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Project NatureConnect

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SYNOPSIS: Revolutionary alternative holistic programs Benefit from natural, hands-on, funded, courses and career education training jobs and degrees online. Increase your personal and environmental well-being.



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NOTE:  HELP-WANTED. Nature-Connected Learning and Healing Online: degrees, jobs and accredited training courses enhance your personal and professional goals.

NATURAL ATTRACTION ECOLOGY: Our grant-funded, organic methods and materials help you safely tap into and benefit from the grace, balance and restorative powers of natural systems, backyard or backcountry.

Use the hands-on application of ecopsychology to strengthen your effectiveness and friendships. Help reduce stress and increase well-being in people and the environment. Add the supportive sunlight and beauty of the natural world to your relationships.

Visit our Homepage for complete information


Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Organic Psychology
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Practical distance learning that increases naturopathic, expertise and spirit.


Project NatureConnect
2010-2013 Application

SUGGESTION: Save time and be complete. Call us. Tell us about yourself and what you are looking for or seek to accomplish. We will help you find the quickest and least expensive means to achieve your goals. 360-378-6313
Email us and we'll call you (USA): nature@interisland.net

NOTE: Any degree, certificate, or course work starts via http://projectnatureconnect.org/registration where you register for the Orientation Course. Please register there rather than through this form.

You may be interested in the rest of the information on this form for you will submit it when you decide to continue with the program.

Again, it is best if you phone me to explore your plans in the program, I'd be happy to speak with you.

Owls and Howls,

Mike Cohen  360-378-6313

the specific sequence of steps that lead from enrollment to attaining a certificate or degree:


This form is most effectively completed by sending an email request for a copy of this form.

Highlight copy and paste this application form into an email to our office.

Links on this page offer further information about their topics.



[Not for general use: for Registered Ambassador or Sponsor only: place name and email here ....................................................]

General Application Form

For courses or certification, degree programs, scholarships/grants, jobs and internships.
NOTE. December 2, 2009. With new courses and funding coming online, this simplified application supercedes previous applications and processes you may find in the website.

The application contains 13 parts covering your personal information plus courses, programs and funding you desire. Simply complete the PARTS that pertain to you.

If you are interested in starting with the Orientation Course for now, just complete sections 1-5 and 10 of this form that are found at http://projectnatureconnect.org/registration

Before completing this application, the applicant will want to be familiar with the program procedures and options that are offered and updated on the Procedures Page

Through this single application, by following suggested links and checking the appropriate areas, you can apply to the programs and courses listed below. You will check them a second time when you come to the part of the application form that describes them and asks for further information

I am using this Application to apply for
( ) Required application to the Orientation Course (DO PART 1-6 and 10, 12 below)
( ) Certification Program (level one)
( ) M.S. Degree Program
( ) Ph.D. Degree Program
( ) Postgraduate Program
( ) With MS Equivalency Degree Waiver
( ) With BA Equivalency Degree Waiver
( ) With request for financial assistance
( ) Without financial assistance needed
( ) Job
( ) Internship
( ) Ambassadorship

Please be aware that this application concludes with the following statement :

"The information supplied on my application is true and accurate. I give permission for the degree program and the IGE Graduate Student Cooperative to verify and confirm any aspect of the information provided on this form and on supporting materials and, on occasion, publish it anonymously to help other applicants understand the makeup of the student body. All work submitted on this application is my own, except where clearly stated to the contrary. I understand and accept that if at any time it is demonstrated that I have misrepresented myself or my work, I may be dismissed from the degree program and IGE Graduate Student Cooperative with no refund of fees paid, and any degree(s) awarded may be rescinded. I acknowledge that this application is void after six months unless it is extended with permission."
Applicant's Name





Degrees, Diplomas or Certificates held (if any), the school and year obtained and your approximate grade point average.  Do not send them to us now, just give us general information about them, below

NOTE: Unless you hear further from us, as long as you are sure your official transcripts will be available, they are only optionally required to be submitted until after the Certification Level Three when matriculation into the final degree process commences.

PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE: Your ability to succeed in this IGE program is mostly demonstrated and evaluated by your success in the course work, especially the Orientation Course, http://www.ecopsych.com/orient.html
and your cooperation in the program's shared administration and mentored guidance in the Graduate Student Cooperative (GWSG) http://ecopsych.com/iupscoop.html.

Please familiarize yourself with materials of interest on the website

Please study and  sign our online to the United Nations to strengthen your efforts to increase well-being. It is available via http://www.ecopsych.com/petition2.html

The Secrets of Nature Attraction Trail
and/or read and do the
Stairway to Wellness article
and/or read the article at
and/or read the Website at

We have found that applicants who are attracted to these pages are very successful in our courses and programs.

Additional articles are available, but are also not required reading, at http://www.ecopsych.com/2004artnews.html.
When you decide that your involvement in this program, or a course, is important to you, don't hesitate to call to Dr. Cohen to learn more about it and explore how to make it support your interests. 360-378-6313

If you have not already done so, call Mike Cohen to explore updates and the most suitable and least expensive way to have the program be of service to you 360-378-6313.  Guaranteed, you'll obtain much valuable, customized information to enhance your interests and experience.

By way of introduction, please share a few paragraphs with us, less than 400 words, about an attractive or heartfelt experience that you have had with nature as a child or adult. Please express what you think, feel and sense about that good experience and its importance to you, if any.
In 400 words or less please share with us your thoughts and feelings in relation to having completed Part 1-4, above, including:
    •    Why you want to participate in a course or the program
    •    Your background and experiences
    •    Your personal goals
    •    Your professional goals
    •    Other factors we should consider.
Save this statement. You may use and/or modify this statement for use in other PNC applications where required.

A Review of the Programs Offered that this Application Covers

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: With our new grant program in effect, if you are eligible, you may receive financial assistance for all programs and courses. If this red section appears here, it means that at this time, after the Orientation Course, you can complete any course or program and pay only what you can honestly afford to contribute now, on a time table you construct, and what you may be able to contribute later.

The ORIENTATION COURSE . ECO 500: Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship (7-9 week duration, 4 hours/week) is the first course we offer. It is a prerequisite for all additional courses or programs. http://www.ecopsych.com/orient.html  Once you complete this course you are eligible
to take or enter all of our programs including:
CERTIFICATION- three levels of Certification, each for 12-credits or their equivalence.
You can complete one or all of them. Level One, as well as any course starts with the Orientation Course. Completion of Levels 1, 2 and 3 Certification covers all the online courses or their equivalents needed to matriculate into a final one-semester for M.S. or Ph.D. completion.
DEGREES- The Doctoral or Masters Degree Program consist of Certification Levels 1,2, 3 plus a matriculation semester to complete the degree; 18-30 months average total time. A four- year maximum time limit may be extended with permission.

A  Masters or Bachelors equivalency waiver is available.
Call the office about updates for a BA equivalency waiver or BA degree. 360-378-6313

Prior training and life experience can be integrated into your degree or certification .

You will receive a copy Cooperative Application and Contract Form when you take the Orientation Course
The deadline for completing it is by Part Six of the Orientation Course. The CO-OP is Key to your participation and success in the program, and to avoid paying an application fee later on. http://www.ecopsych.com/iupscoop.html

Begin your program or course now by checking off your choices, in parts Eight through Eleven, below, and submitting this application by email mailto:nature@interisland.net along with the payment for the Orientation Course or through a payment plan you have arranged with the office, 360-378-6313.

(select one below, call for assistance 360-378-6313)
( ) Doctoral program ($5,500-$11,500)
( ) with financial assistance (below)
( ) with M.S. Equivalency Waiver

( ) Master's program ($3,500-$8,200)
( ) with financial assistance (below)
( ) with Bachelors Equivalency Waiver

( ) Post Doctoral program

(  ) Bachelor Degree or Equivalent


( ) LEVEL ONE - THREE CERTIFICATION on-line, by arrangement after completion of the Orientation Course

(  ) INDIVIDUAL COURSES offered online independently.
You may choose to have them later become part of your certification or degree program


The Orientation Course.

( ) A. Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship.


This key course starts the Certification and Degree programs on-line (1-3 credits 5-7 weeks duration). Its $150 independent tuition includes two books, a DVD, plus the $100 program application fee if you wish to continue training, plus eligibility for financial assistance, plus admittance into the Student Cooperative.  This course is included as part of 8 & 9 above.

Please make checks out to Project NatureConnect.

What month you want to start the course? --------------
(Please call 360-378-6313 for specific dates available.)

If you want regionally accredited academic credit (optional $50/credit) for any of the course(s), contact the staff at 360-378-6313 for instructions as to how to obtain it.
(for course, degree and certification programs )

With the new grant program in effect, if you are eligible, you may receive financial assistance for all programs and courses. If you can read this sentence it means that at this time, after the Orientation Course, you can complete any course or program and pay only what you can honestly afford to contribute now on a time table you construct, and what you may be able to contribute later.

NOTE: Many private foundations and scholarship organizations give grants for green programs like ours.  By taking our Orientation Course (http://www.ecopsych.com/orient.html) and signing our Petition (http://www.ecopsych.com/petition2.html,) you become literate in the Organic Psychology ECHN process, you can show its signifance and you may qualify and apply for this private funding.  Use the search engines (Google etc) and search for "scholarship grants green sustainable foundations sources."  Also search under catagories you may fit into such as "single woman " or  "Male Catholic social worker with Multiple Sclerosis over 27 years old living in Michigan" etc. 

( ) I have completed the Application above, and I am interested in obtaining scholarship/grant assistance for the degree program I have indicated. I have read and understand the scholarship and declaration information.

I understand that with the grant and financial assistance program presently in effect, payment for courses and programs after paying for and completing Part Five of the Orientation Course is based solely on honesty and trust by all concerned. For this reason:

I will donate what I can afford now,
or through a payment schedule I design and will maintain,
or through contributions I will make towards the listed or agreed upon total cost of the program or courses I take.

Scholarship Applicant's Tuition Declaration

( ) The total amount I can afford to budget for tuition and all other degree or certificate program fees (except Bachelors equivalency waiver costs, optional books, transfer credit and telephone conference calls) after the Orientation Course is
IMPORTANT NOTE: To avoid the destructive consequences of eroding trust and disqualifying while you participate in the program please do not misrepresent this figure. Please keep within the purpose and spirit of the Scholarship Program. Fellow students and faculty are contributing to making the program available to you within your stated budget. In the cooperative courses and exams, you need their trust and support and vice versa.

We encourage all applicants to help more people be aware of the program and support it via contributions or by participating in it. You can accomplish this by engaging, as time permits, in one or more of the Public Education Options listed at http://www.ecopsych.com/iupspubliceducation.html

Please indicate whether you will participate the Public Education program and how you might have contacts or other improvement suggestions.
Participants Choice:
I have read http://www.ecopsych.com/iupspubliceducation.html

( ) Yes, I will participate ( ) No, I will not participate

REFUND POLICY: If you decide not to complete your program, IGE will refund you a minimum of $1200.00. from what you have paid directly in tuitions above $2320. You may also permanently switch into or stay in the Certificate Program at that time and complete it.

A ( ) by Postal Mail:

( ) I have emailed this application and in addition have sent a hard copy of it accompanied by a check or money order to Project NatureConnect.

This is your best payment method because it leaves a paper trail, your check demonstrates your payment and receipt

The information supplied on my application is true and accurate. I give permission for the degree program and the IGE Graduate Student Cooperative to verify and confirm any aspect of the information provided on this form and on supporting materials and, on occasion, publish it anonymously to help other applicants understand the makeup of the student body. All work submitted on this application is my own, except where clearly stated to the contrary. I understand and accept that if at any time it is demonstrated that I have misrepresented myself or my work, I may be dismissed from the degree program and IGE Graduate Student Cooperative with no refund of fees paid, and any degree(s) awarded may be rescinded. I acknowledge that this application is void after six months unless it is extended with permission.
Name appearing here is equivalent to signature
Highlight/select, copy, and paste this completed admission application in an email with the SUBJECT of the email: Program Application.

Then follow the instructions in Part Thirteen, below

Make a hard copy of the total application and postal mail it with your correct admission fee check or money order made out to Project NatureConnect

for the degree, certification program or course(s) you have selected above.

Be sure to keep a hard copy and record of all payments you make and what they are for as you will need to show them when you receive your Transcript, Certificate or Degree

Send ALL COURSE, CERTIFICATION OR DEGREE applications POSTAL and EMAIL with check to

Post Office Box 1605
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council
Readily available, online, natural science tools
for the health of person, planet and spirit
P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email> www.ecopsych.com

The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

send email

All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.


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Teacher continuing education Human services Careers Alternative therapist
Human services Online Human services courses Mental health ceu
Psychology Careers Alternative Psychology Holistic wellness
Stress management courses Support group Online Peace corps fellowship
Holistic Therapy Alternative wellness Alternative Healing
Naturopathic Online Self help Online Holistic Healing
Massage therapy courses Master degree life experience Art Therapy Courses
Psychology Distance learning Human services Jobs Art therapy careers
Distance learning Therapy Naturopathic degrees Naturopathic remedies
Massage therapy ceu Naturopathic courses Psychology courses
Online Psychology Alternative Peace Corps Natural Therapy
Alternative Therapy Americorp grants Therapist continuing education
Mid life crisis career change Life experience college degrees Environmental education internships

