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The Green Party Antidote

We are socialized --meaning educated, counseled, guided and rewarded-- to think and relate as we do. But our socialization is distorted. It makes us competitive and destructive. It causes us to produce our disturbing problems; we are not genetically born into creating them.

The Green Party simply can not produce a Green society if we continue to allow our socialization to distort our psyche and relationships.

This web page presents a nine-leg green antidote to the many detrimental ways we are presently socialized to exploit and pollute. To be fully green, as Greens and voters we must learn to use and teach this antidote.

The green antidote education, psychology and counseling tool this page describes, is a vote getting, nine-leg way of knowing. This potent learning process enables us to transform our major dilemmas into more constructive thinking and relationships. It can make the Green Party an acclaimed leader for lasting change, for inner and outer peace, for helping people make happen what most voters want to have happen but have had no process that enables them to implement their desires:

  • 87 percent of the population agrees, "We need to treat the planet as a living system."
  • 83% agree, "We need to rebuild our neighborhoods and small communities."
  • 82% say, "We are meant to be stewards to nature and preserve it."
  • 75% agree, "Humans are part of nature, not it's ruler."
  • 68% said, "I want to return to a simpler way of living with less emphasis on consumption and wealth." *


Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


"Anybody that has enjoyed a good experience with nature --back country, backyard or with their pet, or with the wind, sea or stars-- has the power to benefit from Green nine-leg thinking...if they don't deny it."

- Michael J. Cohen




A Green Party and Voter Remedy for the Dilemmas of our Socialization

The power of nine-leg Green Education, Counseling and Healing enhances human well being and prevents the destruction of nature and earth















Subconscious Denial

"It does not take a Green Party genius to recognize from the state of the world that our contemporary consciousness is in strong denial. What we deny on personal and global levels is Gregory Bateson's observation that, 'Our greatest problems are the result of the difference between how people think and how nature works.'

As part of our denial, we deny that we excessively crave substitutes for the tragic absence of nature's grace and wisdom in our daily lives. We also deny that by artificially fulfilling these cravings we produce our most challenging personal, social and environmental troubles. 

Foremost of our troubles is that we don't use or vote for a proven nine-leg green antidote for them that is readily available. The antidote works by reversing the destructive separation of our thinking from the regenerative love, beauty and balancing powers of nature within and around us."

- Michael J. Cohen


As a Green do you recognize the good news in the statement above? Let me emphasize it:

There is now an extraordinary, readily available, nine-leg Green antidote for our denial and our most challenging dysfunctions and disorders.*

Act now: books, courses, degrees, grants, recovery and self-help for lay people, counselors, educators, psychotherapists www ninelegs.com


Separation from wholeness

Most Green Party voters recognize that although we and our mentality are part of the balance, restorative powers and beauty of nature's eons, we live excessively nature-separated lives. We suffer because we, on average,  mentally spend over 99% of our time -and physically spend over 95% of our lives- disconnected from the beneficial gifts and wholeness of our origins in nature.


Do you recognize that in nature, the recuperative and unifying powers of natural systems produce the natural world's optimums of life, cooperation and diversity without producing garbage or our excessive stress and abusiveness? To our loss, our society including Green Party voters, accept as normal that our mentality spends 18,000 to 24,000 formative school hours indoors, separated from nature. And while in school we learn to control and exploit nature and its self-organizing perfections within and around us. Our inability to solve our discontents results.


Destructive estrangement of
our mental environment

Any Green voter worth the name can recognize, as have many other experts, that the detrimental results of our estrangement from nature have lead us astray. Slowly, without realizing it, our estrangement has driven us to bond or addict to replacement-for-nature technologies and beliefs. They have taken over the sensibility and well being of our mental environment: It is this anomaly that causes us to create our disorders.

Act now: books, courses, degrees, grants, recovery and self-help for psychotherapists, educators, lay people, counselors, , www ninelegs.com


Expert testimony

Maurice Strong, the Canadian multimillionaire who founded the United Nations Environment Program and is co-chair of the Commission on Global Governance, the blueprint for world government says, "It is quite clear to me after several years in the environmental movement that all physical problems of man's impact on the environment - pollution of the air and waters, the desecration of the land, the contamination of the food chain - all start within the environment of man's mind."

Mr. Strong echo's the assertion of Vice President Albert Gore that we are dysfunctional socially and environmentally because we are cut off and isolated from the world of nature and all that is natural.

Pulitzer Prize recipient, E. O. Wilson, of Harvard, agrees with Strong and Gore, noting that nature's absence erodes many essential parts of our lives.

Similarly, Nobel prize recipients Albert Einstein and Albert Schweitzer insist that for better tomorrows we must learn to embrace nature.

Recent medical research by Dr. Howard Frumkin and many others indicates that exposure and connection to nature helps restore health and wellness.

Hundreds of additional experts support the findings of these leaders.

"Oh, what a catastrophe, what a maiming of love when it was made personal, merely personal feeling. This is what is the matter with us: we are bleeding at the roots because we are cut off from the earth and sun and stars. Love has become a grinning mockery because, poor blossom, we plucked it from its stem on the Tree of Life and expected it to keep on blooming in our civilized vase on the table."

- D. H. Lawrence

"We have repressed far more than our sexuality: our very organic nature is now unconscious to most of us, most of the time, and we have become shrunken into two dimensional social or cultural beings, aware of only five of the hundreds of senses that link us to the rich biological nature that underlies and nourishes these more symbolic and recent aspects of ourselves. "

- Norman 0. Brown

Act now: books, courses, degrees, grants, recovery and self-help for educators, lay people, psychotherapists, counselors: www ninelegs.com



Consciousness and mutually
supportive kinship

In democratic societies like ours, it is the depth of our collective consciousness --and our mutually supportive kinship with the world-- that determines our posture in the world and its effects. This consciousness and kinship determines how we think, relate and vote-whether for a candidate or a future.

To our cost, our indoor consciousness and disassociated kinship has created a dire predicament for the individual, humanity and the environment. We know that we must transform our destructive relationships, personal or global, into constructive ones, but a potent Green Party means to accomplish this transformation is not being fully utilized.

This is because we deny our nature disconnection problem as well as its readily available solution.




A practical process

Through Project NatureConnect, over a period of 47 years, Dr. Michael J. Cohen--described as a "maverick genius" -- has produced a practical procedure that enables our thinking to easily tap into the presently missing powers of natural systems within and around us. However, most of us have been trained to deny this process is a practical tool to help Greens meet their goals. Many of the tools of Cohen's trade are free, all are accessible, aesthetic, reassuring, illuminating, inspiring and always available through the Internet and training books.

What the Green Party needs to make things right is to suport and use this powerful mind and consciousness tool so that we may act in partnership with nature. The process helps us beneficially expand our limited indoor ways and, backyard or back country, help nature more fully return to our lives. 

Act now: books, courses, degrees, grants, recovery and self-help for counselors, lay people, educators, psychotherapists www ninelegs.com



Profound social technology

Cohen's "social technology" translates into a simple nine leg tool. Greens can learn it, apply it and benefit from its immediate and long term stress management and personal and professional rewards.

The nine-leg process can help the Green Party and its voters turn the tide of greed, exploitation, apathy, dependencies and dysfunction that has become the namesake of our times. It helps us get people back to mutually supportive kinship with one another and all the rest of our earthly-home companions. This has been demonstrated at Project NatureConnect. And by using the nine-leg process the Green Party can do it, too.



* A significant fact that we learn to deny:

Attractive experiences in nature are a basic and inherent form of love.

As noted in his book The Web of Life Imperative, Mike Cohen insists that the testimonials of over five thousand people who have had at least one attractive experience in nature make a monumental statement not to be ignored.

These multinational individuals of all ages and walks of life say that they have inherited from nature or the Creator their ability to enjoy their attractive nature experiences; they were not "taught" how to have them. They report that they had not, nor did they need a book, mentor, guide or instructor in order to discover and on some level love their attractions in natural areas. They say their ability to attractively register nature is "built in" because some of these experiences occurred when they were extremely young.

Cohen says: "Every individual has the innate capacity to consciously be attracted to nature at some level. The benefits of Nature's unifying attraction world is readily accessible to those who, rather than deny its existence, seek it. It is the wildness that Thoreau identified as 'A civilization other than our own.'"

Cohen has placed a sampling of these individual's nature descriptions on the Internet and welcomes additional descriptions. He asserts that anyone who has had an attractive experience in nature, backyard or back country, recognizes on some level that this ability is inborn, not culturally learned.

"My experiences in nature have been some of the most memorable parts of my childhood and early adolescence. During those years I was fortunate enough to love sitting alone at sunset on a hill looking out across the fields, the early night air filled with he sound of crickets and the smell of hay. Those warm summer days were spent watching the changing clouds with endless fascination for they seemed to speak to me in a language that I somehow understood." 

Environmental Education Student, Project NatureConnect


"Humanity is exalted not because we are so far above other living creatures, but because knowing them well elevates the very concept of life."

- Edward O. Wilson,
Biophilia, 1984, p. 22 



We invite you to examine and use the Green nine leg process: www ninelegs.com

If the above page is temporarily unavailable, ninelegs process information is also available here.




Go to the Nine Leg Thinking page




*Ray, Paul and Anderson, Sherry (2002). Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World. New York: Three Rivers Press, pp 218-219.






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Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council

Readily available, online, natural science tools
for the health of person, planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email> www.ecopsych.com

The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.


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