IGE Cooperative Affiliates
Portland State University
offers transferable credit to degree programs for IGE core courses.
Greenwich University
sponsors Applied Ecopsychology/Inetgrated Ecology degrees in
conjunction with IGE coursework.
International University of
Professional Studies sponsors Applied Ecopsychology/Integrated
Ecology degrees in conjunction with IGE coursework.
National Ecology and Environment
Foundation offers environmental courses online that may
be added to IGE degree programs as electives.
Support Links
3.2 years Life Cycles in Time Integration
and Synchronicity Coincidences.
Confidence Coach Build your confidence and self esteem with the Confidence
Última Arca de Noé" (The Last Noah's Ark) Brazilian
site about ecology, environment, biodiversity, environmental
education, animals, birding etc. Portuguese/English.
homeplanet.org Help us actualize through thought, word, and action
that we become interrelated, interdependent and interconnected.
Nature Center Pioneers new ways
of making nature a partner in Jewish education.
Pagan Network Pagan networking and resources free networking resources to enable
the people of the online pagan community to share and communicate
with like minds.
Island Institute Innovative action
for the environment.
Earthday 2000 Poster
obtain the most amazing milestone
poster art that has ever been produced to celebrate Earth Day.
Innovations.com online journals,
specialized search engines, EMDR sound, hypertext visualization
guide, many other resources.
Nature-Connected Psychology Courses Online
for personal growth. Transfer them into your
degree program or professional credits.
is your gateway to the wide world
of mental health, wellness, growth, and tranquility on the web.
The Global
Resource Bank Help the life-sustaining
natural production capacity of the environment create a currency
for ecological economics.
The Rainforest
Network: good links to deep ecology
and sustainability training.
the Bully by the Horns Book and web site to help kids, parents and educators
learn the skills they need to deal with Bully, School Safety
and Self-esteem issues.
Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship Course Shared, teachable, sensory,
activities psychologically reconnect people with nature to restore
personal and environmental wellness.
World Soul Publishing
Sustaainable Developments a comprehensive one-stop web connection to resources
and tools on the environment and sustainability:
Healing Resource Guide Natural healing, global/wildlife
preservation, inspirations, practitioner/healer web development,
Native American healing and spirituality.
World of Alternatives
RA*D*AR True or False? Are Cell phones linked to cancer?
Does this Scientific Report Prove The Effectiveness Of RA*D*AR?
Teenage Boot Camps
Boot Camping services for troubled teens.Provide information
and services to parents who want to place their child in boot
camp or boarding school.