Accredited Nature-Connecting Holistic Degree Courses On Line: Natural Career Education Personal and Professional Whole Life System Training Grants and Jobs.
SYNOPSIS: The timely, fully detailed article, and book linked to this page, describe the work of a maverick genius and a funded Mother Earth sensory science in action. They portray a well-researched organic psychology tool that helps us improve health wellness and counseling by enabling our thinking and feeling to safely tap into the nature's self-correcting grace, balance and restorative powers. Participants in this renewing process benefit from their inborn love of nature as they master critical information that strengthens all aspects of university studies, professions and disciplines. The process has proven especially helpful for contributions to increase personal, social and environmental well-being by therapists and personal coaches, retreat center programs. It is a nature-connected science and spirit of stress release management. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Supportive Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs On Line Project NatureConnect offers nature-centered distant learning that enables you to add the benefits of nature-connecting methods and credentials to your degree program and/or your skills, interests and hobbies. We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent education credit for it. You may take accredited or professional CEU coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page.
ARTICLE: Thinking and Feeling as if Ecology Mattered A reviewed, defended and approved doctoral investigation about an unrecognized solution to many disorders: educating counseling and healing with nature Think about this. It is an indisputable fact that you are reading these words right now. Now, consider this even greater truth. It is an indisputable fact that our senses and feeling register nature when we are visiting a natural area. We inherit from nature, when we are in a natural area, the ability to sense the color of a flower, the grandeur of a mountain or the invigorating scent of a fresh breeze. Like reading these words, each of these sensibilities is a self-evident experience that we own, a unique and absolute truth about our life and about the nature of life on Earth. They are the core of each of good experience that we have had in nature Nobody can take any self-evident truth away from us because it is real. It has expressed itself. It has happened and registered in our consciousness. It is a trustable fact, one that our sense of reason can consider to think more clearly in order to increase personal and global well-being. This is especially true if what we are registering emanates from direct sensory contact with nature itself. Nature is the fountainhead of authority about how it sustains life in cooperative and unpolluted optimums of peace, balance and diversity. The power of self-evident experience in nature was demonstrated in 1936. In February of that year, a left-handed, elementary school first grader in New York City took issue with the policy of his school about the most reasonable placement of the inkwell on his desk. The school said one place was correct, the youngster's sensory experiences with nature and well-being said another. By learning from the encounter and, learning more about it for seven decades, the child applied this growing body of knowledge to additional issues and studies. Seventy-two years later (2008) they culminated in his Ph.D. based on the value of his experiences, programs and the unique on-line process for personal and environmental well being that he developed. His innovative Doctorate identifies the rationale, benefits and science of his nature-connected educating, counseling and healing process. It argues that our 53 inherent, natural-sense intelligences enable us to consciously think in unity with the web of life, Gaia, a homeostatic, global-ecosystem, living organism. He received his Ph.D. for demonstrating that his hands-on sensory learning tool helped individuals, disciplines and professions increase personal, social and environmental well-being and for showing that we have yet to even acknowledge the most important, obvious, underlying problem that we must address to increase well being at every level. This dissertation walks its talk and its modified structure reflects this integrity. Its narrative does not, as is traditional, center or organize on scholarly literature as its prime source of information. This is because it recognizes that this source is can be limited and irrationally biased by the excessively profit motivated, nature-separated, exploitive ways of Industrial Society. As a rationale alternative, the article examines facts and phenomena emanating from knowledgeable individuals in our society who have learned how to reasonably make conscious sensory contact with nature itself, with the web of life and its natural systems, in and around us, backyard or backcountry. It documents that these contacts help us think with the renewing powers and self-corrective ways of the web of life as well as identifies the obvious basic problem that we are indoctrinated to overlook. Already reviewed, defended and approved, this manuscript identifies a wide-range of scholarly literature that investigates authentic nature contacts as an effective and legitimate means to increase personal, social and environmental well-being. ARTICLE SYNOPSIS AND ABSTRACT The Problem Humanity is part of nature's perfection. This study investigates a remedy for how and why Industrial Society deteriorates personal, social and environmental well-being. Industrial Society: -Excessively
exploits nature for profits and power. This socializes our thinking to
be prejudiced against the balanced ways of Gaia, nature's web of life
community, in and around us.
-Detaches, on average, over 98 percent of our time and thinking from the self-corrective ecology of the web of life whose natural system attractions organize themselves, without producing garbage, to create nature's self-propagating optimums of life, diversity, cooperation, beauty, community, purity and well-being. Major Findings Over decades of all-season inquiry into the renewing grace of natural areas, Michael J. Cohen designed an accredited, nature-connected education, counseling and relationship building Natural Attraction Ecology Model, an Applied Ecopsychology, Ecotherapy and Environmental Education process that enhances any endeavor. Its organic, hands-on science, backyard or backcountry, helps people reasonably: -Make
conscious sensory contact with the flow and spirit of natural systems
-Reduce stress and disorders and increase well-being by thinking with 53 inherent natural senses. -Create moments that let Earth teach and reduce duality by feeling and thinking like nature works. -Enable the healing sensitivity of their multiple natural intelligences to transform their destructive thinking into nature's regenerative ways. Implications People may enlist nature's restorative powers to recycle the bigoted pollution in their thinking that blocks nature's purifying flow from helping them increase personal, social and environmental well-being. For
far to long we have been stalled at stupid due to the lack of a tool
that we need to help us to reasonably increase well being at every
level. This profound Ph.D. article/dissertation offers
tool. It has been professionally reviewed and successfully defended
as legitimate and effective. It describes the readily
key components to sustaining well-being that Industrial Society
socializes us to omit from our lives. It offers a tested,
immediately applicable solution for
the seldom
recognized dysfunction that underlies most disorders that we
suffer. You
may be read this Word Document online (150 pages), and/or print it from this address: http://www.MaverickGenius.com/maverick
genius phd.doc or
http://www.ecopsych.comAchieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being. Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest: |
Yoga Reiki Self-Improvement Self-Confidence Self-Esteem Weight Loss Ecotherapy Intimacy Holistic Leadership Organic Psychology Friendship Happiness Unitarian Universalist Pantheism Mental Health Peace Climate Change Shamanism Earth Day Activities Retreat Centers Energy Medicine Natural Systems Parenting Child Development Alternatives Dog Cat Pet Care Return to the top of this page ................................................. |
Therapy Massage Therapy Ecopsychology Therapist Training Hypnotherapy Wilderness Therapy Human Services Social Work Counseling Teaching Life Coaching Integral Therapy Hospice Caregiving Home Schooling Creative Writing Life Experience Naturopathy Consciousness Jesus & Wilderness Biophilia Herbal Remedy Life Science Violence Prevention Outdoor Education Continuing Education Anger Management |
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