Of Global Education |
COURSE NAME: Natural Attractions, Intelligences and Sanity SUBTITLE Einstein' World: How educating and counseling with nature restores our 53 natural senses and helps us build responsible, interpersonal, web of life relationships. Course Application Form Instructions: Cut and Paste
parts of this application form for emailing. Please allow 5-7
days to receive course materials. You may proceed with the course
at that time. Applicant: Please email and postal mail this application along with your recommended $35.00 course contribution, and other required fee for students receiving credit.
TO: Department of Applied Ecopsychology/Integrated Ecology
I am familiar with the Natural Attractions Course description and am applying to enroll in the course: ( ,,) $35.00 for course ( . ) $16.95 for book Einstein's World including postage in USA You may save $10.00 by ordering this book along with other applicable books through the order form If you want credit for the course, ($47 additional) please be sure to request it from course facilitators upon completion of the course. It can be obtained within a week by filling out an additional form.
Email Address Website URL if applicable Postal Address City, State, Zip Telephone Occupation or major interest: How or where did you hear about the course?
Are you presently interested in continuing on with the Orientation
Course Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship
(1 credit optional) ? ( ) yes ( )no Are you presently interested in continuing on with the Introductory
course ECO501 using the book Reconnecting
With Nature (1 credit optional, PREREQUISITE:
ORIENTATION COURSE) Are you presently interested in the degree
program? ( ) yes ( )no Do you want ,optionally, to obtain transferable credit for
this course from Portland State University (PSU) upon completion
of this course? NOTE: Degree Program students at the Institute of Global Education Project NatureConnect should ordinarily NOT apply for Portland State University credit. They automatically obtain credit for this course in their program upon Degree Program enrollment . They do NOT need to apply for PSU credit nor pay extra for it. REMINDER: Email the above information to nature@interisland.net AND Postal mail a hard copy plus payment by check. Include book payment if ordering Reconnecting with Nature. Send an additional email to confirm that you are ordering the book. IGE DEGREE PROGRAM STUDENTS: The cost of this course (but not the optional PSU credit) will be deducted from your degree program tuition once you enroll at IGE and start your coursework on the program.
Institute of Global Education Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director P. O. Box 1605,