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The Millenennium Community Study & Activity

    Continued from Directions


    Sensory Ecology: Trusting How Your Nature Works


    "I sense, therefore I am."

    Would you place your name here............................. as a person who believes the statement in red quotes above?

    Please note this factual truth: 2 + 2 = 4 ( X.) True (.. ).False ..

    Mathematics is considered to be the purist of sciences and fact. However, the fact that we each sense and feel is as true, if not more true than Mathematics. We are not born innately knowing mathematics, we must learn it. However, we are born with the inherited ability to sense and feel.

    Do you trust your inborn senses and feelings as much as you trust mathematics or definitions? For example:

Pinch yourself gently. Do you trust that you felt something?

Now, pinch yourself too hard. Do you trust that a sense (pain, reason or both) calls to you to stop pinching yourself that hard?

    We largely build our lives around the truth of mathematics and science. We are often taught to do so without abiding by the truths of what we naturally sense and feel. For example, with respect to living in balance with Earth, each other and ourselves, most people sense that we have gone too far, we are destructively out of control. Although we strongly sense it, we are presently unable to stop.

    Being out of balance and control is absent in intact ecosystems. When it exists in our lives, we call it cancer.

    Do you have the ability to trust the sensory truths ecosystems convey to you? For example, if you go to a natural area and love a sunset there, do you believe that your love for that sunset is as true or more true than 2 + 2 = 4 ?

    If you do believe your sunset-love is true, you have great potential to help yourself and others learn to think in globally balanced ways, to live in peace and responsibly with yourself, society and nature. Determining your Globally Balanced Thinking Score through the pages that follow will help you nurture and increasingly fulfill this potential.


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