
Project NatureConnect
Special NGO consultant to United Nations Economic and Social Council.


P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250
(360) 378-6313

Michael J. Cohen, Director




Education Experiment Slashes PhD/MS Degree Costs by 70%

A home study nature-connected psychology cooperative reduces Ph.D. and M.S. degree and course costs 70% by incorporating prior learning experiences and accredited work study.

Educating and Counseling With Nature Program Flourishes


Environmentally caring individuals with interests in psychology, wellness or personal and global peace have formed a cost-free learning cooperative that is open to the public.

The cooperative enables nature-connected psychology enthusiasts to:

- enhance their academics and careers inexpensively through accredited, hands-on, internet activities, coursework and advanced degrees.

- include their past training, professional and life experiences in their courses and degree program or obtain degree waivers for it when appropriate.

- benefit from the cooperative work-study experiences and financial assistance available through accredited internships and grant writing that are part the degree program.

The purpose of the cooperative is to psychologically help meet the United Nations' manifest for environmentally sound peace, personal growth and social justice. It operates under the auspices of the Institute of Global Education (IEE), a special, non-profit, NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

The program researches, develops, and makes readily available, a nature-connected psychology: the Natural Systems Thinking Process. The Process enables its participants to make conscious, sensory, psychological, contacts with natural areas. The beneficial results support the United Nations manifest.

Through the cooperative's outreach training programs, via the internet, any student, class or department at a school or university, may learn and teach the Natural Systems Thinking Process. The best way to become familiar with the process is through the program's Orientation Course.http://www.rockisland.com/~process/5grglobal.html .

"This wide ranging program adds an important component to an ndividuals personal and professional goals," said Dr. Michael Cohen, the program's founder. "Participants learn to effectively address the often neglected pyschological roots of our problems."

Complete information and application materials are available on the internet at




Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to United Nations Economic and Social Council.
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250
(360) 378-6313
Michael J. Cohen, Director