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SYNOPSIS: This article is Part Three of a doctoral thesis and dissertation that describes the history of a funded Mother Earth sensory science, the Webstring Natural Attraction Model. The treatise presents the phenomenological roots of an organic psychology tool that helps us improve health wellness and counseling by enabling our thinking and feeling to safely tap into the nature's grace, balance and restorative powers. Its empirical science Model helps its participants benefit from and strengthen their inborn love of nature as they master alternative therapist coaching, stress release management and holistic spiritual psychology. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Supportive Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs On Line Project NatureConnect offers nature-centered distant learning that enables you to add the benefits of nature-connecting methods and credentials to your degree program and/or your skills, interests and hobbies. We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent education credit for it. You may take accredited or professional CEU coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page.
ARTICLE (DRAFT): Continued from Part Two A History of the Webstring Natural Attraction Model: The Web of Life, Well Being and our Prejudice Against Nature Janet Thomas with Michael J. Cohen From thoughtful sensory experiences with nature throughout his life, Michael J. Cohen and his workers successfully developed a rational, environmentally sound, education counseling and healing program that increased that strengened the health of person and planet. The acceptance, longevity and success of its Webstring Attraction Ecology (WAE) programs spoke to their value. His method for reaching his goal was to teach participants a nature-connected therapeutic learning and relationship-building tool, the Webstring Natural Attraction Model. The Model acts like the award-winning house plan of an expert architect. It is designed to help us construct an extraordinary personal home, within and around us, by building mutually supportive relationships with our planet home. PLEASE
The accredited program this article describes has been
professionally reviewed and
successfully defended on a Ph.D level as a key element for increasing
personal, social and environmental well being. You may be more
easily read it, or may download
it, as a Word Document (150 pages) from this address: http://www.MaverickGenius.com/maverick
genius phd.doc
You may obtain, in book form, a published copy of this dissertation for review by calling 360-378-6313 nature@interisland.net This book may be used to take the home study course described at http://www.ecopsych.com/thesiscourse.html
Summary and Conclusions Cohen
that the web of life, including his life, consisted of webstrings. They
were ancient natural attraction flows throughout Earth that manifested
themselves as our planet's plants, animals, minerals and energies,
including humanity. He concluded that the interactive flow of
webstrings was a fundamental essence of his ability to think, act and
communicate in life-supporting ways because that flow registered in his
psyche as natural senses, feelings and spirit, the ancient life wisdom
and grace of his natural intelligence. Cohen, however, also concluded that it was easy to ignore the value of his Webstring Model. We merely had to become attached to a story that contained its own nature-disconnected logic, or that assigned the gifts and qualities of the web of life to a Deity, or some other thing, that was located in some other time, place or web-estranged story. Our socialization to nature-disconnected stories tended to detach and siphon our thoughts and feelings from natural systems in the immediate moment. Our union and relationship with the unavailable then became what was important, not our felt-sense relationship with the web of life. The imaginary powers of things not in attendance, instead of support from webstrings, would dominate our thoughts and feelings. Rewarding bonds to the stories of the not-present prejudiced us against nature because Webstrings were only in the present. Cohen
ended up reasoning that a person's being had to consist of the vibrant
flow of at least 53 natural system webstring attractions expressing and
manifesting themselves in concert to produce the perfection of that
individual's natural mind body and spirit. Death was caused
greater attractions elsewhere, artificial or natural, removing or
stopping the flow of most of the webstrings in their concert that was
this individual. Hindering the flow of any single webstring
reduced the well-being of the concert, of the individual and of the web
of life, too, due to the individual's incapacity to fully contribute to
its welfare. For example, when the sensation of thirst was
reduced beyond the point of an individual's homeostatic resiliency to
deal with the loss, organ systems that depended upon sufficient water
would deteriorate and disorders would result including distorted
thinking about the value and importance of natural water in comparison
to the value of its replacement by medication for the disorders
produced by its loss. Cohen found that he could make the same case for
every webstring and observed that the excessive disconnection of our
personal webstrings from their nurturing and self-correcting origins in
natural areas was the source of most of our personal and environmental
disorders. Unless this deficiency was corrected, it was easy
predict a reduction in the well-being of individuals and the web of
life as we knew it. Cohen
thought that his webstring model helped
people correct their excessive disconnection from nature. Cohen
concluded that the prime difference between ourselves and the other
members of the web of life was that we allowed our thinking to bond to
unreasonable, prejudiced against nature stories that prevented us from
supporting the web of life and its ways. Thinking with such stories
reduced well-being by blocking our thoughts and feelings from
consciously registering the attraction flow of webstrings that
beautifully established and sustained the web of life community. He saw
that through the Webstring Model a significant shift in consciousness
and an integration of our thinking with the web of life could be
accomplished by an extremely simple adjustment. We had only
identify our senses and feelings as “webstrings” and correctly label
these natural senses. That connected our thinking with support from the
profound ways of the web of life and with alternatives to exploitation
by Industrial Society. It could be seen to support a personal democracy
in us in that it enabled the colossal majority of foreign species and
cells in our body to express their desire for life in balance and
beauty. It helped us sensibly move the “unreasonable inkwells” in
our lives to reasonable places. Learning
to use webstring activities
was part of the process, not an end all. Similar to constantly needing
to put gasoline in a car to keep it running, as in nature, continually
using and teaching the nature-connecting activities kept the renewing
benefits of webstrings flowing through our psyche. It was not the model
alone, but the application of the model that sustained or increased
individual and global well-being. Other than his students' and his own experiences with prejudice against nature, most of the stories Cohen's model presents challenge conflicting stories, ideas, spiritualities and theories that have been part of our nature-disconnected thinking for thousands of years. Although we herald and respect the wisdom that these stories and their processes often convey, we prejudicially disregard that they have not prevented, and, instead, may have inadvertently helped produce many dilemmas that face us today. Cohen concluded that this occurred because our thinking connected with these stories instead of with the authenticity of nature's self-correcting perfection. Most of the stories in Industrial Society result from the nature-distorted way that we have historically been socialized to think and relate. The shortcoming of our stories is that they emanate from people and relationships that were severely disconnected from or postured against nature and we applauded this as “culture.” The excessive financial and other rewards from that disconnection continue, today. They reinforce the problems that arise from our unwarranted prejudice against nature. For example, how effectively does poetry, music, art, spirituality, discussion or literature that inspires us to improve our relationships with natural areas actually improve these relationships? Does it instead, so fill us with good feelings for these involvements that we seek more of the same poetry, music, art, spirituality or literature rather than increase direct sensory contact with the self-correcting powers of natural systems in and around us? Usually, we very quickly support and change to new technologies, medicines and to making more money. We don't do the same with regard to increasing our contact with and support of the web of life simply because we are prejudiced against nature, but not against technologies and money. Since
disconnection from nature caused problems, it followed that genuine
connection with nature helped us reduce these problems. The
significance of the field reports from webstring participants was that
their authors are living natural souls, active normal citizens who
suffered on some level due to the nature conquering negative impacts in
Industrial Society today. Their reports shared that their prejudiced
against nature socialization underwent an ecologically balanced
transformation as they learned and taught the webstring model. To them,
the webstring nature connection experience was the solution we all seek
simply because not only was it a sensible thing to achieve, it made
sense and it felt good to help others achieve it. The
essential fact to recognize is that anybody can choose to learn and
teach the Webstring Model as part of their education, and that those
who do this become living seeds and catalysts for the increased
well-being of the web of life. This is because, through the Model, the
logic of these individual's thinking grows into the webstring eco-logic
of their being. These individuals become an accessible
to help our society reason and relate in ways that increasingly
support, rather than deteriorate, the well-being of life. Such
individuals are a worthwhile natural resource for our society to
support and develop. Another recommendation in Cohen's KKK example would be to give predisposed KKK members the incentive to accept people of color into the organization along with a webstring program that would help them reduce their prejudice and enable them help others reduce their prejudice. This assumes that the bell shaped curve of the norm was applicable to the KKK population and that its members who were a third standard deviation from the norm would be inclined towards this incentive. A third recommendation in Cohen's KKK example would be to influence, perhaps with money or goods, the top twenty leaders of the KKK to learn to reduce their prejudice. This would quickly change the KKK institution as a whole for most members of institutions have had their webstrings captured by the institution so they think like a herd of sheep. Using this strategy has been successful in making major changes to a population's resistance to unpopular changes. For example, according to a lecture by Social Psychologist Goodwin Watson, this technique was used to promote the flooding of whole villages and towns as part of the Tennessee Valley Authority power dam project in the 1930's A fourth recommendation in Cohen's KKK example would be to find and hire a predisposed public relations agency to create media and events that would bring about KKK awareness of the problem and motivate change. This would be similar to how the agency would go about doing this when introducing a new product or candidate for public office. A fifth recommendation is based on the illegality of many KKK activities which makes them risky and thus, to our benefit, restricts their implementation. An amendment to the constitutions of each nation and the United Nations should be passed that gives nature's web of life the inalienable right to its life, just as we give this same right to human life. In addition, legislatures should be urged to pass legislation that officially declares war on nature so that we know what we are doing to the natural world is reasonable and legal and that folks are aware of it and approve. The resistance to such a declaration might bring the ongoing war into public eye and, via the Webstring Model, reasonable thinking might prevail with regard to protecting natural systems rather than deteriorating them. With respect to the reality of Industrial Society and its hidden prejudice against nature today, Cohen recommended offering the webstring model as a tool to help emulate the same education and actions that have helped people deal with prejudice against women, race and labor. The end goal would be to bring public awareness to the point that students at universities would go on strike because learning the Natural Attraction Ecology of the Webstring Model was not offered or not required as a part of all disciplines. Its value could easily be determined by comparing schools that required a Webstring Model training program as part of freshman orientation with schools that did not require it. Cohen
suggested that the most realistic recommendation would be for
interested parties to be prepared to do whatever could be done via the
Model when the opportunity appeared to do it. Webstring activities can
be beneficially added to most therapies, disciplines, meetings and
situations. Somewhere a funding agent might exist with a consciousness
that would provide adequate financial compensation, stipends and other
supportive rewards to each person or group that wanted to take the time
to learn and instruct others how to use and teach the Webstring Natural
Attraction Model. Most reasonable people already acknowledged the
validity of the Model and its purpose. Financially empowering them to
teach and support it, as part of a socially and ecologically sound
livelihood that helped them promote peace, would be enthusiastically
received by a large number of individuals and institutions.
would be similar to successful affirmative action programs. The savings
in budgets that would result due to a reduction in health, social and
environmental disorder costs would far outweigh the costs of training
interested parties to use and teach the model. Cohen strongly recommended that research be done to measure the Webstring Model's contribution to personal social and environmental well-being in social settings that lent support to its use as well as to those who used it and taught it. He observed that moment by moment we are all subject to the influence of our environment and, like rich topsoil nurtures native plants, a supportive environment strengthens the value and effects of reasonable relationships. This
chapter has presented the conclusions and suggestions that come from
the total study, including the results of the next chapter. The next
chapter presents a review of literature. Through scholarly
discussion it explains the thinking of experts about the value of
making reasonable sensory contact with nature and tends to justify
major elements behind the intent of The Webstring Natural Attraction
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