"In our society, an effective process for building
environmentally sound unity and inner peace has
been absent. Now, studies show NSTP fills that void."

- Dr. Michael J. Cohen


Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
A United Nations Non Governmental Organization
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250
"Environmentally sound personal growth and social justice."

September 24, 1997:



Sensory Contact With Nature Recycles

Destructive Thinking, Wellness Results.


Studies show that an Earth connected psychological
process reverses disorders and sustains
personal and global balance.

The Institute of Global Education, a Non-Governmental Organization of the United Nations, today released a study of its Project NatureConnect Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP). The study confirms the findings of earlier studies: NSTP establishes balanced sensory relationships that are accompanied by increased personal, social and environmental responsibility.

NSTP has been researched and developed by the Institute's Department of Integrated Ecology under the direction of Dr. Michael J. Cohen, author of Reconnecting With Nature: finding wellness through restoring your bond with the Earth ((Ecopress)).

Dr. Jan Goldfield, a psychologist involved with the study says, "By helping us feel our deeper roots, NSTP offers a remarkable sensory bridge between the wisdom of Indigenous People and Western thought." Dr. Richard Schneider, CEO of the Institute, says "NSTP is a proven, easily learned school or home study program. It lets thoughtful psychological contacts with nature catalyze environmentally sound self-esteem and resiliency."

NSTP scientifically establishes wholeness by consciously rejuvenating the sensory bonds between an individual's inner nature and natural areas, backyard or back country. Dr. Cohen says, "This hands-on ecopsychology process nurtures people and places. It is readily available to individuals and organizations interested in establishing sustainable personal and global relationships."

The study surveyed adults in a variety of occupations, who, in the past 3 years, learned to use NSTP through a 30 day internet course or the Reconnecting With Nature training book. They report NSTP helped them significantly improve their personal and professional life and their relationship with the environment.

The participants say that NSTP daily enters their thinking and personal relationships and that its use is imperative if we are to reverse our present destructive ways. They indicate NSTP will quickly produce positive global change if a larger segment of the population uses and teaches it.

The participants highly recommend NSTP to students and teachers in all disciplines. They offered personal statements that described their increased balance, wellness and environmental activities. The study results, including the statements, are located on the internet (1) They affirm the previously tested effects of NSTP on at-risk high school students (2) (4)

Dr. Cohen says, "In our society, an effective process for building environmentally sound unity and inner peace has been absent. Now, studies show NSTP fills that void. There are many advantages to NSTP: it is free and it gives natural areas added value. It empowers us with self-improvement activity tools that we own, can re-use and teach, no matter our circumstances," he said.

A summary of how NSTP works and how to obtain it is available by selecting here (3) or by postal inquires to NSTP, P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor WA 98250. Dr. Cohen may be reached at 360-378-6313.








Project NatureConnect:
Institute of Global Education
A United Nations Non Governmental Organization
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250

E-mail: (360) 378-6313

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