Evidence: My Natural Systems Thinking
Process is a nature connected psychology, a beneficial scien (2-2) Nature connected psychology is based on a form of evidence that contemporary society teaches us to ignore. It is "Self-Evidence" as in "We hold these truths to be self-evident." Self-Evidence is a missing link in how we learn to think. Its definition is: to validate what we sense and feel. It critically applies our sense of reason to what we sense and feel while in consensual contact with attractions in Nature. It compares these findings to our Cultural attachments and their effects. (2-3)By Nature I mean the non-literate, unadulterated, biological and psychological attraction process that has existed for eons before and during humanity's arrival. (2-4) By Culture I mean humanity's abstract, literate, thinking process, its stories, artifacts and effects. Validity of Evidence:
The Natural Systems Thinking Process is super objective in that it welcomes all evidence. It includes sensuous information from non-verbal, transpersonal, connections rather than dismiss this evidence as subjective, unscientific, spiritual, psychotic or fuzzy thinking. The Process enables us to choose to think and relate like whales and nature work (5). For decades it has been taught and accredited in more than 58 Universities and published extensively (16, 6). Self-Evidence often consists of natural attraction sensations and feelings in natural areas that, to help insure our survival, nature registers in our consciousness. Although often overlooked, Self-Evidence is valid because it is:
Self Evident Thinking: Our self-evident, non-verbal way of knowing and thinking (example) makes up the large, anciently evolved "Old-Brain" sometimes called the horse brain. (2-6)In humanity, the Old-Brain registers non-literate tensions, sensations, feelings and emotions. It makes up approximately 90% of our mentality and is the home of at least 52 different sense groups. It enables us to sensuously experience nature as nature operates and knows itself. The remaining 10% of our mentality, the more recently evolved Cerebral Neocortex or New Brain, consists of a bonding of the senses of verbal language, consciousness and reason to produce and act out abstract stories, be they accurate or inaccurate, constructive or destructive, connective or disconnective (7). Disuse of Self Evidence (2-7) Color Chart studies (7) show that in contemporary society, our New Brain trains itself to habitually predominate and avoid registering Self- Evidence. We spend over 99.9% of our thinking in abstract New Brain nature disconnected stories about how the world works and how to implement our stories. Thus, we know and manage the world with only 10% of our and the world's capacity to make sense. We are born as part of nature. From the beginning of humanity's time on Earth we have embodied nature's ability to produce and enjoy the perfection of its organic balance and beauty. However, our society is extremely separated from nature. As our socialization disconnects our thinking from nature and re-attaches it to our artificial ways, we produce many troubles that neither nature nor nature-centered people display. To our loss, by rewarding us with its money, power and support, our society's prejudice against nature conditions or addicts us to disconnect our thinking from nature's restorative balance. If you don't believe the thinking that produces our troubles is a prejudicial addiction, just try to change it. To more fully understand how and why we remain disconnected, consider the following intelligence test question, a question that helps society determine our mathematical aptitude to qualify for a better job or higher salary:
However, we don't solely live
our lives or think in mathematical Each of these senses provide us with further information. Each helps our sense of reason make more sense and more informed decisions. They enable our thinking to register that a tail is different than a leg, that a dog has four legs, not five, no matter what is correct in mathematical logic. (2-7A) It is a grave mistake for us not to take seriously the difference between 4-leg and 5-leg ways of knowing and our learned prejudice for the latter. When these ways are not in balance the schism between their different means of registering the world often produces destructive relationships, stress and conflict within and around us.
Our most challenging personal, social and environmental problems result from our 5-leg thinking's destructive disconnection from the truths and processes of 4-leg knowledge. The disconnection limits our ability to respect and make sense of life and nature. Our limited thinking is detrimental. We might kill or hurtfully stress a dog if we make it run too fast or far because we think that it has five legs. However, that is exactly what our socialization is doing to us and the environment. The destructive results speak for themselves in the deterioration of emotional, psychological and biological systems within and around us. Nine-leg thinking enables us to bring nature's balancing and restorative powers to our mind and heart. Therein lies our salvation.
Our psyche is dismembered from its origins in nature. It silently suffers a profound loss of contact with its nurturing sensory and sensibility roots in nature's ways and intelligence. 2-9 However, any word or incident that reminds us of our psychological dismemberment breaks the silence. It triggers the emotional pain of it into consciousness and we feel it. As reflected by the state of the world, indoors or outdoors, our mentality is guarded, stressed, ill, wanting and destructive due to our painful deficiency of nature's peace, wisdom, and beauty With respect to Unlike whales, our extreme severance from our inherent, balanced, attraction fulfillments in nature produces a void in our psyche. (2-10)We crave our lost sensory support, sanity and gratification in nature. In response, we artificially fulfill our cravings to provide rewards. In the process, we become victims of destructive rewards and greedy, for when we want there is never enough. Our economy often operates by further irritating our natural senses and then selling us something to stop the irritation. Although our disconnection from nature and its destructive effects disturb our sense of reason, despite excellent evidence to the contrary, (2-11) Few of us think it reasonable for contemporary humanity to satisfy its cravings by thoughtfully reconnecting to attractions in nature and thereby changing ourselves from GO to GG (7, 14). Such denial is typical of addiction; reconnecting is a simple option. Our problems are often psychological addictions but are seldom recognized or treated as such so they continue. We have become so bewildered (wilderness separated) that we try to resolve our problems using the same addictive, nature disconnected, thinking process that produces them. Rationale: modeling how nature works:
2-2 Nature connected psychology is based
on a form of evidence that contemporary society teaches us to
ignore. It is "Self-Evidence"... Self-Evidence is a
missing link in how we learn to think.
2-3 By Nature I mean the non-literate,
unadulterated, biological and psychological attraction process
that has existed for eons before and during humanity's arrival. (2-4) By Culture I mean humanity's abstract, literate, thinking process, its stories, artifacts and effects.
2-5 The sense/sensation of thirst is a fact as real and true as water itself, perhaps more true than 2 + 2 = 4
2-6 In humanity, the Old-Brain registers non-literate tensions, sensations, feelings and emotions.
2-7 Color Chart studies (7) show that in contemporary society, our New Brain trains itself to habitually predominate and avoid registering Self- Evidence. We spend over 99.9% of our thinking in abstract New Brain nature disconnected stories about how the world works and how to implement our stories. Thus, we know and manage the world with only 10% of our and the world's capacity to make sense.
(2-7A) It is a grave mistake for us not to take seriously the difference between 4-leg and 5-leg ways of knowing and our learned prejudice for the latter.
2-8 Our psyche is dismembered from its origins in nature. It silently suffers a profound loss of contact with its nurturing sensory and sensibility roots in nature's ways and intelligence. However, any word or incident that reminds us of our psychological dismemberment breaks the silence. It triggers the emotional pain of it into consciousness and we feel it. As reflected by the state of the world, indoors or outdoors, our mentality is guarded, stressed, ill, wanting and destructive due to our painful deficiency of nature's peace, wisdom, and beauty
2-9 Our isolated New Brain ego story applauds itself for its potent conquest of nature;
2-9A Our isolated New Brain ego story applauds itself for its potent conquest of nature;
2-10 We crave our lost sensory support, sanity and gratification in nature. In response, we artificially fulfill our cravings to provide rewards. When we want there is never enough.
2-11 Few of us think it reasonable for contemporary humanity to satisfy its cravings by thoughtfully reconnecting to attractions in nature. and thereby changing ourselves from GO to GG (7, 14). Such denial is typical of addiction; reconnecting is a simple option. |