













Twelve Directives From Earth



















A Letter from Earth

received during moments that let Nature speak.







The Earth Letter, below, containing Twelve Directives makes a unique contribution. It offers us a readily available natural attraction component to the way we presently think and relate. That component beneficially enables us to build unity and better resolve our most challenging problems. It can be added to most professional, social, and personal endeavors.

The Directives have been translated from peoples' authentic contact and communication with non-verbal attractions they have experienced in natural areas including potted plants, backyards, parks, pets and wilderness.

If you would like to hear Nature's Natural Attraction language speak to you and from you follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the most attractive natural area or thing that is convenient to you ( A park, tree, sanctuary, aquarium, not films, pictures or visions of them.)
  • For 15 minutes note what is attractive to you there, what attracts your attention in a good way.
  • Nature is non-verbal. During this 15 minutes, for each attraction you discover, first enjoy it then try to create moments when you can know that attraction non-verbally, without it being a name, label or story. (Sometimes it helps if you simply repeat the word "attraction" over and over so that extraneous words and thoughts don't come through and your thinking is focused on attraction.)
  • After fifteen minutes, see what thoughts and feelings have registered in you from this connective experience.
  • How do you experience these fifteen minutes a day later?
  • Is any part of your nature experience contained in the Letter from Earth that follows? It was obtained by seeking Nature's consent to become involved in this connecting process on our Orientation Course


A Letter from Earth:*


My Dear Life Companions,

I am honored and thank you for seeking my permission for you to visit with me in order to translate my ways into your language. I thank you, too, for your extraordinary desire to discover how it would be possible for any interested person to genuinely get to know me better, and thereby improve their relationships with me, themselves and other people, because we are all part of each other.

Through natural attractions, we are not only kin, but we can relate to each other, too. I am not only your other body, your biological Mother, Earth. We are also related in that we are both children of Nature.

Even though we enjoy a profound natural attraction commonality and relationship, we suffer from many destructive, unsolveable troubles your way of thinking produces: pollution, war, ecosystem deterioration, social and economic injustice, excessive abusiveness and physical and mental illness. You have yet to prevent or correct these problems.

These troubles were not present until you, not I, invented the way you think in contemporary society. Your thinking process has interrupted my inherent natural attraction perfection and thereby yours as well. Too often your thinking urges you to overlook my sensory contributions to human life and spirit.

The way you think negates my nameless being and its messages to you. It trespasses the natural ways and wisdom that we hold in common.

For this reason it is important that you get to know me as I know myself. To help you accomplish this, I invite you to take the following twelve steps that you might call directives. To help you understand them, I have asked the sponsors of this Earthday activity to add links to them that further explain them for I work differently than the way you have learned to think.


SUGGESTION: first read through the twelve directives below and then return to them and their links to their explanations (which are fascinating but sometimes lengthy).
Be sure to bookmark or save this page address so you may return to it, or use the BACK function on your browser


Directives From Earth:

1. Please learn to know and validate me by the essence of my attractive, nameless, integrity. Please recognize that I and Nature are created and sustained through the non-verbal natural attractions that permeate our every relationship, including those with you as part of me and vice versa.
Further information


2. Please honor my passion to help your contemporary thinking join the ways of my global community and enjoy our perfection. Please consider learning how to reason by consciously incorporating the natural attraction intelligence you inherit from me into your thinking. I have always used that intelligence to sustain life in a balance. Without you using it, you and I suffer from the problems your thinking causes but can't solve.
Further information


3. Please honor that every natural attraction is a rewarding form of love and consciousness, that I am attractive, intelligent and conscious and therefore, as part of me, you are as well.
Further information


4.Please recognize that natural tensions or painful relationships are attractive. You are attracted not to lose their ability to warn you of danger and to remind you to fulfill other natural attractions that help you thoughtfully enjoy life in the time that follows.
Further information


5. Please celebrate the 14 billion years my attraction relationships have enjoyed. Honor the unified life relationship perfection they have built over the eons between minerals, plants, and animals, including humanity.
Further information


6. Please honor that there is no known substitute for me and my global community's perfection. When you excessively applaud or build relationships that substitute for me, you also applaud into being the imperfections of the substitutes you invent. Their "side effects" often cause the destruction and suffering that eludes your ability to stop it.
Further information


7. Please honor that I am intelligent, wise and thoughtful enough to produce my attractive perfection. Honor that I think with natural attractions that intelligently organize preserve and regenerate themselves and me. These attractions produce an optimum of life, diversity and balanced cooperation without producing garbage, madness, death or war as you know it. My natural attraction way of expressing love produces beauty and cooperation. It prohibits the pollution, abusiveness and stress that results from your destructive way of thinking. Try to remember that this is an intelligence you inherit from Nature. You, not I, train yourself to separate your thinking from it and become an ecozombie
Further information


8. Please honor that I am non-literate. Over the eons I have seldom used verbal language in building my perfection. I recognize verbal symbols as abstracts, meaning they are shortcuts that are never the real thing with respect to me. There is no shortcut for my eons and perfection. For this reason abstracts and the stories they create and convey usually contain imperfections. They thereby, when implemented, produce the destructive effects we suffer.
Further information


9. Please honor that your thinking must obtain my permission to visit and relate to me because you think and relate with words that separate you from my non-literate ways, Without consistently obtaining my consent to build relationships, your thinking is unknowingly invasive and leads you to substitutes for me that injure me and reduce the integrity we share.
Further information


10. Please honor that you may register me in your consciousness through not just five, but at least 53 distinct attraction sensitivities. I have given them to you for survival in a balance with me and I reward you with good feelings every time you fulfill one of them. Your sense of Literacy , thinking and relating through words, is but one of these 53 senses and is also unique to humanity. The stories your literacy carries are invasive if they do not help you seek consent to relate to me.
Further information


11. Please honor the feelingful self-evidence of your sensory attraction experiences and stories in natural areas. They enable you to register me in you. They thoughtfully unite us in an intelligent, attractive communion. I emotionally reward you to encourage this contact with me.


12. Please honor that what you call death and fear is simply transformation of parts of me into other parts of me for the common good. Only extinction is true death.


In Peace, Your Mother,



P. S. I have a special request now that I have shared these "directives" with you. I note that you have been so kind as to write down the directives and publish them. I thank you for this as I do not have the ablility to do this except through this invention of yours that you call literacy.

It is impressive that through literacy you can pass these directives on to other people and print them to last indefinately. I hope you change what you print as my needs change over the years, for they are your needs, too.

I don't want to insult your intelligence but I would again like to remind you that what you have written is just a another story to add to the millions of stories you already have in your books and libraries. How you can tell the correct stories from the incorrect ones is beyond me. I don't envy your challenge. The inherent, ancient, sense of each of my natural attractions takes care of this for me. They are sensible enough to be attracted to cooperatively blend and share their intelligence and knowledge.

Please just try to remember that I and all of life are not a story, We are wise, non-literate, attraction relationships that flourish within and around you. You have been taught to disregard them by folks whose control is threatened by them and who have been taught to fear me.

For you to place hope in the directives I have given you is a mistake. Their value and hope is only obtained if they somehow attract you to participate with me in the unifying story they tell. That story invites you to enjoy and share with other people, authentic, thoughtful, non-literate, sensory attractions in authentic natural areas that genuinely reconnect your senses with me in a natural area. Anything less omits some of me and my wisdom and thereby produces unsolveable problems sooner or later.

Even natural things like a potted plant, aquarium or a pet contain the attraction wisdom of the "directives." Once you gain their consent, natural areas and beings can reach and teach their natural attraction wisdom to you in a way that empowers you to heal the wounds and destruction many of your stories have created.

I beg of you to make the directives into self-evident attraction experiences with me for that enables your natural attractions to improve our common health by improving upon the choices you make.

I urge you to rethink the way you have been taught to think if you believe that your nature-disconnected thinking can manage and unify the world and resolve the problems that it causes. The heart of these problems is our disconnection. The verbal way you have learned to think is disconnected from the non-verbal, unifying, natural attractions that produce my perfection in yourself and the environment.

Isn't it thoughtful and reasonable to be attracted to the age old unity, peace and sustainability intelligence that lies in the natural attractions within and around you? Doesn't it make sense to genuinely reconnect with it?

Natural attractions are a collective intelligence that you hold in common with all of humanity and Nature. If you choose to activate them, they help you to defuse your abusiveness and hurt and enable you to use that same energy to build constructive relationships with different people and the environment.



Material that appears on this web site and its links is drawn from articles that have been professionally reviewed and published in The Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Journal of Environmental Education, Interpsych Journal of Mental Health, Greenwich University Journal of Science and Technology, Councelling Psychology Quarterly, Proceedings of the North American Association for Environmental Education, Journal of the Oregon Counseling Association, The Trumpeter, U.S. Department of Education Educational Resources Information Center, Outdoor Communicator, Clearing Magazine, Nature Study, Between the Species, Cooperative Learning, International Journal of Humanities and Peace and others. (see MJCohen personal page)



Publish or network the above message.

The Orientation Course, below, helps you respond to 32 critical life relationship questions. They are answered by enabling you to enjoy and then share online ten authentic, sensory, Nature connected Natural Attraction experiences over a 12 day to 5-week period.

Sign the Earth Day Petition for Peace on Earth Through Peace With Earth and put to use the Earth Day Activity

Follow the online
Secrets of Natural Attraction Trail
Attraction Process

Visit the additional links below.





ORIENTATION COURSE: Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship
The Science of Connecting With the Web of Life
The Art of Thinking With Nature

An exciting, inexpensive ($35) blend of shared, online activity, information and training with credit optional. Learn by doing. Become a practitioner anywhere. This is a free course if it meets your needs, a transferable prerequisite for additional courses, degrees and participation. The course is our best, most complete and useful way to help nature restore the good nature of humanity in contemporary society. It opens new vistas in academics, counseling, careers, spirit and wellness, vistas that recycle and purify destructive thinking. Optional Credit $42.00



Einstein's World: Natural Attractions, Intelligences and Sanity A non-fiction, metaphor, book and reading course. It helps you reverse nature disconnection disorders from your home. You can take it, teach it and be paid, too. Book $15.00, Course $20.00. Optional Credit $42.00



FREE: Our Exploratory Course online enables you to sample the Natural Systems Thinking Process to learn, first hand, its thrust and benefits.


Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council



Readily available online tools for the health of person, planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 360-378-6313



The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

send email



Nature Connected Education and Counseling Courses and Degrees Online

We suffer because the deterioration of humanity and the environment hurts us. Unaware of the cause of our suffering we feel helpless. Research shows the cause to be our extreme sensory separation from our nurturing origins in Nature. It underlies most of our unsolvable personal, social, and global problems.

In a democracy, to reach our hopes and dreams the knowledge we discover must be accompanied by a readily available educational process. The process must enable the public to make use of the knowledge. With respect to our destructive disconnection from nature, the web page links, below, empower you to use and teach an effective rehabilitating process that will help you improve most settings and relationships.
Experience first hand the benefits of natural system thinking via our Orientation Course





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