Journal of Organic Psychology andNatural Attraction Ecology(OP/NAE)Project NatureConnect VOLUME 3, NUMBER 2017-2019 Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Editor |
P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA, 98250 360-378-6313 <>
This disaster occurs because in this scenario Industrial Society has not taught us that it has also invented special brakes for the car and how to apply them. For example, today, most scientists agree that Industrial Society is producing climate change and ocean deterioration yet these same scientists don’t know how or why we continue to do this or how to stop. Sadly, this shortcoming is typical of most of us and how we relate. It is what makes us produce our runaway personal, social and environmental problems. We don’t learn that GreenWave-54 is an organic technology of behavior brake, how to use it and how to integrate it into our relationships.
Select Here to start your free, immediate, personal Sensory Nature Unified Field GreenWave Inventory because you seek integrity and it’s easy to find it here in a good way. Why wouldn’t you want to do this? It is hope in action.
“Too often we learn to forget that the way and wisdom of the ages is the sun rising each morning, the stars being present at night and gravity binding us to the balanced lifeways of planetary home. Like our sensation of Thirst, that wisdom is a moment by moment, united anchor, a seamless continuum of of the eons. Learning to trust that GreenWave-54 ancient unwavering knowledge is critical for developing our resilience against addiction and for solving our other problems and disorders in a unifying way.”
– Nature as Higher Power
* Ecopsychology in Action
* Stop the Madness:
* A Grand Jury inquest:
* Albert Einstein’s quest:
* The Dire Effects:
Come out of denial: learn GreenWave-54 education, counseling and healing with Nature
Uniquely warrantied to be accurate, current and appropriate for today. Can be added to and benefit any livelihood, discipline or profession
- Qualified to include and give credit for your life experience and equivalent education.
- Online, hands-on, natural area, sensory academics that are certified organic.
- Evidence, activity and outcome-based whole-life art and science therapy that you can customize. It includes our Online Catalog and telephone support 360-378-6313.
- 54-sense truth and wellness activities in natural areas whose Unified Field attractions empower you with Nature’s wisdom.
- Fully transparent; all information is available via our homepage menu search engine
- Self-help learning by doing and teaching that you customize to your needs.
- Education with attitude that “stops the madness” of our disastrous Earth vs Story conflicts
- Free activities, grounded relationships, and internships that are subsidized.
- Nature as higher power recovery with work-study and grant funds available.
- A quantum leap into whole life health including an independent career, job or livelihood.
- A practical path to responsible passion and happiness that includes internships, job openings and transferable credit.
- The ways and means of maverick genius to integrate science and spirit using the essence of Nature’s Unified Field as your teacher and Planet Earth as your textbook.
- Inexpensive and Funded: Accredited transferable online courses $110. Degrees: 18 month Ph.D. $7800. M.S. or B.S. $6000. Use our free “Learn Now, Pay Later” plan.
Get smart. Obtain a subsidized sensory aliveness Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in conjunction with:
Applied Ecopsychology Organic Psychology |
Art Eco-therapy Massage Therapy Ecopsychology Therapist Training Hypnotherapy Wilderness Therapy Human Services Social Work Counseling TeachingLife Coaching Integral Therapy Hospice Caregiving Home Schooling Creative Writing Life Experience Naturopathy Consciousness Jesus & Wilderness Biophilia Herbal Remedy Life Science Violence Prevention Outdoor Education Continuing Education Anger Management Energy Healing Qigong Druidism |
Hope & Life Relationships Stress Relief Management Natural Health and Wellness Parenting & Child Development Spirit & Spiritual Development Administrative Services Continuing Education Complimentary Medicine Native American Indian Ways War On Terrorism Multiple Intelligences Environmental Education Body Mind Spirit Tai Chi Climate Change Recovery from: Addiction disorders Eating Disorders Sleeping Disorders Attention Deficit Disorders Anxiety Disorders Food Disorders Nature Deficit Disorders Depression Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness Midlife Crisis Burnout Global Warming |
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Readily available, online, organic psychology tools for the health of person,planet and spirit
P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 www.ecopsych.comAPPLIED ECOPSYCHOLOGY IN ACTION
The Natural Systems Thinking Process
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director
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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.