NEWS: Immediate Release. Investigate this Outrage. Eradicate the Core of Sexism and Abuse

Project NatureConnect
Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D.  360.378.6313

For immediate release or review


Invoking 54-Sense Wisdom Stops the Abuse of Mother Nature, Women and the Feminine.

October 1, 2018: San Juan Island, WA.  An article posted by Project NatureConnect at documents how our personal and global abuse results from us imposing scientifically untruthful stories on the ever growing and changing ways of Mother Earth and the natural world, around, in and as us.

The erroneous facts we embrace injuriously detach us from what, biologically, Mother Nature moment-by-moment loves our body, mind and spirit into being.

The article, Grok it! Albert Einstein’s Revolutionary Wisdom by Dr. Michael J. Cohen reports that, since Earth Day, 1970, alarming studies show a human caused, yearly, global increase in most personal, social and environmental disorders.

Our degeneration of our earth mother demands that we invoke the presently omitted, undeniable truth that reverses the runaway abuse, sexism and infringement of Mother Nature along with the rights of all women. Many abused women, and men, too,  make full recoveries by practicing this organic healing and mentoring process.

The deterioration of the life of our planet does not exclude men. Their sexism and abusiveness is too often created by mothers who were sexually or otherwise abused and could not give them sufficient love as children.

Cohen says “We omit the strongest remedy for this sexist outrage rather than apply Nature’s ability in a natural area to recycle and remedy our hurt and biased thoughts and feelings. That backyard or backcountry experience stops this injustice.

“The unseen core of sexism and abuse is our society’s widespread prejudice against our earth mother. Its core is our unreasonable stories and attitudes about the life of Mother Nature, in, around and as us. Its remedy is scientific, readily available, 54-sense, ‘Whole truth and nothing but the truth,’ facts.

The Revolutionary Wisdom article states, “We are part of Nature. It is a profound hallucination to think that our lives can get better while our planet mother gets sicker.”

The article’s peer-reviewed sources say, “Our emotional bonds to unreasonable stories, attitudes and beliefs about the natural world prejudicially won’t allow us to validate or practice the organic art and science of Albert Einstein’s, 54-sense Revolutionary Wisdom. The latter is a powerful, if not the only, heartfelt antidote for our destructive male chauvinism against the life of Mother Earth and our life as part of it.”

We suffer because we learn to deny that our abuse of Nature cannot injure the womb that is our earth mother and not injure us.

Injured mothers produce injured sons.  Revolutionary Wisdom stops this madness.

A Revolutionary Wisdom 54-sense wellness book empowers us to revive our inherent, but suppressed, 54-sense love for the authentic core of Mother Nature that is alive in all natural areas and each of us. The prejudicial warp from our suppression of our 54-senses produces our excessive disconnection and devaluing of Nature’s purifying balance and beauty in and around us.


Full contact information, along with methods and materials, is located at the end of the following short overview:



In metaphor, Industrial Society’s excessive disconnection from the supportive ways of Mother Nature produces discomforts that motivate us to compensate by enjoyably driving an exciting, advanced technology automobile. This car provides sensory fulfillments and high-tech relief that temporarily replaces our loss of nature’s love.

In our exhilaration, as we speed our vehicle down the highway, it alarms us to see we will careen into a group of families having wonderful, 54-sense experiences in a beautiful natural area.

Since we have not yet learned to master the Revolutionary Wisdom braking and steering system for our car, in anguish we hope and pray that the vehicle will halt as we fearfully scream “Oh God,” or “whoa” or “STOP.”  It is as if the vehicle was an evil spirit or a runaway horse, or that it understands our words.

These reactions are unscientific and outdated. They do not control our high-tech car so we wreak the agonizing havoc of Earth Misery on that natural area’s beautiful people, places and things as well as on ourselves as passengers, no less the car.

Our runaway vehicle is controlled and our wounds healed by learning how to grow relationships by invoking Revolutionary Wisdom in them. It is the art of adding the rational emotion/passion of a science and technology “steering and braking system” to our lives. We learn how to experience RW while in the now, non-verbal, balancing and purifying powers of natural areas.

Revolutionary Wisdom instantly provides us with the ways and means to attain happy responsible satisfactions and cooperative, peaceful relationships as we support the life of our earth mother’s natural areas and people rather than continue to runaway exploit them.


The Revolutionary Wisdom article, including this release, is available at


The Revolutionary Wisdom training book is available at


For further information contact Mike Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D. 360-378-6313

