


Who's the Boss of You? Is He Sane?

The destructive secret of mind pollution and how a nature connected psychology helps people overcome their addiction to unreasonable relationships.

Mardi Jones with Michael J. Cohen



The pollution of contemporary thinking stems from an addiction to destructive rewards that contaminate the environment as well as our relationships and produce our greatest dilemmas. A Nature connected psychology enables our thinking to enjoyably dissolve its destructive addiction bonds as it recycles and purifies itself in its natural system origins, backyard or back country.



From atoms to solar systems, all intact things are held together by natural attraction energies. These unifying powers are a recycling, purifying part of Nature; they reconnect relationships gone astray, eradicate pollution and thereby help sustain Nature's wellness, balance and beauty. Although we are part of Nature, society rewards our mentality, including fifty-three natural senses, for separating from and conquering Nature. These rewards psychologically addict our thinking to function while separated from Nature's recycling powers. Lacking them, our thinking becomes polluted and we suffer our troubles. Our key problem is that as addicts we are in denial. Because we deny that our most challenging problems are psychological addictions we don't produce psychological solutions for them so they persist. To address this omission, Ecopsychology researchers have developed an easily accessible nature reconnecting science, the Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP). Backyard or back country this robust tool empowers our thinking to sensibly recycle and restore itself through rewarding, sensory contacts with attraction energies in natural systems within and around us. This enjoyably rejuvenates our fifty-three senses; we become more sensitive and sensible. Our destructive bonds and mind pollution fade as our addictions transform into the greater satisfactions derived by building responsible relationships with self, society and the environment.



Making sense


Our thinking is too often like that of a factory manager who was losing money and sought advice.

"Improve how you hire people," a business analyst told the manager, "Ask prospective employees, 'How much is 2 + 2 and hire the person who gives the best answer."

The first candidate that the manager interviewed for a new job answered "2 + 2 = 22,"

The second candidate said "2 + 2 = 5."

The third said, "The answer to 2 + 2 could be 4 or 22 depending upon your meaning," and then added, "I love gathering complete information and considering long term effects to produce the best possible solutions."

The manager selected the second candidate who said 2 + 2 = 5.

"But, why?" asked the astounded analyst.

"She's the boss's wife."


From living and researching with adult student groups in natural areas for over forty years, Dr Michael J. Cohen, Director of the Institute of Global Education Department of Integrated Ecology, has helped people build responsible communities by addressing a prime factor that causes us to suffer our dangerous troubles (Cohen 1997 pp 76-77). That factor is that contemporary thinking is unknowingly addicted to and contaminated by a destructive, hidden "Boss." Our Boss makes us stupid by detaching our thinking from its roots in the ways and wisdom of Nature and the eons (Wilson, Bateson). Unfortunately, like most addicts, we are in denial that we are addicted and that the Boss is destructive (Cohen, 1993b; Marshall 2001).

Our addiction pollutes our thinking by disconnecting it from fifty three vital sensitivities we inherently register in our consciousness ( Cohen 1997 pp 37-50, Cohen 1990; Barrett 1998; Bekoff 2000 ; Bower 2002; Flom 2001; Giraud 2001; Hewlett 2000; Jaffe 2001; Kinser 2000; Kujala 2001; Lipkin1995; Murchie 1978; Pittenger 2001, Rivlin 1984 ; Rovee-Collie 1992; Travis 1997; Stern 1998; Spelke 1992; Samples 1976). The biological imperative of these senses is to enable our thinking to help us survive in a mutually supportive balance with natural systems, as does everything else in Nature.

As demonstrated by the ineffectiveness of warning labels on cigarettes, our addiction problems demand addiction solutions, not just information. Our greatest problem is that because we are in denial we neither recognize nor treat as an addiction our psychological addiction to the Boss so we continue to suffer its hurtful effects (Diego 2000).

From emperical evidence in Nature Cohen designed the science of Integrated Ecology to address our addiction to the Boss (Cohen,1993a). It is effective because is steeped in the self-evident truth that from sub atomics to solar systems, all intact relationships, physical or otherwise, are held together by natural attraction energies. (Schombert 2000; Unified 2002). These unifying forces are the recycling and purifying power in Nature that reconnects detached attractions, dissolves destructive associations, eliminates pollution, and sustains Nature's wellness, balance and beauty. Integrated Ecology helps us create moments in Nature that let genuine contact with attraction energies reallign and recycle the misguided attachments in us that make us destructive addicts.

Cohen is a pioneer in the field of nature connected psychology that some now call Applied Ecopsychology (Cohen,1962; 1974; Roszac 1995). The roots of this psychology recognize that, for example, Nature's basic natural attraction energies, those to, in, and from air, fuel the oxygen cycle. Attractions beckon air to flow through people and natural areas. In so doing air nourishes people and Nature with each others' "waste products." In the process air also recycles its own purity as well as strengthens the diverse integrity of the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms.(Oxygen 2001; Odum 1971; Molles 1999; Braswell et al 1994;Wald 1985; Margulis 1986). "It is most significant," says Cohen, "that on atomic as well as global levels Nature's recycling of air is fueled by attraction energies, Nature's fundamental binding force (Capra 1997;:Schewe & Stein 1999; Discovery 2001 ). Whenever we safely make contact with attractions in Nature they trigger our brain to release Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that triggers good feelings (Powledge 1999, Wise, R. A., Bauco, P., Carlezon, W. A., Jr., & Trojniar, W. 1992).

Good feelings from Nature connections are a vital gratifation prize. They help our thinking become aware that we have made a safe and beneficial survival connection to natural attraction energies, a connection that contributes to replenishing, regenerating and healing part of our life and all of life. That gratification is why we feel good when we take a breath of fresh air. It is also why when we hold our breath too long our appetite for air attracts us breathe and feel good. Good feelings from natural attraction fulfillments are rewards and encouragement from the global life community for us to continue supporting and ourselves as part of it." (Cohen. 1997 pp 37-62).

Disconnected from Nature, the Boss seldom recognizes our appetite for air, our desire to breathe, as a sensory wisdom we can know and learn from; for example it's not one of the acknowledged five senses. Neither does the Boss recognize the need for our thinking to heal, purify and simultaneously contribute to life's welfare as part of the recycling process (Sabini 2000; Jung 1964). To the contrary, the Boss rewards himself and us for detaching our thinking from sensory Nature attractions and reattaching it to the nature disconnected way the Boss works. This addictively produces a hurtful, nature disconnected missing link, an omission in our reasoning that pollutes and disables our ability to think like Nature works. (Cohen, 1995, Corum 1997; Wheatley 1992). In turn, how and what we think pollutes natural and social systems (Pascale 1999, Devall 1986).

While extensively living and teaching outdoors Cohen became aware that our 53 natural attraction sensitivities operate as an intelligence. Each attraction sensation, feeling or emotion is a rational sensory way of knowing and relating that we biologically inherit from and hold in common with Nature (Encyclopedia 2002; Kinser 2000). For example, Thirst intelligently signals our awareness that our body needs water or when we have had enough water. It intelligently attracts us to drink water, too. Other intelligent attraction senses include hunger, excretion, suffocation, sight, reason, color, nurturing, community, trust, joy, taste, place, smell, pain, consciousness, belonging and fear along with 37 others. Through these intelligent attraction sensitivities, Nature intelligently produces its perfection.

When we are in a natural area, or with a cherished pet for that matter, our natural sense of reason can recognize that our rewarding sensory attraction experiences in Nature, are not fantasies. Rather, like our love for a pet, they are genuine, gratifying facts of life as real as any other scientific fact. Our appetite for Air is as real as the atmosphere, the sense of Thirst as much a fact as is water. The feeling of Trust is as vital as a good relationship, our sensation of Beauty as true and authentic as a sunset. Our sense of Reason recognizes that fulfilling these natural senses through connections to natural systems is rewarding, reasonable, and Nature's way for us to make sense (Powledge; Reconnecting). The rewards Nature gives our sense of reason when it is accurate, psychologically help us replace our less rewarding, destructive, addiction bonds.

What the Boss has taught himself to to forget is that our mentality mostly consists of natural senses, of attraction energy sensations, feelings and emotions that, like the air, we cooperatively share with Nature. Over 85% of our mentality, the mamallian brain, biologically thinks and knows through them (Bekoff 2000; Cohen 1997; Washington 2001). Cohen notes that for survival in balance, these beckoning attraction energies in congress provide our sense of reason with trustable information and vitality, with empirical knowledge and feelings about and from our relationship with plants, animals and minerals (Krutch 1956). That we experience these sensitivities at birth or before demonstrates that we inherit from Nature, not society, the ability to enjoy and register them (Stepp 1996). Everything in Nature displays these sensitivities in some form (Darwin 1872). Some societies culture them to good effect (Kroeber 1988; Farb 1968). Thus, the empirical knowledge and evidence provided by our attraction sensitivities is a vital essence of rationality, wisdom and science. They can teach the Boss that we are just as much psychologically and emotionally part of Nature's ways and wisdom as we are biologically part of them(Wilson1984, Washington 2001). They also can motivate us to live cooperatively with natural systems in Nature and each other (Encyclopedia 2002).

To our loss, the reconnection of our thinking to Nature is significant, but overlooked, aspect of the deep breathing most psychotherapies and healers use to relieve anxiety or produce relaxation. What they overlook is that each of our other natural attraction senses has the same reconnection power and, unaware of it, we often replace it with the Boss.

The Nature of mind pollution

Although we are part of Nature's perfection, we suffer our greatest troubles because the Boss consists of a vicious circle, a short circuit that pollutes contemporary thinking. It disassociates our thinking from sensory contact with the rewarding, intelligent, attraction energies in natural systems; it deprives our thinking from recycling in Nature (Shaw 2000, Vogel 1999). Instead we become addicted to rewards from artifacts and beliefs foreign to Nature. Their side effects are destructive to natural systems.

In the name of superiority and conquest, our mind pollution consists of the Boss repeatedly rewarding himself for disconnecting himself and us from natural systems within and around us including our 53 natural senses (Bohm 1993). The Boss rewards our thinking for abstractly or technologically outsmarting Nature. This addicts our thinking to remain disconnected. In denial, we neither approach nor treat our unsolvable problems as symptoms or results of our addiction to detachment. Instead, we consider our excessive detachment normal, intelligence, and progress (P.R. Newsletter 2001r). The Boss addicts contemporary people to live in buildings, towns and cities, void of sensory connection with Nature (Glendinning 1995). Over 99.99% of our thinking is disconnected from Nature's profound ability to create, purify, recycle, regenerate, cleanse and heal our mind, body and spirit. We spend, on average, 95% of our time indoors (Wiley). When presented with this dilemma we seldom change our ways for as Upon Sinclair noted: "It is difficult to get people to understand something when their salary depends upon them not understanding it."

The wellness and mental health improvements that result from reconnecting with nature are momentous (Cohen 2002a, f; Fumpkin 2001; Greenway 1995; Clay 2001). They show that devoid of the responsible emotional rewards and information available from conscious contact with attractions in Nature, our sensory unfulfillment generates our undue wants hurt, greed, insensitivity and violence. It also prevents our addicted thinking to the Boss from recovering by recycling (Frumpkin2001; Wilson 1984).

Destructive substitutes

Although we are naturally attracted to Nature, the Boss applauds and bonds us to think and communicate through word and image abstracts without including empirical information from direct sensory contact with natural systems (Abram 1997). Our abstract thinking usually overlooks that abstracts are never the same as the things they abstract. Abstracts function solely as mental shortcuts for fully knowing the world around and within us (Bohm 1993). They are artificial substitutes for authentic contact with genuine reality. Our abstract thinking operates differently from Nature for Nature, being non-literate, rarely engages in our abstract verbal way of reasoning and relating (Kates 2002; Environmental 1994; Dewey 1929).

Because abstracts are substitutes, they present contemporary thinking with a major problem. With respect to Nature and the eons, there is no known substitute for the real thing and its perfection. The substitutes we design often have destructive side effects. For our thinking to only abstract Nature is to lose conscious contact with vital parts of Nature we need to relate reasonably. We, in turn, then unwittingly trespass and injure these parts and thereby deteriorate life relationships on Earth including important parts of our lives. To resolve our problems and addiction we must consciously incorporate Nature's rewarding natural attraction process into our thinking. Through NSTP, doing this is fun, possible and practical.

Our abstract thinking Boss is a major part of our ego, a part so polluted that it seldom recognizes that its pollution is the source of many unsolvable problems (Greenway 1995). We pollute our personal, social and environmental relationships because our polluted mentality talks only to itself in its nature disconnected language, technologies and environment (Barker). In this vacuum it has concluded that its abstracting process is more intelligent than Nature's ways, that it can manage Nature better than Nature manages itself. The deteriorated state of the environment and society tell a different story( McKibben 1999; Cohen 1999; Lavers 2000, Wilson 1984). Far surpassing our survival in balance needs, our addiction is a wanting, destructive, juggernaut we sometime call economic growth. Our great problems do not exist in Nature or Nature connected people(s) (Armen1971; Bower 2002, Vol 158: Farb 1968; Kroeber 1988; Cohen, 2002a).

The knowledge missing in polluted thinking

To correct our polluted thinking, Dr. Cohen and his workers have, with good success, sought, identified and introduced NSTP into contemporary thinking as a nature reconnecting mental and social skill. They conclusively demonstrate that when people include the use of this skill in their thinking, they think better and more successfully relate to the critical questions, below, that face us (Cohen 2000).

ENVIRONMENT: Since we are part of Nature, what is, and how do we correct, the major difference that makes us destroy the environment while everything else in Nature enhances it?

COMMUNITY: To be part of a community or system one must be in communication with it in some way. People are part of the global life system. How does it communicate with our thinking and vice versa?

SUSTAINABILITY: Can you cite a practical model, community or process that successfully produces sustainability for all of contemporary society?

ACCURATE INFORMATION: Since our polluted mathematics, language and perceptions are abstracts that distort empirical evidence, what is the greatest truth in your life that you can trust? (hint: it is neither God, love, honesty or Nature)

PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS: What produces the wanting void in our psyche, the discomfort, greed, and loneliness that fuels most human and, in turn, environmental disorders?

SPIRITUALITY: What is the psychological relationship between Nature, the Divine, and the Human Spirit?

EDUCATION: Since we learn to be who we are, what factor in modern education teaches us to produce our lasting problems?

RECOVERY: What important source of healing energy does our cultural bias omit thereby sustaining our dependency upon destructive substances and questionable healing programs?

ECONOMICS: What is the force that produces and makes us dependent upon environmentally and socially destructive economic relationships?

STRESS: What is the anxiety producing difference between a fact, a thought, a feeling and an act?

WAR: What omission makes us continue to assault nature and people when it doesn't make sense and we neither like doing it nor its hurtful effects?

LEADERSHIP AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION: If the thinking of a democratic society is polluted, how can the decisions of the majority, its leadership, or its foundations be in the society's best interest?

INTELLIGENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS: How can we restore to our thinking our inherent but missing 53 or more natural sensory intelligences that contemporary society has hurtfully buried in our subconscious?

NATURAL SYSTEMS: Why does contemporary society often identify a person's love of nature as "escapist recreation" rather than "significant re-creation."

In investigating these questions, our critical thinking must conclude that it makes perfect sense for us not to further use or trust polluted sources of information in making decisions or building relationships. Our contamination is our problem, not its solution. However, most of our information and science is polluted by our bonded, abstract, separation from and conquest of Nature (Kahn).


Non polluted information

NSTP helps us recognize and address our destructive ways as symptoms of our mind polluting addiction to disconnection from Nature and resulting conquest of natural systems. NSTP empowers us to disregard the Boss and build more responsible and rewarding relationships. However, NSTP threatens our polluted ego, the Boss's nature disconnected story we hold that describes who and why we are. That story considers connecting with Nature impossible, flaky or dangerous "fuzzy thinking." It denies that we have more than five senses, that the information and energies we desperately need have always been safely available in Nature. It denies that this sensory knowledge may be found within a Dandelion as well as in the information imparted by unifying sensory attraction experiences with a Dandelion . Since the latter are usually omitted by the bias of "objective" science, we suffer from their omission (Wilson 1984; Doman 1984). As one father put it, "I don't even listen to my children; why should I listen to this weed?"

The regenerative perfection of natural systems peacefully produces Nature's optimums of life, cooperation and diversity without producing garbage, pollution, abusiveness, war, mental illness or most of our other great troubles (Colwell 2001; Stilgoe 2001). Cohen shows that as part of Nature we can learn to be truly civilized by making thoughtful sensory contact with these rewarding attraction systems as they flow through and around us (Cohen 1986). His work empowers any caring person to become more civilized by directly plugging their thinking into Nature's fountainhead of authority for, as Henry David Thoreau noted, "What we call wildness is a civilization other than our own." (Thoreau 1992; McGinnes1998).

Although he is controversial, Cohen has been considered a maverick genius because he has seen through the Boss enough to discover how Nature produces its perfection through attaction energies and has shared NSTP, a scientific, sensory means for the public to reasonably relate to our living planet and people. NSTP applies well established psychological techniques to natural systems outside as well as within us. It helps our nature disconnected, reduced capacity to think incorporate the vital natural attraction wisdom that ordinarily escapes us (Lieberman 1931). Cohen has proved its value by repeatedly producing utopian-like communities with it and teaching others to do so as well. He says his genius only consists of being smart enough to choose to live and learn in Nature, the genius of the global community, for forty-three years. In 1965, long before Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis, natural attraction energies enabled Cohen to sense and reason that Earth acted like, and therefore no doubt was, a living organism (Cohen 1985; 1986a; 1987 pp 49-78; 1994; Colwell 2001; Lovelock 1987; Bower 2002).



At the Institute of Global Education, researchers experience and consider psychological, emotional and spiritual relationships between the natural systems in themselves, others and the environment (Ingram; Bohm). The social and environmental results of reconnecting these relationships while in natural areas are the envy of responsible schools, therapies and social systems (Cohen 2002a). Any organization or person has the ability to enjoy the program's results by choosing to learn and use NSTP. It empowers lay people or leaders with a science that works as well in backyards and local parks as it does back country, sometimes better. As practical as it is potent, NSTP is available in five books written by Cohen (Books). In addition, NSTP basics can be mastered in less than six weeks via the Institute's interactive Project NatureConnect classes on the internet. (Cohen 2002c)



Obviously the sentences you are reading in this article carry the same nature disconnected abstractions that this article suggests are shortcut substitutes for how Nature works. For this reason, below I offer you the means to directly experience natural attractions energies and learn empirically from them, as did Cohen. Here abstractions help you generate non-polluted, natural system knowledge from experience:

A. With your right hand gently stroke your face or left arm in a manner that produces comfortable sensations or feelings that might attract you to continue gently caressing yourself because it feels good and/or rewarding.

B. Repeat "A" above but this time pinch your arm or face hard enough so that the pain you generate, or your sense of reason, or both, tell you to desist, to instead do something that is more attractive, sensible and rewarding.

C. Note that you can do A and B and experience their results without identifying them in words or stories. Instead, you can directly sense and feel them occurring; you can thoughtfully, empirically, register and validate them as specific senses and feelings. The natural energies of A and B alone, non verbally, sensuously, register in your consciousness and become part of your awareness. They are not abstracts, rather they are sensory facts. You know they happen or happened through self-evidence, through your personal experience, contact and inherent sensitivities, including your sense of memory (Batz). They provide you with trustable, empirical evidence and knowledge.

D. Note that it would be difficult if not impossible for some person, book or leader to convince you that A, B, and C did not happen to you, that they did not exist, that you fabricated them.

E. Note that what registered in A ,B, and C is not something that you had to be taught by a book, class or leader. What registered in you, along with your ability to register it, is built into your natural being as well as into everything else in Nature on some attraction sensitivity level. It is part of your natural sensitivity, the ability of your thinking to register and follow natural attractions and thereby constructively participate in, and be supported by, Nature's global community.

F. Note that you are not alone in your ability to non verbally register yourself or contacts with yourself or your environment. This ability not only exists throughout humanity, but in some form in every other species, and minerals, too. Remember, natural attraction has not only been observed in sub-atomic particles and energies, natural attraction also holds the solar system together as a system (Capra, Bohm).

G. Note how you might think, feel and act if somebody who had the power to take away your A, B and C ability decided to do so. What might life be like without your sensory self, your ability to fully experience and feel the rewarding enjoyment of sensory attractions? Aren't they attractive? (Richmond, Doman)

H. Note that you have the natural ability to integrate A-H into your thinking and relationships. You may be doing this right now as you consider this activity, its effects, value and potential.

I. The ABC process when applied to attractions in natural areas enables your thinking to recycle and purify itself through 53 different natural sensory intelligences rejuvenated there. Although you may not have recognized them, at least twelve attraction senses were involved in A-C above



Cohen defines pollution as "Anything that prevents the perfection of natural systems around and within us from operating normally."(Colman 2002). For us to know, as does the rest of Nature, how to prevent the pollution of our relationships we must go back to basics, back to our ABC's, above. This is easy to do when we don't take them for granted. Although we are aware of them from early childhood and they make up a large part of our mentality, the Boss in contemporary thinking has neither learned to hold them in high regard nor educate himself about their function, significance and contributions (Macphail 1992). Instead the Boss makes us stringently learn to replace ABC, to trust and bond to many nature conquering abstracts in the economy and dogma of our polluted society (Cohen 1995).

NSTP helps us meet the challenge of the Boss and mind pollution through what some have called "a profound science of the obvious" (Cohen 2000a). It helps anybody use ABC to discover for themselves, as did Cohen, practical, rewarding answers to the critical questions listed above (Cohen, 1993). It enables us to seek and share these answers by thinking with A, B and C while in conscious sensory contact with the attractions in natural systems found in ourselves, other people and natural areas (Cohen, 1991; 1992: Batz). NSTP enables us to safely free the perfection of rewarding natural attraction energies within and around us to do what they do best, to recycle our polluted mentality so we may think more sensitively, like Nature works (Bateson 1979).


Anti Nature prejudice

Cohen finds that due to the mind pollution from our Boss, most people don't recognize that personal or professional relationships that are genuinely connected with attractions in Nature are more enjoyable, successful and responsible than those isolated from Nature (Holmes2000; Stepp1996; Greenway188; Harrison 1994). Below, he quotes substantiating sources that show that for almost three thousand years our culture has been aware of Nature's value but the Boss has prejudicially rewarded us for conquering it:

"The purpose of life is to live in agreement with nature."
...........- Zeno, circa 520 BC

"What greater grief than the loss of one's native land."
...........- Euripides circa 450 B.C.

"And the true order of going, or being led by another, to the things of love, is to begin from the beauties of earth. "
...........- Plato circa 400 B.C.

"If one way be better than another that you may be sure is nature's way."
...........- Aristotle 350 B.C.

"That which fills the universe I regard as my body and that which directs the universe I see as my own nature"
...........- Chuang-tzu circa 370 B.C.

"Those things are better which are perfected by nature than those which are finished by art"
...........- Cicero circa 80 B.C.



In his book Prejudice Against Nature, Cohen suggests the contaminated, anti-Nature thinking of contemporary society is identical to Nazi Germany's bigotry against the Jewish community or the prejudice of the Ku Klux Klan regarding people of color or the invasiveness of the Sibonese Liberation Army with regard to Patti Hearst (Cohen,1982). .

"From the masses to the masses'
The most Revolutionary consciousness is to be found
Among the most ruthlessly exploited classes:
Animals, trees, water, air, grasses."

- Gary Snyder

We are part of Nature's global life community. The more we disconnect from, conquer and injure Nature, the more we do the same to ourselves and suffer accordingly (Harrision). Reasonable ABC contact with the whole of Nature's attraction rewards reverses our bigoted mind pollution with regard to ABC and the natural systems community within and around us. However, since the Boss's bigoted thinking defines "intelligence" to be its abstract way of knowing and relating, the intelligent leaders we appoint usually support our wayward path (Terborgh 1999). What is hopeful is that NSTP empowers each of us to purify our mind pollution, identify and become immune to the Boss, and further establish environmentally sound mental health and social justice. Cohen says, "If we don't genuinely reconnect our thinking to Nature's rewards, trying to reverse our anti Nature bigotry is like a person of color trying to convince the KKK to embrace them."



People learning to use NSTP online have, within six weeks, said the effect is like removing a pair of dark sunglasses (Cohen,1997c). They experience and appreciate the world in its own brilliance (Cohen 2002i;Wheatley & Kellner-Rogers1999; Colwel (2001)). In the light of enjoying the science of ABC in Nature they report that they, their family and world feel and relate better (Carin 2001: Frumkin 2001; Wiley 1994; Bower 2000; Greenway1995; Taylors 2000; Brown 1992,). Destructive relationships with people, places and substances almost effortlessly diminish as they are replaced by responsible, non-polluting, purifying rewards from natural sensory attractions that previously lay hidden (Cohen 2002b; Nicodemus 1999; Pearce 1980; Wald 1985; Wilson 1984). We have had, for decades, an abundance of affordable alternative technologies, social processes and models that would significantly increase our compatibility with natural systems and each other (Lovins; Original Articles 1984). These improvements continue to lie idle because we have not restored the ABC consciousness necessary for the public to insist upon their use (Brown1992 ; Todd 1984).



NSTP increases our mental capacity for gaining rewarding empirical knowledge directly from Nature. Cohen designed the process while in the balance and beauty of bright stars and 87 different habitats in North America's National Parks and Forests (Cohen. 1987 pp57-59; 2002d, 2002e; National 2001). NSTP helps us bring our thinking back to basics so we may recycle our mind pollution and travel a more sensible path in co-creation with natural systems (Zev 2000). It adds a valuable dimension to creativity, counseling, mental health, healing, conflict resolution, family life and environmental education. Thousands of gratifying nature connected personal and community experiences during Cohen's fifty five years in natural settings convey this. So do the beneficial effects of thousands of other peoples' transformative experiences in Nature (Flannery 1999; Davies 1997; Cohen, 1997a; Taylors 2000).The documented benefits speak for themselves but only to minds willing to listen.(Cohen 2002a; 2002f).

Every year over 250 million people pay to visit our our National parks alone, and most people have had a least one rewarding ABC experience in Nature. This reflects the need, availability and potential of NSTP. Good experiences in Nature have shown to be the major reason that people care about the welfare of the environment (Chawla 1998). Cohen believes that each time we solve a problem without NSTP being part of the solution, we unknowingly dig ourselves deeper into our unsolvable problems.


Information that tells alcoholics to not drink and drive is no more effective than telling disconnected people they should love their neighbor be it a person, rock, or insect (Cloran). To be effective, in addition to awareness messages we must offer a potent psychological process that enables a person to achieve these goals by enjoying more responsible relationship satisfactions and bonds (Gifford). The more profound rewards and punishments in reasonable relationships outdo and thereby replace our destructive bonding to the Boss. (Laszlo 2001; Hubbard 1998; ). We seldom recognize that what we call cultural loves or bonds are actually natural sense attraction energies in us that have additively established cultural attachments, be they constructive or destructive. (Kaplan 2000; Glendinning 1995)

Many great thinkers conclude that to be reasonable we must embrace and support the environment, (Cohen 2001). However, without having experienced decades of year round, conscious sensory connections to natural attraction energies in Nature, these thinkers seldom offer, and often disregard, a empirical thinking process, one that enables our polluted consciousness to identify, resist or change the Boss and our destructive bonding to him (Abram1997 , Berg 1995, Berry 1990, Fox 1996 , Quinn 1993, Roszac 1995, Seed 1990). In this regard, Cohen's professionally reviewed and published materials have proven no more effective than these authors or the thousands of other books whose words reconnect us with beneficial aspects of Nature (Cohen 2002d; Slovic1999; Taylors 2000). NSTP, however, is more than an idea. It is effective because it goes beyond the abstracts of books and words. It is a vehicle we ride to reach our goals more responsibly, an instrument we use, a hands-on, enjoyable experience, a recycling tool. It empowers us to create safe, supportive, moments that let sensory rewards in Nature help us reverse our addiction to mind polluting disconnection. NSTP is a different abstract. It says that in addition to abstracting we may thoughtfully tap into the non-verbal world of the eons and learn from its perfection through sensory experiences with rewarding natural attraction energies that dissolve addictions.

Engaging in NSTP rejuvenates an often suppressed and hurt sensory attraction part of each of us, a part that always cares about the welfare of itself and other natural systems within and around us (Germine ).That part grabs the opportunitiy to learn, use and teach NSTP. It immunizes us to the callings of irresponsible attractions and seeks voluntary simplicity (Pierce).

Obviously, the motivating force for us to use NSTP does not lie in our polluted leadership, laws or spirituality. It lies in our discontents, in our and others unreasonable pain and suffering from our natural system disconnections, no matter our race, religion, nationality or economic circumstances. Engaging in NSTP rejuvenates this suppressed and hurt sensory attraction part of each of us, a part that always cares about the welfare of itself and other natural systems within and around us (Germine 1996). These discontents are Nature's ABC way of telling our sense of reason that something is wrong, something is polluted (Seuss). They express, as do many experts, that we are ignoring empirical evidence and knowledge, that to think critically and act responsibly we must establish additional gratifying natural attraction relationships and thereby reunite with wholeness. Nobel Peace Prize winners, Albert Schweitzer and Albert Einstein said to the effect: "Until mankind can extend the circle of his compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty, he will never, himself, know peace."(Schweitzer, Einstein). Compassion is a natural sense, an attraction energy. Einstein also noted: "We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive." He, however, didn't say what that manner of thinking was. Cohen does.

As attested by the results of thousands of NSTP activities done by caring people, NSTP empowers us to recycle our destructive addiction to the Boss by seeking responsible rewards in Nature for our sense of reason and our soul. (Additional Results 2002)




Mardi Jones, Ph.D, is an environmental educator, writer and counselor who has pioneered the use of NSTP in her private practice in Washington State, USA.

Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., an award winning author who directs several university programs in Applied Ecopsychology, conceived the 1985 International Symposium "Is the Earth a Living Organism" and is the recipient of the Distinguished World Citizen Award.

For further information visit the NSTP website or contact the authors



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Barker, M ( 2000)RELIGION AND THE ORDER OF NATURE.(Review) The Ecologist, January 01 2000

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Bateson, G (1979) Every Schoolboy Knows, Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unit, Chapter 2, Bantam

Batz, J (2000) It's hard to understand the nature of nature. National Catholic Reporter, December 15 2000

Bekoff, M. 2000 Animal Emotions: Exploring Passionate Natures.Bioscience
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Greenwich University
Applied Ecopsychology/Integrated Ecology

Nature Connected Thinking Process: education, counseling, degrees and scholarships that support the United Nations manifesto for environmentally sound personal growth and social justice

Email for information


Department Chair Office
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Lead Faculty*
Post Office Box 1605,
Friday Harbor, WA 98250.
(360) 378-6313

*Dr. Cohen is the director of
at the
Institute of Global Education
A special NGO Consultant to the
United Nations Economic and Social Council
He also serves as Adjunct Faculty for
Portland State University School of Extended Studies
Applied Ecopsychology Director, International University PS