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HELP-WANTED. Nature-Connected Learning and Healing Online: degrees, jobs and accredited training courses enhance your personal and professional goals. Our grant-funded, organic methods and materials help you safely tap into and benefit from the grace, balance and restorative powers of natural systems, backyard or backcountry.
Use the hands-on application of ecopsychology to strengthen your effectiveness and friendships. Help reduce stress and increase well-being in people and the environment. Add the supportive sunlight and beauty of the natural world to your relationships.
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Organic Psychology Online in Tenessee
Tenessee natural education counseling and healing with nature jobs, degrees and courses online
- Distance learning in Tenessee for alternative therapy health training. Earn extra income money online
- Master holistic career and Tenessee real estate conservation wellness programs.
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social CouncilProject NatureConnect: accredited Tenessee nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money and increase wellness, spirit and hope.
Education, Counseling and Healing with Nature Online Program Produces Income for Tenessee Practioners, Co-Sponsors and Representatives
A natural path or livelihood for personal and global well-being.
Individuals and groups are invited to sponsor, represent or teach Organic Psychology to raise funds or for personal income while helping to reduce our destructive relationships with self, society and nature. Financially and socially benefit from practical, accredited career education courses, degrees and training in the organic application of Ecopsychology.
This program is available to individuals or organizations that recognize three significant facts.
Learn the how and why of Organic Psychology:
Discover the values of educating, counseling and healing with nature
War Nature and Me
An Organic Psychology Report from a Tenessee Course Participant
There aren't too many buildings I like, but I love castles. One castle in Oberwesel, Germany, is peaceful and beautiful. The large blocks of stone, winding stairs, windows looking out onto gorgeous countryside and the Rhine River, outdoor stone paths and orchards...truly magnificent. Being there you feel the life of others who lived and existed then...they probably wouldn't have experienced the "aesthetics" as I did...it was survival and hard work and invasion and protection and disease. Yet, the architects, the original designers of the castle had a vision of nature and life merging; utilizing the river for protection; planting orchards for food, and the circular shapes and congruity were pleasing artistically; the towers beautiful, vine-covered, and functional.
When one is on the river looking up, the castle is barely noticeable--it is a part of the hillside; nature has embraced it and grown into and around it. It is mostly built on rock so little of the environment has been destroyed. I walked this morning to the overlook above the city where I live, naturally intact, and thought about that hillside, however, above the river and in the woods, how it would have been stunning without the castle. Perhaps then the idea of putting a different face on nature hadn't taken hold, certainly not like now, because the castle, and most others, are not obtrusive or offensive. It feels more like a shelter in the woods than a man-made disaster.
How far we have come! More people and more trash. I also thought about how peaceful I always was at this castle--was there four times...the same kind of peace I've felt in nature. The language we use for invading a human community would be plunder, destroy, annihilate, rape, pillage, tear down. The language we use for invading a natural community is progress, financial gain, practical, necessary, profitable, land "management." The weapons of our warfare against nature aren't considered weapons...they are acknowledged as necessary. As long as the war rages against nature, it rages against all of us--and within our psychic memory. Education teaches us to condone this war--in fact most people don't even think there is a war going on.
I added some thoughts about resolving conflicts to quotes about nature:
"Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another." -Jovenel
By remaining in contact with nature and NIAL, I will have the answer to all questions.
"One,s real, most intimate self pervades the universe and all other beings. The mountains and the sea and the stars are part of one,s body." -W. Harmon
All things are connected.
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends to do otherwise." -Aldo Leopold
All decisions must be made in regard to their effect on the greater whole rather than the benefit to one being.
I must remember that I am only a small part of a great whole.
My actions do affect each and every other living thing.
All life is valued"no one thing has greater importance than another.
Learn the how and why of Organic Psychology
Contact us at 360-378-6313 mailto:nature@interisland.net, http://www.ecopsych.com
INSTITUTE OF GLOBAL EDUCATION Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council
PROJECT NATURECONNECT Accredited Tenessee nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money and increase wellness, spirit and hope.
P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>
The Natural Systems Thinking Process
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director
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All organization programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature
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Well-being at risk
Help turn the tide!
"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."
-Stephen Aizenstat
In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 95 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally receive from natural systems and their eons of experience. Our hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.-Michael J. Cohen
Benefit from learning to repair the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.
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Project NatureConnect
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Grant-funded, social and environemntal science accredited courses, career training and holistic organic learning degrees: alternative adult education and sustainable career training jobs online for personal and global health.
Act now: student grants, scholarships loans for college online
"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."
- Albert Einstein.