Nature Lover? Help Wanted. Mentor Organic Fiduciary Community

here Petition from a Nature Lover for a PNC Mentor Application

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go Dear Project NatureConnect Community,

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go I have never been part of your program but I have read your web page at and some of its links.   I understand and agree that the world desperately needs a community of GTT nature loving fiduciaries to meet the GTT goal you describe there. I would love to join with others who are dedicated and trained to self-organize, mentor and help others mentor the GTT organic art and science of GreenWave-54 Ecopsychology. I have a knowledgeable and heartfelt desire to learn to be one of these natural area mentors.

enter Please help me convince you of my goodwill and accept this petition for your grant of $60 that covers my time and love in submitting my application to participate as a mentor in the GTT community. 

source This petition, of less that 2000 words, conveys why I am a nature lover or outdoor enthusiast along with my associated life experiences, skills, training, goals and connections. I know that I can contribute to my integrity and my GTT so that it increases personal, social and environmental well-being. Please consider my background and intentions and forward me the Application Form along with a $60 grant to complete it. I’d be happy to contact you further to help you determine if or how I could strengthen the goals and welfare of the GTT community and vice-versa.

go to link Signed  

go Contact information: Please submit your petition to PNC enter site as an email or as a Word or pdf attachment. It may be read or quoted anonymously by GTT community members since, as part of Nature’s global life community, the group is self-organizing.

One thought on “Nature Lover? Help Wanted. Mentor Organic Fiduciary Community”

  1. I would like to thank Michael Cohen for being so, patience with me in my slow process of growth. I didn’t realize how necessary and important, that it was for me to be connected to nature, until I read my required reading a second time. It was Michael who reconnected with me out of nowhere who greeted me and welcomed me back into the fold. I feel grateful and honor to do this work. I have made this a life-long priority. I have also made it a commitment to share Eco-Psychology with my social media friends in order to mentor each of them so, that they can mentor others, then hopefully we can ride our planet of racial prejudices of indifferences. I have chosen to reconnect to the planet earth by establishing ,”New Covenants” with our animals and the planet earth. Comments are closed.