Elder's Advice to Leaders
SYNOPSIS: The green advice to leaders by a nature elder, below, describes a significant breakthrough: distance education sustainable counseling and therapy training that includes atomics and your prior learning and equivalence courses, life experience, and that offers financial aid grants. Please note that the program helps you remedy the excessive disconnection of our psyche from nature's flow that produces our disorders. Its applied ecopsychology helps you follow nature's path to Earth together with humanity in peaceful balance. PROGRAM OVERVIEW:
Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Degrees, Grants, Career Training Courses and Jobs Online. Individuals
who have enjoyed a refreshing visit in a natural area often report that
their sensory contact with nature's balance and beauty increased their
well-being in lasting ways. They say that the connection renewed their
psyche, cleared their mind and energized their spirit. To this end, the
remarkable process of Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature
(ECHN) empowers anyone, anytime, to increase personal, social and
environmental well-being, and to help others do the same.
ECHN students learn how to help nature's self-correcting ways interlace with their heart, mind and spirt. This enables them, along with their clients and friends, to increase health and wellness through a grant for thinking, feeling and relating like nature's perfection works. Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature offers critical nature connected distant education and university distance learning, graduate school scholarships and alternative careers degrees, and jobs. They are designed for independent thinkers who want to add sensory nature-contact methods to therapy, teaching or coaching practices. The environmental need is great for those who have the integrity and dedicated passion to master sustainable, atomic, health and wellness spirituality skills. They help individuals get together who need or seek a safe alternative to the destructive ways of society that block the restorative flow of nature in through and around us. We honor your desire to blend your life experience and training with your respect for nature, by providing special grants and equivalence credit for it. Please note that, if you like, you may combine our certified accredited coursework with a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most subjects, personal interests, or jobs. (see bottom of this page)
Nature Elder Advice to Leaders:
Soak Your Head. Jump In The Lake. Please!"
If you trust the methods and truths of scientific inquiry that have made it possible for you, at this moment, to read these high-tech, online, computer made words, you may value the following metaphor. Do you? "Some
fully clothed educational and political leaders fell in a pond
and climbed out dripping wet. However, they declared that
they were dry. They not only said that they were unaffected and
untouched by the water, they also expected observers at the pond to
believe them. Would you?"
With respect to the pond story, above, the science of Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE) affirms that we are part an immense pond, one that we call the universe. We live and swim in this pond today and our essence has done so since the inception of out "universe-pond" 14.6 billion years ago. NAE also proclaims that today, the whole of the universe including our body, mind and psyche is held together by natural attractions that hold together every aspect of the universe-pond and that register as senses in our psyche. To understand NAE, consider its findings. It finds that from its beginnings in the Big Bang, the universe has grown into what it is today due to the ability of natural attraction energy to grow in balance, purity and organic community. This makes everything in our planet/universe, belong and for this reason nature does not produce garbage. Now consider the diagram at http://ssscott.tripod.com/BigBang.html Most scientific studies support its accuracy.
Lovers of life and spirit often forget that natural attraction is the essence of love. We learn to ignore that we most passionately support the people, places and things that we love. The natural attractions of our atomic universe also became our natural senses. They attract us to our planet because we need it to help us sustain our lives. To accomplish this feat, they guide us as felt-senses. For example the felt sense/sensation of "thirst," our natural attraction to water, connects our psyche and life with the water cycle, to its benefit and to our own. The information on the diagram about the makeup of the Cosmos results from the same scientific methodologies that enable us to produce the many benefits we enjoy in Industrial Society. If we trust how these benefits developed, it seems reasonable, as well as necessary, to trust the benefits of all sciences that explain how the universe, Earth, and we grew and developed. "We" includes our body, mind, and sensuality. Scientific study observes that we live completely immersed in, and are deeply affected by, the flow of the expanding "pond" of natural attractions that make up our planet and universe. Do you see where the diagram shows that natural attraction is the essence of our universe, planet and self? Do you think it #3, 4, or 5 where we can see things begin to be naturally attracted to bind with each other? By #6 we see that the universe has cooled into a flowing, ever growing and diversifying attraction process that produces atoms. Today our lives, and all others things, swim in the 13 billion year old natural attraction pond of the universe and its atomic relationships. Inherently, our natural senses recognize the natural attraction in the pond to be a powerful, sensible essence that the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms, including us, hold in common. The Metaphor With respect to the "Leaders fall into the pond metaphor," above, and their claim that the pond does not "rub off" on how they or we live, think and feel, consider this. Whoever says, "We are in the pond and we are dry," is all wet. Until now, ecology has consisted of relating to nature "objectively," as measurable food chains and natural system relationships. However, to be objective, scientific method make us omit that our inherent, natural attraction sensitivities and senses are a vita attraction. They are as part of the universe and our relationship with its self-correcting powers. Our natural senses help us connect to and register nature's universal pond as it organically flows around, through and in us. Significantly, to our loss, the process of "objective" science omits our natural attraction senses because they are "subjective" and we can't control or predict them. This loss makes us produce our non-sense and suffer from it. It disconnects our reasoning from the benefits of sensory contact with the sensibility of nature. Inherently, we share this sensibility with our planet, the universe and each other. The Science of Natural Attraction Ecology Today, Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE) enables us to remedy many of the great personal, social and environmental disorders that we insensitively produce. We endure them because, with prejudice, we are trained to commit the sins of omission, to omit from our thoughts, feelings and relationships the universal balancing, corrective and motivational ways of natural attraction. In natural areas, backyard or backcountry, NAE makes it possible for us to genuinely connect our body and psyche with nature's attraction powers. This is accomplished via online, accredited, Project NatureConnect courses and degree programs, They help us create sensory moments that let natural attraction relationships in natural areas touch us and teach us what we need to know to increase individual and planetary wellness. The science of NAE, in peace, gives us the ability to think and relate cooperatively with all of life, including each other. It helps us think and feel like the whole of Mother Earth's non-polluting perfection works to sustain the web of life in balance and beauty. Jump in the Lake When you run up against our leader's, or your own, thoughts and feelings that can't solve important problems in a good way, you might say: "Go jump in the lake" or "Go soak your head!" Then, help yourself, or others, take a swim in the wisdom of the natural attraction pond of the universe. Jump in. Knowing how to bathe our psyche in the self-correcting and healing powers of natural attractions is motivating. It makes a vital contribution to personal, social and environmental well being." Contact:
Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Telephone 360-378-6313 Read the Ecopsychology Journal interview with Dr. Cohen: http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html Email: nature@interisland.net. Website: www.ecopsych.com Personal page: http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html You may read and distribute a press release abut this page RESOURCES Overview Article<http://www.ecopsych.com/hallucinatearticle.html> Process Synopsis<http://www.ecopsych.com/transformation.html> Fundamentals <http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen22.html> Outcomes<http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html> Interview<http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html> Research<http://www.ecopsych.com/2004ecoheal.html> Identity<http://www.ecopsych.com/thesisquote6.html> Petition<http://www.ecopsych.com/petition2.html> Articles<http://www.ecopsych.com/2004artnews.html> Book<http://www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html> Film<http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1357054/> NAE<http://www.NaturalAttractionEcology.com> Journal quotes from students who are doing natural attraction activities: "I genuinely felt love, courage and spontaneity in this post. I felt like it was 'in the moment'. Your post made me think of Einstein...was it Einstein?...or maybe Stephen Hawking too?....and the hypothesis that the past, present and future are one and happening at the same moment within time. I felt a deep nature connection that connected to me. I read your post maybe three times in the last six days. Each time I felt this warmth and appreciation for nature and for you." ^^^ "I asked permission of the woods behind my house – with joy and comfort – greeting them as an old friend – but also with sadness…. As I make plans for moving to New Hampshire, I will be leaving these woods for someone else to love and respect. They know I am going…I have spoken to the trees and creatures numerous times… they have encouraged me to follow my heart, and they continue to help me understand…. Two trees stand together – apart from the others – a big old water oak that splits into 2 trunks about half way up – and a more delicate magnolia with her splotched bark and dark green shiny leaves with rust underneath. Their trunks and branches intertwined, they seem to be waltzing together in the breeze – like 2 old lovers in a tender embrace. As I walked toward the trees, a soft tune came to me without my calling for it…. “Peace be with you, oh my dear one; Peace be with you precious child…” The song flowed naturally with soft low tones. The tenderness of the tones and the gentle posture of the trees brought emotions. Pulling myself back from the emotion, I tried a couple of other tunes – high notes – and a rap sound – neither of which worked at all! Coming back to the song “Peace be with you…” the emotion returned. The song played over and over in my heart and my head. I lost all sense of the exercise – falling into a bittersweet farewell to the trees I have loved so dearly for so many years. “Peace be with you, oh my dear ones…” That was 5 days ago – 5 days of madly finishing packing, closing on my house and moving to a friend’s home until my New Hampshire home, covered in snow, is ready to greet me. This morning I drove down to Alpine Park, near my friend’s house, to resume this exercise… As I approached the Park, I could see huge oak trees in the distance – majestic, solid and strong. As I walked toward the trees, I appreciated them and asked permission as I looked up at the Spanish Moss blowing in the branches. The moss waggled like fingers beckoning me to come close. I feel a different kind of support up close and looking up…. more playful. The oak becomes personal up close. I hear birds twitter ( the real twitterJ) in her branches and the wind in her leaves and experience the softness of her mosses. I try some other senses – Community – She sits amid a dozen equally impressive oaks lining the banks of the St John’s River. They nod to each other…sharing earth, water, air, birds, and other beings. One tree has been cut down leaving a massive stump – surely a loss to this community, but apparently a natural, consequently acceptable death – with new life sprouting all around. As I sit swaying in an old swing in the row of oaks, I feel like a natural part of the community. My hair blows in the breeze off the river… just like the moss in the trees. It leads me to a sense of belonging. I know I belong here more than in the world of traffic and shopping malls. The wind breaths life into my face – so much sadness lately – I feel compassion in the wind." ^^^ "I was attracted to Charles Law Park for this activity. It's very cold so I stopped for lunch at a Thai restaurant and ate some hot and spicy food before going out for the activity. Good idea. As I approached the Park I was directed to follow a path that was in the sunlight. It's amazing how much of a difference the sun makes when you are standing still in the cold. I said the quote, "Each new achievement is a crisis in self esteem." I realized if Mike was right about self esteem being subject to others wranglers then each new achievement truly is a crisis in self esteem. For as we achieve we leave our old wranglers behind. (Or at least expose them for what they are.) And since most of us a heavily invested in our wranglers how could it be anything other than a crisis. But I must also remember the ancient wisdom of the Chinese sage who realized that from crisis comes opportunity. This past year has certainly proven that. The reading reminds me of an incident that happened when I was about ten years old. I was walking with my sister and two younger cousins along a dirt road. We decided to run and one of my cousins fell down and scuffed her knee. I was the closest to her so I helped her up. She began crying and blamed me for knocking her down. Of course I didn't. My sister and other cousin tried to tell her, but she insisted, never letting it go. Thirty years later I ran into her and a friend at a local restaurant. She introduced me as the cousin that knocked her down. So here I am standing out in the cold holding my breath thinking about wranglers old and new. I must admit I'm attracted to breathing in deep. I acknowledge the natural desire for air, not water or food. I take a deep breath and another and another. This could go on all day and night. But I exhale and stop breathing. I hear a familiar voice saying "I don't want you to breathe. Don't you dare." I'm angry and sad instantly all at the same time. Why can't I just breathe? Why don't you want me to breathe? Who are you, that I should give you so much power over me that I can't breathe without your permission? To hell with you I'm breathing. It feels good to breathe again. We are all heavily invested in our own wranglers and our natural attraction to breath is an easy way to identify and release these authorities. My self esteem belongs to me; it is the self that is the esteem. I am a person that gets good feelings from breathing deeply, from healthy food and from seeking shelter from the cold. In this activity natural attractions have helped me overcome the inner authority in me that tells me I don't deserve success and therefore sets me up to fail." ^^^ "After returning back into the closed indoors of my parents home, I find that the TV is the only thing that stares back in any lively manner, and I honesty say I felt better myself, shamefully, but interestingly, I began to see and understand how TV is so prominent and a "force" here in this household ( and culture in general ). Nature doesn't give anything back, because it's been so cut off from being able to do so, with all the human development and disregard for it's natural habitat all around. It's hard to see / feel through all the "toxins" and suppression. Needless to say, I started feeling very depressed and anxious around my family, and I was disappointed I couldn't find a suitable connection to naturalize and enliven my relationship with people and place (and with me!). We all just sat around watching TV, lazily and sadly. ( I was sucked in, it is a strong force, I wish nature could do this...In time, and with practice, I know, right, because it once could, before TV...). Fortunately, on the last day I was there, we all got motivated enough to go ice skating on the frozen lake. And I, we, had the best time of the entire visit...despite wiping out and hitting my body on the hard cold ice. ( Seriously...though, not nearly as painful as sitting on the couch all day...) I didn't really know how to process or assess my experience ( or lack thereof) in Michigan, until I returned back to my "real" home, here in Portland, Oregon, and make a comparison. I could immediately, succinctly and powerfully feel a connection and lively relationship with this place, nature in my back yard. Why is that? What happened? How could a twig hanging on a tree in Michigan have such a completely different effect and resonance with me than a twig hanging from a tree in Oregon? ( Among other factors, I had same intentions, it was same temperature, same tree species, same time of day, a day apart... ). This is a powerful revelation and will require some more (silent, wordless) exercises, meditations, experiments and considerations. I will have to think on this more, but I certainly have some amazing insight to begin with, which I can convert to a greater understanding and appreciation of the power of nature, and its voiceless voice, heard all across the planet, from one place to the next, the voice of nature is heard, the language is strange, and I am excited about the intelligence this experience will bring. I am inspired, and will be inspired for a long time...." For an extensive collection of Journal quotes from students doing natural attraction activities: Visit http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html .................................................................................. Achieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being. Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest: |
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