Nature-Connecting Distant Learning Alternative and Natural Holistic
Degrees Courses and Careers
that include life experience and prior training,
independent thinking, social networking and ecological mentor
Good Strategy Activities for Spiritual Healing Courses and
Degrees: Reconnective Healing and Spiritual
Healing Non-Verbal
Project NatureConnect
Natural Attraction Degrees-Courses-Grants
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant
United Nations Economic and Social Council
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Counseling and Healing With Nature
Subsidized Degrees, Career
Training Courses and Jobs Online.
NatureConnect offers core distant learning that enables you to
fulfilling nature-connected natural attraction methods and credentials
to your skills and
We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants
and equivalent credit for it.
You may take accredited
spiritual healing coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or
Certificate in
most subjects or personal interests. (see bottom
of this page)
- Help
people remedy their disturbances, thoughts and feelings with the grace
balance and
restorative powers of nature's web of life.
- Increase income through
natural attraction ecotherapy stress-relief management.
- Heal injured personal social
and environmental well being.
- Add the sunlight and beauty
of the natural world to your needs and community.
our Homepage for
complete information
This nature and spirit ecopsychology distant learning degree
program is an opportunity for reconnective
healing and spiritual enhancement. Throughout its duration students
reconnect with nature and establish the foundation for a continuing
relationship with like-minded people in the Project NatureConnect
The experiential spiritual healing component of this
program has defined and enlivened understanding of book readings while
students read and respond to each other’s postings. This creates a
dialogue that grasps any overlooked information in the supplemental
course material. We strongly encourage any citizen who values both
personal and global wellness to participate. The course content is
current, transforming and applicable.
Liven your senses! Restore your innate ability to connect with nature
through your 53 natural senses. Foster personal wellness by doing a
series of nature connecting spiritual healing activities while
documenting and sharing these experiences with others as the
reconnective essence of your degree and courses.
By Clark Mumaw
“To be part of any system, a person,
or thing must be in communication with the system. Earth is a global
ecosystem and we
are part of it. We must be in communication with it."
With Nature
Communication, one
of the basic needs of human existence, can be defined as the transfer
or exchange of information between entities. Sense
deprivation experiments have proved beyond doubt that a person cut off
communication of any sort begins to go mad fast.
CLASSMATE: Excellent point! I'm glad you brought this in! I've
studied this but did not think about connecting it to this class.
As soon as the word "communication" is
mentioned, we immediately think of telephones, television, computers
and books -- in short, all the
devices related to verbal communication.
A verbal communication model requires a language. Language, defined in
terms of semantics, is a group of labels used to represent
approximations of
space-time events and abstractions. The labels can be conveyed from one
entity to
another by a variety of means including vocalization, writing, etc.
Is verbal communication the only means of communication available to
In fact, considering the importance of effective communication to us,
is it fair
be gifted with only a single method of communication?
In view of the above given definition of verbal communication,
communication means communication which is independent of a formal
language, communication whereby ideas and concepts can be expressed
without the
use of coherent labels. Do we have means of non-verbal communication
enough to qualify under the above definition?
The answer is, of course, a resounding "yes." Generations and
generations of ancient tribes made do with non-verbal means of
--animal-like guttural sounds, gestures, drawings -- to fulfill their
before they latched on to a language. Let us look around carefully, and
we are sure
to be surprised at the number of non-verbal communication methods we
find at
our disposal today. One of the most important forms of non verbal
communication is nature connection.
is a point I was thinking about making, too. I
think in management classes these day they are teaching that 90% of our
key medication is nonverbal so managers really need to watch what
they're doing even more than what they are
I'm glad you have made this point in your paper.
Nature’s non verbal language is
independent of a formal language
communication wherein ideas and concepts can be expressed without the
use of coherent labels. It engages us with our senses. We have 51
allow ourselves to communicate with nature.
The natural form of a non-verbal communication model, relates to our
senses of
the communicators because, obviously, it is the senses which receive
information. We, as humans, are aware of five senses (and
with nature we have 51)
suitable to be used in communicating. Communication for us can be
related to any of
these senses.
Let us first take a look at the kind of effective communication that
motion, color or shape. There are numerous examples of this kind of
communication in nature. Let us begin with motion -- the dance of the
honey bees is
the most obvious example. A worker bee makes intricate motions with its
body, and these
motions are seen and accurately interpreted by other worker bees. The
dance of
the bees is normally used to convey information to other bees about the
of a source of nectar, its direction and its distance.
Squids and octopi are known to use bioluminescence and color signals for
communication. Pyrotechnical communication of the squids is particularly
fascinating. Their pigment cells (or chromatophores) are connected to
central nervous system by muscle fibers. Their control over the range
and rate of change of colors is astounding, and the display that
results is said
to be one of the most beautiful sights of the ocean deeps.
A squid can also
focus and beam lights of any color in any direction it chooses,
although the
actual mechanism by which it does so is still not completely known.
CLASSMATE: I love the point and facts
of this paragraph. It reminded me about the movie
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind," where the spaceship and
humans communicate back and forth via colors and musical
notes in
a mathematical sort of communication. You very
point out ways that nature communicates for people
who may
not be quite so familiar with all aspects of
What about us? Can we use such means of communication in nature?
We can and we do. “I was driving in Marin county several years ago and
it just hit me
like a ton of bricks that Nature, someone was trying to communicate
me. It was a telepathic sensing and was so strong that I got
of my car and just
stood by the side of the road and this is what came through. So I spent
about 6
months off and on researching then, you know, life and work got in the
way and
also I don’t think I was ready to run with it. I needed a few more
years of maturation. I hike a lot and about and year
ago I was walking among the redwoods and it was so plain to me that
they were “communicating” but I did not know what they
But it
felt like a similar message as the initial calling – “we have something
to say and will you
amplify our voice in some way?” So I want the
messages to
come through in many ways over a period
of time before I am confident, before it really sinks in that this is
what it
absolutely agree this because my own thinking is exactly the same. I
have even said in my paper I to rely on multiple systems of
communication to verify and make sure that the communication is clear.
Like when my emotional communication and logical thought process both
point to the same answer or direction then I am much more confident of
my movement forward. I am excited and think it's
so neat
that someone else is doing the same type of multisystem verification
that I do.
So that’s what happened. There was a tipping point
that happened last August - September and it just became crystal clear
to me that, you know the
term dharma
CLASSMATE: In my tradition we use dharma as our
life mission, and this is my
It is clear as day this is my purpose, my personal mission is answering
this call.
CLASSMATE: This was my initial understanding
think is happened gradually. When I was a little girl, I
was the eldest daughter with two younger brothers, so often I would go
off and play by myself. I grew up in my early years
woods in Washington State where there were so many huge trees and
ferns. And I would go
exploring in these woods and spent a lot of time by myself.
remember the day I became aware of this. I was sitting
alone in the woods and realizing that everything was alive all around
me. It was
the feeling that they were like people and they had this
presence. The trees
and bushes and all of them were like people and they were my friends!
The forest basically said, “You humans need us, we will
or without you. I can’t remember if I heard distinct messages
I became aware that
each one was alive and had an individual presence just like people.”
CLASSMATE 3: Well the connection that leaps to
mind most immediately is an experience I had with a plum tree in my
back yard when I was living in Oakland,
California. My old Zen teacher told me that when he was young, he took
a 72-hour
walk. It was a very difficult practice to walk continuously
without stopping for 72
hours – 3 days and 3 nights. So I decided to do that practice
and began
looking for good places where I might do it. Finally I decided to do it
right in the
back yard of the house where I lived in Oakland. There happened to be a
good size plum tree there, so I started walking around this plum tree.
I just
walked in a large circle doing a meditation walk, and realized after I
got into it
that I’d bitten off something really big. You can imagine walking for
about 12
hours without stopping and realizing you still have about 60 hours
kept going and
what I discovered was, at night things got very surreal as time went
on. By the second night, I began to
have different experiences that were very interesting with the
tree. And the
main thing was that the tree became alive like a living being, and not
just alive as a biological entity, but really alive as living being. I
think that the programming and conditioning of my culture began to fall
away. I
started to see the tree as a conscious being, very awe inspiring,
tremendously alive
and with an enormous presence. Everything got much more
especially the colors of the flowers.
By the
third night there was a very pronounced
experience. There
was a
sense that this plum tree was not just a living being that was
not really frightening, but demanding respect. That was the
feeling I had, and the sense that the tree was dancing. There
was a
feeling that the tree had an enormous presence and that it was dancing
and moving but not
physically. It was something I could just
sense in my consciousness. To our physical eyes they are just standing
there like they’re not moving but it was as
if another eye opened and I could see this tree was really moving and
dancing and had an activity about it that we don’t usually see.
That was
the main thing, an experience of the tree having a
consciousness that was very different from mine but was something to
respect. It
had a knowing and a consciousness that was awe-inspiring. I was walking
around that tree
with my jaw dropped and thinking, Wow, look at this tree!
I have to
say that after that experience I’ve never looked at trees the
same way. I’ve had this feeling
of them ever since as Beings. The
experience with that plum tree still lingers, and when I look at trees
I still have the
sense that there is much more to them than we normally see. I have this
feeling that we get programmed by our culture to look without seeing
and to just
walk through and discount the reality of Nature. When we do
something like
I did with walking for 72 hours without sleep, the programmed,
conscious ego mind
just kind of gave up and fell away and I was suddenly seeing directly,
clearly in some ways, what is really there. That was that
experience and I thought it would be somewhat helpful
to share it here.“
love this 72 hour walk example, I have not been able to get it out of
my head since I read it. All of the examples that you include by
individual people give specific important examples
of how
nature affects people if we can take the time to stop to listen and let
is it possible to communicate with nature? First we have proven
that nature communicates through a nonverbal language and through our
senses we can communicate with nature. We also need to recognize that
mankind is part
of nature. Once this is understood we allow ourselves to be open to a
natural form of communication.
We need to relearn what society has taught us about labeling, as a form
communication and trust in our senses and natures wisdom.
In the book Reconnecting with Nature Page.49-51 Mike Cohen explains the 53
natural attraction
senses that enable us to communicate with nature.
The Radiation Senses
The Feeling Senses
The Chemical Senses
The Mental Senses
The 53
senses that are used to communicate with nature are profoundly
seen in documentations of his students:
“I then tried to open and close my eyes to view
nature in glimpses. What I
found interesting about this is I saw nature as fragments lines, color
patterns. I did not see whole images just part of the whole.
Once I
this I was attracted to a branch that was overhanging the river. I asked
permission to be with it and as I sat and was with this branch I began
to see
its reflection in the water it made a woman's shape an within this
shape was the reflection of the layers of the cliffs layers. The layers
like pieces of mirrors between the branch and the branches reflection.
The light through the trees projected his sight for me to see. What I
learned to this moment
with nature was the importance of clarity and light.”
“I asked my client to close her eyes (she did) I used her hand to
touch many arrays of nature from flowers to bark to grasses,
dirt. I led her to roll
down an embankment with me... we hit each other and she opened her eyes
yet senses were only to verify trust. I led her by the hand in a
We took off our shoes and felt the grass as we are still closed eyed. I
asked her to
feel the wind... she acknowledged in a sincere calm, hummmm... Eyes
still closed
I asked her to bend over in an effort to sense the gravity. We sensed
warmth of the sun together. .. the coolest thing was a dragonfly flew
by both us that
we heard and sensed while eyes closed. As
the guide I
first and foremost I had to know my love for this process was whole and
confident as I know it is contagious. I had to constantly slow the
process down within me to
remain stable and in truth (the immediate moment). The more relaxed I
allowed myself
the more powerful the non-verbal communication
This moment in time quickened the trust in our relations. The other 2
witnessed in a non-verbal sense of respect... None denied the event or
sense of trust being witnessed. That moment in time we were
non-verbally respected
(all of these children have the labels of a disconnected culture), they
stood in a moment in time that non-verbally said, this moment is truth
and it is
tolerable. It was touching it was powerful.”
Our senses are a non-verbal and non-literated form of communication
with nature and one must learn to trust their senses. To learn
to communicate with nature one must first have must become part of its
systems. “To be part of any system, a person, place
or thing must be in communication with the system. Earth is a global
ecosystem and we
are part of it. Through natural attraction Webstrings, Earth
communicates with us, and
all other beings in supportive ways. Webstrings are nature’s voice.
They contain a unifying logic that our nature- conquering society often
teaches us to
The nonverbal
communication between mankind and nature is done through the web
strings and the energies of natural
attraction. Learning to use
natural attractions is developing a natural system thinking process.
This is a new way of thinking for most people. We
must unlearn what we have been taught and become to know “the natural
thinking process
in nature for within nature and about us, attractions are real,
intelligent, healing and conscious of themselves.”
Through nature activities our
non verbal communications becomes a nature
based language. Nature activities must be done with authentic nature.
The main idea is to let nature’s intelligence show your mind that it is
reasonable to enjoy and benefit from nature connected thinking. You
will reconnect
with nature and your own inner nature, the natural systems in you.
permission to be with nature. Allow your natural attraction to lead
the way, let your senses surface, and Nature’s wisdom will unfold it’s
messages. Give thanks to Nature and be grateful that you are part of
Mike Cohen explains, (The Web of Life Imperative Pg. 103) ”
Natural System Thinking Process steps are:
1.CONTACT: Let Natural Attractions lead you to them
2. CONSENT: Sensitively, through attractions over time, obtain
from a natural area to visit it.
3. FEEL: Recognize that contact with natural attractions feels good.
Thank the Natural Attractions you found and the web string(s) involved
for the
valuable feelings and information they have provided.
4. TRUST: Trust the thoughts and feelings arising from the contact.
5. VALIDATE; Write, in a reasonable language (New Brain) your thoughts
and feelings from natural sense (Old Brain) experiences to produce
whole sense communication and
6. READ: Read aloud what you wrote. Note that your translation is
intelligent, enjoyable and honest.
7. SHARE: your nature connected story with other consenting
people, personally or via the Internet. Encourage them to let you know
what they may have
found attractive in your message to them and continue this relationship
with them
as long as you have consent and it feels good.
8. OBSERVE: that you now feel less stressed, that your
nature-connected story builds supportive contacts and closer
relationships with people and
9. ACT: to stop your discomfort from abusive or exploitative
relationships with nature or your inner nature. Insist on receiving and
giving permission
to relate before interacting.
10.RECOGNIZE: that you own this nature–reconnecting activity; you may
repeatedly use and teach it to benefit yourself, others, and the
This ECHN Natural system thinking system allows us to non verbally
communicate with nature. The process is a learned technique that
us to nonverbal commutation with mankind and nature.
Steven shows this example of the natural system thinking
“Each of our Fifty three natural
senses is a distinct way of knowing ,
loving, and feeling. For this activity I
ventured / risked including a couple of the foster
children I live with. We are already out camping so what the heck..
they are bored..
lets try it.
At first
I thought to blindfold everyone , however that might invite a
sense of captive / hostage situation, so I simply asked 'one' of the 3
to close
her eyes and allow me to guide her in an unseen adventure ( Big trust
issues challenged) she has all the labels from High
functioning autism to ADD to conduct
disorder to rebellious spirit. Upon entering into the realm of the
exploration I
had to check my sense of confidence in the process ( My "you
can't do it" inner authorities were
alive and well, yet I found the safe solace of confidence as she is so
sensitive and all
internal processes in me are contagious).
I asked
her to close her eyes ( she
did) I used her hand to touch many arrays of nature from
flowers to bark
to grasses, to dirt. I led her to roll down an embankment with me... we
hit each other
and she opened her eyes wide yet her senses were only
to verify
trust. I led her by the
hand in a
walk. We took off our shoes and felt the grass as
we are still closed eyed. I asked her to feel the wind.. she
acknowledged in a sincere calm ,hummmm..
still closed I asked her to bend over in an
effort to sense the
gravity .
We sensed the warmth of the sun together. .. the coolest
thing was a dragonfly flew by both us that we heard and
while eyes closed.
As the
guide I first and foremost had to know my love for this process was
whole and confident as I know it is contagious . I had to constantly
slow the
process down within me to remain stable and in truth ( the immediate
moment). The
more relaxed I allowed myself the more powerful the non-verbal
moment in time quickened the trust in our relations. The other 2
witnessed in a non-verbal sense of respect.. None dissed the event or
denied the
sense of trust being witnessed. The moment in time were non-verbally
respected (
all of these children carry the labels of a disconnected culture), they
stood in a moment in time that non-verbally said , this moment is truth
and it is tolerable. It was touching it was powerful.
To have
this moment denied
or not allowed would breed a frustration I frequently see in these kids
and it
does in me too. This experience defiantly enhanced self worth in all of
us. PNC
/ RWN is the only tool I have ever discovered that really works.... the
problem is
that it
really is non-verbal.... so observable reality's are hard to
document on a report.. so I am left to simply know this is a memory the
child will
access many years from now and use it to live and to not run
from /
deny the inner knowing.
I learned
to trust in the immediate moment my internal condition and my natural
all... this was fun,
CLASSMATE: you picked a wonderful example, this
is a beautiful experience. I don't
think you could've made up or crafted a better story to relate.
our brain to a nature based thought process is the process of
unlearning what we have been taught by society. The acceptance of
natures wisdom and the way of relating that defines natures
We are born within
nature and at birth we have an understanding of
nonlanguage tensions, sensations, feelings, and emotions. Mike Cohen
states “Researchers show that most of our old brain sensitivities we
from, and share with, the plant, animal, and even mineral kingdoms.”
example, our desire to breath is an attraction to air that is as real
as the air;
our hunger for food is an attraction as real as an apple.” Reconnecting With
Nature Pg. 97
Nature’s wisdom provides us with its wisdom based on unconditional love.
Once we
start to be integrated into society our brains become programmed
on labeling and misinformed stories. We are taught to believe in
control and taught not to use our senses and that nature is not part of
human make up. Nature is looked upon as recreation and a resource that
that humans have control over.
We have to
relearn what have been programmed as truth and realize we are a part of
nature and nature is part of us. Each breath we take, to all
the food we eat, to the importance of taking care of the earth, water,
skies as
part of daily lives depend on it.
We also have to relearn how to communicate with nature and allow
nature's voice to be heard through our senses. We must unlearn our
destructive ways on the way
we take care of nature and ourselves. Learning to heal through nature.
Once we know our
natural origin and relearn our society’s information’s
then we begin to communicate with nature’s wisdom and trusting what
nature is telling us. This process is an ongoing process. We are always
going to
be connecting with nature and disconnecting and reconnecting again with
Knowing we are always part of nature, natures wisdom is based on love
offers us an ongoing conversation with nature.
Nature offers us
healing, peace, self love and the courage to stand up to
protect nature. When we are being proactive of the benefits of nature,
we become proactive in taking care of ourselves and mankind. Sharing
knowledge of nature’s wisdom and the importance of the communication of
nature will
show benefits now and in the future.
Examples of this reasonable
thinking process would include Donna’s
My mind thoughtfully reconnected with
I gained
released stories.
followed one attraction after another.
My new
brain engaged a new story.
I became
one with all.
I thanked
all that is for this attractive experience.
I learned
from this activity that when our stories are gone peace opens you and I
like roses
into full bloom and that peace is located in my psyche. When a new
peace story is imprinted within our mind you and I
become the most assured conductor of our lives.
is a peace treaty that helps us heal our distortions
and eliminates the blocking factors of the mind body
connection.” This is an affirmation of the thought process change.
Without a Nature based communication we will remain insensitive to
life and our natural environment.
We give thanks for all those who are
moved, in their lives, to heal and
protect the earth, in small ways and in large.
on the composters, the gardeners, the breeders of worms and mushrooms,
the soil- builders,
those who cleanse the waters, and purify the air, all those who clean
up the
messes we have made.
on those who defend the trees and who plant trees,
guard the
forests and who renew the forests.
on those who
learn to heal the grasslands and renew the streams, on those who
erosion, who restore salmon and the fisheries, who guard the healing
herbs and who
know the lore of the wild plants. Blessings on those who heal the
cities and
bring them alive again with excitement and creativity and love.
blessings to all who stand against greed, who risk themselves, to those
who bled and
been wounded, and to those who have given their lives in the service of
May all
healers of the earth find their own healing. May they be fueled
by passionate love for the earth.
May they know their fear but not be
stopped by fear.
May they
feel their anger and yet not be ruled by rage.
May they
honor their grief but not be paralyzed by sorrow.
May they
transform fear, rage,
and grief into compassion and the inspiration to act in service of what
May they
find the help, the resources, the courage, the luck the strength,
the love, the health, the joy that they need to do the work.
May they
be in the
right place, at the right time, in the right way.
May they
bring alive a great awaking, open a listening ear to hear the earth’s
voice, transform
imbalance to balance, hate and greed to love.
be the healers of the earth.
You are invited to read or distribute a press release about this webpage.
information: contact Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
or Barbara
Huning, MA LP at 507-450-0200
Read the Ecopsychology Journal interview with Dr. Cohen: <http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html>
Email: nature@interisland.net.
Personal page:
Fundamentals <http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen22.html>
Program Founder
and Director:
of the 1994 Distinguished
World Citizen Award, Ecopsychologist Michael J. Cohen,
Ph.D., is
a Program Director of the Institute of Global Education, where he
coordinates its Integrated Ecology Department and Project
NatureConnect. He also serves on the faculty of Portland State
University and Akamai University. Dr. Cohen has founded sensory
environmental education outdoor programs independently and for the
National Audubon Society and Lesley University (AEI), conceived the
1985 National Audubon Conference "Is the Earth a Living Organism," and
is an award winning author of "The Web of Life Imperative,"
"Reconnecting With Nature," and "Educating
Counseling and
Healing With Nature." A video about his lifework may be
viewed at
Pacific Time Zone
We invite
you to visit www.ecopsych.com
send email
from empowering your livelihood and prior experience to be more
validated, green, holistic, environmental, sustainable, natural,
nature-connected, healthy, alternative, spiritual, organic and
a degree or certification that strengthens your contributions as a
counselor, healer, teacher, environmentalist, coach, therapist,
spiritualist, leader or health and wellness mentor.
You may obtain a
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