Nature Connected Psychology

Project NatureConnect Project NatureConnect     Ecopsychology in Action
Accredit or Fund Your Life Experience and Training



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enter site Help let the Earth Save Us: Its Unifying Essence is a
Therapeutic Conflict Resolution Tool

Advance your goals by having them also be an advanced tool for resolving conflicts between our head and heart as well as globally…since they are a single life.

[Therapy, certificate, internship, course, degree, or livelihood] that promotes justice and increases personal, social, and environmental well-being.  

here The Pristine Truth is that UNDENIABLY YOU ARE ALIVE AND READING THESE WORDS HERE AND NOW. The essence of this absolute and trustable fact is also true for anything else you or others do. It is a potent remedy for the lies and scams that surround and injure us

see As an add-on, Pristine Truth can be an enjoyable, local or distant, five-minute or days-long, therapeutic “vacation.”   

It steeps us in Nature’s self-correcting beauty and go to link healing energies, any time, any place, cost-free, alone or with friends, or as a livelihood.

This newly activated and validated Nature-Connected Psychology tool is the missing, but practical solution and prevention for the central cause of today’s environmental and mental health catastrophes.

The tool’s Pristine Truth Ecopsychology values and accredits your strongest interests and know-how. Therapeutically, it helps you use them to increase personal, social and environmental well-being.
Application for funding, participation and projects  

Pristine Truth welcomes your experiences, source url good or bad because they are authentic facts that offset the sea of falsehoods increasingly breaking apart our lives and the world. 

Project NatureConnect financially supports you achieving what’s best for your life and all of life. As a hobby or formal education, you simply add to those things our accreditation or training, certification, funding, internship or degree in Applied Ecopsychology.
Application for funding, participation and projects

Our program’s unique and grounding Pristine Truth and Natureness eco-arts are trustable applications of any skill or talent. Hands-on, they let your passions become relations that remedy the love-deficient source of our society’s mayhem in and around us. 

Our Pristine Truth Website includes a significant events proclamation (
Application for funding, participation and projects Do you think the following makes sense?

Pristine Truth and Natureness work by creating spacetime moments in natural areas that let Earth teach. They transform today’s personal or global disasters into nature’s balancing attraction to love our life and all of life into being and beautifully sustain it, moment by moment.  

By participating in the established arts of pristine science, you reduce the isolation, abuse, and abandonment that we suffer as our conflicts cripple nature’s self-correcting flow through us and all things.

The only prerequisites are your curiosity, your love for nature and justice, and your desire to make a difference.

Enjoy what you are attracted to do as you read the celebrated International Journal of Ecopsychology legacy article Pristine Truth Ecopsychology: the Natureness Remedy, by Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D. You can download it right now.

source site Contact Project NatureConnect 360-378-6313

Please be aware that our society is mired in a suicidal war with Nature. This fundamental clash catastrophically spawns and feeds our increasing corruption, fears, and conflicts, within and around us. This depressing tragedy is breaking apart our lives and the world. It and we need the curative powers of a legitimate therapeutic remedy because what we have now is obviously not working.   

To directly address this disaster, Pristine Truth Ecopsychology values and accredits your heartfelt love, interests and life experiences.

END * Enroll in our Orientation Program

go here Pristine Truth opportunities. Do you value these program highlights? Project NatureConnnect is:


*  For additional information call 360-378-6313 

* Enjoy this video collection . Discover the value of  felt-sense thinking like nature works…..from the wonderful folks who do it.


Enjoy what this is all about and don’t miss our “Essence of Unity” video.

Interview video, 11 minutes 

Biographical video, 40 minutes 

Compassion video: 50 minutes 

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