
......PROGRAM OUTCOME REPORT: participant observations from field study activities.



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PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Robert, an online program participant, shares his results from a nature-connecting activity.


Part One

My wife has just planted our annual flower bed next to the walk in the back of the house. As she was explaining to me what was what in the beds, I saw small tulip sprouts breaking ground. As the next several days evolved, I saw that the plants were gaining height and appearance. I have been attracted to these new plants for about a week or so now and as I read this chapter I realized why and what attracted me to them. I like them because they reveal new life in Nature. They have purpose and possess qualities of awe and peace for me. They also act as a study for me to observe in an accelerated format. They will grow to adulthood shortly and become a part of the web of life without speaking or having labels other than ones we attach and other natural species will interact with them for food, shelter and life.

Part Two

I like myself because I too have something to offer others through the realization that I am part of the same natural system that the tulips are. I give life, food and shelter as well as warmth and good feelings to others around me. I can feel the part that I play in Nature without benefit of title, voice or egotistical feelings getting in the way. In the past I would have noticed the tulips as they were growing, but would still thought of them as a separate part of nature.


Natural Senses That Registered in my Awareness:

The tulips had not yet bloomed, and I probably wouldn't have paid them much notice, if I hadn't been doing the activity with them. In fact I had previously considered removing, them as they were in kind of an awkward location.

Music: I began to hum a single note, relatively high pitched but a pleasing tone.
The beauty of the still closed buds began to distill in my heart. What wonders were they holding? What would open up?

Distance Wonder: I moved off my chair and drew close up to individual buds. The petals were still mostly green with just a hint of coral red blending in with the green. But, just at the uppermost point- a crack between the leaves revealed the beginnings of a vibrant velvety-red, inner petal. The depth of my sense of wonder increased.

Intensity: The difference between the exterior color and the interior color was powerfully distinct. I began to wonder: Does the exterior color on the petal stay the same greenish or will it change to match the interior color? Or is the exterior green petal really a leaf that recedes or falls off when the bloom appears? I was amazed that I had never really noticed how a tulip grows before.

Smell: No smell at first. A subtle smell as my awareness increased.

Community/Belonging/ Compassion: Already, I was beginning to sense my connection to them powerfully. They were a family with each other. They were part of my family as well. How could I have ever considered removing them?

Light/Sight: The evening sunlight glowed on the silky petals- making them dance with color. One might have thought they had bloomed already- so vibrant was the display. I never realized that yet un-bloomed flowers could be so beautiful.

Season/Gravity/Time: I grasped the fact that a few short weeks ago- this beauty was hidden completely, unborn- yet imagined, under the ground. Defying gravity it somehow emerged- to feel me with awe.

Feel/Temperature: I bent down and placed my cheek against a petal. So soft. And what was it? Yes, cool. I never really realized its temperature would be cool in comparison to my own

Motion/Play/Pleasure: The buds swayed atop their tubular stems. I was struck by the fact that they continue to dance day in and day out even when I am not watching them.

Hypnosis/Relaxation: I felt hypnotized by the beauty of it all. All the stresses of the day seemed to melt. There was nothing to do but be with them.

The next day, as I was walking out my back door to go to church, something bright & colorful appeared in my peripheral vision. Turning, I drew a breath, "Oh Look! They bloomed. Just since yesterday three of them had popped wide open.

I drew near, mystified that what was just yesterday closed and green was now a vibrant red with a deep black center and gold interior stripes.

Gratitude: I felt profoundly grateful that I had paused to observe its process of emerging. I will never really think of tulips in the same way, because now I have a relationship with them.

Humility/Consciousness/Spirituality: I was definitely humbled by the tulips. Such wonders of creation. I sensed that the grandeur of creation is wrapped up in them- just as it is in you and I.


A Quote I Liked: "Each time we resonate with a natural attraction through a different sense, we get to know the attraction and ourselves in a new, more fulfilling and holistic way.

My Conclusion: When I "see" nature, other people, and myself through other senses, my sense of wonder and gratitude for them grows.

Dreamtime: I awoke this morning feeling myself in the arms of nature- as if cradled inside the tulip.

I pointed out the open tulip to my son. He didn't really get what I was so enamored about. But, I understood this. After all, I wouldn't have gotten what I was so enamored about yesterday, either.

Trustable Space in my Mind: Time with Tulips is Time with Me is Time with God.

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The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature
Naturally Attracted DVD video




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"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."

-Stephen Aizenstat


In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.

-Michael J. Cohen


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"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."

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