BEEN LEFT UNTURNED. It is a missing natural resource and psychology
education alternative whose absence reduces our integrity.
you search the natural resource data of the past 200 years there
is one part of nature you will not find listed as a natural resource.
The missing
resource is the attraction origins in nature that give rise to
humanity's ability to consciously sense and feel.
FACT: Human senses, feelings and consciousness did
not appear out of nowhere. Like our mind body and spirit, they,
too, arose in, and are part of nature. To our loss, our excessively nature separated
education, lifestyle and psychology disconnects our sensory self
from its nurturing, regenerative, origins in nature. This loss
produces a void in our psyche along with feelings of isolation
discontent and stress. These psychologically underlie our destructive
thinking and personal, social and environmental dysfunctions.
Unlike nature connected people, we are usually dissatisfied and
angry. Too often we want more,
no matter the deteriorating effects on people and places.
"The human need for nature
is linked not just to the material exploitation of the environment
but also to the influence of the natural world on our emotional,
cognitive, aesthetic, and even spiritual development."
- Edward
O. Wilson
Harvard University Pulitzer Prize Recipient (To the American
Psychological Association National Convention) |
FACT: People
are born with at least 53 senses
we inherit from nature, not just five. Humanity can safely register
and feel these senses when given the opportunity to consciously,
sentiently, reconnect with nature and let its restorative psychological
powers help us renew these senses into our consciousness. Reconnecting
education alternatives help us recycle destructive thinking.
They enable us to enjoyably nurture our psyche, rejuvenate our
multitude of sense and come into wellness. This helps us improve
our thinking, more adequately solve problems and relate more
responsibly to humanity and the environment.
FACT: In 1982, the best thinking
of contemporary society in the United Nations created the World
Charter for Nature. However, the Charter neglects to acknowledge
that the origins in nature
that give rise to the humanity's ability to sense and feel are as important a natural
resource as any other. To correct this omission, Project NatureConnect
has added section (c) to the "Aware that" part of the
Charter and added this awareness to Section 7.
Project NatureConnect
is an education counseling and psychology program of the Institute
of Global Education, a special NGO consultant to the United Nations
Economic and Social Council. Since 1984 it has suggested, in vain, to the United Nations
Environmental Programme that, based on scientific observation, nature-connecting
education additions and psychology alternatives be ratified by
the General Assembly.
The United Nations World
Charter for Nature
The General Assembly,
Reaffirming the fundamental
purposes of the United Nations, in particular the maintenance
of international peace and security, the development of friendly
relations among nations and the achievement of international
co-operation in solving international problems of an economic,
social, cultural, technical, intellectual or humanitarian character,
Aware that:
(a) Mankind is a part of nature
and life depends on the uninterrupted functioning of natural
systems which ensure the supply of energy and nutrients,
(b) Civilization is rooted
in nature, which has shaped human culture and influenced all
artistic and scientific achievement, and living in harmony with
nature gives man the best opportunities for the development of
his creativity, and for rest and recreation,
(c) Biological,
psychological and spiritual origins of humanity are natural resources
that are found in all global and local ecosystems; they provide
intelligent guidance and improve human thinking, education and
psychology when people learn how to gain consent from them make
conscious sensory contact with them in natural areas. (see below
Convinced that:
(a) Every form of life is unique,
warranting respect regardless of its worth to man, and, to accord
other organisms such recognition, man must be guided by a moral
code of action,
(b) Man can alter nature and
exhaust natural resources by his action or its consequences and,
therefore, must fully recognize the urgency of maintaining the
stability and quality of nature and of conserving natural resources,
Persuaded that:
(a) Lasting benefits from nature
depend upon the maintenance of essential ecological processes
and life support systems, and upon the diversity of life forms,
which are jeopardized through excessive exploitation and habitat
destruction by man,
(b) The degradation of natural
systems owing to excessive consumption and misuse of natural
resources, as well as to failure to establish an appropriate
economic order among peoples and among States, leads to the breakdown
of the economic, social and political framework of civilization,
(c) Competition for scarce
resources creates conflicts, whereas the conservation of nature
and natural resources contributes to justice and the maintenance
of peace and cannot be achieved until mankind learns to live
in peace and to forsake war and armaments,
Reaffirming that man must acquire
the knowledge to maintain and enhance his ability to use natural
resources in a manner which ensures the preservation of the species
and ecosystems for the benefit of present and future generations,
Firmly convinced of the need
for appropriate measures, at the national and international,
individual and collective, and private and public levels, to
protect nature and promote international co-operation in this
Adopts, to these ends, the
present World Charter for Nature, which proclaims the following
principles of conservation by which all human conduct affecting
nature is to be guided and judged.
1. Nature shall be respected
and its essential processes shall not be impaired.
2. The genetic viability on
the earth shall not be compromised; the population levels of
all life forms, wild and domesticated, must be at least sufficient
for their survival, and to this end necessary habitats shall
be safeguarded.
3. All areas of the earth,
both land and sea, shall be subject to these principles of conservation;
special protection shall be given to unique areas, to representative
samples of all the different types of ecosystems and to the habitats
of rare or endangered species.
4. Ecosystems and organisms,
as well as the land, marine and atmospheric resources that are
utilized by man, shall be managed to achieve and maintain optimum
sustainable productivity, but not in such a way as to endanger
the integrity of those other ecosystems or species with which
they coexist.
5. Nature shall be secured
against degradation caused by warfare or other hostile activities.
6. In the decision-making process
it shall be recognized that man's needs can be met only by ensuring
the proper functioning of natural systems and by respecting the
principles set forth in the present Charter.
7. In the planning and implementation
of social and economic development activities, due account shall
be taken of the fact that education and psychology for thoughtful, consensual,
shared sensory contact with attractions in nature and the conservation of nature is an integral
part of those activities.
8. In formulating long-term
plans for economic development, population growth and the improvement
of standards of living, due account shall be taken of the long-term
capacity of natural systems to ensure the subsistence and settlement
of the populations concerned, recognizing that this capacity
may be enhanced through science and technology.
9. The allocation of areas
of the earth to various uses shall be planned, and due account
shall be taken of the physical constraints, the biological productivity
and diversity and the natural beauty of the areas concerned.
10. Natural resources shall
not be wasted, but used with a restraint appropriate to the principles
set forth in the present Charter, in accordance with the following
(a) Living resources shall
not be utilized in excess of their natural capacity for regeneration;
(b) The productivity of soils
shall be maintained or enhanced through measures which safeguard
their long-term fertility and the process of organic decomposition,
and prevent erosion and all other forms of degradation;
(c) Resources, including water,
which are not consumed as they are used shall be reused or recycled;
(d) Non-renewable resources
which are consumed as they are used shall be exploited with restraint,
taking into account their abundance, the rational possibilities
of converting them for consumption, and the compatibility of
their exploitation with the functioning of natural systems.
11. Activities which might
have an impact on nature shall be controlled, and the best available
technologies that minimize significant risks to nature or other
adverse effects shall be used; in particular:
(a) Activities which are likely
to cause irreversible damage to nature shall be avoided;
(b) Activities which are likely
to pose a significant risk to nature shall be preceded by an
exhaustive examination; their proponents shall demonstrate that
expected benefits outweigh potential damage to nature, and where
potential adverse effects are not fully understood, the activities
should not proceed;
(c) Activities which may disturb
nature shall be preceded by assessment of their consequences,
and environmental impact studies of development projects shall
be conducted sufficiently in advance, and if they are to be undertaken,
such activities shall be planned and carried out so as to minimize
potential adverse effects;
(d) Agriculture, grazing, forestry
and fisheries practices shall be adapted to the natural characteristics
and constraints of given areas;
(e) Areas degraded by human
activities shall be rehabilitated for purposes in accord with
their natural potential and compatible with the well-being of
affected populations.
12. Discharge of pollutants
into natural systems shall be avoided and:
(a) Where this is not feasible,
such pollutants shall be treated at the source, using the best
practicable means available;
(b) Special precautions shall
be taken to prevent discharge of radioactive or toxic wastes.
13. Measures intended to prevent,
control or limit natural disasters, infestations and diseases
shall be specifically directed to the causes of these scourges
and shall avoid adverse side-effects on nature.
14. The principles set forth
in the present Charter shall be reflected in the law and practice
of each State, as well as at the international level.
15. Knowledge of nature shall
be broadly disseminated by all possible means, particularly by
ecological education as an integral part of general education.
16. All planning shall include,
among its essential elements, the formulation of strategies for
the conservation of nature, the establishment of inventories
of ecosystems and assessments of the effects on nature of proposed
policies and activities; all of these elements shall be disclosed
to the public by appropriate means in time to permit effective
consultation and participation.
17. Funds, programmes and administrative
structures necessary to achieve the objective of the conservation
of nature shall be provided.
18. Constant efforts shall
be made to increase knowledge of nature by scientific research
and to disseminate such knowledge unimpeded by restrictions of
any kind.
19. The status of natural processes,
ecosystems and species shall be closely monitored to enable early
detection of degradation or threat, ensure timely intervention
and facilitate the evaluation of conservation policies and methods.
20. Military activities damaging
to nature shall be avoided.
21. States and, to the extent
they are able, other public authorities, international organizations,
individuals, groups and corporations shall:
(a) Co-operate in the task
of conserving nature through common activities and other relevant
actions, including information exchange and consultations;
(b) Establish standards for
products and manufacturing processes that may have adverse effects
on nature, as well as agreed methodologies for assessing these
(c) Implement the applicable
international legal provisions for the conservation of nature
and the protection of the environment;
(d) Ensure that activities
within their jurisdictions or control do not cause damage to
the natural systems located within other States or in the areas
beyond the limits of national jurisdiction;
(e) Safeguard and conserve
nature in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
22. Taking fully into account
the sovereignty of States over their natural resources, each
State shall give effect to the provisions of the present Charter
through its competent organs and in co-operation with other States.
23. All persons, in accordance
with their national legislation, shall have the opportunity to
participate, individually or with others, in the formulation
of decisions of direct concern to their environment, and shall
have access to means of redress when their environment has suffered
damage or degradation.
24. Each person has a duty
to act in accordance with the provisions of the present Charter;
acting individually, in association with others or through participation
in the political process, each person shall strive to ensure
that the objectives and requirements of the present Charter are
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