
To provide education and counseling that meets the United Nations manifesto
for environmentally sound personal growth and social justice.

Institute of Global Education
Project NatureConnect
An Educational Non-Profit Organization.
Special NGO consultant to the United Nations
Economic and Social Council.




Einstein's World:


Recently, a citizen's organization received a grant for two million dollars to help create clean water in the Puget Sound area. The money was spent on a TV advertising blitz featuring a well known media personality.

Since 85% of the public cares about the welfare of people and the environment, I suggest the same millions would have better been spent distributing 800,000 free copies of my new book Einstein's World . My book contains a readily accessable and applicable mental health science. It integrates Economics, Nature and Psychology with Peace, Wellness and Spirit. It empowers people to improve water quality and many other social and environmental disorders, too. For this reason, acquainting people with the book's method is vital.

Do your agree?

..............,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.- Michael J. Cohen



Can this new book help you? You may obtain a copy

  • on loan if you can help it or vice versa.
  • by making as large a donation a possible
  • by participating and investing in its publication by the Institute

Einstein's World: The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Educating and Counseling With Nature

Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.


To Whom it May Concern,

The Institute of Global Education announces the publication of Einstein's World . This book shows how an economically sound mental health process promotes peace by breathing wellness into people and the environment.

OVERVIEW: The deteriorating state of the world demands we improve the health of our planet. To our loss, our problems continue because they have psychological roots we seldom address. We do not have a practical process that enables us to reach them and, in turn, our greatest hopes and goals. This book provides that process. It empowers any individual or institution to psychologically connect and think with the intelligence that sustains nature's perfection.

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

.................-Albert Einstein

Hi, thanks for visiting this page. I am Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., an Applied Ecopsychologist who founded and coordinates Project NatureConnect and the Natural Systems Thinking Process. They are online, home study, courses and degree programs at Greenwich University and the Institute of Global Education, a special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. I direct their Department of Applied Ecopsychology and Integrated Ecology on San Juan Island, Washington where I also serve as adjunct faculty for the School of Extended Studies, Portland State University.

For 45 years I have founded and directed psychologically based environmental outdoor education programs including the Trailside Country School and the National Audubon Society Expedition Institute at Lesley College. My seven books include the award winning Connecting With Nature: Creating Moments that let Earth Teach. I incorporated it into How Nature Works, (Stillpoint) Reconnecting With Nature (Ecopress) and Well Mind, Well Earth: 97 Environmentally Sensitive Activities for Stress Management, Spirit and Self-esteem (World Peace University Press.) I conceived the 1985 National Audubon International Symposium Conference "Is the Earth a Living Organism" and I am the recipient of the Distinguished World Citizen Award.

I asppreciate you taking the time to learn about the opportunity Einstein's World presents you.

I have a secret. I think I know what you think. You think you are conscious of the message you are reading as you see these words right now. However, you are only partially correct.

There is a significant, destructive, missing link in the way you and I have learned to think and know. For example, as you read these words you are conscious of each word, but not their individual letters. Yet, as children, it was l-e-t-t-e-r-s, not words, that caught our attention and were important. Now that I call the individual letters on this page to your attention, you register them. However, out of habit or psychological addiction, shortly you will only see words again.

The effects of the absence of letters as we read and think is not significant. Very significant, however, is that this habitual omission of realities also produces a destructive absence in our thinking regarding how to live peacefully with Earth and other beings, including humanity. Just as we are born with the ability to sense the various forms of individual letters, as part of nature we also born with the natural ability to think and live in a balance, like nature works. To our loss, our nature conquering society psychologically programs us to overlook this important knowledge.

Look closely and you may observe nature is not simply a competitive, bloody, tooth and claw affair. It is an intelligent playground that sustains its own survival. Note that everything in the playground helps support everything else in a pure, consensual way. Nothing is left out; through transformation everything belongs. Nothing there produces garbage or is garbage. For this reason our destructive problems don't exist in unadulterated nature. Einstein's World offers a natural, enjoyable, readily available way for us to similarly relate in society. It enables us to add the way nature works to our thinking and relationships and teach others to do the same.

Like everything else in nature we inherently contain the psychological knowledge of how to peacefully get along in the playground. The programmed absence of this knowledge in our thinking produces our greatest troubles and challenges. It leaves us thinking in our destructive ways. The unpeaceful, deteriorating state of the world results.

Sadly, we are so misled by our habitual thinking process that we think we need to use it more to solve the problems it causes. We seldom think we should use it in conjunction with how nature works. After all, we don't play with alphabet blocks, do we?

Einstein's World is a 112 page, non-fiction, novel that brings my Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) into the reader's awareness and competency. NSTP restores a missing psychological link to the way we learn to think. At work, school or home, this sensory, nature-connected, means of knowing and interacting has proven effective in counseling, education and building responsible social and environmental relationships.

NSTP is a wise, healing, searchlight of psychological sunshine from nature's playground. The searchlight is naturally brilliant. It knows what dark areas within us need illumination. You choose to turn it on because it makes sense to do so. Its bright beam of natural intelligence bounces off the destructive walls of your thinking, returns to its origins in nature and comes back to the walls carrying with it exactly what is needed to help them become constructively participatory. The NSTP searchlight scientifically helps you gain enlightenment. It enables your intellect to think with your hands, heart and nature. In thanks for using it, the searchlight rewards you, your community, and the playground. It gives them spiritual support, wellness and peace. It supplements our disturbed, nature disconnected lives with potent, sensory, reconnections to nature, backyard or backcountry.

Yes, I know, this process sounds impossible. That's a challenge that Einstein's World helps you meet. NSTP is not impossible, rather, it is unusual and uncommon. In our excessively nature-separated society it's become a foreigner, like individual letters. For this reason alone, most people prejudicially avoid turning on the searchlight. In turn, they, we, and Earth continue to unnecessarily suffer.

Since 1959, my many books, articles and courses have validated the enjoyable NSTP searchlight and how to use it. It has made it possible for others and myself to create and sustain major, economically sound, accredited, degree granting, nature connected psychology and environmental education programs. They succeed because the Process adds environmentally supportive, ecopsychology dimensions to counseling, education and conflict resolution at home, work or school. You simply turn on the NSTP light and responsible interactions begin to develop that regenerate deteriorated relationships. Einstein, and many other geniuses profess that this process is how their mind worked to become ingenious. The book contains quotes by Einstein in this regard.

"The development of science and of the creative activities of the spirit in general requires still another kind of freedom, .... freedom of the spirit and thought..... from the restrictions of authoritarian and social prejudices as well as from unphilosophical routinizing and habit in general. This inward freedom is an infrequent gift of nature and a worthy object for the individual."

- Albert Einstein

Einstein's World is a painstaking blend of metaphor and reality. It shows how and where the NSTP searchlight can and should be used to reverse our destructiveness. It dissolves the psychological bonds that lure us into our troubles and changes them into thoughtful energies. The book offers samples of the process that the reader can immediately apply. It grounds itself in testimony and observations from the thousands of people who presently use NSTP. It contains references that provide additional skill development.

There are very few areas of contemporary life and thinking where Einstein's World will not make a valuable contribution. For this reason it has great economic potential.

One setting in Einstein's World is the 1999 "Battle of Seattle" protests against the World Trade Organization. WTO is an attempt to bypass environmentally and socially responsible economics. A quote from that Chapter captures the book's thrust:


"Dr. Charles Boyd, Chairman of the Global Trade Organization, believed what is good for corporate economics is good for everybody. The protests, however, forced him to get together with 42 representatives of the protest groups. After five hours' peaceful exploration of explosive issues with the protest representatives, Dr. Boyd concluded it was futile to continue. "Each party here is fervently attached to its own agenda, and our agendas are deeply at odds with each other," he told the group. "We must face up to our conflicting stories and beliefs. If the next environmental issue undercuts jobs or salaries, you in the labor movement will fight the environmentalists you vociferously side with now. Saving wild land today will produce tomorrow's anti-hunting, gun use and animal rights conflicts. The social justice or spiritual attachments for some groups will trigger wars against them by opposing groups and peaceful protests by still others. Affluence for some will impoverish others. World trade has a value, too. It may run up against your causes, but it should not be disregarded. Modified by NSTP, it could become a link we hold in common and thereby help unite the world peacefully......."

Unexpectedly, Dr. Boyd said, "Just because I'm not ready to use NSTP now at GTO doesn't mean its science doesn't make sense, especially for the varied causes of groups gathered here. Its use appears to offer a valuable way to achieve the global awareness and cohesiveness we need to reach sustainable, peaceful equilibrium on many fronts, including economics and mental health. No, NSTP is not something I can do at GTO, but it might be well worth consideration by you who protest GTO."

"No offense, Doc, but what is NSTP?" said Turtleman.

"It's a sensory, self-improvement, process that includes psychologically connecting with the natural environment when building relationships of any kind, including with yourself," Dr. Boyd responded knowledgeably. "Through NSTP you may readily reach the public, including GTO members and their families. That would help produce the many changes you seek. We all inherently have the environment and survival in common. Via the Internet and local training programs, NSTP enables you to attain an uncompromising unity amongst yourselves. They would help with what you're attempting to achieve here by protesting, too."

* * * *

"Dr. Cohen offers an environmentally sound, hands-on educational process that increases participation, catalyzes peace and promotes mental health. It fulfills our personal and economic needs, deeper ideals and spirit. His work deserves the attention of every person who seeks to reverse our troubles."

   - Dr. Robert Muller
Assistant Secretary General Emeritus of the United Nations, Chancellor of the University for Peace, United Nations, recipient of the Albert Schweitzer Peace Prize and UNESCO prize for peace.

Things you can do:

A pre-publication sample edition of Einstein's World is available to individuals or organizations that want to support or use the book in one or more of the following way(s).

1. Co-publish a trade edition for commercial sales in conjunction with, or in addition to, the grant subsidized public education edition presently planned.

2. Obtain a copy of the book (free, on loan, or by donation) for review and potential use by yourself in conjunction with loaning it to organizations or individuals that will pre-order it and/or pledge to support its distribution and use.

3. Obtain copies of the book for use in obtaining donations to further subsidize its free educational distribution.

4. Become an active investor, organizer and participant in a group dedicated to "Self-publishing" and distributing the book for commercial and educational purposes. About $6,000 total would be needed to produce 4,000 copies designed for sale at $12.95. Profits would go to produce a return on the investment, support the NSTP Graduate Work Study program and provide additional free books to the public. This option would replace Option 1, above.

5. Other suggestions with regard to your involvement with the book are welcome.

Thanks for considering this opportunity,

.- Michael J. Cohen


Einstein's World .Signature Edition, (116 pages, soft cover, spiral bound, illustrated, $19.95 ) is available on loan or by making a significant financial contribution towards its free distribution to individuals and organizations who want to improve the wellness of people and Earth.


Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
Project NatureConnnect
P. O. Box 1605,
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
1-888-285-4694 (toll free)





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