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Nature's Unifying Dance of Aliveness: Enjoy it to the Benefit of All.
San Juan Island, WA. March 7, 2013: “You can’t unify relationships, materials or ideas if you don’t use the glue you need to accomplish this goal,” claims an 83 year old hiker of Mt. Young (650') in the San Juan Island National Historical Park of Washington State. “Taking this walk/climb daily for over 22 years has helped me identify and successfully apply the adhesive needed by the divided sides of Congress, the national budget, and most other conflicts, be they personal or global.”
The hiker, Dr. Michael J. Cohen, author of “The Web of Life Imperative,” says, “Creating sustainable national solutions arises from the spirit of the land in combination with the thinking of elected representatives or other authorities including ourselves about what's best for our personhood. After all, this is a National Park that the U. S. Government set aside in 1966 to honor the peaceful settlement of a dispute that prevented a war against Great Britain in 1858.
"It is reasonable" says Cohen, "To recognize that we can’t build concrete solutions if we don’t use concrete.”
The glue Cohen refers to is his invention of an organic form of psychology that only works if a person is in conscious sensory contact with a natural area, backyard or backcountry. He calls it the art of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) and he identifies it as a hard science. This is because it brings into play the indisputable 54 sensory attraction energies of “nature’s dance of aliveness” as part of any relationship. Natural attraction is its singular adhesive.
Cohen has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that nature's dance and its eons were born as the essence of the Big Bang and, today, every person is one of the dancers along with every other part of the Web-of-Life.
Author of the ECHN book that founded the science of Natural Attraction Ecology, Cohen is the Director of the Institute of Global Education’s Project NatureConnect program of Applied Ecopsychology at Akamai University. He is also a National Park volunteer. He suggests that the peaceful unifying powers of natural attraction are self-evident to anybody who has spent quiet time in a natural area. "Our great problem," he says, "Is that we learn to deny their critical value in our lives and livelihoods. My daily walks in the National Park these past decades helps me validate the sensory contributions of ECHN to personal, social and environmental well-being. ECHN is now the heart of Eco-Art Therapy and many other health and counseling processes that my students are developing."
ECHN works wonderfully, Cohen observes, because it enables us to create moments that let nature’s dance in the environment reconnect its self-correcting and purifying energies to itself in our body, mind and spirit. This basic natural community connection is torn and corrupted in the U. S. Congress and in most other parts of Industrial Society. This is because, on average, we are socialized to spend over 95 percent of our time and 99 percent of our thinking and feeling while disconnected from the balancing and restorative powers of nature’s attraction dance, in and around us.
The absence of nature's dance in our mentality corrupts us to excessively exploit it. Instead of re-connecting us with the attraction essence of love for all of the web of life, our detached dance energies create disorders and fuel atomic bombs.
"ECHN gives us a financially subsidized antidote for our corruption that anybody can add to their life or livelihood." said Cohen.
Cohen recognizes Contra Dancing as a historical remedy for imbalance, a community way for people to enjoy nature’s aliveness dance and its unifying energies within them. In its organic form, the Contra Dance brings out the joy and wisdom of how nature’s dance works cooperatively to the benefit of all. For example, to the tune of “Jefferson and Liberty” all dance participants “circle right and left together as partners.” "This is better than the argumentative way folks usually go around in circles, right or left, especially in politics," he said.
Every Monday night on San Juan Island, Washington, Cohen, Lee McEnery and the Institute of Global Education, have made organic Contra Dances available, free of charge, as is nature’s dance. This has been done in conjunction with the U.S. National Historical Park, the Grange, the local Recreation Association and the Mullis Senior Center. Cohen participates as a dancer, caller and musician in line with his family tradition; his parents were teaching/playing Folk and Contra Dances well before 1938.
Organizations and individuals who seek the special opportunity to dance to the tune of nature’s unifying community and spirit are welcome to balance and swing together on any Monday night.
San Juan Island Contra Dancers and musicians include ECHN Creative Writing instructor Janet Thomas, Eco-Art Therapy teacher Pam Hoke, Natural Attraction Ecology students Cynthia Church and Liz Francis (Liz coordinates the monthly Saturday dances at the Grange). Cohen’s Applied Ecopsychology students from all over the world attend the dances as part of his ECHN training programs.
Dancer and Master Gardner Alice Deane distributes a weekly online Contra Dance update. Many Island musicians play in the traditional music dance band including Teddy Deane, Randy Swanson, Lee, Ken, Val, Malcolm, Katie and Jim of “Hands Four” and “Sugar on the Floor.” The band is open to all old time musicians interested in participating in its optional “dance now, play later” (or vice versa) format.
Folks who appreciate the community values of holding hands and dancing in tune with everybody in the room can circle and star in the Monday Dance. In balance, you support it while it enriches you.
"Contra dancing started out as a fun way for me to spend an evening but has evolved into a sort of religion for me, sharing many of the tenets of Taoism and other religions of the world.... that is, an avenue for peace and inspiration, human intimacy and cooperation, and a means of tuning into the spirit of love and ultimate happiness."
- Anonymous
"When I asked the contra dancers why they felt the nature-connecting workshop was so special to them they said that while dancing they experienced many of nature's wonderful community and mutual support attributes. 'We were in tune. It made us feel like we were a microcosm of the natural world's motions, spirit and music that we equally shared with each other.' "
- Mike Cohen
"Turning, moving, spinning, dresses swirling, music beating, eyes in contact with a partner, then another, then another, then another, and the fiddle turns a corner, the phrase repeats, the dance repeats. You smile. Your body smiles. Everywhere."
- Doug Plummer
More quotes and information are at www.contradanceband.com
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Solutions: http://www.ecopsych.com/
Contra Dance Info: http://www.ecopsych.com/pwcontraband.html
Evidence-Based Thinking and Feeling www.peakfacts.com
Contact: Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D
Alice Deane, Lee McEnery, Liz Francis
Project NatureConnect,
P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA, 98250 360-378-6313
Stop Corruption Release Online
The complete history and process of Natural Attraction Ecology, as discussed here, is available, free, in the book Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature by Michael J. Cohen at http://.www.ecopsych.com.ksanity.html or from most bookstores.
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![]() Readily available, online, natural science tools for the health of person, planet and spirit 360-378-6313 <email> www.ecopsych.com ORGANIC ECOPSYCHOLOGY IN ACTION The Natural Systems Thinking Process Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director send email The Web of Life Imperative. |