

Project NatureConnect

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SYNOPSIS: Revolutionary alternative holistic programs Benefit from natural, hands-on, funded, courses and career education training jobs and naturopathic degrees online. Increase your personal and environmental well-being.

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HELP-WANTED. Nature-Connected Learning and Healing: online Naturopathic degrees, jobs and accredited training courses enhance personal and professional goals. Our grant-funded methods and materials help you safely tap into the beneficial grace, balance and restorative powers of natural systems, backyard or backcountry.

Use the hands-on application of ecopsychology to strengthen your effectiveness and reduce stress and disorders. Add the supportive sunlight and beauty of the natural world to your relationships.

Visit our Homepage for complete information


Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Organic Psychology
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Practical distance learning that increases energy, expertise and spirit.

Equivalent Learning


Assistance Form for degree and course and equivalent learning documentation.


Bachelor of Science Equivalency how to document educational equivalent undergraduate experiences.

Masters Equivalent Education Waiver how to document educational equivalent Master's level experiences



Use this form for review and determination of acceptability of prior learning experiences and transfer credit preparation for courses that permit it.

This documentation process is based on you having a basic knowledge of the Natural Systems Thinking Process. You should not proceed with it until you have successfully completed the online Orientation Course ECO 500
ECO 501, and ECO 508.

Courses used in previous degree programs may be equivalent or brought to graduate level and used to partially meet degree requirements. You must demonstrate your ability to introduce NSTP into these courses.You want to be sure that you are taking enough IGE coursework to master NSTP and not have this weakened by transferring in coursework that does not help meet this goal.

Through documentation and approval processes described below you may transfer into the degree program, for course fulfillment requirements, creditworthy elements in your background for which sufficient credible evidence and assessment exists of advanced level learning. These include challenge, proficiency and equivalency exams, degree appropriate work, on site training, independent study, continuing education, conference participation, personal achievements, hobbies, and military training, that are appropriate within a course or thesis, or otherwise improve professional competency in the degree field.



Applied Ecopsychology / Integrated Ecology Degree Program


Student's Name:

Email address



Name of Degree Program Course or waiver that this equivalency for courses or course requirements is submitted:

Possible thesis or project topic if known:




Be sure to call Dr. Cohen before working on this form as other options may be available or you may not be eligible for transfer in your program. 360-378-6313


Section A. Procedures to transfer Life Experience learning

Respond to the questions below as best you can.


Please enclose all validating documents in your portfolio (letters, affirmations by others, photographs, samples of work, )

1. Creatively, but convincingly, convey in writing the life experience, describing it as if it was a formal course.

Convincingly convey why this equivalency and the hours you assign to it are appropriate for meeting the requirements of the course you have selected to list it under.

Respond to the following questions whenever possible.

2. What was the date the "course" was taken? What documentation validates this?

3. What would be the subject area of the course ( psychology, physical training, ecology, administration etc. For what Core course or Elective in the Degree Program would it serve as prior equivalent education to waiver hours, requirements or coursework otherwise required?.

4. What would be the name of the course?

5 Where did you take the course?

6. Why did you take the course?

7. What grade did you get, or would you give yourself in the course. How did you determine this grade?

8. How many parallel learning hours did you engage in producing new skills and competencies? What documentation, if any, do you have that validates this?

9. Who taught or instructed the course (book, presenter, experience, activity, friend, curriculum?) What documentation do you have that validates this?

10. What were the qualifications of the instructor (training, background, skills, awards, position?) What documentation validates this?

11. How was the course presented or taken, what did you do, what process did you engage in? What documentation do you have that validates this?

12. How many hours did you consciously engage in webstring connected thinking and relating?

13. How many hours did you engage in using old skills and competencies? What value, or was learned from this, in terms of your present goals?

14. How would you integrate or explain this course in terms of supporting or deteriorating webstrings?

15. What was your skill or competency level in this subject before you took the course?. What documentation do you have that validates this?

16. What was you skill or competency level in this subject when you finished the course?. What documentation do you have that validates this?

17. What things did this course teach you not to do? What things were disappointing or irresponsible about it then or in hindsight? How would you improve them if you were in charge with respect to nurturing webstrings and your goals?

18. How did you and others evaluate the effectiveness of the course? What documentation do you have that validates this?

19. How did you and others evaluate what and how much you learned? What documentation do you have that validates this?

20. How does this course add to or support your professional and/or degree goals? What documentation do you have that validates this?

21. How have you applied the course material upon course completion? What documentation do you have that validates this?

22. Have you ever taught the course material to others? What were the results. What documentation do you have that validates this occurred?

23. What books or articles offer additional information about your prior learning that you cite here?


Section B. Integration Procedures:

For the first 10 hours of non-transcript prior learning equivalency experience to be considered towards your degree requirements or waivers, please

1. Creatively and convincingly write a 200 word summary description of the applicability, contribution and potential of this life experience with respect to webstrings and your professional degree goals and deeper ideals. Summarize and discuss the knowledge acquired, omissions you observe in it, and the course's application to and real world situations.

2. For every additional 10 hours of non-transcript prior learning equivalency experience to be transferred and write an additional 25 words describing its applicability, contribution and potential as in the preceding paragraph.

3A. summarize the above Integration Description to 25 words or less and use it to create a link from an appropriate internet site to the webstrings.org site.


3B Using the material in B 1 and 2 above, write a letter for publication to a newspaper or influential individual about the value or disappointments of the experience with respect to webstrings.

4) Write how this experience positively or negatively plays a role in your present goals, influences what is presently attractive to you, and how you might integrate it into your program or your petition for a course requirement, course, or degree waiver.




Procedures to transfer officially recognized learning

1. The procedures below refer to prior Courses and other verified training to be transferred via transcript or certificate in lieu of degree program courses or course requirements.

2. For each waiver or transfer, please respond to Life Experience Section A 1-7 (above) in a 200 word commentary about the relationship, supportive or non supportive, between this transfer course and Natural Systems Thinking Process webstring functions.

3. Gather letters of support to help document you participation and competencies in the skill area.



Although many pages and articles are available that help interested learners better understand the Project NatureConnect program, a free, 15 minute discussion by phone with a faculty member has proven most effecient and helpful in discovering how to customize the program to your goals.





Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council

Readily available, online, natural science tools
for the health of person, planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email> www.ecopsych.com

The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

send email

All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.


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