Prosecute For Justice! Defendants Hide a Great Environmental Truth. Book Review

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source url Dear Editor or Reader, In 1948 I occasionally marched, gave speeches and sang songs as part of protests that supported causes of the United World Federalists and Progressives. I did this because their platforms called for called for personal and global unity then as they do now.  For sixty-eight years, as well as centuries before, these actions for peace, justice and the environment have only made slow headway. This is because a powerful, unifying component has always been missing from them. It is outrageous that in 2016 a candidate for U. S. President bragged to the nation that he could unify us while also stating that he could kill an innocent person in full public view and still win the election. Incredibly, that candidate won.   Does it unify? How could this paradox happen? What unifying component are our protests, sciences and education still missing? Our disunity will continue to worsen as long as the organic art and science of “GreenWave-54” is omitted from our actions and personal relationships.  There is no excuse for this. GreenWave-54 is available as per the release, below.  Why not be part of the solution?  Publish its message in some form and prevent the life of Earth and us from continuing to fall apart. Help folks apply the unifying “GreenWave glue” we desperately need.  Let them know that it is available, free, online or as a softcover book from  The  new book “With Justice for All”  demonstrates that it is impossible to responsibly unify to the benefit of all without using GreenWave-54.

go Is there anyone of your acquaintence interested in reversing our personal, social and environmental dilemmas instead of continuing to just report that we have them?  Can you share this release with them so they can contribute to personal and global well-being?

watch For Peace on Earth Through Peace With Earth,

Cheap Valium Purchase Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D, Ph.D.  

follow For Immediate Release: Scientific Unification Path Validated: Politicians, Educators and Students Alerted as a Grand Jury Examines Human Rights Violations San Juan Island, WA. Jan 16, 2017,  A new book, “With Justice for All: The Investigation of a 54-Sense Organic Technology of Behavior,” gives readers and a grand jury the missing “glue” of Albert Einstein’s validated unified field that we need to interlace ourselves in unity with each other and the world.  The warrantied paperback or e-book contains the testimony of 29 witnesses in a class action suit about the violation of our constitutional rights to life and information by the U.S. Department of Education.  This violation prevents the well-being generated by unification.

follow site The grand jury probe accuses its defendants of negligence because they withhold from the public “GreenWave-54” a social technology that brings 46 unifying biological senses into play that we are presently educated to suppress. It enables us to connect all these senses to natural areas where their unifying powers are strengthened.  This enables us to reduce by 85 percent the lies, greed and madness that increasingly pull the world apart today.

In comparison to 1974, Earth is now 45 percent in natural-resource deficit each year and counting. Half the species alive in 1972 have been eradicated while mental illness has increased by half and this is true of most other disorders, too. Nobody knows the disruptive source of this catastrophe or has a cure for it because unifying GreenWave-54 information has been concealed by the defendants.

The author, Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director of Project NatureConnect who has written ten previous books on sensory organics says “This probe demonstrates to the jury and reader that the life of our planet is also our life and as we disturb it we disturb ourselves. We suffer a wide range of troubles by not thinking and relating with all 54 of our natural senses, including the prime fact that we even have 54 of them. Without using them we weaken the life and integrity of our planet and ourselves by 85 percent. This reduces our sensibility, and resilience to what ails us personally, socially and environmentally.”

‘With Justice for All’ is a 78 page, illustrated. softcover book from”, said Cohen. “However, because it makes a critical contribution, it’s text is also free, online, and as an e-book from There it includes links to how to learn, apply and teach the GreenWave-54 process independently or as part of online CEU courses and funded degree programs.  To the benefit of all of life, when it is added to our relationships or livelihood it unifies and strengthens them while it reduces budgets.”

Contact Dr. Cohen:



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Purchase With Justice For All

Order Diazepam Online Europe The Grand Jury Investigation of a 54-Sense Organic Technology of Behavior by Michael J. Cohen


This is the astounding transcript of a grand jury inquiry into how a key federal agency’s omission of Nature’s wisdom in and around us violates our constitutional and human rights. The testimony of its witnesses spotlight the politically suppressed Organic Psychology art and science of Albert Einstein’s unified field whose 54-sense, conflict resolution process is warrantied to strengthen personal, social and environmental justice and well-being by 85 percent.

May we interest you in a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review or editorial, or an interview with the author? .

Any publisher or support for this review of With Justice for All will share the Nobel Peace Prize when it is awarded to the book’s author, Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.  This will occur because based on over 51 years of research and experience his short, 78 page, non-fiction publication gives us an special organic technology of behavior, “GreenWave-54,” that we are sorely missing.

GreenWave-54 helps us resolve the great runaway mystery that presently makes the web-of-life, including humanity, increasingly fall apart and all things suffer accordingly.

In comparison to 1972 we are now 45 percent in natural-resource deficit each year and counting. Half the species alive in 1972 have been eradicated while mental illness has increased 50 percent closely followed by most other psychological disorders. Nobody knows the source of this disaster or has a cure for it simply because the remedy has been illegally withheld by the defendants in a class action suit that the book details.

This paperback and PDF consists of the sworn and referenced testimony of a federal class action grand jury metaphor. It probes into several agencies’ negligence of their duty to provide the public with the GreenWave-54 tool that we need to protect our inalienable human rights to life, information and health.

GreenWave-54 enables us to remedy today’s increasing corruption and madness. Although they are in denial of the profound effects of their irresponsibility for their omission of GreenWave-54, the defendants are charged with violating our First and Fourteenth amendment rights in all areas of endeavor.

The books methods and material’s success to date stems from its warrantied use of self-evident facts that are common knowledge and repeatable by the jury and reader at will. The illegally withheld, 54 sense, GreenWave technology that the investigation’s testimony explains helps any of us reverse our destructive socialization to ignore these self-evident facts and then, to our loss, bond or addict to less-than-adequate substitutes for them. This omission has robbed us of our inborn ability to create moments that let Earth teach us what we need to know.

The challenge to those who read or review this book is that we are all victims of GreenWave-54 omission and for this reason we may not be able to value its contribution, even though it has for years been used, certified and accredited in isolated settings. Fortunately, the book itself is a practical answer to the question, “How can a blind person see and therefore use the cure for their blindness?” It empowers clear-thinking folks to “Use a new key to their door, one that works and also repairs the key that broke the lock.” With Justice for All makes that possible. It enables a blind person to 53-sense reason where their cure is located.

Contact Michael Cohen: