Our/Your World is Falling Apart Because We Suppress Revolutionary Wisdom


Help Wanted: Mentor a Revolutionary Wisdom, Natural Area Therapy Program Online of On-site


Project NatureConnect 

Stacey Mallory, Director  Mike Cohen, President

www.ProjectNatureConnect.com  www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html 

nature@interisland.net     360-378-6313


As the process of a Grand Jury has recently disclosed, our lives are increasingly deteriorating along with the life of Earth. Why? Because the authorities we most trust are paid to withhold from us the organic art and science of Revolutionary Wisdom.

In a natural area, Revolutionary Wisdom enables us to activate the sensibility of our 54 natural senses and live the greatest truth in your life that we can trust, It is not Nature, God, Love or honesty. Do you know what it is?

Learn how to create supportive relationships rooted in the balance and beauty of an attractive natural area as you and others interlace your senses with it and them.

Stop the rip-off corruption and lies of the most powerful people in our lives. We suffer because they are paid to omit the unifying art and science of Revolutionary Wisdom. This loss is critical because its organic, 54 sense intelligence empowers us to increase personal, social and global well-being as alone or together we think, feel and grow relationships using unadulterated facts.


From Mike:

Hi Friends of  Revolutionary Wisdom,

I hope you are all well, as am I, yet I’m still keeping too busy.  So how well is that?


I’m entering my 90th year in a few months and celebrating my ability to continue to support all the remarkable things happening in Project NatureConnect (PNC) today.

They are for folks who are responsibly happy because they want to learn how to think, feel and relate more reasonably and strengthen that quality in others, too.


Our mission is to learn how to mentor each other to correct the blunder that industrialized

society suffers.

It has bewildered itself into thinking that the powerful, techno-artificial, indoor closet that we excessively continue to build and live in provides us with scientific facts that we need to achieve the contemporary dream.

It has us believe that it protects us from our trespasses of how the life of our planet organically operates to sustain its/our balance and beauty. It has us act as if we are immune to them

If you believe the above, there is a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you.


It is a hurtful hallucination that our closet fortresses us from our violations of the natural world.  Our planet’s life is a unified and life-loving integrity that includes us.

The harmful things our nature-disconnected stories do to the life of our planet, they do to our life.

Over 99% of our lifetime is out of tune with how Nature’s balanced perfection works in and around us. How could this estrangement not cause our runaway disorders?

Dis-integration is why the world is falling apart.


We suffer catastrophic problems because, indoors, contemporary society is extremely disconnected from the life of Nature and our planet. Out of frustration, we are all too often abused by nature-estranged members of Industrial Society and this emotionally wounds us, especially as children.

In metaphor, it is as if our disconnection and abuse pain urges us to drive an advanced technology automobile because doing this provides sensory satisfactions that replace our excessive loss of nature’s love. As in our excitement we speed the vehicle down the highway, we are alarmed us to see that we will careen into a group of families having a Revolutionary Wisdom nature-reconnection gathering in a beautiful natural area.

Since we have not yet learned to use the new Revolutionary Wisdom braking and steering system for the car, in anguish we hope and pray that the vehicle will halt as we fearfully scream “Oh God,” or “whoa” or “STOP”  as if the vehicle was an evil spirit or a runaway horse, or that it understood our words.  

These reactions are unscientific and outdated. They do not control our high-tech car, so we wreak the havoc of Earth Misery on people, places and things including ourselves as car passengers. This phenomenon is, in reality, the unseen source of most of our problems and disorders.

The car is controlled and our wounds healed by building relationships while using  Revolutionary Wisdom, the art of applying an organic science and technology “steering and braking guidance system” to our lives. Its natural, 54-sense authenticity happily interlaces our abused life with the fulfilling and self-healing essence of natural areas. Their balanced and beautiful ways have created, grown and supported the origins of the life of Nature/Earth/us, moment by moment, since the beginning of time. That process has created optimums of life, diversity, community, transformation and cooperation, without producing garbage or abusiveness.

For us to excessively injure people and natural areas is unreasonable. However, that’s exactly what most of us have learned to do, including our parents, teachers and leaders.

We all deny our destructive, prejudiced against nature, indoctrination even though is is obvious including its Revolutionary Wisdom antidote.

The antidote is not God, Nature, love or honesty yet it is the Greatest Truth of our life that we can Trust (GTT) and we learn to overlook it. For example, you are living it right now, do you know what it is?


In short, rather than  protect us from our trespasses, nature-disconnected parts of industrial community  painfully sever our 54-sense life bonds (webstrings) to our planetary “womb.”

The loss and abandonment that our sensory self feels from this rupture of the natural underlies the emotional stress and disturbed relationships that we suffer, from low self-esteem to abuse including war.

This is because when a relationship triggers the pain of past abuse and we use that pain to hurt or abuse others as once we were injured, we act out and escape the pain of re-living our past abuse.


Because the life of Earth is presently 45% impoverished due to our excessive disconnection from and exploitation of it, each moment that we don’t relate in ways that rewardingly restore its/our life increases this catastrophe. Either our GTT gains and shares love alone or with others,

constructively with the Unified Field attractions in a natural area

or destructively by omitting the contributions of the natural area.


The globally compassionate remedy for our hurtful disconnection from the natural world is simply to mentor happy, loving Revolutionary Wisdom connections back to it in  natural areas.

Uniquely, PNC  has  self-evident facts, methods and materials to accomplish this.


Keep in mind that at this late date, we have to deal with our authorities, teachers, parents and counselorsand the nature-disconnected stories they are emotionally attached to. We have to work with powerful folks who

  • can’t tell us if  the web-of-life is alive, has a life or is attracted to live, or what the actual difference is between life and death.
  • don’t know that we have a 54 natural sense intelligence or use it.
  •  dismiss that the life of Nature and its unified field is attracted to make its own space and time, moment by moment so that in any given moment all things are identical.
  • forget that Nature’s life in any moment is a diverse, non-literate attraction collective of everything. It does not have or understand names and stories, only humanity can be destructively isolated by that gift.
  • deny that what our nature abusive stories do to Nature’s life, we do to our life because it is the same life.

Our leaders continue to suffer from Unified Field Deficit. The above are the disturbing results of my 32 non-expedition years trying to validate and protect the obvious life of  Planet Earth.

Earlier years spent doing this as part of an expedition was much more successful individually and globally. There was more energy to this end in each moment.

Human life does not consist of living only 12 hours of our total lifetime outside a closet that we build full of nature-disconnected  people and their nature-disconnected story attachments .

Rather, our life is our attraction to survive by supporting the authentic life of Nature, Earth and us in a natural area. This is best accomplished by a fiduciary expedition community whose shared story commits them to this goal.

For this reason, we are organizing an expedition that creates and sustains a web-site and co-mentoring programs that create time and space in natural areas for the life of the Unified Field and Earth to increase its and our well-being.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313


These new areas, detailed below, are where PNC will additionally go in our next decade through the naked truth compassion of NSTP and Revolutionary Wisdom. Let us know if you want to participate as funded co-mentors who want to help each other co-mentor each other and newcomers in these areas:

  1. Sustaining an Interactive Community Website
  2. Life in Whole-life Community
  3. Invoking Our Greatest Trustable Truth
  4. Participating in an autobiography-based Degree Program


In this moment of my life, I am attracted to pinch myself to be sure that I am alive and that my 54-senses are attracted to writing a sensible sentence here. My reality check in this moment helps me make more sense of it because it and its results are self-evident and reasonable.

In this instant, my 54-sense wisdom authenticates that my life is part of the attraction of the life of Earth and the Unified Field of our Big Bang universe to, moment by moment, make and support its own time and space for it to live in.

In each moment, everything that has happened since the beginning of time and space is taking place, available and shaping this moment and the next to support its/our life.

That’s what Revolutionary Wisdom plugs us into in a natural area.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313

Whether it is God or not, the Unified Field is organically attracted to bolstering my life as part of its life and vice versa.

For this reason, I know that in this instant my immediate experience, especially in a natural area, is the Greatest Truth my life that I can Trust (GTT) for it is the truth of all of life since its birth in the Big Bang.

I know that this has to be true for you, too, as you read these words in this moment when all things are identical.

It’s not true for you if your senses and stories disconnect from or refute this truth.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313


Our Greatest Trustable Truth (GTT)

– has been confirmed over the past 52 years that researchers have spent measuring or connecting with how Nature works.

– Avows that all things in the life of Nature’s Unified Field are connected or attached in every moment by its GTT natural attraction energy being conscious of what it is attracted to since it began in the Big Bang or before.

– Is aware that natural attraction is the essence of any kind of love or attachment and this is often hidden by manipulating it under various names and stories

– Affirms that throughout the life of our Planet, only humanity has the ability to speak, understand and relate through stories.

–  Confirms that humanity’s inaccurate, GTT nature-disconnecting stories, not Nature’s Unified Field, produces the stressful garbage, detachments, disorders and abusiveness that we and the web-of-life suffer www.ecopsych.com/zombie2.html

– Validates that natural attraction is Nature’s essence.  Experiencing natural attraction, the naked truth of love, in a natural area is more real and practical than a story that the fundamental of the Universe is “life” “consciousness” or “spirit.

– Substantiates that we only live, sense, feel and grow GTT relationships in the life of the Unified Field’s immediate moment “now.”


Mentors of GTT help people experience and uphold that, in any moment, our stories either (a) beneficially connect us, or (b) destructively disconnect us, from the Unified Field’s love for its/our life.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313

The life of the Unified Field, Nature, Earth and Humanity is promoted, shared and supported by the life of natural attraction being conscious of what it is attracted to. That’s how it knows what bond or attach to.

When human life is sick or injured, life is disrupted everywhere as exemplified by globally increased emotional stress, species extinction and climate change. For this reason, when we are ill and we connect with the life of the natural world, it becomes our ally in our in-common attraction to recover from our shared ailment.

If we additionally consciously reconnect to attractions in a natural area (Grok), it and we more intensely support and strengthen our in-common ability to increase our well-being so we and Nature heal better in lasting ways. www.ecopsych.com/survey

Anyone who has had a peaceful, calming or restorative experience in a natural area knows that Nature can make this begin to happen when you let it. Our Revolutionary Wisdom tools empower you and others to strengthen that benefit.


Here’s some things that make the GTT expedition special:


  1. An interactive Community Website Co-Mentoring Expedition

In conjunction with and response to my need to choose to build or live in fiduciary communities that survive by committing to reasonable community relationship justice for all, Project NatureConnect has developed a new, non-profit organization website “MyGreenWave.org.”

It is by and for supporting life of the Big Bang and web-of-life in each attractive space-time moment that it grows as the whole-life truth of you, me and it.

MyGreenWave.org is like us being with Albert Einstein, Wonder Woman, the Lorax and GI Joe together, online and on-site, with attitude.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313


In conjunction with interested PNC folks,  MyGreenWave.org is funded to make time and space for the Unified Field to directly share and promote its stories through PNC co-mentors.

They support each other as they choose to articulate and post their genuine natural area connection experiences directly from a natural area into social media.

This lets the Unified Field speak for itself to the story world. In addition, it gives the Unified Field the opportunity to use the word “stupid” when it registers that some story or relationship is killing its own life support system when it could, instead, join GreenWave.org . Then it could beneficially learn to co-mentor and transform real problems into real solutions.


Folks who participate in MyGreenWave.org dedicate themselves to be part of its fiduciary relationships whose members supportively co-mentor each other during or after they complete their certification or degree program with PNC.

In addition, co-mentors invite others to join the MyGreenWave community so they may learn to master Unified Field mentoring, online or on-site, as well as contribute to the welfare of all by making contacts that include tax-deductible contributions.

This is not just academics or training. We are roped together in a real life expedition dedicated to GTT learning how to mentor, produce and propagate our mutually supportive, web-of-life relationships by consciously doing it in and with the Unified Field, backyard or backcountry. To support one person also supports all things in a good way.


You can visit, join and benefit from your local and global life community at http://www.MyGreenWave.org.  It makes you and the web of life be the authorized teacher, classroom, library and therapist for past and future Applied Ecopsychology mentors.


MyGreenWave.org is significant because it is the only community where PNC folks are not strangers to each other. It is a genuine GTT journey where all have the know-how, dedication and integrity to support each other in word and deed while increasing the well-being of the life-web of Earth.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313


  1. Whole-life Community

As previously mentioned, Nature has helped me experience first-hand that the life of our Planet and Nature operates within the moment-by-moment, scientific 54-sense, balance and beauty of the space-time Universe as it continues to grow itself in a natural area.


Born in the “Big Bang,” or before, Nature’s life is a 13.8 billion year old attraction-based journey, a singularity that is attracted to grow and support its “right now” diversity of life relationships.

For educated people, this is a long established, methodical, common knowledge and culture story, the scientific, space-time heart of how  and why Contemporary Society works.


I was born into, and I have always loved to grow or live in communities that survived by committing to sustaining social and environmental justice. These were courses or group relationships that protected and preserved the natural world, in and around me.

The greater the diversity of our 54-senses guiding the community, the healthier were the interactions and results.


In my groups, on-site, real-time, physical and mental participation worked best because many more than just 5 of our 54 natural senses were activated. I spent 31 years full-time living this organic way on expeditions into natural areas and communities.

The attractive natural life-relationships of what our expedition established was attracted to survive and grow by supporting itself as part of the next time-space moment of Earth and Nature’s life. www.ecopsych.com/54rwbook22.htmlJ

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313


The process, above, progressed by 1965 from recreational activities to academic, life of Earth courses, to the NSTP web-of-life model, to GreenWave-54 and its physical and mental, real-time existence as Einstein’s Unified Field.


The Revolutionary Wisdom of GreenWave-54 is the Unified Field manifesting its scientific truth within, around and as the moment/now of our lives and all of life. (see www.GREENWAVEBETA.pdf.) It’s core is natural attraction being conscious of what it is attracted to. Attraction is the essence of love.

We, including our unique ability to tell stories, live in and are the life of a love-based Universe and Planet that loves to make its own, diversifying, time and space, moment by moment.


Our downfall and challenge is that contemporary society teaches us to be prejudiced against Nature. It gives Nature few rights and instead applauds and pays us to excessively conquer or exploit the natural world in and around us.

This produces Earth’s misery that we suffer because we are part of its life, and it, as itself and us, wants to continue its love to live and grow.


We, today, need a planet half the size of ours to relieve the earth misery our planetary life suffers. This is because, to our loss, only 12 hours of our 630,000 hour lifetime is in tune with how nature works.

Learning to mentor GTT adds and additional 90 hours and you can continue forever when your mentoring ability is certified.

Our bias against the natural world is like arming land developers with advanced weaponry and hiring them to direct the combined EPA and Department of the Interior.

Revolutionary Wisdom is the antidote for this.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313


  1. Our Greatest Trustable Truth 


A key to person/planet recovery is correctly answering,  “What the greatest trustable truth in your life is and it is not God, Nature, Love or Honesty?”  People quickly experience and recognize what it is if they don’t know it, and most don’t until it is identified.


The Greatest Trustable Truth of your life (GTT), is your “now experience.” It is that you are actually reading these words in this moment…you can see this page or feel the seat you may be sitting on, or sense what you believe about this discovery.

Your GTT is you registering the shape of these letters, the black color of this ink, the space between these words, your eye moving across this page along with your awareness that you are alive, you can read, and are doing this.


The GTT of your life is not just “What you sense and feel in the immediate moment.” That is your story that describes GTT.  Your story portrays what whole-life GTT is and does. However, this omits the pure GTT of the life of our Planet as a natural area because the natural world neither articulates or understands stories. This disconnect is our major challenge.

GTT is only our whole-life, unbiased self when our attraction connection in a natural area (Grok) becomes a reasonable story, a 54-sense, space-time, Unified Field, love moment that combines us with a consenting natural area attraction, including or without another person.   

From this discovery people realize that if they mistrust or abuse the Greatest Trustable Truth of their life (GTT), they corrupt themselves and their relationships with the Web of Life, including other people.

In a natural area, the Web of Life physically and emotionally supports our lives because we are part of it and our GTT mentality contains all of it that we need to know to supportively co-exist in and with it.

Strengthening and knowledgeably sharing you GTT is how you mentor it for yourself and others.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313

We suffer emotional pain and its resulting disorders from our learned withdrawal from, and corruption of our natural area GTT. We need a tool that helps us deal with recovering from this perversion while not increasing it in other ways.


Constructively dealing with the lie that we can safely continue to excessively separate our relationships from the GTT of our life consists of plugging our 54-sense GTT into a consenting natural area attraction (Grokking). This makes time and space for Nature’s attraction to compost, recycle and remedy its injuries in it/us.

We can then continue this GTT process indefinitely. Nature does this transformation automatically without creating the adverse side effects that our artificial technologies and story-imitations of Nature produce.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313

GTT is the “now moment” space-time Universe in action. It has been scientifically accepted as common knowledge since 1940.  However, 80% of the public instead chooses or is indoctrinated to believe comforting miraculous, but misleading, supernatural myths and stories that painfully deteriorate GTT.

These fables, armed with high tech science, are making the GTT space-time world fall apart, just as did the advanced technology of 9/11 airplanes being used to hit the Twin Towers.


We generate our “Earth Misery” emotional stress, pain and hurtful relationships because our established contemporary GTT denies that it is a flawed story.

The nature-connecting remedy for this catastrophe is our GTT story and acts embracing consenting natural area attractions and their self-correcting ways in natural areas, backyard or backcountry. www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313


  1. An Extended Degree Program


Through mentoring how to apply GTT in a natural area, PNC is now able to also award a more specific Certification, M.S. or PhD in specific EcoArts therapy.  For example A Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Eco-Art Therapy for those who want one.

EcoArts include GTT therapy via Eco-Music, Eco-Creative Writing, Eco-Yoga, Eco-Dance, Eco-Story Telling, Eco-Therapy,  Eco-Love, Eco-Spirituality, Eco-Photography,  Eco-Healing Arts. We are enlisting fiduciary co-mentors and/or directors for these specialties.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313


A degree or certificate is achievable simply by demonstrating “I can master beneficially applying the art and science of GTT to my health and interest(s) and can help others do the same for theirs to increase personal, social and environmental well-being.” (These 36 words can be the core of your up to 40 word dissertation hypothesis).

This personalized approach makes things more understandable, real and GTT accurate as you 54-sense defend your autobiography about how you became an accredited or certified GTT mentor who includes the application our 54 natural senses as scientific, space-time GTT facts of the life of Earth and its people.


Your dissertation supports the truth of your autobiography and you include in it experiences, methods and materials that helped you succeed on your GTT mentoring mission.  This was pioneered by Stacey Mallory, Ph.D. see www.ecopsych.com/journalproposal.html


You learn to mentor via the self-paced and self-mentored Revolutionary Wisdom course. It is also the written exam for your degree.

(See www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html and www.ecopsych.com/18month.html).  Note that with extra time, effort and risk, you can also accomplish this via NSTP and scheduled online course groups as long as your and other’s participation in them is strong.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313


A synopsis of this GTT process is now posted at www.ecopsych.com/SYNOPSIS.docx.  It also precedes the mentoring white paper at www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf.

As part of the Revolutionary Wisdom course, the white paper as a course is available as Part A of the RW course ECO 800UF “Principles of Organic Psychology” and accredited by the University of the Pacific. It is available online as well as a softcover work book.


Your GTT knows that you benefit from making conscious sensory contact with Einstein’s Unified Field when, in a natural area, you namelessly Grok and gain consent to visit a natural attraction while articulating its evidence-based NNIAAL and GTT story.  To learn more about Grok connections, read “Grok” at www.ecopsych.com/54rwbook.html#grok or search for Grok at www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313


Studies in 2016 reported by Science Magazine show that many of us decide it’s OK to tell a lie (or abuse things) when we see people in positions of power doing the same, (including our parents, teachers and counselors while we are helpless). The research finds that we are more likely to lie if we live surrounded by high levels of institutional corruption and fraud.

Lies disintegrate valuable relationships. We need to invoke a deep and lasting Unified Field GTT truth to help us reverse this dilemma on personal and global levels. I’m making that happen by adding what I describe above to the PNC program. You are invited to participate if growing GTT relationships in natural areas is your joy.

Join the GTT co-mentoring expedition nature@interisland.net   360-378-6313

Please write or call PNC if you want to participate or have questions or comments

Cheers! Your GTT feels wonderful and thanks you for your interest in the expedition. How can we help you?

“Stacey Mallory” Stacey@connect2nature.org


“Michael J. Cohen” nature@interisland.net



The Expedition Rope: ADDENDA September 7, 2018


The Revolutionary Wisdom GTT Expedition: The World is Falling Apart Because We Omit Revolutionary Wisdom


Scientifically inaccurate stories are fabrications that disconnect our 54 natural attraction senses from a love of life that we share with Nature’s Unified Field. These false tales produce runaway side effects that abuse, wound and deteriorate the life of Earth’s love to live, in and around us. A special Revolutionary Wisdom remedy for this painful disaster produces a Greatest Trustable Truth (GTT) story and world-wide expedition.  In reconnects our 54 senses to the self-correcting powers of Einstein’s Unified Field in authentic natural areas. The mentors’ and expedition’s knowledge and energies constantly support people engaged in applying Revolutionary Wisdom by co-mentoring it. See www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf


The Revolutionary Wisdom GTT Expedition:

As the process of a Grand Jury has recently disclosed, our lives are increasingly deteriorating along with the life of Earth. Why? Because the authorities we most trust are paid and otherwise rewarded to withhold from us the organic art and science of Revolutionary Wisdom.

Revolutionary Wisdom helps us discover, first hand, that the life of our planet is one of Nature’s gardens. Its life loves and nurtures us in pure, naturally balanced and beautiful ways.

Corruptly, and to our great loss, we learn to treat our planet garden like it’s a football field that we can safely tear apart while we compete with each other to become rewarded winners.  As we accomplish this by getting away with as much damaging activity as we can, we suffer from the lie that all this is harmless.

We don’t respect that the life of Earth and us is identical, that the damage we wreak on it we wreak on ourselves. Similarly, the holes that we gouge in the football field are same the holes that later trip and injure us as we continue to play. However, with respect to the life of our planet, we don’t make ourselves correct our hurtful abuse of it in the same way we scientifically repair our battered football field for the next game.

As long as our planet disconnections and their injuries exist, we can’t stop the mistreatment and pain that they inflict. Mentoring Revolutionary Wisdom enables us to make a profound contribution in this regard. Its 54-sense, methods and materials enable our every thought and relationship to create time and space for the self-correcting recycling powers of Earth to heal itself and us.



The Expedition has the advantage of tying all its participants in on a homeostatic “expedition rope.” On the website, each person and their mentoring skills will be depicted as a strand of the rope.

Scientifically, the life of the rope takes itself where it can best survive, attraction by attraction, while supporting each person on it as their natural attractions can best support it.

The revolutionary wisdom art and science of the rope is congruent with way Nature and the plant, animal, mineral and attraction energy kingdoms of the web of life work, moment by moment. It is a simultaneous unity where all things are the singular essence of the life of Nature.

The expedition rope is Nature’s Unified Field attracting us and our social skills and stories to be a supportive part of it rather than to excessively exploit it. The rope helps us do this in ways that include humanity’s unique ability to tell and hear stories that empower us to live in and sustain the natural world. Our literacy is absent in the rest of life of Earth. We are Earth’s literacy. Stories that disconnect us from this fact are fantastic fiction. They dangerously produce misleading information that creates destructive side effects.

The intense story that the expedition rope uses empowers each member’s greatest trustable truth (GTT) to co-mentor Revolutionary Wisdom via GreenWave-54. (www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html).

The expedition’s goal is to attract people to beneficially add Revolutionary Wisdom to their life and livelihood. This is the critical, presently missing, link in the “normal”way we learn to think, feel and act.


Does it help to formalize the Expedition, as below?


The Revolutionary Wisdom GTT Expedition

To co-mentor the art and science of Revolutionary Wisdom that enables the 54-sense, non-verbal voice of Nature’s unified field to tell its story in authentic words that evoke real-life acts.

|1. To create and sustain a website on behalf of Nature’s Unified Field (UFC) that enables the truth of genuine human contact with the UFC in a natural area to be available to the public through stories and media including the internet.

  1. To tie all expedition participants on a homeostatic “Revolutionary Wisdom expedition rope” that takes itself and them to where the rope can best survive, attraction by attraction, while supporting each person on it as their attractions support it.
  2. To benefit from the ability of each expedition member’s fiduciary commitment to unite with the attraction desires and relationships of each person and the rope so they may cooperatively accomplish the expedition’s purpose to the benefit of all.
  3. To help the public become aware of Revolutionary Wisdom facts of life they have been taught to overlook.



The lifecycles of Nature and Earth have the homeostatic ability to organize, generate and sustain optimums of balanced life, diversity, cooperation, fairness, peace and beauty. They accomplish this without producing our garbage, pollution, abusiveness and war.

Evidence based thinking and relating validate that Humanity evolved a unique asset for survival in and as the life of our planet. We are literate. We have the ability to understand, tell and relate through stories that help us act appropriately for the continued existence of ourselves and our planetary life-support system. We share these stories with each other so we can accurately gather, hunt and endure peacefully as coordinated individuals, tribes or societies.

Our story ability includes hunting and gathering scientifically valid information to appropriately guide our high tech science-based, indoor, contemporary lives and responsibly sustain well-being.

There is no evidence that, except for us, any other part or member of Earth’s web-of-life has the ability to tell and understand our literate stories, name and symbols.

When we emotionally attach to inaccurate stories we create, they disconnect us from and kill, abuse or injure Nature’s balance and beauty around, in and as us. The rest of life suffers because its non-literate ways are vulnerable to our stories as they excessively injure, conquer or assault the web of life.   We suffer accordingly because our body mind and spirit are part of Earth’s life.

Today, our excessive and inappropriate stories are rapidly destroying global and human life. This creates the abuse, problems and miseries that are increasing and that we can’t stop.

Invoking Revolutionary Wisdom as a remedial tool empowers us to halt this catastrophe. It helps us co-mentor ourselves and others to master its 54 sense methods and materials and thereby add its benefits to all aspects of our lives as well as co-mentor others to do the same. To omit the truths and process of Revolutionary Wisdom from our thinking or relationships shamefully supports our suicidal madness, ethics and morality.

The core, undisputed, scientific truth of Revolutionary Wisdom is that since the beginning of time or before, natural attraction, the essence of love, has been conscious of what it is attracted to. At any given moment, our 54 natural senses can accurately register this occurring in a natural area.

Because, 13.8 billion years ago, natural attraction love was attracted to manifest and experience itself as materials and energy, it birthed itself as the life of Nature’s Big Bang Universe. This included the love of its Unified Field to survive by building the attractive, time and space of our Universe, moment after moment, including this instant.  This phenomenon includes Nature’s love, right now, to manifest, express and uniquely sustain itself as each of us in 54 natural sensory ways.

Scientifically inaccurate stories are fabrications that disconnect our 54 natural attraction senses from a love of life that we share with Nature’s Unified Field. These false tales produce runaway side effects that abuse, wound and deteriorate the life of Earth’s love to live, in and around us. A special Revolutionary Wisdom remedy for this painful disaster produces a Greatest Trustable Truth (GTT) story and world-wide expedition.  In reconnects our 54 senses to the self-correcting powers of Einstein’s Unified Field in authentic natural areas. The mentors’ and expedition’s knowledge and energies constantly support people engaged in applying Revolutionary Wisdom by co-mentoring it. See www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf

How to Liberate your Natural Essence (LNE)
Revolutionary Wisdom (RW)
Reconnecting With Nature (RWN)

Co-Mentors can profitably sell hard copies of LNE and RW to those that they independently mentor and be remunerated for their independent co-mentoring services


ECO 500A one credit
ECO 800UF five credits including ECO 501