Institute of Global Education
Nature connected


distant learning


People and Earth Restored


In beauty through the eons
unadulterated Nature has created
a self-organizing process that sustains
Nature's perfection: its optimums
of life,
diversity, peace and balance.

Nature creates no garbage. Nothing is left out.
Everything belongs.

In its wisdom, Nature does not produce the pollution,
war, abusiveness, stress, addiction, rejection and
mental illness
that plague contemporary society.

People are part of Nature and vice-versa. We inherit
and are a seamless continuum of Nature's perfection.
is in us.

We learn to live excessively nature separated
lives. On average, we spend over 95% of our
time indoors.

Over 99.9% of our thinking is disconnected
from its nurturing home and origins in Nature.
We are in denial. We deny that this traumatic
defeciency underlies most of our
unsolveable disorders.

We invite you to learn and teach a
Natural Systems Thinking Process. It
scientifically enables people improve
their education, psyche and sprit
by sensuously reconnecting
to Nature.

the personal and career
benefits gained by
responsible social


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Substantiating Observations:  


"Nature is the unseen intelligence that loved us into being."

- Elbert Hubbard



"At root, ecology is an erotic attitude of closeness, relatedness and care. We have made it into a rational/activist project and lost sight of its heart."

- Thomas Moore

"We dramatically increased our program's effectiveness by adding the Natural Systems Thinking Process to it. It enables our participants to connect with their sensory origins in nature and use that peaceful power to improve their relationships with self, society and the environment."

- James Rowe,
Director of the Outward Bound School in Costa Rica



"A pioneer in the environmental education movement. Participants learn to learn, learn that all subjects are interrelated with one another and themselves. Most of all they develop an interest in themselves."

- The New York Times



"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."

- Albert Einstein



"Dr. Cohen's compelling application of ecopsychology connects us with the often ignored source of spirit and wellness found in nature. His deeply felt chapters catalyze conscious sensory contacts with the natural world and bind us to energies that heal our deeper being."

Dr. Larry Dossey, M.D.
Researcher and bestselling author of Recovering The Soul:
A Scientific and Spiritual Search




"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."

"Our task must be to free ourselves from (our) prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

- Albert Einstein



"The Natural Systems Thinking Process provides a readily accessible ....and.wonderfully effective means for students to acquire, understand, and act upon the transforming experience of being connected to nature; of being in respectful relationship with the natural world of which they are a part."

J.Marc McGinnes, J.D.
Senate Lecturer
University of California at Santa Barbara
Environmental Studies




"How important Project NatureConnect's guidebooks, workshops and activities have been to us. Its straightforward, unembroidered perceptions are as refreshing and clear as a mountain lake. It's a joy, for it unifies rather than polarizes. It effectively speaks to modern problems with modern knowledge, skills and language."

- Nancy McMinnon, The Gowland Foundation, Victoria, British Columbia.




"Until mankind can extend the circle of his compassion to include all living things, he will never, himself, know peace."

- Albert Schweitzer,
.Nobel Peace Prize recipient, l950




"NSTP offers an environmentally sound, educational process that reduces apathy, catalyzes peace and promotes mental health. It fulfills our personal and economic needs, deeper ideals and spirit. This work deserves the attention of every person who seeks to reverse our troubles."

- Dr. Robert Muller
Chancellor of the University for Peace, United ..Nations,
Assistant Secretary General Emeritus of the United Nations.
Recipient of the Albert Schweitzer Peace Prize and UNESCO prize for peace.






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What you can do:

The Orientation Course, below, responds to 32 critical life relationship questions. They are answered by enabling you to enjoy and then share online ten authentic, sensory, Nature connected attraction experiences over a 12 day to 5-week period.

Sign the Earth Day Petition for Peace on Earth Through Peace With Earth and put to use the Earth Day Activity




ORIENTATION COURSE: Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship
The Science of Connecting With the Web of Life
The Art of Thinking With Nature

An exciting, inexpensive ($35) blend of shared, online activity, information and training with credit optional. Learn by doing. Become a practitioner anywhere. This is a free course if it meets your needs, a transferable prerequisite for additional courses, degrees and participation. The course is our best, most complete and useful way to help nature restore the good nature of humanity in contemporary society. It opens new vistas in academics, counseling, careers, spirit and wellness, vistas that recycle and purify destructive thinking. Optional Credit $42.00



Einstein's World: Natural Attractions, Intelligences and Sanity A non-fiction, metaphor, book and reading course. It helps you reverse nature disconnection disorders from your home. You can take it, teach it and be paid, too. Book $15.00, Course $20.00. Optional Credit $42.00



FREE: Our Exploratory Course online enables you to sample the Natural Systems Thinking Process to learn, first hand, its thrust and benefits.


Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council



Readily available online tools for the health of person, planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 360-378-6313


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

send email



Nature Connected Education and Counseling Courses and Degrees Online

Too often we suffer and feel helpless because the deterioration of humanity and the environment hurts us and we are unaware of its cause.

Research demonstrates that the stress arising from our extreme sensory separation from our nurturing origins in Nature underlies most of our unsolvable personal, social, and global problems.

In a democracy, to reach our hopes and dreams the knowledge we discover must be accompanied by a readily available educational process that motivates and enables the public to apply the knowledge.

With respect to our destructive disconnection from nature, the web page links, below, empower you to use and teach an effective rehabilitating process that will help you improve most settings and relationships.
Experience first hand the benefits of the process via our Orientation Course





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Educational applications, topics and links:
Ecopsychology, environment, sustainable, sustainable living, student conservation education, socially responsible, missing link, bird watching courses, transpersonal psychology, camping equipment, camp gear, henry david thoreau, abram david process, brown tom, audubon national society, wilbur ken, ralph waldo emerson, e o wilson, service national park, love poem, love quote, tough love, unconditional love, experiential education, school bound outward, nature center, natural therapy, natural medicine, natural alternative, natural remedy, environmental education job, lopez barry, enlightenment the, buddism, nature writer, terrorism, peace, ecopsychology training, certification, psychology, child psychology, social psychology, computer based training, educational psychology, self employment opportunity, self employment, critical thinking, outdoor gear education, outdoor recreation, outdoor sport wilderness survival, wilderness adventure, wilderness education, wilderness therapy, nature therapy, applied ecopsychology, ecopsychology, online education career, distance continuing education, higher environmental education, holy human nature, mother nature sunshine, human ecology article, deep ecology journal, online degree, distance learning degree, online masters degree, online Ph.D. degree, low self esteem, support group, dating service, building self esteem, teaching job, certification personal trainer, multiple intelligence theory, marriage relationship counseling, counseling counselling careers, spiritual transformation story, mother earth science, peace on earth, planet earth news, earth system theory, system theory studies, green world peace, peace symbol sign, learning process improvement, green training party, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligence, club sierra education, student conservation courses, altered higher consciousness, collective consciousness education, national park courses, yellowstone education park, mental health recovery, addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, alcohol recovery, psychiatric recovery, drug recovery, learning disability, distant learning online, e learning styles, cooperative learning tree, distant phoenix learning university, teaching job, teaching strategy, IQ test, iq, free iq test, real genius, be a genius, college and university, online course, free online course, natural mensa test, self help book, self help group, brain teaser magic, online neuroscience, central nervous system, nervous system, depression, clinical depression, personality, testing personality, self hypnosis, native american indian, native american tribe, career guidance, leadership style, leadership skill, educational leadership, leadership, creativity, creative writing, spirit, human spirit, spirit guide, spirit, native spirituality, reiki, reiki healing, john muir, albert schweitzer, albert einstein, subconscious mind, extrasensory perception, intuition development, psychotherapy, right livelihood, earth ethic, environmental ethic, earthday, earthday activities free, earthday 2002 2003, stress, stress management, relaxation, relaxation technique, meditation, meditation techniques, news, news online, environmental news, attention defecit disorder, behavior modification, creative memory, wildlife conservation online, solar energy, stewardship, hatha yoga, alternative health medicine,t yoga,

Counseling applications, topics and links:
Outdoor recreation, outdoor sport wilderness survival, wilderness adventure, wilderness education, wilderness therapy, nature therapy, applied ecopsychology, ecopsychology, online education career, distance continuing education, higher environmental education, holy human nature, mother nature sunshine, human ecology article, deep ecology journal, online degree, distance learning degree, online masters degree, online Ph.D. degree, low self esteem, building self esteem, teaching job, certification personal trainer, multiple intelligence theory, marriage relationship counseling, counseling counselling careers, spiritual transformation story, mother earth science, peace on earth, planet earth news, earth system theory, system theory studies, green world peace, peace symbol sign, learning process improvement, green training party, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligence, club sierra education, student conservation courses, altered higher consciousness, collective consciousness education, national park courses, yellowstone education park, mental health recovery, addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, alcohol recovery, psychiatric recovery, drug recovery, support group, dating service, learning disability, distant learning online, e learning styles, cooperative learning tree, distant phoenix learning university, teaching job, teaching strategy, IQ test, iq, free iq test, real genius, be a genius, college and university, online course, free online course, natural mensa test, self help book, self help group, brain teaser magic, online neuroscience, central nervous system, nervous system, depression, clinical depression, personality, testing personality, self hypnosis, native american indian, native american tribe, career guidance, leadership style, leadership skill, educational leadership, leadership, creativity, creative writing, spirit, human spirit, spirit guide, spirit, native spirituality, reiki, reiki healing, john muir, albert schweitzer, albert einstein, subconscious mind, extrasensory perception, intuition development, psychotherapy, right livelihood, earth ethic, environmental ethic, earthday, earthday activities free, earthday 2002 2003, stress, stress management, relaxation, relaxation technique, meditation, meditation techniques, news, news online, environmental news, attention defecit disorder, behavior modification, creative memory, wildlife conservation online, solar energy, stewardship, hatha yoga, alternative health medicine,ecopsychology, environment, sustainable, sustainable living, student conservation education, socially responsible, missing link, bird watching courses, transpersonal psychology, camping equipment, camp gear, henry david thoreau, abram david process, brown tom, audubon national society, wilbur ken, ralph waldo emerson, e o wilson, service national park, love poem, love quote, tough love, unconditional love, experiential education, school bound outward, nature center, natural therapy, natural medicine, natural alternative, natural remedy, environmental education job, lopez barry, enlightenment the, buddism, nature writer, terrorism, peace, ecopsychology training, certification, psychology, child psychology, social psychology, computer based training, educational psychology, self employment opportunity, self employment, critical thinking, outdoor gear education, t

Religious applications, topics and links:
Club sierra education, student conservation courses, altered higher consciousness, collective consciousness education, national park courses, yellowstone education park, mental health recovery, addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, alcohol recovery, psychiatric recovery, drug recovery, learning disability, distant learning online, e learning styles, cooperative learning tree, distant phoenix learning university, teaching job, teaching strategy, IQ test, iq, free iq test, real genius, be a genius, college and university, online course, free online course, natural mensa test, self help book, self help group, brain teaser magic, online neuroscience, central nervous system, nervous system, depression, clinical depression, personality, testing personality, self hypnosis, native american indian, native american tribe, career guidance, leadership style, leadership skill, educational leadership, leadership, creativity, creative writing, spirit, human spirit, spirit guide, spirit, native spirituality, reiki, reiki healing, john muir, albert schweitzer, albert einstein, subconscious mind, extrasensory perception, intuition development, psychotherapy, right livelihood, earth ethic, environmental ethic, earthday, earthday activities free, earthday 2002 2003, stress, stress management, relaxation, relaxation technique, meditation, meditation techniques, news, news online, environmental news, attention defecit disorder, behavior modification, creative memory, wildlife conservation online, solar energy, stewardship, hatha yoga, alternative health medicine,tecopsychology, environment, sustainable, sustainable living, student conservation education, support group, dating service, socially responsible, missing link, bird watching courses, transpersonal psychology, camping equipment, camp gear, henry david thoreau, abram david process, brown tom, audubon national society, wilbur ken, ralph waldo emerson, e o wilson, service national park, love poem, love quote, tough love, unconditional love, experiential education, school bound outward, nature center, natural therapy, natural medicine, natural alternative, natural remedy, environmental education job, lopez barry, enlightenment the, buddism, nature writer, terrorism, peace, ecopsychology training, certification, psychology, child psychology, social psychology, computer based training, educational psychology, self employment opportunity, self employment, critical thinking, outdoor gear education, outdoor recreation, outdoor sport wilderness survival, wilderness adventure, wilderness education, wilderness therapy, nature therapy, applied ecopsychology, ecopsychology, online education career, distance continuing education, higher environmental education, holy human nature, mother nature sunshine, human ecology article, deep ecology journal, online degree, distance learning degree, online masters degree, online Ph.D. degree, low self esteem, building self esteem, teaching job, certification personal trainer, multiple intelligence theory, marriage relationship counseling, counseling counselling careers, spiritual transformation story, mother earth science, peace on earth, planet earth news, earth system theory, system theory studies, green world peace, peace symbol sign, learning process improvement, green training party, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligence,

Political applications, topics and links:
IQ, free iq test, real genius, be a genius, college and university, online course, free online course, natural mensa test, self help book, self help group, brain teaser magic, online neuroscience, central nervous system, nervous system, depression, clinical depression, personality, testing personality, self hypnosis, native american indian, native american tribe, career guidance, leadership style, leadership skill, educational leadership, leadership, creativity, creative writing, spirit, human spirit, spirit guide, spirit, native spirituality, reiki, reiki healing, john muir, albert schweitzer, albert einstein, subconscious mind, extrasensory perception, intuition development, psychotherapy, right livelihood, earth ethic, environmental ethic, earthday, earthday activities free, earthday 2002 2003, stress, stress management, relaxation, relaxation technique, meditation, meditation techniques, news, news online, environmental news, attention defecit disorder, behavior modification, creative memory, wildlife conservation online, solar energy, stewardship, hatha yoga, alternative health medicine,tecopsychology, environment, sustainable, sustainable living, student conservation education, socially responsible, missing link, bird watching courses, transpersonal psychology, camping equipment, camp gear, henry david thoreau, abram david process, brown tom, audubon national society, wilbur ken, ralph waldo emerson, e o wilson, service national park, love poem, love quote, tough love, unconditional love, experiential education, school bound outward, nature center, natural therapy, natural medicine, natural alternative, natural remedy, environmental education job, lopez barry, enlightenment the, buddism, nature writer, terrorism, peace, ecopsychology training, certification, psychology, child psychology, social psychology, computer based training, educational psychology, self employment opportunity, self employment, critical thinking, outdoor gear education, outdoor recreation, outdoor sport wilderness survival, wilderness adventure, wilderness education, wilderness therapy, support group, dating service, nature therapy, applied ecopsychology, ecopsychology, online education career, distance continuing education, higher environmental education, holy human nature, mother nature sunshine, human ecology article, deep ecology journal, online degree, distance learning degree, online masters degree, online Ph.D. degree, low self esteem, building self esteem, teaching job, certification personal trainer, multiple intelligence theory, marriage relationship counseling, counseling counselling careers, spiritual transformation story, mother earth science, peace on earth, planet earth news, earth system theory, system theory studies, green world peace, peace symbol sign, learning process improvement, green training party, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligence, club sierra education, student conservation courses, altered higher consciousness, collective consciousness education, national park courses, yellowstone education park, mental health recovery, addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, alcohol recovery, psychiatric recovery, drug recovery, learning disability, distant learning online, e learning styles, cooperative learning tree, distant phoenix learning university, teaching job, teaching strategy, IQ test,

Business applications, topics and links:
Online education career, distance continuing education, higher environmental education, holy human nature, mother nature sunshine, human ecology article, deep ecology journal, online degree, distance learning degree, online masters degree, online Ph.D. degree, low self esteem, building self esteem, teaching job, certification personal trainer, multiple intelligence theory, marriage relationship counseling, counseling counselling careers, spiritual transformation story, mother earth science, peace on earth, planet earth news, earth system theory, system theory studies, green world peace, peace symbol sign, learning process improvement, green training party, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligence, club sierra education, student conservation courses, altered higher consciousness, collective consciousness education, national park courses, yellowstone education park, mental health recovery, addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, alcohol recovery, psychiatric recovery, drug recovery, learning disability, distant learning online, e learning styles, cooperative learning tree, distant phoenix learning university, teaching job, teaching strategy, IQ test, iq, free iq test, real genius, be a genius, college and university, online course, free online course, natural mensa test, self help book, self help group, brain teaser magic, online neuroscience, central nervous system, nervous system, depression, clinical depression, ecopsychology, environment, sustainable, sustainable living, student conservation education, socially responsible, missing link, bird watching courses, transpersonal psychology, camping equipment, camp gear, henry david thoreau, abram david process, brown tom, audubon national society, wilbur ken, ralph waldo emerson, e o wilson, service national park, love poem, love quote, tough love, unconditional love, experiential education, school bound outward, nature center, natural therapy, natural medicine, natural alternative, natural remedy, environmental education job, lopez barry, enlightenment the, buddism, nature writer, terrorism, peace, ecopsychology training, certification, psychology, child psychology, social psychology, computer based training, educational psychology, self employment opportunity, self employment, critical thinking, outdoor gear education, outdoor recreation, outdoor sport wilderness survival, wilderness adventure, wilderness education, wilderness therapy, nature therapy, applied ecopsychology, ecopsychology, personality, testing personality, self hypnosis, native american indian, native american tribe, career guidance, leadership style, leadership skill, educational leadership, leadership, creativity, creative writing, spirit, human spirit, spirit guide, spirit, native spirituality, reiki, reiki healing, john muir, albert schweitzer, support group, dating service, albert einstein, subconscious mind, extrasensory perception, intuition development, psychotherapy, right livelihood, earth ethic, environmental ethic, earthday, earthday activities free, earthday 2002 2003, stress, stress management, relaxation, relaxation technique, meditation, meditation techniques, news, news online, environmental news, attention defecit disorder, behavior modification, creative memory, wildlife conservation online, solar energy, stewardship, hatha yoga, alternative health medicine,t

Leadership applications, topics and links:
Child psychology, social psychology, computer based training, educational psychology, self employment opportunity, self employment, critical thinking, outdoor gear education, outdoor recreation, outdoor sport wilderness survival, wilderness adventure, wilderness education, wilderness therapy, nature therapy, applied ecopsychology, ecopsychology, online education career, distance continuing education, higher environmental education, holy human nature, mother nature sunshine, human ecology article, deep ecology journal, online degree, distance learning degree, online masters degree, online Ph.D. degree, low self esteem, building self esteem, teaching job, certification personal trainer, multiple intelligence theory, marriage relationship counseling, counseling counselling careers, spiritual transformation story, mother earth science, peace on earth, planet earth news, earth system theory, system theory studies, green world peace, peace symbol sign, learning process improvement, green training party, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligence, club sierra education, student conservation courses, altered higher consciousness, collective consciousness education, national park courses, yellowstone education park, mental health recovery, addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, alcohol recovery, psychiatric recovery, drug recovery, learning disability, distant learning online, e learning styles, cooperative learning tree, distant phoenix learning university, teaching job, teaching strategy, IQ test, iq, free iq test, real genius, be a genius, college and university, online course, free online course, natural mensa test, self help book, self help group, brain teaser magic, online neuroscience, central nervous system, nervous system, depression, clinical depression, personality, testing personality, self hypnosis, native american indian, native american tribe, career guidance, leadership style, leadership skill, educational leadership, leadership, creativity, creative writing, spirit, human spirit, spirit guide, spirit, native spirituality, reiki, reiki healing, john muir, albert schweitzer, albert einstein, subconscious mind, extrasensory perception, intuition development, psychotherapy, right livelihood, earth ethic, environmental ethic, earthday, earthday activities free, earthday 2002 2003, stress, stress management, relaxation, relaxation technique, meditation, meditation techniques, news, news online, environmental news, attention defecit disorder, behavior modification, creative memory, wildlife conservation online, solar energy, stewardship, hatha yoga, alternative health medicine,tecopsychology, environment, sustainable, sustainable living, student conservation education, socially responsible, missing link, bird watching courses, transpersonal psychology, camping equipment, camp gear, henry david thoreau, abram david process, brown tom, audubon national society, wilbur ken, ralph waldo emerson, e o wilson, service national park, love poem, love quote, tough love, unconditional love, experiential education, school bound outward, nature center, natural therapy, natural medicine, natural alternative, natural remedy, environmental education job, lopez barry, enlightenment the, buddism, nature writer, terrorism, peace, ecopsychology training, certification, psychology, support group, dating service,














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