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People are part of nature. When you are with other people, you can do this same activity by finding something attractive about them, about their nature.

Nature is part of you. Reverse the activity. Find some natural aspect of your body, mind or spirit that you like or love. See if you can discover and relate to that part of you in an attractive natural area or another person. This also helps strengthen your relationships.

Use this activity as a tool in your work or interactions. Send it to people as a gift and discover their response to it. Then connect to the things about them that attract you.

Additional activities in Project NatureConnect courses and books will help you use your 54 natural attraction senses to reconnect discomforting parts of you with nature. When connected, nature helps you recycle, nurture and renew them because that's what nature does best.

Use attractive natural areas, even a potted plant, to help yourself feel comfortable about yourself. This increases your wellness and makes you more resilient, You become more immune to nature desensitized people, too, while people will become more respectful of you.

"We cannot win this battle to save species and environments without forging and renewing an emotional bond between ourselves and nature as well - for we will not fight to save what we do not love."

...............- Stephen Jay Gould

The activity you have just done is from The Web of Life Imperative: regenerative ecopsychology techniques that help people think in balance with natural systems.

by Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D. ,(Dr. Cohen was identified as a maverick genius in 1985)

To continue building attractive relationships with natural systems around and within you, consider the notice below and/or discover
your inherent Ultimate Intelligence if you can.


WANTED: Coaches/Mentors/Therapists and students for online, nature-connected, degrees, career training, certification and scholarships.

-Increase your income, skills, credibility and self-worth through an M.S., Ph.D., B.S. or .Certification in nature-connected Counseling, Alternative Medicine or Education.
Become a part or full time Life Coach, Therapist, Teacher, Social Worker, Leader,
.Counselor, Mentor, Pastor or Complimentary Medicine Director.
-To determine if you are eligible SELECT HERE
-To obtain books or courses of mental and environmental wellness activities SELECT HERE
