Accredited Nature-Connecting Holistic Health and Wellness Degree Courses On Line: Natural Attraction Ecology Social Work Career Education Personal and Professional Whole Life System Training Grants and Jobs.
SYNOPSIS: These quotable field reports are the outcomes of the funded sensory science of Natural Attraction Ecology. They offer a sampling of the results obtained by Social Workers engaging in its organic ecopsychology process. It is a science that helps us improve health wellness and counseling by enabling our thinking and feeling to safely connect their natural senses with the green spirit of nature's grace, balance and restorative powers. Participants benefit from and strengthen their inborn love of nature as they share and master ecotherapy activities that strengthen their personal and professional relationships in a good way. The reports are empirical evidence that demonstrates the contribution of our sensory connections with natural systems, in people and places, to increasing personal, social and environmental well being. NOTE: If you are looking for a quote on a specific topic, apply your finder to this page. Use the Project NatureConnect search engine to locate additional pages with similar information PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Supportive Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs On Line Project NatureConnect offers nature-centered distant learning that enables you to add the benefits of nature-connecting methods and credentials to your degree program and/or your skills, interests and hobbies. We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent education credit for it. You may take accredited or professional CEU coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page.
FIELD REPORTS: on-line program Social Work participants share their results from doing the nature-connecting activities found in The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature books. (Continued from Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature where "Webstrings" are identified as the natural attraction strands of the web of life that hold it as well as each of its individual members together) For additional reports visit our Search Engine and Survey of Participants It's impressive that your not-giving-up and trust-in-nature attitude towards life even during the most difficult period of time. I can fully understand how heartbreaking one is while facing breaking up with someone he/she used to love, or is still loving but has to say goodbye. I want you to know, you are very brave, you have found the effective way to heal yourself and it works! Maybe you are not aware of it now, since I read your posting, I've got the feeling that I can sense the calmness from you, and I'm sure you will be fine soon. Don't forget, we are all here to support you. I was very attracted to the following statements from your posting: I am grateful for these intentional times in nature because I know I need nature’s wisdom so vitally at this point in my life. Nature gives us good feelings but I seem to have discovered that just because you are getting good feelings when you are thinking about keeping someone in your life, does not mean that you are supposed to keep that person in your life. Nature may just be calming your soul, telling you it will be all right, even if that decision is to let go of that person. It can be hard to differentiate the difference sometimes when I bring my problems to nature, so that I am able to figure out what nature is really telling me to do. So, I keep going, hoping to gain insight in nature, to lead me toward the next step in my life. I've been thinking about question for a long time, so when I read it here, I couldn't helping thinking more about it. Why most of us at least never have good feelings when breakup happens to us. We believe that the good feelings do exsist while being with that person, and only this person could bring us such good feelings because we are used to them. No one is "silly" to refuse those feelings and took it for granted those are our "private possession". So once the "possession" is gone or taken away, we became frustrated, distrustful and desperate. For me, nature's wisdom is the power very enligtening. All the time, I see in nature, "to give" is far more important than "to get". Nature teaches me how to sustain a balanced and pure life by giving more - more responsibility, more love, more support and more trust. The mutual benefit comes from: if I need those good feelings, the very first step is "to Give". Hope you will find yourself. Support and hugs. ^^^ The attractive natural area is my overgrown garden. I naturally sense permission, but I request it anyway. I like this sense of respect upon entering a natural area - my own sense of perception shifts into a heightened level of awareness. I know that I am now interacting with other forms of life and that they are interacting with me. Giving thanks opens a deeper connection. I thank the kiwi hanging from the vines. Last autumn we harvested 1,500 kiwi fruit and ate them through August this year. But the vines are resting - there is less fruit this summer. I thank the sun that warms my face as I emerge from under the kiwi pergola. I thank the solidity of the ground under my feet. I thank the breeze that shifts the sense of strong heat from my cheeks. I thank the green glowing in the afternoon sun. I thank the sound of the wind in the trees, the song of birds and cicadas. I thank the sense of hearing that connects me to non-verbal ways of communication. I thank my eyes that see all this around me. Once I start saying thank you I cannot stop. One thank you flows into another until all I sense is thank you. I become thank you. I am filled with the stillness and fullness of this moment. I thank this natural world around me, and think, does it see and hear and sense me? Does it feel like thanking me? I learned that life is a fullness of connection and my garden can no longer be called my garden, it is so overgrown with natural growth. Once you start giving thanks it is impossible to stop. I am a person who enjoys asking permission of the natural world and giving thanks to it, who senses the thankfulness in life, who would like to live in such a way that the natural world feels like thanking me. My sense of self-worth is increased - I know that I feel thankfulness. ^^^ 1. I was attracted to (another) large, solid boulder on the Oregon shoreline. I was also very drawn to the way waterfalls flowed softly on it when the waves continuously crashed and splashed. Quote: “Nature can be seen as a unifying attraction process that organizes, preserves, and regenerates itself to produce an optimum of life, diversity and balanced cooperation without producing garbage, madness or death as we know it. Nature’s way of expressing love prohibits the pollution, abusiveness and stress that deteriorate life.” I learned about that there can be softness in strength and flow. I feel that this webstring is invaluable and is now a part of me. Since I feel it’s been integrated within my being, I don’t see how it could be taken away from me. This a new realization and it feels awesome.My self-worth and trust in nature has been greatly enhanced. As you can see from my response, I’m feeling my strength and feel very comfortable with it as it flows softly through me. Again, I have been re-attracted to another boulder, noting its solidness and groundedness. I’m reconnecting with the strength of this inside and outside of me. I can very much relate and feel influenced by the restorative power of nature and how it enhances my integrity. I found softness in strength and flow and lightness in the streams wholeness.” I am softness in strength and flow. A very interesting thing happened when I was on a hike recently, a song (from the 1980’s) came back to me starting with the lyrics “Love is all around you…Dance with me, I want to be your partner, can’t you see---I am calling.” (I don’t remember who the musical artists are, do any of you?) I continue to share this learning with others. Recently at the professional workshop I attended in Oregon, I announced it to everyone in our room that included the facilitators (Amy and Arny Mindell) and participants. I’m starting to use it with my clients now, too. ^^^ Thank you Charlene for this beautiful expression of gratitude: "I’m thankful for the grass that binds the earth tight allowing me to move about easily while holding tight the trees that shade and feed me and my wild friends. I give thanks for the sun that nourishes life on this planet while illuminating our way. I give thanks for the rain that has always been such source of joy for me for being a part of the essential life giving elements. To thank nature is to show my heartfelt gratitude to God. I’ve come to learn that graciousness is in itself a natural sensory attraction that comes at no cost but yields untold benefit." ^^^ I went to a favorite spot outside of Reno, Galena Park, to sit by the wonderful webstring relatives that abound at the small “tuck away” brook. I have learned to recognize permission to engage by the waving of my standing people family – the Trees. At the brook I chose 6 similar stones from the water. For quite sometime, about 10 minutes, with eyes closed I traced my fingers over every millimeter of one small stone. I began to “see” its image begin to burn in my mind’s eye. When I thought I had a solid feeling description of my stone I placed it with the others (eyes still closed). I then attempted to find my stone by touch only. The first stone I found was almost an instant match however I continued to feel the other until I was left with a question between two. I opened my eyes and immediately identified my stone as it matched the image that had burned in my brain. My sense of sight continues to be dominant. I enjoyed exploring objects through touch. I can “see” with my eyes closed by allowing my sense of touch to convey shape and texture. Touch as one of our senses offers important information often neglected. Texture enriches my experience of the natural world. Webstrings can be accessed and enjoyed through tactile experiences. I would feel disabled, disadvantaged, and disappointed to not have my sense of touch which enriches my life in so many ways. I would also regret taking touch for granted. Just as the smallest and most “insignificant” stone can be recognized by its Lover, I trust that I too am recognized and Loved by Nature. This activity re-educates my continued over-reliance on sight as my primary sense for identification. ^^^ This day, Sunday I went to visit a very dear friend of mine. His name is Bob. Bob and I used to spend a great deal of time working, sometimes goofing off together and sometimes traveling. Bob always has a sparkle to his eyes and greets everyone with a warm welcoming hello. Bob has the most gentle nature as any being could. He carries most all of the work load beyond his peers. You'd think he'd be a bit of a clumsy oaf with his big feet, yet he is always careful not to be out-of-step. Bob is always a great listener, all ears whenever I need to talk to him. Above all he has been a wonderful teacher. I've learned so much from him. You see he is very special... Bob is a beautiful, black and white Clydesdale. He is roughly 2,385 pounds of solid muscle and love. He greeted me with his usual warm, low nicker. I buried my face into his neck. I wrapped my arms across his neck and chest, far too big to reach all the way around his neck. He tucked his head into my back as if a great hug for a visiting friend. It was his time to be turned out for a romp and I went along to watch him play. Once cut loose he thunders across the field and back. Just enough coolness in the morning air made his breath jets of steam from his flaring nostrils. Once he finished stretching his legs, having a great dust bath and shake, he sauntered over to the fence where I sat so that we might "get caught up." I've learned from him to be gentle in my ways to those around me. To know that kind words are better at getting work done. That work shared has greater accomplishment than trying to pull it alone. He reminds me that strength is not only in the physical self but also in the inner self as well. He is my friend and my guide, through him and with him I am connected to nature this beautiful Sunday. I love myself because I carry forth the guardianship of the "gifted" attributes of my friend, the Horse; my guide, to the best of my abilities... The Horse brings me the call of travel. I love a journey and adventure. Maybe in the physical world or travel in the inner realms. He brings energy and speed which connect me to the power of the land and the sun. He aides me in becoming intuned with my sense of place in the world - with the spirit of the land beneath me and the sky above me. I love the personal powers endowed to me, to be neither abused, squandered, not kept to myself. I have an unbreakable spirit and unfaltering loyalty. I love having the gift of sharing the power with others and teaching them how to find and nurture their own power, our journey of self discovery becomes faster and more joyful. ^^^ As my work took me near the Buffalo Ranch, I was excited at the chance to be around the buffalo once again and do this activity. It has been a few months since I have been out this way, and I hoped they would be there to welcome me and allow me to sit with them for awhile. It was early morning, and cottony, white layers of heavy mist lay in the valleys below as I looked out over the high hills of western New York's ski country. I absolutely love the white mist and how it lays in the valleys ~ it is one of my favorite sights of calm and beauty. I found the buffalo not far from the road ( oh thank you so much for being here ! :-), and a warm inviting spot near them where the sun warms my face on this very cool morning beneath blue skies overhead as I look out over layers and layers of hills and valley mists. I am filled with gratitude for the coziness and beauty of my warm spot and the myst-icle depths of my valley views ! ~ my nose is cold ! I love that I can blow warm air into my hands and warm my nose ! Thank you thank you ~ for breath, hands, nose, and even the cold clear fresh air I am warming ! It is so very quiet here .... I have always been attracted to the quiet here ... thank you quiet .... there are many kinds of quiet ..this is the kind of quiet that touches deep within me ... I almost crave it sometimes ... it is a quiet that allows me to hear it ....and then the singular sounds of nature in each moment ...the trill of a redwing blackbird, the buzz of a fly, tall grasses moving in the faintest breeze, the swish of the buffalo tail, the breath of the buffalo. A quiet with sound. And I give a quiet prayer of gratitude for it all ... The buffalo contentedly graze, and I listen to their peaceful snorts and sighs as they lumber along, calves and moms, young and old males. Being here always transports me back to the days of the old west when buffalo were abundant and a part of the daily balance of life on the plains .... and then, the memory of yet another balance of nature destroyed by man .... I tell them how sorry I am for our ignorance, for what we have done to their ancestors, eliminated so as to starve and thus subdue the native tribes. Who is the person who came up with that idea? What lay in the mind of the person with the cruel logic who contrived such a plan. What wrangling gave birth to such cruelty. I thank the buffalo for their presence and company now and the good counsel they have always provided me when I come here seeking their wisdom, and I ask their forgiveness for the past injustices to them. I ask this every time I come here ... I am always asking forgiveness amidst my thanks ~ for mankind's thoughtless cruelty and destruction of one another, for the harm we cause the earth and all its creatures. I am touched deeply as I look into their dark, gentle eyes ...and I feel so much love for them. The herd moves very close to me, and I feel their gentle and strong support for me and forgiveness for generations of cuelty. I feel I am surrounded by abundance and wisdom, and I am so grateful. People appreciate hearing my statements: they say they feel true, comfortable, engaging. They show curiosity about their 53 natural senses .... I am a person who appreciates that it is reasonable for me to thank nature for her gifts to me. I am grateful for nature's guidance in leading me in good directions and that my 53 senses are here now, in this moment ( and always), supporting me and deepening my connections and awarenesses. I am so grateful for my new brain for providing good feelings by bringing the connections from my old brain into verbal consciousness. It brings me great joy to follow my attractions and validate them verbally. It feels good for my new brain to validate my old brain's sensory nature and it's connective sensitivity to natural attractions. I am aware that I gain enjoyment by letting my reasoning language abilities validate my inner nature and it's connections with the natural world. I learned that gratitude brings joyful expression and language and outward expression unites and validates my inner world with the outer world, bringing my inner thoughts into a light outside myself. My validations rejuvenate my spirit. I am a person who enjoys connecting and validating my attractions both verbally and non-verbally and who seeks to bring the beauty and wisdom of nature into my life and enjoys sharing it with others. I feel renewed from my connections with nature and appreciates nature's unconditional love and acceptance of me and I truly love and appreciate reading all your emails ~ your honest insights, your connections, your wisdom ...... thank you all ^^^ I walked with Tucker into the old Hydro road and followed it to the train tracks. I was attracted to a faded wooden fence stood. I tied Tucker to it and hung my bag from the first post. With my sense of sight I could detect: Heat from the drying pavement Movement Colors Wind Forms thank you Sun With eyelids closed: Red lids The heat felt more intense Sounds were louder Internal processes could be heard and sensed more clearly I felt senses all the way down my back and legs with eyes closed ˆ thank you. The value of the shadow from clouds: The regulation of environmental temperature The regulation of temperature in people and plants Slows the evaporation and thereby contributes to the water cycle. Prevents plants and people from burning up Reminds us how beautiful the blue sky is by hiding it from us Clouds remind us of our freedom. Clouds do deserve thanks! Turning in place: My eyes and my sense of temperature tell me the sun is still shining. My shadow was not existent since now the clouds having covered the sun. I continued the exercise today. I was hoping for a sunny day but Hurricane Ike is up here now finishing off his run. We had a power outage last night. Nothing serious but today is cloudy, cold and wet. I went outside but the light is so diffuse, that I cannot cast a shadow. I noticed that I could cast a shadow in my living room, so I placed Elvis, my leafy bonsai tree on the floor. I appreciate the new knowing that plants know I exist because I cast a shadow on them. I feel that Elvis may feel unhappy that I am blocking the sunlight as I just watered him and he probably wishes more sun. On a hot day, however, he would enjoy my cooling shadow. My sense of play lives in the shadow of my sense of duty and work ( work comes first). My sense of love and nurturing lives in the shadow of my sense of duty and work (work comes first). My sense of physical exercise lives in the shadow of my sense of duty and work (work comes first). My sense of creativity lives in the shadow of my sense of duty and work (work comes first). My sense of friendships lives in the shadow of my sense of duty and work (work comes first). My sense of Being lies in the shadow of my inner child‚s fear of judgement. My sense of expression lies in the shadow of my fear of judgement. My sense of right career lies in the shadow of fear of change. My sense of confidence and self-love lies in the shadow of my fears. Being in the shadow of my literate brain I feel tired, left out, forgotten, ignored, not valued, lonely. This is why I feel so bad alone. All the voices begin to speak and I feel horrible. I have liked being alone in the past (as it did not happen often) and because when I am alone, I am enough. Too much time alone gives me feelings of despair and I realize that fixating on duty and work does not feed my heart. This is so big for me. I have avoided addressing my hurt and fear by taking up a spiritual learning addiction. Now, 15 years later I realize that that was a masquerade to avoid dealing with my fear. While this sounds so despairing, it is a huge step in realization so that I can choose again. Our child selves often make decisions to never get hurt again when that decision in itself hurts us in the long run. There value in keeping senses from the light of consciousness When a person has suffered a severe shock. When a child is too young to deal with an emotional hurt. Most examples I can find are when a person is hurt. Another is when a person is in an emergency helps/saves another his/her system may send certain senses in the shadow to give more energy and focus to others. Depending on the situation, for example in childbirth, some senses go shadow while other are heightened. Anaerobic organisms thrive when the sun goes down. The sense of sight goes down while the sense of hearing goes up. Bats, owls, foxes, rabbits, raccoons, skunks thrive when the sun goes down. The global heat pump would not be in balance if the sun shone every day and night. I would burn out, as would the plants, and soil if it was an all sunshine world. I believe our dependency on our sense of sight does encourage us to subdivide life into light and dark. Sun contributions to the area: The sun's energy fuels photosynthesis. The sun's energy contributes to drying the path and fading the wood fence The sun's energy contributes to drying stones and grass so I can comfortably sit. The sun's energy calls forth flowers to bloom for bees and then causes seeds to form creating food for birds. The seeds then ensure the plant‚s survival. The sun causes the grasses to grow which prevents soil erosion. No part of Earth would exist today without Father Sun. Mother and Father are equally vital. If Father Sun did not exist we would be on one big planet of ice. If Father Sun existed and Earth did not we would not have a place to live. My gift to Father Sun is my garden. My flowers shine their praises to the sun every day. I also adore and thank the sun every day when I feel its warmth. I give my thanks and feelings of appreciation for the power, creativity, and energy maleness bring to the world. ^^^ I went to my laundry room and sat my back against the door. Eyes open or shut I saw only blackness. When I emerged after 5 minutes, I realized that light is joy, color, moods, awareness of others and all things. I went outside and looked up at the clouds and could just make out the outline of the sun. It is beautiful and I felt grateful for the richness it brings to my life (and earth‚s life). ^^^ Kinship commitments My sense of play is alive and living in the sun. My sense of love and nurturing is like the warmth of a sun-bathed stone. It warms the hands and hearts that stop to touch it. My sense of confidence and self-trust is rooted in the earth and faces the rising sun with loving patience. My sense of right career is a seed that sprouts in the dark in my cupboard until it is ready to be brought into the light to turn green. Act
Organic Psychology by doing it. http://www.ecopsych.comAchieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being. Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest: |
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