Embrace and share the heartfelt natural area organics of Psychology, Eco-Arts Therapy and Gaia-science holism that protect our threatened rights to person/planet life. As a fiduciary increase by 850% evidence-based person/planet climates, well-being and healing through critical social technology management partners, internships, tools and humanistic Applied Ecopsychology training, courses, certificates and degrees. <ecopsych.com/gttspacetime>
Project NatureConnect
Friendly scientific answers that we learn to ignore to the critical questions we are afraid to ask.
www.ecopsych.com <nature@interisland.net>
360-378-6313 www.ProjectNatureConnect.org .
The Joy of Organic Arts and Science: Remedy the Core of What Ails Us. How to Benefit from the Now of Spacetime Wisdom via 54 Felt-Sense Contacts With the Whole Life Truth of a Natural Area, Your Pet or a Friend.
The greatest trustable truth (GTT) in your life is the truth that you are reading these words and they hide your greatest trustable truth (GTT) from you.
Do you really know the greatest truth in you life that you can trust? It is not God, Nature, Love or Honesty. (You can learn and use your GTT in seven minutes by phoning us. Call 360-378-6313)
The questions on this page help you identify your GTT and beneficially apply it. Your GTT 850% greater protects you and yours from the increasingly life-threatening lies that break the world apart around, in and as us while they increase Earth Misery Climates.
By omitting our GTT, since 1974 our civilization’s lies and prejudicial war against Nature’s life has created personal and global climates that today, on average, suffer a 48% loss of wildlife and natural resources. This alarming deficit in these climates is accompanied by a 45% increase in mental illness, obesity, climate change, oceanic oxygen depletion, loneliness, atmospheric carbon, mass shootings and excessive stress.
The stress alone has increased corruption, child abuse, unhappiness, mistrust, unfairness, political and economic extremes, destructive cravings, dependencies, addictions and many other disorders. Worse still, we presently can’t stop creating more of the same lethal climates, moment-by-moment. Without invoking a GTT remedy, Earth Misery Climates are a death trap that violates our personal and international rights to life.
Can you be honest about the pain we endure? Look around. You know it’s true. Without GTT, just one “incorrect” word or punctuation mark can ignite anguish, violence and destruction. Our GTT-disconnected lives are now paper thin.
Are you aware that we need to hook up with another planet half the size of Earth to replenish what today’s cravings make us overuse? Nobody knows where that other planet is located no less how to connect with it. Meanwhile, without our GTT we spend over 99% of our lifetime ignorantly out of tune with Nature’s wisdom around, in and as us. This makes us ignore that things in Nature are in mutually supportive and balanced attraction. Everything is attached and belongs so Nature doesn’t create garbage, abuse, or war. We suffer our excessive detachment from the natural world.
What we felt-sense think and do while we become each moment of our life either increases or reverses our suicidal Earth Misery Climate deficit. We best reduce it by invoking our GTT. It helps us as fiduciary’s to more powerfully implement present and future disorder remedies by 850% as it reduces apathy and improves relationships by using our 54-senses, not just five of them.
Without our GTT we remain locked in our Earth Misery Climate lies. Until this changes, it makes the well-being we envision just another delusion.
- Nature consists of becoming life without words.
- Our Civilization consists of words. They govern how we think, feel and relate personally and collectively. Sadly, our words usually omit that 1) The basics of our Civilization identify Nature as savagery or barbarism that we must fear and eliminate and 2) they omit that we are part of Nature and vice-versa. What our civilization’s words do to Nature, they also do to us.
- The lies in our civilized story about Nature war with and abusively injure the life of our planet, including us. This creates destructive, illegal outcomes everywhere.
- Our Ego is our civilized story about itself, about who we are and what we do individually and collectively. This includes that we destroy Nature’s beautiful dance of life that is also our life-dance. Sadly, our Ego denies this appalling short-circuit out of its shame for creating and participating in our uncivilized Earth Misery Climate behaviors.
- The Great Trustable Truth (GTT) of the organics presented on this webpage is a remedy for our lies. It begins with the GTT that you and your Ego are reading these words right now while they cover up your GTT so you don’t know what it is. Do you know it? It is not God, Nature, Love or Honesty. It’s scientifically irrefutable but it’s not Science.
WHY DON’T CIVILIZATIONS LAST? A Civilization usually declines because its words substitute for how Nature works and there is no substitute for non-verbal Nature dancing its balanced and beautiful purity. A civilization’s inaccurate stories about Nature’s limits mislead it to overuse or toxically abuse Nature.
Today we live in a physical and emotional deficit. Through our advanced technologies, the finite Nature that we are using up is our planet, the life of Earth. We daily civilize out of our thinking how its impeccable wisdom works and we suffer this loss accordingly.
Moment by moment, we omit our spacetime GTT self-truth from our thoughts and relationships so we end up chasing our tail seeking answers to problems that our GTT omission creates.
WHY IS OUR WORLD BREAKING? Today we and our planet are in pain from the Earth Misery Climate lies of our society as it eviscerates Nature’s dance. We need to use our Greatest Trustable Truth (GTT) to help us stop our lies from breaking the world.
WHY DO WE FEEL POWERLESS? Most people hurt and are hurtful because they don’t know or experience the healing ways of their Greatest Trustable Truth (GTT) in their life. In addition, out of anxiety and mistrust they don’t want to know it. That keeps them helpless and lets our deterioration increase. This page is a remedy for that GTT disorder.
WHAT IS OUR GREATEST TRUTH? That you are reading these words is the greatest truth in your life that you can trust and it is not Nature, God, Love or Honesty.
WHY IS OUR GREATEST TRUTH WORTH KNOWING? Do you know what your greatest trustable truth is? Without it, you are vulnerable and unnecessarily suffer no less perpetrate many hurtful lies.
HOW CAN I LEARN MY GTT RIGHT NOW? Beneficially authenticate your GTT by calling 360-378-6313 or first explore it, below.
HOW CAN I STOP OUR DESTRUCTIVE RELATIONSHIPS? Enjoy the heartfelt, GTT of Nature-connected psychology and relationships in natural areas. It increases mental health and 54-sense, whole-life well-being.
Ecopsychology in Action: online training courses, certificates, degrees, association.
- Validate and improve the GTT of your life by becoming it.
- Create heart-centered moments in natural areas that let Nature heal you and the world as only it can.
- Invoke your core GTT reality: transform your challenges into attractive strengths.
www/ProjectNatureConnect.org ……www.ecopsych.com/orient.html
HOW CAN I REDUCE EARTH MISERY CLIMATES? Learn how to stop the prejudice of our education’s unjust shortcomings from enlisting us in its hurtful war against Nature
WHY ARE WE AT RISK? Due to a scientific shortcoming, in 1974 the life of our Planet, including us, could not recover from our civilization’s abusive overuse of the web-of-life as an economic resource. Every year since then, Earth’s ability to replenish its life has further diminished. It’s down almost 50% now and counting.
HOW CAN I BE SURE MY LIFE IS TRUE? Because it is GTT self-evident accurate that you are reading these words and I am writing them, it is true that you and I exist and are as alive as Earth’s “web-of-life”, its plant-animal-mineral-energy community that includes us. This fact-based GTT way that we can learn to know the world from direct experience has built our technology-advantaged life, from our sub-atomic skills to our computers, arts, rockets and beyond.
WHAT MAKES MY LIFE SO CHALLANGING? Sadly, and to our harm, without GTT, since 1948 the biased way our civilized education teaches us to apply objective science has made it a runaway weapon that breaks the world including you and I. Science’s prejudiced against nature shortcomings create misguided and excessive artificialities whose side effects wound Nature’s life around, in and as us.
WHAT CAN I DO TO STOP OUR MISGUIDED WAYS? Help transform your and our lies into the GTT of our planet’s unconditional love.
If you sense that there are wonderful truths of your life that are missing from your relationships, delight as you organically identify and strengthen them here via your GTT and help others do the same while your stress subsides.
Are you distraught from being at odds with yourself or from contemporary life’s trespasses including our war with Nature?
This page is the supportive home of the greatest scientific truth in your life that you can trust and that truth is not God, Nature, Love or Honesty.
WHY ARE WE SO VULNERABLE TO LIES? Most people don’t know or appreciate what their GTT is. Do you?
“That you are involved with this sentence is your greatest trustable truth and it is not God, Nature, Love or Honesty. What is it?’
No matter how adept or brilliant you are, if you don’t know this fundamental GTT reality, your thinking, senses and feelings can’t be sure if anything else is true or right for you or the world. Scientifically, you can’t find your essence and, sadly, this loss of our natural inborn authenticity is all too common. Ungrounded, it leaves us isolated and wanting from Earth Misery Climates.
Without being in real-life contact with your GTT you become a victim of the lies and corruption we create. Do you sense that you have lost contact with informed and safe stability? Don’t you feel vulnerable to relationships and materials that unjustly deceive or violate you and the world including “lesser civilized people’s”?
HOW CAN I REDUCE MY SUSCEPTIBILITY TO LIES? Learn to apply the 54/felt-sense, Climate Therapy remedy for this catastrophic Earth Misery Climate ailment that most of us suffer. Discover and embrace your Greatest Trustable Truth (GTT). Invoke it. Add it to anything and watch things improve by 850%.
WHY DO I HAVE TO MAKE AUTHENTIC GTT CONTACTS? If you never tasted an Ackee fruit, no description here will tell you exactly how it tastes or smells so that you can positively identify it blindfolded. You can best GTT know a real Ackee by experiencing it. Anything else could mislead you. The same authenticity is true with your personal GTT. It is an evidence-based story that only you can experience. Our education and counseling omits teaching it, that’s why you are not sure of it. It can’t be learned from written words because they hide it. All of us need accurate, felt-sense human interaction to know our GTT and enjoy its benefits. Get to know your GTT in five minutes, free. 360-378-6313. Then you can offer this same happy tool to others, too.
HOW CAN MY GTT HELP ME? It enables you to stop misleading yourself and others with the misguided forces that produce today’s disasters because we learn to ignore our GTT. (Affirm your GTT now, add it to your life. Read Mike Cohen’s interview and/or call him at 360-378-6313. Get funded for helping people benefit from their 54/felt-sense GTT natural wisdom.) .
When we don’t know our GTT reality we can’t use it to reduce the runaway personal, social and environmental troubles of today’s world. Implementing our GTT best solves our problems because it is our omission of our GTT that causes them.
WHAT IS SPACETIME GTT? “GTT” is spacetime true only in the moment as is demonstrated by this “GTT” being different and more accurate than the one at this sentence’s beginning. Note that the space and time of the second GTT is different than the first one……and now this one: GTT.
IS THE GTT OF SPACETIME ORGANIC? Yes. It is Nature beginning to wordlessly organize, perpetuate and grow life moment by moment.
WHY IS SPACETIME IMPORTANT? From or before the birth of our Universe, Nature, as it does this moment, has consisted of its wordless attraction or love to begin life. Its organics constantly make the space and time for life to diversify, procreate and exist in the now of every moment. You know this is true because you are experiencing it. You are not the same as you were at the beginning of this sentence. Significantly, only your name has not changed.
Spacetime was scientifically validated in 1925 and has been continually reaffirmed as the Standard Universe of today. It is considered Albert Einstein’s jewel, a masterpiece that culminates millennia of investigation that let us understand how the universe works, including us.
HOW DOES NATURE HOLD ITSELF TOGETHER In the spacetime now of life, the existence of anything is attached across the eons by natural attraction energy “love” connections to a thing’s past and to future existence. That unified essence is part of the now of every moment. Its natural attraction energy fills “empty” space so there is no such thing as empty.
HOW DOES SPACETIME EXIST? In the now of life, the essence of everything grows into and becomes the immediate space and time of the web-of-life’s plant, animal, mineral and energy kingdoms. Everything survives by continually becoming this spacetime growth process.
WHY DOES SPACETIME UNIFY THINGS? In the now, the essence of everything, including our 54-sense thoughts, feelings and relationships, are attracted to be a unified and identical spacetime oneness of all. It is only our over-civilized story and label way of knowing that destructively separates things.
HOW ARE ALL THINGS RELATED? They are all attraction-energy/love attached. If we labeled them scientifically the last name of everything, including us, would be “Spacetime.”
WHEN DOES SPACETIME HEAL? The now of your spacetime GTT composts and restores things through the unifying purity of genuinely nature-connected, 54-sense relationships. Their fairness and balance are the essence of economic, social and environmental justice.
WHY DO WE DESTROY NATURE? The spacetime of Nature is only attracted to things that make supportive connections with it. Our lies remain lies because their words refute this truth. Instead, they excessively make our stories change Nature’s life into money and what it can buy.
HOW IS SPACETIME ORGANIC? Our GTT lets us felt-sense experience that the life of the natural world is organic. In the now, Nature attractively organizes, perpetuates and corrects itself to produce its pure and peaceful ways. It loves to enjoy its optimums of life and diversity whose balance, beauty and cooperation don’t create garbage, abusiveness or war.
WHY WAS SPACETIME CIVILIZED? Approximately 150,000 years ago, Nature loved us into becoming our form of humanity. To our advantage, we alone could survive by knowing and relating to the world through labels and stories about ourselves and our relationships. The stories acted like beneficial maps of a familiar natural area. However, in new and different climates and places these stories were not accurate about how Nature’s homeostasis worked there so they misled us, as they mislead us today, including our Ego.
HOW DID SPACETIME BECOME TOXIC? To survive in new places, humanity replaced its outdated Nature-connecting stories with new survival stories that we continue to create and impose. Our Ego, our prime story about ourselves, became its “civilized” stories about how Nature should work for our survival. When they omit our GTT they are scientifically inaccurate and we suffer from our Ego’s excessive need to be “right” and tame Nature accordingly, around and as us. As too many of us know, this process is often abusive and it makes us abuse others to avoid experiencing our pain. Otherwise we tend to addictively tranquilize it or become co-dependent on others.
WHY IS SPACETIME GTT HONEST? Our GTT stories are scientifically accurate because they reject the mystical and supernatural since the latter are not evidence-based, 54-sense existential or repeatable. To Nature, our Ego and its stories about how our story-world can survive is a stranger with foreign language ways that excessively war against Nature. Nature, today, could accurately claim excessively civilized people are pirates or criminals.
WHY ARE OUR STORIES ALWAYS WRONG? With respect to Nature, our Ego is always warped because our Ego is a story and Nature isn’t one. Instead, Nature is real life becoming itself without using words. Our Ego always lives and promotes its story warp. Fortunately, when it creates the time and space to include our GTT, its story becomes evidence based and honestly corrects its warp so it no longer misleads us. That’s the goal of applying our GTT once we know it.
WHY DOES OUR EGO CAUSE PROBLEMS? Because our Ego story has an ego problem. Its “foreign power” ability to replace Nature tells itself it is our technology-successful “King of the world”. It attaches itself (54-sense bonds itself) to its false story that says it is more intelligent that Nature’s organic, non-story eons of pure and balanced relationships and it believes its false story that Nature was created to support humanity. Those prejudicial ego bonds do not change easily.
HOW DOES SENSORY NATURAL AREA CONTACT CORRECT OUR EGO? Fortunately, Nature’s spacetime, wordless attractions consciously unify all of life in natural areas. There, as Nature’s life grows increasingly diverse it strengthens it self-correcting balance and beauty, moment-by-moment. This includes our Ego when we are in a natural area. That now experience becomes the next GTT spacetime moment so its benefits can continue as guided by our GTT. Via our GTT, In imagination and reality we return to our the core of our origins before we were excessively civilized into Earth Misery Climates.
HOW DOES OUR EGO GET OUT OF DENIAL? Our GTT applauds our Ego for reasonably including our GTT while in a natural area. This reward minimizes our ego’s otherwise resistant shame or fear of wrongdoing. Natural areas provide the space for our ego to be proud to recognize that its ability to tell GTT stories loves to reasonably survive as a supportive part of Nature’s love for our humanistic consciousness and relationships that it begins every moment.
WHY CAN’T WE LEARN OUR GTT FROM THIS PAGE? Because we are not in spacetime together. I’m writing it at a different time than you are reading it so it could be the place but not the time. That’s easily correctable in the space and time of a short phone call. Hopefully you have not been so overcivilized that you are now dumbed-down to reject your universal spacetime GTT that you were naturally born knowing. But if so, don’t worry; “it’s normal” as our increasing Earth Misery Climates demonstrate.😫 360-378-6313
SUMMARY: Today’s excessively civilized Ego story must include its/our GTT. This authenticity works because in a natural area we can integrate there with attraction being the essence of love and Nature loving to become life. That helps our Ego include our GTT attraction being conscious of what it is mutually beneficial attracted to so it supports life’s beauty, balance and purity everywhere.
WHAT MOTIVATES OUR GTT TO KEEP WORKING? In a natural area, your Greatest Trustable Truth (GTT) is always a genuine green hug, blessing or information to help each of your life relationships. This is because, in spacetime, you connect with their pure, non-story origins there in the now. In return, each natural area attraction gives you a bigger hug of the eons, be it from the life of a rock or flower or the life of the wind, hills and stars.
HOW DOES YOUR GTT HEAL THE WORLD? Happily, your GTT empowers you and yours with a heartening scientific tool. This unique social technology helps you become, invoke and benefit from your GTT, anytime, anywhere. In the authentic space of a natural area its unconditional love eco-arts help you liberate the GTT of your natural essence so you can best correct and heal yourself and the world.
WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP? Fortify your spirit. Learn to create spectacular heartfelt moments in natural areas that convert our problems into the regenerative beauty and joy of undeniable truths there, truths that our civilization suppresses in us. Live in peaceful GTT balance with Nature’s beauty, around, in and as you.
HOW CAN I CREATE UNITY? Organic Science works! Let its sun shine in. Win awards for your ethical and moral desires to make time and space for Climate Therapy GTT to organically create wellness through unifying, person/planet, GTT interactions. The GTT bliss of pure and passionate, now facts prevents and heals our destructive relationship disconnections. In a natural area, this enables you to create 54/felt-sense GTT contacts with spacetime Nature, the fountainhead of authority in how it organizes, unifies and heals itself and us.
IS OUR GTT SIGNIFACENT? Adding Climate Therapy GTT to our relationships is essential for ending our snowballing person/planet miseries. It increases well-being through Project NatureConnect’s Nobel-prize eligible Organic Psychology methods and materials. I have long been identified as a maverick genius and distinguished world citizen for creating and sharing them for 55 years.
ARE EDUCATORS GTT-NEGLIGENT? Most research confirms what we worry about. Our personal, social and environmental world is breaking. This suicidal tragedy occurs because higher education’s dominant Ivory Tower is honored and paid to bond 18,000 hours of our impressionable childhood years to the Ivory Tower’s misleading half-truths about Nature. Add 5,000 hours for an excessively Nature-disconnected college degree.
– I·vo·ry Tow·er: an attitude of aloofness from or disdain or disregard for worldly or practical affairs, a state of privileged seclusion or separation from facts.
– Ac·a·dem·ic: very learned but inexperienced in practical matters
Note that in real life, Ivory Tower unscientific half-truths become powerful lies that wound us and the natural world.
WHAT IS THE IRREPLACEABLE VALUE OF NATURAL AREAS? Fortunately, the Ivory Tower does not rule in our planet’s natural areas and their wisdom. With joy, in the now we can visit them and 54-sense learn from mutually compassionate interactions and integration with their eons of self-organized life experience, backyard or back country. As we reasonably bathe and become literate in their organic intelligence there, our relationships include and benefit from that momentous GTT space and time..
WHY DOES MY GTT WORK? Your GTT works because its evidence-based facts include 54-sense interlacing with nature’s “Tree of Life“ as it non-verbally grows around, in and as us. Our GTT helps us weed-out (deduct) our stories that excessively disconnect us from the Tree. In a natural area, the Tree’s unadulterated spacetime truth is always available to 54-sense ground us and help us compost the Ivory Tower’s shortcomings that we endure, into love.
HAVE I BEEN SOCIALIZED INTO GROWING UP ABSURD? To your harm, didn’t your Ivory Tower childhood education habituate you to overlook your personal GTT? Do you know for certain the greatest truth of your life that you can trust and it’s not Nature, God, Love or Honesty? I know my GTT and because I do I know yours, too. That’s how GTT unifies and increases well-being. In spacetime it is the same for both of us and everything else, too.
WHY IS OUR GTT NECESSARY? Without our GTT, too often we can’t tell fact from fiction so we become victims of misleading distortions and agonize from their Earth Misery Climate conflicts, lies, abuse, pain, stress and corruption.
WHO DISCOVERED OUR GTT AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE? I don’t know or trust our civilization’s story or history about GTT if one exists. However, because I experienced and validated it for 35 years, and in 2000 AD made it public, I know the spacetime truth about the who, what, where, and how, when and why of our GTT.
WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OUR GTT AS A STORY? As an advanced degree scientist, in 1965 I chanced upon the fundamental source of GTT while exploring the Grand Canyon Wilderness of Arizona, USA. Grounded there, rather than bewildered by Ivory Tower influences, several scientific facts made me recognize Nature (capital N, the Universe/Nature/Earth/Canyon), was as alive as you and me. My previous 24 years of Ivory Tower education had never taught me this obvious fact of life: “If Nature or Earth dies, we die, so it must be alive.”
Because, like anybody else, I was positive I was alive and existed, out of curiosity my critical thinking asked Nature there (the unifying spacetime life energy of Pachamama, the Universe-Cosmos-Nature-Earth-Humanity) “How does your life differ from mine?”
The answer was soon self-evident: Our lives are one-in-the-same EXCEPT that the life of Nature cannot speak or relate through stories. Only humanity has this geologically recent language advantage for our survival. Today, this is no secret. The Lorax made it clear to the world six years later when in 1971 he said “I speak for the trees.”
HOW DO WE KNOW NATURE IS NON-LITERATE? No evidence-based information before or since my canyon visit has ever disputed this “non-language,” whole life truth of Nature. That silhouettes our core problem. “Civilization is the stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained” Unless it is corrected by our GTT, our civilization is a story-telling foreigner whose unscientific stories often war with or abusively tame our inborn nature so it is disturbed.
Nature is non-verbal. You can trust this fact. Do you know anything in Nature’s life that senses, thinks feels, articulates or relates through word-story language, other than humanity? Congrats, neither does the Ivory Tower. You get an “A” in self-evident existentialism. 😊
To its credit, evidence-based research in the Ivory Tower shows that since the Universe’s Big Bang birth 13.8 billion years ago, Nature’s life has survived without creating stories that disconnect it from the wisdom of its integrity.
Stories only came into being 150,000 years ago with our humanity. They are a foreign language to the natural world and excessively conquer it by “improving it and us” without the ability to stop on a global level. Nature can’t survive with us when our untruthful or prejudicial stories induce us to excessively conquer it so we suffer accordingly. Our omission of our GTT creates this profound short circuit Earth Misery Climate because our non-GTT stories have knowingly led us to excessively exploit Nature, injure it, and not stop doing this. And since what I am writing here is a story it is not GTT until it connects with other folks in a natural area to scientifically validate itself.
HOW CAN I VALIDATE MY GTT? Since Nature’s life is story-less, it means that our personal lives are the following two different realities in any given moment:
ONE, Nature: our natural, unifying, 54-sense, biological, non-story way of sensing, knowing and relating.
and simultaneously
TWO, our socialized, artificial, excessively nature-disconnected story way of relating that we are early-childhood educated to know so we can beneficially relate to the world in our society’s language including its destructive bias and war with Nature.
Think. Validate. Aren’t you both of them right now?
Reason. When our excessively nature-disconnected stories misguide, abuse or irritate our natural senses, doesn’t the discomfort influence how we think, feel and relate? For example, decide to pinch yourself too hard. Doesn’t your pain attract you to change your thinking and stop?
Act. As long as we know what our GTT is, -and it’s not Nature, God, Love or Honesty-, we can ask it to find reasonable solutions for whatever hurtful situation we are in. Do you think it makes sense to know your GTT?.
HAS OUR GTT BEEN SCIENTIFICALLY VALIDATED? A published, double-blind, peer-reviewed scientific article that confirms and authenticates our GTT Climate Therapy tool is available at www.ecopsych.com/66IJMRA-11682.pdf.
WHAT IS THE SOURCE AND RESOLUTION OF CONFLICTS? In any given moment, knowing ourselves as the multi-sensory life of Nature along with a story that excessively disconnects us from Nature tears apart our 54-sense social and biological integrity. Without our GTT, the duality of this conflicting identity phenomenon abusively creates the stressful, cubby-holed and clashing views, corruption and worries that we suffer, including war.
IS OUR EDUCATION SENSIBLE? We are distressed and polarized victims of stories that make us war against Nature, each other and ourselves and lastingly hurt our natural “inner child”, the wilderness within us. Our education’s undue prejudice against nature abusively conquers our inherent, unifying attraction truths about Nature’s/our life. This injures our planet-womb and that injures us. Since 1948, the Ivory Tower has been aware of its destructive Earth Misery Climates consequence and still omits our GTT. Is that sensible? Our GTT blends our conflicting cubbyholes into the spacetime unity of now.
HOW WAS OUR GTT DISCOVERED? Following its expedition-education 7-year pilot project, in its 1968 catalog the PNC Trailside Country School program concluded “We believe the human race has lost its way. The road upward from the savage does not necessarily lead to the cluttered, materialistic and, at times, desperate life that we presently live. To find the right road the school must return its participants and itself in reality as well as in imagination to the origins. From them one might go forward again in a truly civilized, not a merely artificial, way of life.”
On average, the Ivory Tower socializes our GTT to spend more than 99% of our lifetime out of tune with the wonders of Nature’s wordless wisdom in our genetics and in natural areas, including our pets or potted plants. This hurtful estrangement addictively obscures, abandons or abuses our natural self-worth. It leaves us emotionally and spiritually wanting and when we want there is never enough.
Our induced, nature-deficit desires and greed makes us continually hunger for greater GTT love, safety and satisfactions. We felt-sense need to replace their loss that results from our excessive nature-disconnections and our omission of our GTT remedy for this situation.
If we don’t create moments that make space for appropriate fulfillments through heartful GTT contact with Nature, our unhappy “abandonment” from Nature victimizes us to addictively overuse our satisfying “natural resources” in order to gain our missing fulfillments. However, these “resources” are also Nature’s physiology, metabolism, energy, and spirit, and its life is our life. Our overuse abuses and desensitizes us, so our runaway wants create Earth Misery Climates.
We sense and feel anxiety from our loss of planet support but we learn to know it as part of our “God-given” or “constitutional” right or freedom and depend upon hope, not GTT, to correct it. This is not working and its getting very late. Moment-by-moment, we and our world are increasingly separating from Nature’s supportive balance and reliability. This deadly shortfall is the hidden source of today’s resource-deficit and Earth Misery Climates.
HOW CAN I HELP REDUCE EARTH MISERY CLIMATES? Don’t let the Ivory Tower continue to half-truth fool you. Our centuries of becoming its non-GTT knowledge is making us create our bewildered (wilderness-severed) predicaments. Statistics show that, today, the more our heartfelt livelihoods and interactions don’t benefit from our GTT, the more our lives are troubled.
WHY IS GTT CRUCIAL? Your 54-sense GTT is immediately available in a natural area because Nature is the wellspring of expertise in how and why its perfections work around, in and as you. That GTT enables you to think like Nature’s self-correcting ways operate healthfully in your body, mind and spirit. The latter include our genetics for cooperation and peace that we inherit from our ancestor’s millions of years of “uncivilized” life as they lived their way in unified balance with Nature.
IS NOW MY LIFE’S MOMENT OF TRUTH? ( ) GTT or ( ) Non-GTT. Which side is your Ego on?
“How misled or isolated do I choose to continue to be?”
“Do I reasonably believe we can remedy what ails our person/planet life if without our GTT our science continues to be prejudicially at war with Nature and winning it?”
THE ANSWER: Only your GTT knows for sure.
Do you think our subsidized Project NatureConnect GTT Climate Therapy fiduciary partnering, internships, activities, articles, interviews, books, grants, courses and degree training programs can enhance your life and relationships to become GTT? Help Wanted.
I am putting together a list of folks who know their GTT and as fiduciaries can support each other and Nature in reducing Earth Misery Climates, no matter their other story “differences”. Feel free to call me to learn how you and yours can get on the list and as a coalition cooperatively strengthen your GTT, benefit from the Organic Psychology of Climate Therapy, and help others do the same. 360-378-6313.
Do you sense that your discomfort from your life’s omission of GTT may stop you from calling? Have fun instantly eliminating that destructive short circuit. Safely revel in your amazing GTT scientific advantage: you can always hang up. 😊
Why do you think you may not call?
Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D.
www.Project NatureConnect.org
Can the truth of our high tech, mind-reading, online camera help you find what we all need?
- Cannon, W.B. (1932)). The Wisdom of the Body.NY: W. W. Norton. [Online] Available:
• Cohen, M. J. (1983). Prejudice Against Nature: [Online] Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/prejudicebigotry.html
• Cohen, M. J. (1993) The training ground of a nature-connected expert. (2014). [Online] Available:http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html
• Cohen, M. J. (1994) The ways and means of Expedition Education. [Online]
Available: www.ecopsych.com/journalexpeditionedu.html
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Spacetime examine all the parts of this wisdom indicator circle. See if the false story, “That you naturally need to make it dance in the now,” makes it quiver. Can you do things like blinking you eyes to make it shake? If so, you may be eligible to participate in Organic Psychology’s GTT Climate Therapy shake-up to increase personal, social and environmental well-being. Can you reasonably trust anything that is not GTT active? Your GTT can easily activate it.

“To be GTT or Earth Misery?” That is the question.
Thanks for your visit and interest.