.... This Course fulfills the requirements for the following courses:
......................................... | Course Purpose & Information Background: This email/correspondence course is part of a subsidized Natural Systems Thinking Process internship training program offered by Project NatureConnect. Optionally, you may use the book "Reconnecting With Nature" in conjunction with the course and get more out of it, as well as be able to continue the program independently. The course starts whenever you would like to proceed with an available interact study group. It is based on using the self-guiding materials found on internet sites. For a course application form select here. The following article explains how and why we offer this course (updated from Psychology Today, May-June 1994):
THE ECOPSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATING AND COUNSELING WITH NATURE From the druids of the Celtic forests to the great tribes of American Indians, people have sought balance, peace and wisdom by living according to the laws of Mother Nature. Unfortunately, this century will be remembered for unprecedented exploitation of nature--and widespread psychological disturbance of individuals. No coincidence to Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., pioneer of what he calls integrated ecology or applied ecopsychology. A synthesis of ecology and psychology, integrated ecology proposes that both the destruction of the Earth's environment and people's isolation, stress and dysfunction stem from a fundamental denial of our connection to nature. And by psychologically reconnecting with nature, we reverse our psychological disorders. Western civilization emphasizes only the faculties of sight, reason,
and language, forcing most of us to suppress our natural senses - Cohen is not a lone hunter of the bond between man and nature. According to Pulitzer-Prize winning sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson, Ph.D., of Harvard, people have an inherent biological need to be in contact with the out-of-doors. He calls it "biophilia", and believes that nature may hold the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive, and even spiritual satisfaction. Our childhood love of animals and natural myths and fairy tales may be early evidence of our basic affinity for nature and its instructive and healing properties. Counseling and building responsible relationships by reconnecting with nature? Cohen has devised therapeutic home study training manuals, workshops, on-site and e-mail/correspondence courses, discussion groups and degree programs whose activities, in backyards or back country, re-create many beneficial relationships enjoyed by earlier hunting, gathering, and communal living peoples. In the American Psychological Association Journal "The Humanistic Psychologist" (Vol. 21, No. 3) and other professional publications, he reports that while on these education programs community spirit and responsibility grows, participant's personality and eating disorders subside, learning and other cognitive abilities improve, and violence and prejudice dissolve. His participants learn to do, own and teach unforgettable nature connecting activities that produce these results throughout their lives. Gradually, a deep environmental literacy evolves that rejuvenates their natural senses, balance and joy, along with the environment. From his home base at Greenwich University and the Institute of Global Education, Cohen offers books, workshops, training and degree programs and information about ecologically oriented education and therapeutic methods. Course Procedure: This is a generic course for use by anybody interested in the Natural Systems Thinking Process. Because people from various settings enter this course at different places on it, you may encounter material you have already read or done. When this happens, note if there are new or additional attractions in it for you. Note, too, if you know how to locate that material again for use as a teaching tool. Then proceed with the remainder of the course. A vital aspect of the course is learning how to trust our experiences with nature in places and with people's inner nature. For this reason the course uses outdoor natural areas as well as communication by email between the course participants . The course starts when we have a minimum of 3-4 participants committed to doing it. They put together and post to a private list of 5 people including an experienced guide/instructor. Posting your experiences and responding to others is a very important part of the course. Course Prerequsites The prerequisites of this course are located here on the web. Do them now while you are waiting for the course to start. For some questions and answers about the the course process select here. (Remember, return to this page by selecting BACK, GO, or bookmarking the page)
Course Application For a course application form select here. Once you have completed the application, you will be given instructions on how to proceed with the course.