#69 Blog by Mike Cohen
“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”
– Aldo Leopold
To be responsible, education, counseling and healing at any time must contribute to dealing with the problems of that time by actualizing the most recent and reliable facts available. To know these facts and not do this is irresponsible. It lacks integrity with respect to the whole of life. It reduces ethics and morality. It “mysteriously” produces violence and disorders everywhere, mysterious because we forget that all things are connected.
In today’s world of advanced science and technology we must apply them to identify and solve the great challenges we now face. This means that folks who take their broken computer to a blacksmith for repair must make a withdrawal from the bank because their thinking is 24 cents short of a quarter.
Like idiots we suffer because we get paid to assault the life of Nature and Earth in and around us while a subsidized GreenWave remedy for this madness is readily available.
When Pamela Hoke offered to make me a business card (my first and only after 65 years in the field) she needed me to identify what I was or did as an ecopsychology expert. The only thing I’ve been labeled that seems accurate is “maverick genius.”
My “genius” consists of taking my training in science and applying it to how I experience the life of Nature and Earth today after having lived in natural settings as a youngster as well as on year-long Expedition Education programs in natural areas for twenty years.
Many of the observations and programs I developed in the past worked well. However, objective science could not validate my experience in 1965 that Planet Earth had to be a living organism that could not speak.
Since attraction is what holds things together, back then I reasoned that an original natural attraction energy must have produced the strands of attraction-love that held together and connected all things in our Planet’s web-of-life . I called the strands Webstrings or webloves in my web-of-life model of how Nature works.

The world changed as many things were updated on July 4, 2012. On that day the sciences of Cosmology, Particle and Quantum Physics confirmed that a Higgs Boson particle in the Big Bang produced an attraction net that holds all things in the Universe together. They validated that it morphed into being the Unified Field of our time/space Universe including this very moment.
The gravity that holds you to your seat or the attraction of your senses to this sentence now, is the Unified Attraction Field in action, a field that Albert Einstein predicted in 1925. Humanity registers this field through the genetics of its 54 natural attraction senses
To bring the natural attraction field into play so it can be experienced and contribute immediately to our lives, I created a behavioral GreenWave Unified Field Equation that anyone can apply anytime. Because it is whole-life undeniable I warranty that it updates the Webstring Model for people who use it, and I warranty its accuracy. It beneficially enables people bring to mind all aspects of the Webstring Model at will so they may register how they personally are the Unified Field uniquely being itself as them.
Whenever it is attractive to you, you can experience the GreenWave by being its aliveness in you knowing itself in a non-story way. That is also how the life of Earth knows itself since it can neither speak nor register stories.
Recently I’ve been attracted to see what happens if I occasionally put on a pair of “GreenWave glasses” while on my daily walks into the high country in my local National Park. This enables me to sense the landscape through the Equation in a single moment. It becomes a summary of all its parts including 54 natural senses that bring me to additional moments of clarity.
In the following raw description of my recent walks, “+” means “blends into” or “equals in this moment.”

I seek and obtain the mountain’s consent to apply the non-invasive accuracy of the GreenWave equation “story” to the mountain’s “non-story” integrity. Through my 54 natural senses that I share with Nature, I will translate the mountain into the accurate and mutually supportive nature-connected story that it is. Maybe this is why this natural area welcomes me to visit. It already has been protected from development by the stories that guide the U. S. Government National Parks program.
My sense of reason (sense #42) has attracted me to energize and register this moment on my screen of consciousness, (sense #43)
The screen only exists in this moment and it makes me aware of the moment.
The projector that puts this film on the screen displays a living dance in 3D on my consciousness screen. It is not only a dance of shapes and distances in color, sound and motion, but of aliveness, fragrances, sensations, thoughts and feelings all dancing together in the moment.
The attraction energy to become aware of this moment is the projector and screen and it is also me. I am attracted to the dance of my 54 natural senses attraction to making itself happen for the area and myself.
I am limited to knowing this area by the limits of my 54 senses and feelings, attractions along with my ability to register and convey them. Who or what would I be without them?
This area knows and relates to itself through many more that 54 natural attractions.

My attraction to a long-ago fallen Maple tree makes me think of what a wonderful home it could be if I “improved it” as I have before with a tarp on other trees while on camping trips.
A story from my sense of reason (#41) signals that I can’t make that tree home here since the land is protected, I don’t own it and it would not be appropriate for this area or my present circumstances.
All the above stories, thoughts and memories are part of this moment’s dance as well as with past stories that I bring into it.
The presence and aliveness of my unified field dance is producing the ways it works on my screen of conscious awareness. The past is here as facts of life in the moment, as stories that only I experience. They are neither real nor accurate in Earth’s totality because it operates without stories.
Nature is the whole of life. Moment after moment I scientifically experience that its attraction field in this moment is a continuum of its eons of past moments and relationships.
On Earth, Nature’s Unified Field has been story-less until it included humanity as part of the dance in very recent geological times. Until that time 50,000 years ago, it also did not produce garbage or excessiveness. Everything was an attractive dancer in balance, not a “foreign” story.
I recognize that when you relate to wholeness, any one thing that you influence modifies every other part of the whole because all things are connected.
The dance of my life is making this whole life moment real. If I was not present it could not be here with me so its dance would be different. I know the dance of the eons is alive because my attraction to live is alive and we are identical. We are both the Unified Field in this moment. Our major difference is that I can speak.
I make a difference. On the wave I make it possible to dance with the past in the present. I have the ability to have my memories and stories contribute the factual past to this moment’s dance with my web-of-life partners. In addition I can speak from that experience.
I have the ability to seek and share attractions and attractive dancers in the moment. I can attractively dance in the Field with anything I know and bring it up to date in the moment to blend into and enrich our advanced sci-tech universe knowledge.
My updating is producing a unified attraction dance in the moment fueled by my attraction to continue improving my dance.
I am updating the past to help me deal with the problems of the present that I am attracted to eliminate.
I have the ability to do this. I can invite folks to dance with me in the GreenWave because doing the dance is attractive and it makes sense. It is attractive to become more reasonable and therefore more attractive.
I make a difference because I can bring any and all the scientifically correct nature-connected stories and relationships into how I “modern dance,” and this affects those who dance with me from the past and/or present. I accomplish this just by my thoughts and feelings bringing these facts into the dance of the present as me. The dance updates, blends and attaches them in balance. They become available to other members of the web-of-life and integrate with them.
In addition, the GreenWave Equation enables me to bring the dance of past leaders, religious figures and mystics in step with Industrial Society. This unity gives me the presently missing ability deal with the catastrophe of our nature-disconnected excessiveness continuing to increase.
I experiment by dancing in tune with geology and physics laws, with Moses, Jesus and Mohammad, with folks I disagree with, with scientists, criminals, past experiences, friends, wisdom, ad infinitum.
I let the process of attractive dancing with the GreenWave connect the naturally attractive parts of our lives in the dance while keeping in mind that it’s all a film I attract to appear on my personal screen of consciousness in this moment.
These powerful people and facts, past and present, lovingly support me by being part of the GreenWave now. In return I love to help them catch up with today’s reality so they may help humanity felt-sense think and relate via BioSUNNEH-54 GreenWave participation. My GreenWave posture makes a difference in the next moment for all things including myself as it increases my well-being by 85 percent.
I discover amazing things such as Adolph Hitler’s attraction to live is a very enthusiastic dancer because it is relieved from the hell that his stories and experiences put it through.
Suddenly I reach my limit of adding dancers and parts of the Equation to the moment. It feels like I’m filled up or enervated. I don’t need or can’t handle any more so it stops happening. My mental energy has reached its limits for now.
A monumental feeling that I am experiencing my essence fills me. It is pure attraction being satisfied with its attractiveness now since I can’t gain more. I am all I can know and be right now.
I feel like a solid rock of attractiveness and independence, the most I can experience it. It’s a singular attraction or love-grok. I have merged with the essence of the Unified Field as much as I can. I am the orgasmic love of my own conception.
I ask this grok that is me, “This feeling is so strong, how could an infant who is born as it loose contact with it?”
I think, “An infant is like an overwhelmed subject of the Millgram experiment but much worse off because the child is completely dependent upon and vulnerable to the destructive stories and authorities that mold it into adulthood. The sense of reason in adults can recover from this phenomenon. However, it is different for children. They are bonded to these dictates as they become adults. In the maturing process our injurious stories disconnect us from Nature’s grok, in and around us, and we suffer from psycho-emotional injuries that we hide from our consciousness to avoid their pain.
Although it is emotionally reasonable for us to guide our lives to sooth and avoid aggrevating these disconnects, doing this warps our ability to make sense in our other relationships.
Rather than feeling despondent about kids being Millgram subjects, I instead feel dedicated and relieved. My expedition education experiences remind me that when surrounded by love grok in a natural area that includes humans and their attraction stories, an individual can disengage from their irritating nature-disconnected tales by reconnecting with the whole-life balance and beauty of the GreenWave Unified Field and other folks using it. Every part of the Field is the life-dance of a love grok moment.
What’s funny is that part of me is the “Grokness Monster” and I’ve never even been to Scotland.
Now the world will have another fit because “love grok” is some additional jargon I might add to Project NatureConnect. I have no need to add it; it is already included as Bio-SUNNEH-54 in the GreenWave Equation. Right now I’m wonderfully sensing it in the raw for a few moments on my level of experience with it. Anybody else can do the same on their level of experience and thereby strengthen Bio-SUNNEH-54 within their psyche and relationships.
“Love grok” is the unrecognized core of me that has helped me know and protect it as my left handed self since I was six years old. It is how we can know the Unified Field in 54 different ways all at once.
I wonder if love grok is myself finding God in me. So I get permission from the GreenWave ask it about this.
The GreenWave rejects the question because it is not attractive. God is mystical, not science based, and the GreenWave consists only of the accuracy of scientific methods, objective thinking and empirical evidence. This includes sensations and feeling as being legitimate facts of life.
The wave reflects that it can’t discern if God is part of our Universe or not because that, too, is mystical.
I think to myself, “Maybe the GreenWave is God. If so, then it is also insane. It wreaks the havoc we see on the life of Earth and its people that it has loved to make and it does not take responsibility for this madness. That makes God just another nature-disconnected story that some folks are socialized or addicted to rather than knowing Nature as Unified Field attraction in action, a higher power that we can GreenWave connect with even in a weed.
That grok makes both the weed and us stronger but in a balanced way rather than estranged from the life of our Planet. “
We unreasonably conquer Earth because our entrenched and objective sci-tech story way of knowing omits 85 percent of the 54 sense embrace we enjoy from the GreenWave in our genetics at any moment. Our senses and sensations are omitted as being “subjective” or “unprovable.”
Each individual riding the GreenWave can explore their relationship at their GreenWave level and safely share their experience with other GreenWave folks in supportive community. Doing this increases their fiduciary level of ability to do it and to help others do it, too.
“Integrity is the essence of everything successful”.
– R. Buckminster Fuller
All the above has taken place in less that three minutes.
Something powerful is needed to help us reduce our excessiveness. Maybe legal processes can help the integrity of politicians recognize that without laws that make us learn and use the GreenWave Equation they are illegally denying us our Constitutional and Civil Rights to LIFE (whole-life) through 54 sense LIBERTY and natural attraction-fulfillment HAPPINESS.
We have lost our integrity. Industrial Society’s war against nature can’t stop producing Earth Misery Day because it denies that it is prejudiced to not accept the cause of this catastrophe and its remedy.
The cause is that our Industrial Society reasoning is deficient because its objectivity trains itself to only use 8 of our 54 natural attraction senses rather than 100 percent of them.
The solution to this is to learn how to think and relate through Whole-Life Science, via the GreenWave Unified Field Equation, a powerful nine-leg tool that comes with a warranty.
Every time we apply the equation, we put the Unified Field in action on behalf of itself, the life of Earth and ourselves. Each time we do it is a contribution to personal and global whole life integrity that supports us. Each time uniquely increases the well being of person, society and Organism Earth. Today we can’t afford not to include it as part of how we think and build relationships.
“In a natural area the GreenWave Equation enables my 54 senses to reasonably bring the dance of past leaders, religious figures or mystics in step with Industrial Society in the moment. This unity gives me the presently missing ability to understand and deal with the catastrophe of our excessive nature-disconnection. I am simultaneously dancing in tune with geology and physics laws, with Moses, Jesus and Mohammad and with the rhythm of scientists, wellness or folks I disagree with. I resonate with friends or criminals, past experiences, wisdom and any other nature-supportive story that comes to mind.”
– Mike Cohen
The application of the GreenWave equation is easily learned because it consists of common knowledge already known to educated people www.ecopsych.com/degreeinventory.html
“Whole-life integrity is the essence of truth.”
– Connie Giffen
“If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.”
– Alan K. Simpson
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
– John Burroughs