Advanced Field Studies in Applied Ecopsychology Nature Lovers Natural Science Education In Action Project NatureConnect
SYNOPSIS: The green, nature lovers natural science education, university syllabus, below, describes a significant breakthrough: distance education sustainable counseling and therapy training that includes your prior learning, equivalence courses and life experience, and that offers financial aid grants. It helps you remedy the excessive disconnection of our psyche from nature's flow that produces our disorders. Its applied ecopsychology helps you follow nature's path to Earth and humanity in peaceful balance. PROGRAM OVERVIEW:
Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Degrees, Grants, Career Training Courses and Jobs Online. Individuals
who have enjoyed a refreshing visit in a natural area often report that
their sensory contact with nature's balance and beauty increased their
well-being in lasting ways. They say that the connection renewed their
psyche, cleared their mind and energized their spirit. To this end, the
remarkable process of Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature
(ECHN) empowers anyone, anytime, to increase personal, social and
environmental well-being, and to help others do the same.
ECHN students learn how to help nature's self-correcting ways interlace with their heart, mind and spirt. This enables them, along with their clients and friends, to increase health and wellness through a grant for thinking, feeling and relating like nature's perfection works. Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature offers critical nature connected distant education and university distance learning, graduate school scholarships and alternative careers degrees, and jobs. They are designed for independent thinking nature lovers who want to add sensory nature-contact methods to therapy, teaching or coaching practices. The environmental need is great for those who have the integrity and dedicated passion to master sustainable, green, health and wellness spirituality skills. They help individuals who need or seek a safe alternative to the destructive ways of society that block the restorative flow of nature in through and around us. We honor your desire to blend your life experience and training with your respect for nature, by providing special natural science education grants and equivalence credit for it. If you like, you may combine our certified accredited coursework with a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most subjects, personal interests, or jobs. (see bottom of this page)
ECO 752: ADVANCED FIELD STUDIES AND EXTERNSHIP IN EDUCATING AND COUNSELING WITH NATURE (6 credits ) Nature Lovers Natural Science Education in Applied Ecopsychology/Integrated Ecology
Michael J. Cohen <nature@interislnad.net> November 1, 2000 NOTE: This course requirement may be filled via documenting that you have had equivalent education experience. The means to do this by challenge exam is found at http://www.ecopsych.com/eco700.html ECO 752 Advanced Field Studies in Applied Ecopsychology (3 credits) This course explores present or past field studies that make, or would have made, the way nature works become an ally to increase well-being if organic psychology had been included as part of them. The purpose of this course is to explore field studies from our past and present life experiences and training and identify how the application of organic psychology and natural attraction ecology may release and strengthen nature's self-correcting powers in us so that they can help us address the heart of our troubles. In this way, students demonstrate that they have mastered, designed or implemented nature-connection techniques that will help us reverse many personal, social and environmental problems. Students prepare a final compelling statement as either 1. an academic paper, 2. a project report 3. a portfolio and credit summary or 4. a combination of the above as a minimum written assessment in this course. See http://www.ecopsych.com/eco700.html for full details. ......................................................................................................... COURSE DESCRIPTION Students experience in theory and practice how Western Civilization separates the "human" from the "natural" and estranges us from nature's integrity, love, and spirit, in and around us. Students master, design and implement conscientious techniques which reverse this dilemma and catalyze responsible relationships for "reconnecting with nature in people and places" through negotiating a field experience placement within their career field which supports a practical observation of Integrated Ecology. This field experience will represent a minimum of 90 hours in one or moremonitored placements. In them, students apply the syllabus of ECO 501 and ECO 502 as a perceptual filter, maintain a weekly log reflecting upon their experiences and prepare a scholarly paper (at least 15 typewritten double-spaced pages) discussing how the field placement experience has built their understanding of overcoming barriers to successful integration of Integrated Ecology concepts within their career field. [Prerequisite: ECO 501: Elements of Educating and Counseling with Nature I] PREREQUISITES Students will complete all required core courses prior to undertaking the field study. COURSE TOPICS *create nature psychology program constituencies. *demonstrate theoretical knowledge in applied settings *make improvements within work settings *exhibit excellence in core competencies *reflect new understandings from practical studies *address the tasks of the professional arena *integration of academic competencies with professional behaviors and protocols *expectations of the workplace COURSE OBJECTIVES *to help students utilize Natural System Thinking Process nature connected psychology techniques to produce responsible relationships within their career field. *to demonstrate theoretical knowledge in applied settings *to make immediate improvements within their work settings *to exhibit excellence in core competencies *reflect new understandings from the practical studies *to demonstrate competence in the general domains of the program *to better address the tasks of their professional arena *to integrate academic theory and professional techniques within a monitored setting *to expose the student to cases and situations that are representative of the role and function of an independent practitioner in the professional environment BRIEF NEED STATEMENT An essential component of the transition all students must make from the academic to the professional environment is the integration and application of academic theories, principles and practices to the requirements and expectations of the professional arena. To encourage successful transition to the professional environment, supervised field studies in an approved site with business, industry, government or nonprofit sector (or a supervised independent field study project, with permission from lead faculty) is a required component of the curriculum of all degree programs at Greenwich University. Through these opportunities, students are able to effectively integrate theories, principles, and practices from their core studies through the application of this learning within the professional environment, allowing the real world to challenge and enhance their understandings. COURSE AUDIENCE This is a required course for all students pursuing a graduate degree in Integrated Ecology/Applied Ecopsycholgy and is closed to other students. FACULTY-STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS -Telephone Contact The student and instructor will have an initial phone conversation within one week prior to the student's start date at the field site. The purpose of this interaction is to clarify the plan of action for the field study, the course objectives, and the schedule of activities, familiarize the student and instructor with each other, and develop clear timelines for completion of course requirements. This interaction is required, and it will be conducted at the student's expense unless otherwise arranged by the student and the field site sponsor. In addition to the initial phone interaction, the student and instructor will have phone contact during the progress of the course, at weeks 6, 12, 18 and 24. Through these additional contacts, student and instructor will assess progress and timelines, modify expectations and the plan of action, as necessary, and answer questions and concerns of either party. -Electronic Contact In addition to telephone contact the student will maintain a minimum of once-per-week email, post or telefax contact with the instructor for the purpose of communicating progress and resolving any difficulties which might arise at the field site. This is a forum for specific questions by the student and instructor, a time for instruction by the faculty, and problem-solving, as needed. The instructor and the student are expected to respond to electronic communications by phone or email within 48 hours, if at all possible. -Optional Methods of Contact In addition to the aforementioned methods of communication, each student is encouraged to provide ideas about the optional methods of communication appropriate for the capabilities of the field site environment. For example, audiotaped or videotaped messages can be used, as appropriate, with feedback by the instructor. Synchronous video linking, chat room, and bulletin board access can be used if the student has access to internet-based video hardware and software. The instructor will be pleased to explore options for increased and improved communication with the student. COURSE DELIVERY STYLE The following guidelines describe the course delivery style and the basic activities and responsibilities of the student, the field site sponsor, and the course instructor for the conduct of this field study: Required Activities and Responsibilities of the Student: Set mutually satisfactory and feasible goals with faculty and field site sponsors. Become an integral and participating member of the field site staff. Become familiar with business policy and procedures and abide by all regulations. Support the field site and its staff in any contacts with the public. Notify the field site sponsor when you are unable to work as scheduled. Consult your supervisor or field site sponsor when confronted with problems you cannot satisfactorily solve by yourself. Schedule three meetings during the field study placement with lead faculty, and your field site sponsor and supervisor. Complete work as outlined in field study agreement with lead faculty and field site sponsor Make sure field study sponsor receives, fills out and returns students evaluation form at the end of the field study placement. Students maintain a daily journal for the duration of the field study and prepare a scholarly paper addressing the purpose and goal of the field study for the particular degree program. Required Activities and Responsibilities of the Field Site Sponsor: Orient the student to the philosophy, policies, programs and services of the placement site. Prepare the site staff for the arrival of the field study student. Define the expectations of the field study student including specific project(s) for the duration of the placement. Determine with field-study student, the types of learning experiences which provide challenge, growth and success - and provide these experiences. Integrate the field study student as a fully functioning participant in appropriate levels of on site activities, projects and programs. Provide supervision by meeting at least once a week (or other more appropriate time interval) with the field study student. Train field study student as necessary. Evaluate field study student's progress, overall performance and the degree to which s/he has met the stated goals and objectives through a verbal review at mid-placement and by a written final evaluation, as requested by the Universty. Required Activities and Responsibilities of the Instructor: Communicate and review progress with the field study student at least monthly during the field site placement to supervise academic components of work (i.e.: suggest readings, help students connect internship to theoretical base, clarify assignments of academic work). Serve as a consultant to field study student and field site sponsor for technical advice regarding the expectations and guidelines of the university. Conduct a mid-placement review and sign progress report. Provide mediation support for field-study student, as needed. Make a site visit if possible. If not, contact field site sponsor or supervisor at least once by phone. Provide guidance in focusing the final paper, which should be a minimum of 15 pages in length. Arrange communication with student at end of field placement to review and evaluate experience. Oversee the gathering of the student and field site sponsor's final reports, review and evaluate the student's course paper, prepare the final instructor evaluation, and submit Grade Report in a timely manner. REQUIRES COURSE MATERIALS -Required Texts Reconnecting With Nature, Michael J. Cohen Well Mind, Well Earth, Michael J. Cohen Connecting With Nature, Michael J. Cohen -Recommended Bibliography and Learning Resources Students may select from the following general bibliographic materials, and the bibliographies they contain, as appropriate. See www.amazon.com for publication details and availability. *Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukoff *The Monkey Wrench Gang, Edward Abby *Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions, Richard Erdoes *Voice of the Desert, Joseph Wood Krutch *The Soul Unearthed, Cass Adams, *My Name is Chellis, Chellis Glenndinning, *Ecopsychology, Theodore Roszac *The Web of Life, John Storer *Dream of the Earth, Thomas Berry *Earth in Mind, David Orr *Wilderness and the American Mind, Roderick Nash *The Quiet Crisis, Stewart Udall *Wisdom of the Body, Walter B. Connon *Ishi in Two Worlds, Theodora Kroeber *Education of Little Tree, Forest Carter *Magical Child, Joseph Chilton Pierce *Ishmael, Daniel Quinn *Summerhill, A.S. Neill *The Web of Life, Fritjov Capra *The Spell of the Sensuous, David Abram COURSE ASSIGNMENTS -Assignment #1: Application for Field Study Preparation should begin at least two months before the student anticipates enrollment for the field study course by gathering the necessary information needed to effectively complete the Application for Field Study and submission to lead faculty. As needed, the field study student will work with the field sponsor and the instructor to create the necessary framework and schedule for the successful completion of the field study application. For the application to receive approval, it is essential that the field site sponsor agree to provide on-site coordination and have the capacity to offering clear expectations and guidance to the student for the duration of the field placement. The Field Study Application should include the following information: 1. Specify the field study course by name and number. 2. Indicate proposed date of enrollment by indicating the semester (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) the student will begin actual field placement activities. 3. Verify completion of the prerequisite core studies of degree program by submission of grade report of attaching letter of confirmation from all appropriate faculty. 4. Name the field site, sponsor (and direct supervisor, if different) and contact information (full address, telephone number, and email address). 5. Name of Administrator in Charge of the organization within which the field site rests. 6. Proposed on site timetable and schedule of hours to show minimum hours will be achieved. 7. Describe the full array of activities you will conduct on site and identify the position title assigned. 8. Explain how field placement will help you focus on field study goals. 9. Clarify the accommodations and services to be provided for student at the field site 10. Clarify the accommodations and services the student must provide and how these will be attained. 11. Identify the insurance coverage protecting student, this institution and field site institution from liability claims. 12. State the itinerary of the student for traveling to and from the field site. 13. Clarify that proper papers and medical clearance have been attained by the student by submission of photocopies or letters of attestation. 14. State the student-faculty timetable for communications during the field study. 15. Attach a student-faculty course memorandum including the course syllabus with list of assignments and methods of evaluation. 16. Attach a statement signed by administrator of the sponsor organization responsible for field placement site, agreeing to the terms of the field study placement and assigning or authorizing the field site sponsor to undertake the responsibilities of th field site placement. 17. Include signatures of agreement of the student and lead faculty. -Assignment #2: Field Placement Activities Participate within the field study site according to the plan of action established with the instructor and the field site sponsor at the outset of the course. Maintain required activities, and the communications and meetings with instructor and site sponsor, according to the course completion timetable. Conduct required or recommended readings and maintain daily journal notations. -Assignment #3: Oral Reviews with Instructor Schedule and conduct telephone (or other means of communication, as arranged beforehand) contacts with the instructor, according to the course completion timetable, for the purposes of oral review of learning and progress at the field site, clarification or revision of the plan of action for the field study, review of the course objectives, and the schedule of activities. -Assignment #4: Reflective Paper Within the requirements for a course final paper found at http://www.ecopsych.com/eco500paper.html develop an academic paper relative to the "subject matter" of the field study, in a manner which is reflective of the experiences undertaken. The reflective paper should be approximately 10 double-spaced, typewritten pages, addressing the objectives of the course, drawing from the daily journal notations, and required readings (if any), and formulated in such a manner as to contribute insight and ideas relative to the professional development of the student. The primary purpose of the paper is to permit the student to reflect upon the new learning acquired through the field study, to reflect upon the new professional maturity, to relate what was learned in the practical environment to the core studies of the program and the academic literature reviewed. Paper should adhere to standard manuals of style and contain effective scholarly discussions, and a thorough referencing of the literature used (if any). -Assignment #5: Final Site Sponsor Evaluation The student will participate with the field site sponsor in the conduct of a final field study review. This review will reflect upon to effectiveness of the student in addressing and accomplishing the objectives of the course within the field site environment. SUPPLEMENTAL LEARNING RESOURCES -Supplemental Texts *Internship Success: Real-World, Step-by-Step Advice on Getting the Most out of Internships by Marianne Ehrlich Green. Published by Barnes and Nobles NOTES: Price: $10.36 *Internship, Practicum, and Field Placement Handbook, The: A Guide for the Helping Professions, Edition:1, by Brian N. Baird, Pacific Lutheran University. Published by Prentice Hall Canada ISBN:0-13-475088-8 INDIVIDUALIZATION OF STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS Each student is expected to apply new learning from their core courses to real world situations within their professional environment or the wider community, as appropriate. COURSE EVALUATION Both the experiential (time spent at the field study site) and the academic work are valued towards the award of credit. Regularly scheduled communications and meetings, readings, journal notations, and formal evaluations are expected part of the field study course. For the course grade the instructor will evaluate the student through mid-placement and end-of-placement oral assessments, the final overarching assessment of the field site sponsor, and the students scholarly paper. COURSE GRADING DETERMINANTS The course grade will be calculated based upon the following formula: *mid placement oral review by instructor 25% *reflective paper 25% *final evaluation by site sponsor 25% *final oral review by instructor 25% COURSE COMPLETION TIMETABLE Week #1: Instructors final review of student application/plan of action. Pre-placement oral discussion and orientation between student and instructor. Week #2: Formal initial meeting between student and site sponsor wherein student objectives and tasks at the field site are formally reviewed, and plan of action is set for the first half of the field placement. Week#2: Student begins field site activities and begins maintaining daily journal notations which will continue for the duration of the field placement. Week #3: Student sends first written communication to instructor via post, telefax, or email, verifying that field placement is underway in an orderly fashion. Week #6: Student makes first telephone contact with instructor to review progress and to arrange to work out any difficulties at the field site. Week #10: Formal mid-placement meeting between student and site sponsor wherein student progress is reviewed, and plan of action is set for the second half of the field placement. Site sponsor sends written review to instructor following this meeting. Week #11: Student arranges for time and date for mid-placement oral review by instructor. Week #12: Student makes telephone contact with instructor for mid-placement oral review. Following the oral review, student and instructor review progress and establish plan of action concerning any difficulties at the field site. Week #18: Student makes telephone contact with instructor to review progress and to arrange for final evaluation requirements at the field site. Week #19: Student arranges for final review by field site sponsor and the completion of the written final evaluation of the student. Week #20: Formal end-of-placement meeting is held between student and site sponsor wherein student success in field placement is formally reviewed including a thorough review of the contents of the sponsor's final evaluation of the student. Site sponsor completes the written final evaluation of the student and sends to the instructor. Week #22: Final evaluation by site sponsor is to be received by instructor Week #24: Final oral review is conducted by instructor and student grade report is prepared and submitted to the University. FACULTY CONTACT INFORMATION Contact:
Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Telephone 360-378-6313 Read the Ecopsychology Journal interview with Dr. Cohen: http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html Email: nature@interisland.net. Website: www.ecopsych.com Personal page: http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html RESOURCES Overview Article<http://www.ecopsych.com/hallucinatearticle.html> Process Synopsis<http://www.ecopsych.com/transformation.html> Fundamentals <http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen22.html> Outcomes<http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html> Interview<http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html> Research<http://www.ecopsych.com/2004ecoheal.html> Identity<http://www.ecopsych.com/thesisquote6.html> Petition<http://www.ecopsych.com/petition2.html> Articles<http://www.ecopsych.com/2004artnews.html> Book<http://www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html> Film<http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1357054/> NAE<http://www.NaturalAttractionEcology.com> Journal quotes from students who are doing natural attraction activities: I chose the whole of the great outdoors as I walked home from afternoon class. It was -25C..ice crystals in the misty air. I said Good Afternoon and asked for permission to engage with the ALL and not just pass through. Immediately I belonged, one minute an outsider the next a relative!!!!..As a part of the nameless..I was nameless also and I liked the feeling of not having ‘to be’ but just ‘to be’. It felt like being in a painting or a dream..as if I had of stepped into another world or time. There I was in the middle of it ALL..breathing into it..breathing in from it...being kissed on the cheeks and winked at by the stuff on the ground I left the activity and went on to the ‘Connections’ I now have come to like the ‘nameless’ part more..this singling out of things, seems to separate me from the whole....But on I went.. everything so many shades of white, gray, green and brown..breath and chimney smoke rising..the crunch of my footsteps. Each little fir completely different in shape to the other..bare branches like pencil lines drawn on the sky..as I was drawn to each..I said ‘connection’, "connection", "connection" and it felt like I was actually saying hello, hi there, good day!!! Now I went on to do the ‘attraction’ part..this proved interesting..I noted the bark on the cottonwoods, had eye like shapes that seemed to be peering out at me..for a moment I was startled..and then I just winked back..and laughed..I really felt this was more than a connection..so ATTRACTION..the willow bush's bare branches so red..alive with blood throbbing in its veins..reminded me that things in winter are not dead..they are very much alive, things are happening beneath the earth and snow that I cannot see...ATTRACTION…Then a very fat magpie flew into the branches above me and just sat looking at me..This Attraction was so strong..the Magpie has always stood for my mother..and she passed away in March of this year..I felt so good about this bird being attracted to me..giving me love and comfort…the bird and I stayed there for a long time, just looking at each other, we did not need to talk we just connected with our hearts and senses. It was like spending time with my mom. Talk about Attraction!!! Thee things I learned from this exercise a. The connection seems stronger when I do not name everything..Naming seems to negate a lot of what the thing in nature actually is, does or how it we are connected. I thought about this in terms of relationships and realized that often I negate a person by just naming them or their jobs…they are really so much more. I am going to take more time to connect with people using the nameless activity. Just because things are covered in a blanket of ice and snow and are bare of leaves and obvious life..does not mean they are lifeless. This reminds me that often I read people wrong as well..I need to look beneath the covering and see the connections and attractions In all moods, I can always go to NIAL. It will be there to comfort me..and give me advice. I have experienced this too many times to count, but I was reminded of this once again doing this exercise. My first Christmas without my mother, I did not even have to speak my feelings....NIAL was right there with her comfort and love. The sound of the snow speaking to me as I walk on it gives me joy. NIAL likes my big feet!!! Seeing my breath in the air tells me that I give and receive..I am attractive to NIAL and NIAL to me. I love to see the white snow here in Daqing. In most other big cities in China the snow turns black within a day. I like the sharp nippy kisses on my cheek that I get from the cold air..they say cheer up Patricia…I LOVE YOU As always..now that I have these sensations and connections with NIAL..it would be devastating to have them taken away. I note that more and more I want to be outside, even in the cold..it is like I have this incredible friend out there waiting for me to come out and play, This activity reminded me that I can trust NIAL with my feelings. She is always there for me..with answers, comfort and love. I was reminded that all is not; misery, cold and death in winter..a season to grin and bear it and get indoors as quickly as possible. Instead it is a time of beauty and learning as well as a time of reflection and quiet. My class at the moment is from a much warmer place and they actually hate the cold and outdoors. I am taking them out next week and do a small ‘attraction’ activity with them. I am hoping for a change of heart. These activities take the student out of the classroom..and the hands on approach is a way better teaching/learning method for both myself and the student. Not only do they learn the 2nd language but they also learn about connecting to NIAL without me having to reason and talk too much!!! What I learn from them is remarkable..and wonderful..and the joy we share with each other and NIAL is the best connection. A friend is someone who knows the song in our heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten it." ^^^ As being part of nature and understanding that there are many connections/attractions, I understand the balance and the attraction/sensations of hot/cold to warm and the opposite feeling to balance. Thi9s is a basic concept to understanding balance and how we perceive it. Since we balance with nature our bonds to the environment and relationships tend to be our need to balance. During the nature activity the image showed me a connection between a man and a bird with all of the surrounding elements or webstrings in common and/or as balance. Our society had forgotten or unlearned this bond and the need that nature and people have for each other to live. During the “Mimbres pottery Design”, color back page activity: I entered my garden area and asked permission for sharing and assistance in learning. After this being granted the area focused in on my main attraction of the pond. The foliage briefly set acknowledgement and welcome while the pond sent light and shadows, water sounds and a general gravitation toward the side of the pond lined with rocks. The sounds of water on the rocks, lets me know that although people need nature and nature needs people—water needs rocks and rocks need water—webstring connections and needs. There are many parts to nature of which we are one. The human body, with healing can survive without a “foot”. The body does best with 2 feet but one can be lived with somewhat differently. Nature can survive without a part although survival is better with all parts but can survive and live. Living is the total purpose and learning to live with nature is ours. Evolution is the balance of nature. If we do not assist in the balance with us then it is all possible that balance will extinguish humans or at least start over. The attractions that brought joy during this activity were light sounds of water, depth of blue color, smell of pond water-dirt and fish, air encompassing, warm with shill oneness with feel of dirt and rocks under feet, openness of sky/clouds the overall feeling of welcome, acceptance, trust, unconditional. The attractions that guided mud on one side of pond redirected to less muddy side attraction. Darkness directed toward light, quiet toward water sounds. I could go on for hours naming attractions. There are so many, Just the energy from one single blade of grass, to the revamping of life from a fallen branch. Sometimes there is so much at one time all that can happen is exist and breath, until the stillness is broken by an attraction that teaches. I replaced the bird on the pottery with the water symbol of waves. Mankind and water have need for each other and are attracted to each other and have bond. I have not left the property for 5 days so I have not worn my pen out in public. It will be noticed for “dress” and “symbol” is part of the dress code at my work/school. I suspect that if asked and are told the connection between mankind and nature that the subject will be dropped by the seeker unless I push the issue. Since nature is not important to society the subject will not be important to them. Twelve catalysts: Attractions will keep us focused to bring us balance. Relearning bonds is important for society to become part of nature again. Communication between nature and humans must be translated well for society to understand in English. Attraractions are always available, but we stop listening to them. Nature is always trying to connect to us. We don’t always do our part. The unconditional acceptance , trust and love that nature sends to us is almost unbearable as to how we respond so poorly. For an extensive collection of Journal quotes from students doing natural attraction activities: Visit http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html .................................................................................. Achieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being. Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest: |
Yoga Reiki Self-Improvement Self-Confidence Self-Esteem Weight Loss Ecotherapy Intimacy Holistic Leadership Organic Psychology Friendship Happiness Unitarian Universalist Pantheism Mental Health Peace Climate Change Shamanism Earth Day Activities Retreat Centers Energy Medicine Natural Systems Healing Hypnosis Parenting Child Development Alternatives Dog Cat Pet Care Tao Healing Touch Healing Retreats Spiritual Life Free Ideas Return to the top of this page ................................................. |
Therapy Massage Therapy Ecopsychology Therapist Training Hypnotherapy Wilderness Therapy Human Services Social Work Counseling Teaching Life Coaching Integral Therapy Hospice Caregiving Home Schooling Creative Writing Life Experience Naturopathy Consciousness Jesus & Wilderness Biophilia Herbal Remedy Life Science Violence Prevention Healing Hands Outdoor Education Continuing Education Anger Management Energy Healing Qigong Healing Techniques Spiritual Growth Eco Activities |
& Life Relationships Recovery from: |