and because of the peace experienced when dealing with NAE, I choose to live and teach the ECHN process as a lifestyle, teaching specifically to children and survivors of abuse.

I guarantee the ECHN warranty and I choose the ECHN process because it is true that it is reliable and non-corruptible, which is an absolute ingredient when helping children and survivors of abuse heal and move forward.

I guarantee the ECHN warranty because, just as each of us stands breathing, Nature does too, and can not be denied. Whatever one may believe regarding the origin of Nature, it can not be argued that Nature is not a sustainable, living, breathing entity complete unto itself. The acknowledgment of one's existence, at least for humans, is a crucial factor that determines whether or not they feel a sense of belonging, of completeness. Nature accepts each of us and validates our existence. That fact facilitates the healing process.

I guarantee the ECHN warranty because Nature reminds each individual of the fact that we do not exist for ourselves, but that we belong to each other. There is a give and take; a reciprocity, that exists between humans and Nature. We literally breathe in oxygen generated by the trees, while our own breath helps to sustain natural life. We heal better when we experience reciprocity.

Moreover, I guarantee the ECHN warranty because Nature mirrors to us the good in humanity, while responding in kind to the destruction that can be so prevalent within our society. Understanding where one's boundaries begin and end, and knowing what represents the crossing of those boundaries, are realizations that can produce quantifiable results when defining what makes up 'creation' and 'dysfunction' within our society. Healing can only take place if the distinctions are recognized and taken seriously, rather than haphazardly.

I guarantee the ECHN warranty because when this natural "conversation" takes place, there is no limit to the vast amount of knowledge and peace that we have at our feet, as we traverse life. It is in this fact, that the Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) process flourishes, when attempting to heal others. I acknowledge and accept the experiences of others who participate(d) in the Natural Systems Thinking Process Web of Life Imperative. The benefits that each participant garnered are summed up in their own words, with the vast majority having confirmed experiencing a genuine and significant mental shift, during the process. I also acknowledge and accept the experiences of the clients who participate in the nature based classes I offer. To see the change in their condition is more than inspiring and a true testament to the healing power of Nature.

Therefore, I, SaVonni Yestanti, declare and decree that the time has come to accept Nature as a complete, living, healing, entity unto itself, and I, SaVonni Yestanti, warrant that the ECHN process is not only true and valid in its respect for healing with Nature, but necessary in humanities responsibility to uphold Nature's very existence.

SaVonni Yestanti, D.D.
Spiritual and Natural Healing Professional
Survivors of Domestic Violence Advocate/Supporter & Grassrooter
Homelessness & Poverty Recovery Advocate & Grassrooter
Foster Care and Special Needs Youth Advocate
Project NatureConnect Participant/Contributor since Fall/Winter of 1999/2000


"I warranty that my understanding and appreciation for Nature has only grown and deepened through daily practices with the science of Natural Attraction Ecology, The Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) and Now Nameless Intelligence Alive Attraction Love (NNIAAL).  These three concepts unmistakably transmit the language of, to, and from Nature, to the exact same Nature of sensory language, naturally existing within myself.  To consciously initiate a resonance of mutual regard with immediate gratitude establishes mutual participatory reverence before further natural exchange.  This mutual consent is vital at the onset of any rappore, as it sets the tone for the participation of mutuality and respect.  My experiences with engaging these concepts through my Nia dance practice and daily life communications has undeniably improved each relationship.  My love for the beauty and peace in all of Nature has expanded beyond limits since I became an active student in Project NatureConnects' accredited Masters of Science academic program. My experiences in this program have deepened my understanding of self-evident, in-the-moment participation and confirm my complete trust toward it and myself.  I therefore confirm and warrant the science of Natural Attraction Ecology for all people towards a  self-healing practice which corrects that which hinders our vision toward a clear and just, balanced and whole society, culture and future with Planet Earth.

Amanda Ford M.S. degree Student and Nia Brown-belt dance Instructor



I guarantee the Warranty. I've experienced its ways and outcomes:

1. It is a fact and I guarantee 'I sense therefore I am"
2. The sense of essence guarantees 'I am not a sad story, I am alive'
3. I guarantee that, 'In essence is more honest that 'in thought'
4. I guarantee that; Everyone has the truth of their experience in the moment
5. I guarantee that; Everyone defines their higher power in a non-verbal way
6. I guarantee that; pausing after asking for consent, is an internal  realization that nature always offers unconditional love if you are not an eco-zombie.
7. I guarantee; 4 - 5-and 9 leg are separate and  defined perceptions. One of them you know is correct at a cellular level and not even God  could convince you is wrong.
8. Fact: The time is now, I am here, and what defines me is this moment.
9. I guarantee; Wednesdays are RWN all day now. So if you know anyone visiting within a 100 mile radius, I guarantee they are welcome to attend the Creek on Wednesdays for some 'GUARANTEED FUN'
10. I guarantee PNC it will change your life I guarantee others will notice a profound personality change in your addictive patterns and your potential to re-offend will disappear. Your no-body will be drastically diminished by your two body spiritual experience
Stephen MacKay MPCP, RCS, RPC, MSci (candidate)


It is with complete confidence and assurance that I endorse the Project NatureConnect Warranty. I have been a co-active member of the PNC Community since 2009, learning and teaching nature's wisdom spoken strongly through this program. The dynamic combination of distance learning courses and visits to San Juan Island to share knowledge with Dr. Michael Cohen and students have grounded me, personally and professionally.

Personally, I have returned home to a land and community that I belong to. A place that unconditionally nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. A place where I have strong lasting friendships, built on mutual support and trust. I've rebuilt loving familial relationships, restored by the purity found only outside.

As a certified and professional Life Coach in Nature, I see first hand with my clients how experiential facilitation in wilderness areas promotes personal, social, and environmental well-being. I witness breakthroughs in the courageous men and women I work with which is attributed to the insights they receive by letting earth teach them, moment by moment as their needs request. After walking with them once, I see them gravitate towards outdoor based strategies for optimal healthy living.

Nature and Project NatureConnect community have been my rock, my river, and my trail to a life of sanity, contentment and well-being. In equal terms, it has been by rock, my river, and my trail to guiding others to a life of effectiveness, performance, and well-being. Thank you for this gift, the opportunity to  endorse, this community, it's members, and the wisdom it advocates for.

Jordan Birch, CPC ACC MSc
Life Coach in Nature


     Over the last 10 years, I have been involved with the Nature Connection project and have become affiliated with Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology. 
     Before that, as an educator with a BFA from the Cleveland Institute of Art and an MA from Case Western Reserve University, I had felt that something was missing. 
     I then discovered Mike Cohen's Nature Connection Program, which has been an educational journey of growth within the true connection between Nature and Mankind. I am now aware of the fact that the earth and I are one. Not separate competitors, but joined collaborators. 
     I have experienced the impact this new and powerful knowledge has had on my life and also on the students I teach.
     When you allow the connection with nature to be an ongoing presence in your life, and stay in tune with your natural attractions, positive results are encouraged and magnified.

Bonnie B. MacKay BFA MA MSc.


I have read and endorse all sections of the Project Nature Connect Warranty.

I have been a member of this program for four years and function as a student mentor here.

Through out my time in this program I have witnessed at least thirty individual students recover mental health and create lives that sustain their local ecosystems even as they improve the lives of others.

In real practical terms this means there are now parents who are better parents, spouses who are happier in long term marriages, extended family members who are in better balance with all of their kin,  and many professionals who are better able to serve profoundly disadvantaged clients in more efficient and sustainable ways. In real practical terms this has been accomplished through the actions of the Project Nature Connect learning community - a community that sometimes experiences natural growing pains, but is also self correcting, compassionate and accessible to folks around the globe regardless of their ability to pay or their social status. 

I endorse Project Nature Connect because I know that the air I breathe, the water I drink and the food I eat mean that I am taking the Earth into my body every day. I endorse Project Nature Connect because I know that the air I exhale and the daily actions I take to tend my own soil mean that I am giving myself into the body of Earth each day. I realize this is sanity, this is intelligence, to seek to behave in ways that respect and support the very life support systems that keep me alive. Project Nature Connect makes this form of sanity available to many, many more people than I could ever personally reach.

I endorse Project Nature Connect because I care enough about my own species and all other life forms on this planet that I want to be able to correct our current forms of social and ecosystemic deterioration while we still have time to do so without undergoing profound loss as a species. Project Nature Connect is a living systems model of a way to make these corrections. I endorse Project Nature Connect and the Project Nature Connect Warranty.  

Leslie Whitcomb, M.Sc.,
Applied Ecopsychology Consultant
Educational and Family Communications Facilitator


I, Pamela S. Hoke, hereby endorse the referenced Warranty for Project Nature Connect.  I have read all statements and acknowledge them to be true and necessary as our last frontier toward a shift in mindset of modern society. 

I have not only been experiencing the beneficial psychological and physical effects of genuine, habitual sensory connection with Nature, but I have also witnessed time and again others who have begun to do the same and feel the new, reasonable balance of mind and body.  The research speaks for itself, and is the missing ingredient that needs to be consciously applied in all practices and fields of study if our modern society is ever going to find a reasonable balance to make wiser choices. 

The Educational Counseling and Healing with Nature process creates the much sought after positive mental shift within individuals and their personal relationship with earth, therefore increases the positive relations within themselves which naturally progresses into positive relationships with others and their environment.   Society will continue to deteriorate as long as it continues to ignore or deny this deeper communication with its core life source. 

It is time for all experts and leaders to stop talking the talk of nature, and truly begin to walk and think with nature, not dance around it out of the fear of losing status and stuff, because at the beginning and end of each day, status and stuff will never matter more over the air our bodies intelligently know to breathe in. The more citizens of planet Earth who stop talking about nature, and truly begin deeper conscious contact with their life source as unconditional love and support, the better our chances are for a  future of balanced health and happier lives, because we are then beginning to inhabit earth with a more genuine life experience, as it is one that is more respectful to self, others and earth as one system. ”

Pamela S. Hoke, Project Nature Connect Ph.D. Student since 2011.


I have read the Warranty and I am glad to endorse it. For those of us who "live" the PNC way of relating to ourselves, others and nature it makes incredible sense that we should want to share it. Mike, that is what you have done for us, and what we try to do as well, within the program, as well as within our everyday personal lives.

The way you have uncovered and taught a way to "communicate" with Nature, has greatly improved my life, in a multitude of ways. I have experienced the beneficial results of PNC in educational settings with children in schools, with my family at home, and most importantly within myself. That is where I feel it has helped the Earth Community the most. Please allow me to give you an example.

Upon finishing the first chapter and activity in the orientation course, I returned home from the river at night. It was snowy winter forest, and comming into a clearing where the sky was visible, I noticed the stars, and how they seemed brighter to me than they had in years. I was amazed! My attention was drawn to another light through the tress nearby and upon realizing that it was a light coming from a new neighbors house, I had the desire and impulse to go and meet them just then and there.

I interpreted all this as being more alive, aware, inspired and community oriented. It has changed and improved my life, and continues to do so. It seems that whomever attempts the PNC techniques benefits from them. It's obvious to us, and so we want to share the blessings we are receiving. They can only grow in this way.

Rimas Kalvaitis
Educator, and PNC participant

I officially endorse this special Warranty of integrity and balance  having experienced its organic truth as self-evident and do hereby attest as follows;
•    That I have consciously read all the author’s contents A-O and its statements and acknowledge them to be factual and truthful.
•    That I have benefited from Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) and recognized Nature as my Higher Power.
•    That Project NatureConnect (PNC)  has impacted my life to make behavioral changes that has benefited our inherent planet.
•    That my personal, social and professional life have significantly benefited from connections to authentic nature’s beauty, healing and purifying powers, in and around me.
•    That Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) have enriched my natural senses to generate a model that will significantly help Managers, leaders and indigenous people to seldon exhibit irrationality and all sort of ill-decision making capacity.
•    That my conscious participation in Michael J Cohen's Natural and Organic Psychology has empowered me to build reasonable relationship with the whole of nature.
In the light of the above, I therefore attest to the validity of the authorized Project NatureConnect Warranty statements and authenticate through the model (Natural System(s) Decision Making Model, ‘NSDMM’) I submitted as one that will help managers, indigenous people, researchers etc, to psychologically re-bond their natural systems and thinking process to the attractive and supportive rationale that nature only freely provides.



 I am grateful for this opportunity to affirm the validity of the concepts set forth so clearly in the Warranty document. My affirmation is based on a lifetime of deep attraction to the natural world and my personal experience with those concepts as a Project NatureConnect student since 2008.

The first incidence of my deep attraction to nature that I can recall occurred decades ago, when as a toddler I would squat down and stare in awe at the beautiful form and colors of an Iris flower. It was a morning ritual for many days in a row. Although my attraction to nature remained strong through the ensuing years, I did not fully appreciate its significance until a life- transformative event occurred in 1988. At that time, I faced serious financial and a variety of other daunting personal problems, which were exacerbated by out of control alcohol consumption. Desperate, I joined Alcoholics Anonymous in hopes of relief from my anguish, and began to work the program’s 12 steps. I had no problem with the first step: “Admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable.”; but I had serious problems with God and  Higher Power issues that arose in subsequent steps. At that point in my life, my notion of God was confused, to say the least. It had been shaped largely by indoctrination with abstract stories which often conflicted with feelings that arose from my experiences with nature. As I sought to deal with this confusion, I spent more and more time in the woods, away from human-made objects, and immersed myself in the unadulterated natural environment.

Ironically, perhaps, I also discovered and read the four volumes of Joseph Campbell's ‘‘“The Mask of God”. I am still amazed, and grateful, that my experiences while immersed in nature fused with my absorption of the meaning of Campbell’s abstract stories and resolved my conflict and confusion.  I now know this resolution resulted from the powerful effect of the natural systems thinking process discussed in the warranty document.

Continuing to participate in the recovery community, I realized how widespread the problem of addiction has become among adolescents. The more I heard their stories, the more I related to them. Based on my own positive experiences with reconnecting with nature, I founded a fully accredited, nature-based high school with emphasis on applied ecopsychology.

George Lowery, Founder/Director
The Polestar School of Expeditionary Learning
Atlanta, Georgia

Coordinator- Applied Ecopsychology Activities
Selkirk Outdoor Leadership and Education  (SOLE)  Sandpoint, Idaho
SOLE-Appalachians  Atlanta, Georgia

Enjoy further information
about Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology:

Learn More:

Benefit from empowering, online, your livelihood and prior experience to be more resilient, validated, green, holistic, environmental, sustainable, natural, nature-connected, healthy, spiritual, organic and peaceful.

Achieve a degree or certification that strengthens your contributions as a counselor, healer, teacher, environmentalist, coach, therapist, spiritualist, leader or health and wellness mentor.

You may obtain an Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in conjunction with:

Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming

Take our free, accredited, CEU course online.  Use it for professional licensing requirements or transfer it into your academic program

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Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


Readily available, online, organic psychology tools for the health of person,
planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <>


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.




Discovering PNC in 2008 was like coming home for me.  I've always communicated with Nature, especially the Trees, intuitively using the principles laid out in PNC, even thought I did not know them before starting my Masters in Applied Ecopsychology.

To discover that I was not alone and that there were others like me brought a sense of peace to me that otherwise had been neglected by the current paradigms within our society.

Through both the distance learning nature of the program and learning in person from Dr Mike and other students I have been able to verbalize my experiences in nature, and teach them, in a way that allows me to incorporate my passion for Nature into my daily life and work as a Life and Business Coach for inspirational women.

I have developed an even deeper relationship with Nature than I thought was possible and have no hesitation in confirming the Project NatureConnect Warranty.  It is thanks to PNC that I have found my greater purpose in life.

Tabitha Jayne, MSc, CPC, ACC
The G.o.d.d.e.s.s. of Peace, Passion & Purpose

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