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Alternate Title:
Environmental Psychologists Discover a Remedy for Ecozombies:
An antidote found in nature reverses destructive relationships by enabling people and the environment to restore each other.
Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D
"What the heck are Ecozombies?" was Dr. Dawn Miller's reaction to an article that mentioned them. It said: "In regard to dealing with Ecozombies, James Rowe, Director of the Outward Bound School in Costa Rica, notes, 'We dramatically increased our program's effectiveness by adding a natural systems thinking process to it. It enables our participants to reconnect with their sensory origins in nature and use that peaceful power to improve their relationships with self, society and the environment.' " Outward Bound is a noted leader in personal growth programs.
The paragraph brought Dawn back to her childhood memories of a lovely night on a starlit beach. Her love for animals at that age came to mind, too. "Where are those joys and values now?" she wondered.
Then the article alarmed Dawn. It made her aware that over the years as an accountant she had unknowingly become an ecozombie. She recognized the symptoms. When she visited a natural area she spent most of her time there with her mind, out of habit, consumed with other things, her personal problems, money, and unfulfilled desires.
Dawn realized the impact of her family and profession had conditioned her thinking. She habitually related to people and places through glasses that distorted their true nature. For this reason, most of her relationships became problems that demanded her attention. The article said that ecozombies are desensitized, environmental deadheads. They have lost their ability to register Nature because that ability has been captured and focused elsewhere. They suffer from the loss of nature's peace, intelligence and spirit while nature suffers from the loss of their respect. "That's me all right," said Dawn, sadly.
Dawn discovered that in contemporary society being an ecozombie is "normal." We become ecozombies because, on average, over 95% of our time and 99.9% of our thinking is disconnected from nature. This staggering separation of our soul from the environment is like a hurtful psychological abortion from the womb of Mother Earth. Traumatically, it denies us the supportive energies of our sensory loves and origins in nature and their ability to produce balanced relationships. Like orphans, we are left with a wanting void inside us that we can't explain. That hurt underlies our greatest personal, social and environmental disorders, including war. It constantly, and too often destructively, seeks replacements for the satisfying purity, perfection and beauty of nature.
Most key leaders and professional people are entrenched ecozombies. Their ecological insensitivity is an unstated requirement for being prominent in our nature conquering society. As the state of the world shows, our leaders often lead us further astray.
Dawn discovered there is an easily available antidote for ecozombies. She could use and teach a new, psychological, nature reconnecting science, a sensory process developed by ecopsychologists. Uniquely, the process enables people and the environment to connect and restore each other. Backyard or backcountry, it helps people experience nature with not just five, but at least 53 senses that we inherit from and share with the natural world. Historically, leadership, education or counseling has always been more successful when it includes multisensory contact with nature.
Dawn joined with guided groups of people on the internet who use the nature reconnecting process to improve their lives. In thanks, she wrote: "I was never taught to ask permission to relate to people or the environment. I just take that for granted, as we all do. However, this activity required my senses to learn how to ask an attractive tree-covered area in the park for its consent for me to walk through it. The area continued to feel attractive, but something changed. It was the first time in my life that I totally felt safe. It felt like Earth's energies were in charge of my life, not me. It gave me a wonderful feeling of having more power to be myself. I felt in balance with nature and the people here because I could distinctly feel their natural energies consenting to support me. I never experienced nature and people that way before. It was like a powerful law protected not only my life, but all of life. I felt very secure and nurtured as I walked under those trees. I learned that when I seek permission from the environment and people I gain energy and unity. I belong."
The University group that Dawn joined has proclaimed the year 2001 to be Ecozombie Rehabilitation Year. They invite anybody to help humanity and Earth recover from our trespasses by using and teaching the nature reconnecting process. Like Dawn, those who have accepted this invitation are meeting their deeper desires for belonging, peace and sanity. As they help themselves and others they increase their effectiveness, marketability, and expertise. For them, it is as Thoreau and those like him explained to ecozombies 150 years ago:
"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order." --John Burroughs
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Learn the how and why of Organic Psychology Contact us at 360-378-6313 mailto:nature@interisland.net, http://www.ecopsych.com
INSTITUTE OF GLOBAL EDUCATION Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council PROJECT NATURECONNECT Accredited nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money and increase wellness, spirit and hope.
P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 360-378-6313 <email> www.ecopsych.com ORGANIC, ACCREDITED, APPLIED ECOPSYCHOLOGY IN ACTION The Natural Systems Thinking Process Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director send email All organization programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature .
Alarm! Alarm! Well-being at risk Help turn the tide! www.SaneEarth.com
"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."
-Stephen Aizenstat
In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.
-Michael J. Cohen
Benefit from learning to enhance the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.
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