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includes life experience and prior training,
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A Personal
Key to the Universe That You Share with Everything Else: The Essence of
Spiritual Life, Growth, Power and Health.
Project NatureConnect
Natural Attraction Degrees-Courses-Grants
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant
United Nations Economic and Social Council
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Counseling and Healing With Nature
Subsidized Degrees, Career
Training Courses and Jobs Online.
Individuals who have enjoyed a
visit in a natural area often report that their contact with nature's
balance and beauty increased
their well-being in lasting ways. They say that the connection renewed
their psyche,
their mind and
energized their spirit. To this end, the process of Educating, Counseling and
Healing With Nature empowers
anyone, anytime, to increase personal, social and environmental
well-being, and to help others do the same.
Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)
offers monumental distant learning spiritual life
techniques that enable you to
sensory nature-contact methods and credentials
to your skills and
We honor any prior spiritual growth or spiritual power training or life
experience by providing grants
and equivalent credit for it.
You may take accredited
coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in
most subjects or personal interests. (see bottom of this page)
- Help
people remedy their disturbances, thoughts and feelings with the grace
balance and
restorative powers of natural healing and spiritual health.
- Increase income through
natural attraction ecotherapy stress-relief management.
- Strengthen missing personal social
and environmental self-esteem and well being .
- Add the sunlight and beauty
of the natural world to your needs and community.
our Homepage for
complete information
original attraction energy of nature is the essence of the universe and
life, including our own. Because it has purifying powers, this spirit
energy sustains the health and integrity of
all things as it flows through them. To our loss, our destructively
indoor lives disconnect our psyche, thoughts and feeling from nature's
healing flow. Our
great unsolvable problems result from this corruption. The
addition of educating, counseling and healing with nature activities
(ECHN) to
the power of spiritual life and spiritual growth practices reverses
this hurtful phenomenon. It
increases the benefits of these spirituality practices to both
client and practioner. The activities help participants consciously
bring into play the balancing core and restorative energies of
nature/universe, a form of spiritual health that sustains personal,
social and environmental well-being.
Select and read this short article: The Personal Key to the Universe
That You Share with Everything Else
was immediately struck by the beauty of the sky, and my breathing
deepened and quickened at the sight. The sun was setting and as it did
the light blue sky was dappled in fiery pink clouds. There were also
rippled ribbons of blue and cotton candy pink in one area, and it just
was a breathtaking experience to behold.
I stood there gazing in
awe for awhile, and then remembered to ask to be included in the sky's
delightful process. I soon felt a sensation of belonging and
acknowledged as part of this scene, not just an onlooker. My breathing
deepened more at that point, and it seemed more nourishing.
seemed particularly fortuitous since the chapter was about air and
breathing, one of my favorite topics and areas of expertise. I loved
this quote about breathing, "Nature needs and wants you to help sustain
the global community so, intelligently, it reconnects you." There is
nothing more rewarding to me than a feeling of contributing ("Natural
gifts of CO2 and water vapor") to something larger than me, such as the
spiritual power of a beautiful sky.
Then I was attracted to a
large cluster of towering decorative grass in our yard. It was a lovely
shade of yellow and the fuzzy tops reflected what was left of the light
in the sky. I walked over and asked the grass for permission to be with
it and touch it. The grass had been swaying in the light breeze, but
after I asked permission it became very still. I felt as if it was
listening to me, somehow, and this felt welcoming. I felt a stronger
connection with the grass, as if it were an entity, not just something
there to decorate my yard. I explored it gently, touching the
fuzzy tops and stroking the blades. It felt good, a spiritual growth, as if I was making friends with the grass.
discovered new ways of talking about breathing, such as how it connects
us to nature and ways to connect principles of Breathwork with those of
Ecopsychology. I become
uncomfortable much sooner than I would expect when I disconnect from
nature by not breathing. I am grateful for this sensitivity. Without
this experience I would have had a much less vibrant and inspiring day.
The feeling of contributing to the sky enhanced my sense of self-worth,
as did all the readings about breathing and nature, because it made me
realize another benefit of my breathwork practice, personally and
professionally. I now have more of a sense of commonality with
nature, personally and professionally."
"During my
early evening ritual time or nature time, I wondered past the garden
area to a small area with trees, here I have a hammock that I was
attracted to and lay in the evening sun with wind and sounds. I
was attracted to the sun and air and the gentle swinging of the
hammock. Safe and never alone for nature is always around. All of
the acceptance, I had asked on my way to the area to share some time
and space with the Earth/nature, and gave my permission of learning to
take place if the balance so warranted. I would say that nature is
a being onto itself but even this is not enough for although it
is individual, it is also multiple for it encompasses everything.
believe to be part of something acceptance from it is needed. I
do think a thing/being that is part asks permission in its own way to
connect and allow connection. The thought of evolution being part
of the permission and survival of the fittest is interesting.
This is a question that I will ask nature's spiritual power to help me
answer. For now I am leaning toward the answer of yes, as it is part of
all connection.
Connecting with nature is always a learning
experience. It is always a validation of self worth and trust
because nature doesn’t make garbage. Each thing and energy has a role
in the web of life.
Respect with nature is two ways, from nature and from us. We are one. Nature
calls to us, not just interrupts us, and we do the same by asking or
calling to nature. Sleeping after an activity gives me time to
understand what has been shared by nature. Translating from
"sense talk" to English words takes some time."
entered the garden and I thanked the natural attraction that always
leads me there. Pausing, I recognized and acknowledged that the
area had a right to exist, independently of me
(Really? Sob!). I asked the area for its consent for
me to be with it and I promised it that I would treat it honourably.
Instantly I saw my usual passageway being used as a flight path
for squadrons of birds hurtling after one another like World War II
planes engaged in a dogfight. The possibility of being belted in
the back of the head by this riotous mob was singularly unappealing and
I thanked the area for its message to help me find another attraction
way to obtain good feelings.
Over the next few days I had
the same signals of discouragement. I felt it to be too hot, too
dry, too noisy and possessed with things fighting in their rush to
establish territory, mate and breed; I am thankful that the
deliriousness of spring is only here for a short time. Then, the
mad melee of the day was gone. I was led, barefooted to the back
door to enter the garden and I thanked the natural attraction that led
me there. I saw the area as independent; I asked for consent and
promised to treat it honourably. This time a silvery silence
reached for me. I saw bare branches scribbled in black across the
face of a blindingly bright moon and I listened to the pulsing, liquid
calls of crickets punctuating the night. I longed for the smell
of weighted wetness rolling down, down into damp dust and I could feel
the earth longing for the same thing with me. I am with you
during this time share.
I do feel better about myself and more
in touch and supported by this life community. I understand the
mad rush to breed on the one hand and the desperate need the earth has
for rain on the other. Exuberance and need juxtaposed, the
fragile thread of life held in the loving arms of this Earth.
are different energies at work at different times of day and in
different seasons. I knew this before of course but I never felt
it so strongly before. Mutually supportive energies attract each
other and when I listen with my heart, I understand. How
would anyone survive without the webstrings?
It is becoming
apparent to me that these activities somehow put me into touch with
parts of myself I was unaware of before. This new awareness is,
increasingly, enhancing my sense of self-worth. It is an
awareness of being an individual and being part of something else at
the same time, the recognition and acceptance of my own unique identity
and perceptions. I always felt slightly reticent about my own
identity as if it was somehow, not really acceptable. Now, I have
learned, I am more than acceptable..I am one with nature.
I love being connected and I also love being an individual. This concept is so wonderful..individual and one..impressive!"
Thanksgiving morning. I am attracted to the gray, the cold, the
quietness. I am immediately thinking about the activity for this
week and get dressed and walk out the door.
My usual
routine is to stand at the beginning of the path to the woods and take
a moment to be appreciative and give thanks. I really did not
think there was much difference between this and asking
permission. I reflected upon this as I walked to the special spot
that I go to each day. I stood upon “my” rock thinking about the
guiding metaphor for this activity and I realized that I was simply a
polite intruder! I walked in, took the sandwich, said thanks, and
I never asked this place for permission to walk
each day and certainly not for permission to make an area my special
place. So I returned and took the time to ask. I felt a
feeling of respect, acknowledgement, and familiarity. Then I sent
out a natural attraction sense of love and asked the extended area for
permission, the plants, rocks, and especially the animals of the
area. I stood still and listened. The rustling in the
leaves around me was increasing. I opened my eyes and saw a deer
about 200 feet away come out of hiding to take a look. After a
while I became cold and impatient. Looking up I saw a great blue
heron fly overhead. This signaled me to be still and
patient. I waited in stillness and the rustling of the leaves
increased even more. An entire flock of wild turkeys came walking
down the ridge directly towards me. I continued to still myself
and became more aware of the natural attraction sensations. The
turkeys walked directly past me without a pause. Now that was an
interesting Thanksgiving treat!
On the return trip
towards home, I felt a greater sense of connection with the woodlands
and all it contained. No longer intruder, but invited community
I tried to experience understanding without
language. I wished I could experience nature without the labels,
the words, that I had been taught as a way to “make sense” of what I
was experiencing. I did manage to get caught up in the sound of
the leaves experientially vs cognitively for a few moments…and that’s
when the turkeys appeared.
I finally realize deeply that our
disconnect from nature causes personal distress and lack of global
responsibility, that our inherent “old-brain” sensitivities are real,
logical, and educate us. When permission is requested and granted,
mutual recognition and respect leads to non-verbal communication with
nature that enhances our understanding and healing. If this experience
were removed, I would feel profound grief.
My sense of
self-worth and trustfulness of nature have been enhanced. I have
a tool that will allow me to respect my natural surroundings even more
and give me a sense of welcoming balance. The activity made me realize
that although I was grateful for and enjoy nature and her gifts, I was
originally imposing and thoughtless in my approach."
^^^ When I first participated in the Project NatureConnect courses, I was
aware and unchallenged. As I love nature and being encompassed by
it, I felt something missing. When the course mentions the “psyche”, a
place in the mind which keeps learned material that changes one’s
consciousness, I feel that I have placed some well worthy material
there from this course. Such as, commemorating with other group
members and allowing the deeper spritual connection between nature
lovers adhere, and learning a new way to talk with nature. I mean
as in actually asking nature to be with it, as another intuitional tool
to use in connection with ones’ natural surroundings.
A unique concept that supported a wanted challenge was 4-legged, 5-legged, and 9-legged thinking.
How brilliant of an idea. Here is a way to give a name to an
already unchallenged society, as in the 5-leggers way of thinking in a
material, individualistic world, compared to the 4-legged—53 senses of
here and now in ones natural environmental world. Now that’s
being challenged! Challenged in a means to open ones mind and
actually see, hear, know, understand, wake-up, and smell, what may be a
totally whole new world to someone with only 5-legged thinking.
Now, not all 5-legged thinking is unwanted, there is an intelligence
and objective reasoning that we can balance with the here and now
4-legged sensitivity strategy. This brings in the balance of bringing
4-legged and 5-legged together equaling a balance of 9-legged thinking.
NSTP in this course stands for Natural Systems
Thinking Process- a powerful, sensory, nature reconnecting tool enables
us to restore to health the numbed, nature-disconnected areas of our
psyche that limit our reasoning and create our disorders. To think that I thought that connecting with other nature
lovers would only happen in the context of meet-up groups for hikes or
campouts, but now to happen across a school which enhances and brings
out into the open, what is already deeply within, in an actual teaching
course to connect ourselves this way, and then by teaching the
knowledge to others.
The NSTP concept is a necessary
tool in the world of psychology. There are many tools of the
trade in psychology to help individuals with depression, anxiety,
stress-related issues, and many other ailing contributions from a
desensitized hurting world, though there have been none addressing the
issue of our Natural surroundings, such this one; NSTP. What
better way to heal, then turning towards what attracts us in our
natural environments…trees, rivers, birds flying in the sky, plants,
flowers, and gardens. Our connections to these elements in nature
have lessened to the degree of torturing our Earth with a desensitized
attitude; in ways almost unbearable We need to be up to one of the biggest
challenges in society today; to share the information with others, so
that all us Nature lovers help open the hatch to nature-disconnected folks that
have yet to find the secret Nature lover deep within them.
information: contact Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
360-378-6313 Pacific Time Zone
Read the
Ecopsychology Journal interview
with Dr. Cohen:
Email: nature@interisland.net.
Fundamentals <http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen22.html>
We invite
you to visit www.ecopsych.com
send email
from empowering your livelihood and prior experience to be more
validated, green, holistic, environmental, sustainable, natural,
nature-connected, healthy, alternative, spiritual, organic and
a degree or certification that strengthens your contributions as a
counselor, healer, teacher, environmentalist, coach, therapist,
spiritualist, leader or health and wellness mentor.
You may obtain a
subsidized, nature-connected Applied Ecopsychology degree or
certificate in
conjunction with:
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