







































GREEN SUSTAINABILITY DISTANCE EDUCATION UNIVERSITIES: Accredited Nature-Connecting Online Alternative and Natural Holistic Bachelors Masters and PhD Degrees, Sensory Courses, Jobs and Career Training Education, Includes certified life experience equivalence and prior instruction, hands-on sustainable environmental programs  


Natural Attractions Intelligences and Sanity

An Environmental Education Center in Action

Project NatureConnect
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington, USA
Institute of Global Education 

Holistic Alternative Online Natural Health Wellness Spirituality
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Careers, Sustainable Jobs, Degrees Graduate Schools Scholarships


The green, Environmental Education center course, university syllabus, below, describes a significant breakthrough: distance education sustainable counseling and therapy training that includes your prior learning, equivalence courses and life experience, and that offers financial aid grants.
It helps you remedy the excessive  disconnection of our psyche from nature's flow that produces our disorders. Its applied ecopsychology helps you follow nature's path to Earth and humanity in peaceful balance. 


Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature

Degrees, Grants, Career Training Courses and Jobs Online.

Individuals who have enjoyed a refreshing visit in a natural area often report that their sensory contact with nature's balance and beauty increased their well-being in lasting ways. They say that the connection renewed their psyche, cleared their mind and energized their spirit. To this end, the remarkable process of Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) empowers anyone, anytime, to increase personal, social and environmental well-being, and to help others do the same.

ECHN students learn how to help nature's self-correcting ways interlace with their heart, mind and spirt. This enables them, along with their clients and friends, to increase health and wellness through a grant for thinking, feeling and relating like nature's perfection works.

Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature offers critical nature connected distant education and university distance learning, graduate school scholarships and alternative careers degrees, and jobs. They are designed for environmental educators who want to add sensory nature-contact methods to therapy, teaching or coaching practices. The environmental education need is great for those who have the integrity and dedicated passion to master sustainable, green, health and wellness spirituality skills.  They help individuals who need or seek a safe alternative to the destructive ways of society that block the restorative flow of nature in through and around us. 

We honor your desire to blend your life experience and training with your respect for nature, by providing special grants and equivalence credit for it.

If you like, you may combine our certified accredited coursework with a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most subjects, personal interests, or jobs. (see bottom of this page)
  • Help people remedy their disturbing thoughts and feelings with the special grace, balance and restorative powers of nature's pulsating flow.
  • Increase income through a Natural Attraction Ecology stress-relief and stress management grant.
  • Strengthen personal social and environmental self-esteem and well being .
  • Add the sunlight and beauty of the natural world to your needs and community.
Visit our Homepage for complete information

Institute of Global Education


ECO 508 : Natural Attractions, Intelligences and Sanity (1 credit)

Educating and counseling with 53 senses that build thoughtful web of life relationships

Applied Ecopsychology/Integrated Ecology

Akamai University Institute of Applied Ecopsychology

September 30, 2000



Discover how to help prevent contemporary society's nature-separated thinking from deteriorating personal growth and responsible relationships. Increase your effectiveness, marketability and global citizenship by learning about the process of educating and counseling with nature. Learn how to introduce a readily available natural systems thinking process into various aspects of society.





*Thinking with nature's intelligence

*Field observations

*Why think like nature works?

*People and nature as community

*Producing public awarensss

*Sensory connections

*Subconscious nature

*An ecology of spirit

* The Web of Life

*Seeking permission

*Implimenting Natural Systems Thinking


-Optional Topics

* Reconnecting with natural senses

*The powers of natural senses

*Students' projects




"Until mankind can extend the circle of his compassion to include all living things, he will never, himself, know peace."

.......-Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize, l950

By the end of this Environmental Education and green center course students will be able to access and teach, via the internet or locally, basic concepts and activities of the Natural Systems Thinking Process as described in the assigned text "Einstein's World" by Michael J. Cohen. ( This book is available by sending $15.00 to the IGE office, PO Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. You may start the course anytime after receiving it and may form a study group to do it with if you want.)

1. To introduce the Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) into any facet of society that seeks to build more responsible relationships with people and the environment.

2. To learn communal, interspecies ways of thinking critically that reconnect with and heed natural attractions within ourselves, others and natural areas.

3. To learn how to self-regulate by letting sensory nature connections nurture the balanced spirit, wisdom and unity of nature within and about us.

4. To scientifically learn how to let our natural connectedness regenerate and rejuvenate the hurt and abandoned parts of our inner nature.

5, To identify and follow 53 natural sensory attractions that enable us to thoughtfully let Earth teach.

6. To learn how to speak to Earth and let it teach us, to know nature as nature knows itself.

7. To distinguish the major conflicting characteristics of the old brain and new brain and know how to let tangible contact with nature re-balance them.

8. To network with others who personally or professionally organize, facilitate and introduce the Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) to society.


We, and all of Nature, basically consist of attraction bonds. In us many register as biophilia, a conscious love of nature that our excessively nature disconnected culture deteriorates. To peacefully preserve species, human dignity and environments we need a readily available process that enables us to restore this love -for we don't fight to save what we don't love. This need is met by the scientific, nature reconnecting, ecopsychology process in "Einstein's World."

Instructional programs for mid-career adults are effective, many times, only to the extent that the participants can individualize their studies for immediate application within the professional environment and culture. People are part of nature and vice versa. It is essential that a means be explored to help people see the need, rationale and processes that enables us think with the intelligence by which nature produces its perfection. This helps us relate in ways that connect our cultural roots, work "reality" with the natural senses that have been conquered into subconsciousness by contemporary society's nature disconnected stories.. Students who learn these process are advantaged within the marketplace that seeks people who can make a difference.



Open as a core course to all graduate and undergraduate students




-Telephone Contacts

The student will initiate an initial telephone conference with the

instructor within one week of enrollment to clarify a plan of action for

the course. This initial contact will help familiarize the student and

instructor with one another, and permit the transmission of clear

expectations for completion of course requirements. Periodic telephone

interaction , as required, at student's expense, should be continued for

the duration of the course.


-Email Communications

Frequent email communications between student and instructor should be initiated and continued for the duration of the course when necessary.


-Alternative Communications

Students may send communications and materials via postal service, as

appropriate. On line discussion sessions are available via a course email list.




Students read the Einstein's World textbook and journal their reactions and experiences to seven or more statements in each chapter that they find attractive. They follow each attractive statement with a paragraph or two that explains its environmental education importance or value to them. The student carries out field observations directly related to the special area of study for the purpose of reflecting upon the chapter and its application within "real world" situations. The participant then creates a scholarly paper or papers which identify the findings from his or her reading and integrates and contrasts these findings with the observations from their personal and professional arena.




-Required Textbook

* Einstein's World: Educating and counseling with nature through a scientific integration of Economics, Nature and Psychology; Peace, Wellness and Spirit.


-Recommended Bibliography

Students may select from the following general bibliographic materials, and the bibliographies they contain, as appropriate. See www.amazon.com for publication details and availability.

* The Battle in Seattle, Janet Thomas, Fulcrum Press

*Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukoff

*The Monkey Wrench Gang, Edward Abby

*Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions, Richard Erdoes

*Voice of the Desert, Joseph Wood Krutch

*The Soul Unearthed, Cass Adams,

*My Name is Chellis, Chellis Glenndinning,

*Ecopsychology, Theodore Roszac

*The Web of Life, John Storer

*Dream of the Earth, Thomas Berry

*Earth in Mind, David Orr

*Wilderness and the American Mind, Roderick Nash

*The Quiet Crisis, Stewart Udall

*Wisdom of the Body, Walter B. Connon

*Ishi in Two Worlds, Theodora Kroeber

*Education of Little Tree, Forest Carter

*Magical Child, Joseph Chilton Pierce

*Ishmael, Daniel Quinn

*Summerhill, A.S. Neill

*The Web of Life, Fritjov Capra

*The Spell of the Sensuous, David Abram




-Assignment #1:

Obtain a copy of Einstein's World .

Optionally sign up on the Webstring egroup discussion list.


Assignment #2

Engage in the webstring attraction-connection process that the book describes as follows:

1. Read the Introduction for content.

2. Read it a second time and quote seven or more statements or concepts in this section that you find attractive. Follow each attractive statement with a paragraph or two that explains

A.Why the statement is attractive to you.

B. What natural attraction(s) "webstrings" in you the statement touches and how they relate to your experiences.

C. Bypass statements that you do not find attractive (do not like or would contest.)

3. Read the quote by Albert Einstein in the Chapter introduction and explain how you think it relates to the statements you found attractive in this section.


Assignment #3-

1. Read Chapter 1 in Einstein's World, for content.

2. Read the Chapter a second time and in a journal that may be requested by the instructor at the end or the course, write down seven or more statements or concepts in this section that you find attractive. Follow each attraction statement with a paragraph or two that explains

A.Why the statement is attractive to you; what is its meaning and importance to you?

B. What attraction ("sensory webstring") in you the statement touches and how it relates to your experiences.

C. Bypass statements that you do not find attractive.

3. Read the opening quote by Albert Einstein in this Chapter and explain how you think it relates to the statements you found attractive in the Chapter.

4. Connect your reading and reaction experiences with those you have had from other books and relationships and see if and where they integrate. Optional: To build and connect with a wider circle of friends learning and support, sign up and send emails to webstrings@egroups.com. Respond to attractions you find in the emails you receive from other students on this interact list.

5. Within the next five days begin the next assignment

Assignment # 4-

Read Chapter 2 in Einstein's World, for content and apply 2-5 in Assignment #3 to this chapter

Assignment # 5-

Read Chapter 3 in Einstein's World, for content and apply 2-5 in Assignment #3 to this chapter.

Assignment #6-
Read Chapter 4 in Einstein's World, for content and apply 2-5 in Assignment #3 to this chapter. Incorporate evaluation procedures 1-6 in the COURSE EVALUATION SECTION below.

Assignment #7-

Read Chapter 5 in Einstein's World, for content and apply 2-5 in Assignment #3 to this chapter. Incorporate evaluation procedures 1-5 in the COURSE EVALUATION SECTION below.

Assignment #8-

Read Chapter 6 in Einstein's World, for content, for content and apply 2-5 in Assignment #3 to this chapter. Incorporate evaluation procedures 1-5 in the COURSE EVALUATION SECTION below.

Assignment #9-

Read Chapter 7 in Einstein's World, for content, for content and apply 2-5 in Assignment #3 to this chapter. Incorporate evaluation procedures 1-5 in the COURSE EVALUATION SECTION below.

Assignment #10-

Read Chapter 8 in Einstein's World, for content, for content and apply 2-5 in Assignment #3 to this chapter. Incorporate evaluation procedures 1-5 in the COURSE EVALUATION SECTION below.

Assignment #11-

Read Chapter 9 in Einstein's World, for content and apply 2-5 in Assignment #3 to this chapter. Incorporate evaluation procedures 1-5 in the COURSE EVALUATION SECTION below.

Assignment #12 -

Familiarize yourself with references in the Appendices of Einstein's World. Complete Evaluation procedures 1-5 in the COURSE EVALUATION SECTION below.

Assignment #13-

Complete Evaluation procedures 1-6 in the COURSE EVALUATION SECTION below.

Assignment #14-

Complete Evaluation procedures 7-8 in the COURSE EVALUATION SECTION below.



Books can be ordered directly from nature@interisland.net.



The primary purpose of this course is to provide opportunities for students to carefully inspect the applicability of the theoretical literature within their own professional environment. This course allows the student to select a topic for study, identify the appropriate literature and professional arena within which the exploration will be undertaken.



For evaluation and in a final paper the student will

1. Consider where NSTP would make a contribution to real life situations locally and globally

2. Observe the effects from the thinking and activity process described in the course text.

3. Seek input from others as to any noticible effects on the student from the coursework.

4. Research the experiences of others who are engaged in NSTP.

5. Report the values of identifying natural senses through contact with natural systems.

6. Write a short paper that identifies the value of the attractions process utilized by the course to increase learning potentials.

7. Within the requirements for a course final paper found at http://www.ecopsych.com/eco500paper.html prepare a 3 page scholarly paper relative to participating in this course that integrates, validates and contributes concepts and ideas from the course.

8. Write a letter to an editor or leader about the value the student finds in NSTP


The instructor will evaluate the completeness and effectiveness of the
student's written materials, including the annotated bibliography, the
report on field observations, and the scholarly paper.

The instructor will reflect upon the following expectations in evaluating
the work of the student:

*detail of presentations

*richness and diversity of the material presented

*clarity of references to the scholarly readings

*focus and conceptual quality

*richness and coherence in translation of academic theories and concepts

*appropriateness of applications

*quality of writing of the scholarly presentation



The course grade will be calculated according to the following formula:

*annotated bibliography 20%

*report on field observations 20%

*scholarly paper 60%



While the student is expected to carry out and complete all assignments and expectations of the instructor within 180 days from the start date,
students are encouraged to pursue the course requirements according to the following timetable.


Day 1-5: Make telephone contact with the instructor for the purpose of

establishing the plan of action and scheduling the timeline and mode of

communications for the duration of the course. Secure a recommended

bibliography from the instructor and begin to gather text and journal

literature in support of the selected topic.


Day 6: Begin the COURSE ASSIGNMENTS AND SEQUENCE described above.




Core Topic: The Natural Systems Thinking Process
Part 1. Overview: explore your attractions in the Introduction and Chapter One of Einstein's World

How to supportively relate peacefully in Earth's playground.
The Lie of Omission

How nature's intelligence is missing from the way we learn to think.

Part 2 . The Great Webstring Mystery: explore your attractions in Chapter 2 of Einstein's World.

Making the space needed to discover the unknown

Part 3. Sensing Hidden Truths: explore your attractions in Chapter 3 of Einstein's World.

Visualizing Nature's presence

Part 4. The Intelligence of Sensory Fulfillment: explore your attractions in Chapter 4 of Einstein's World.

Discovering reality through unadulterated contact with it.

Part 5. The Sensory Web: explore your attractions in Chapter 5 of Einstein's World.

Bringing webstrings into conscious thought

Part 6. The Truth of Experience: explore your attractions in Chapter 6 of Einstein's World.

Helping webstrings validate themselves

Part 7. The Wisdom of Gaining Consent: explore your attractions in Chapter 7 of Einstein's World.

Creating respectful relationships with nature

Part 8. Attraction Distraction: explore your attractions in Chapter 8 of Einstein's World.

Dealing with disconnection and prejudice

Part 9. Sprit of the Strings: explore your attractions in Chapter 9 of Einstein's World.

Unifying two mental worlds

Part 10. References and Resources: explore your attractions to two references in Einstein's World.

Making the space needed to discover the unknown





-Course Completion

The grade of Incomplete may be given ONLY AFTER discussion with the

instructor and only if there is an extremely good reason to give such a

grade. An Incomplete will NOT be given because a student is "behind" in

work, needs extra time, simply because s/he wants to delay the completion of the assignments. It is important that you turn in assignments within the parameters of the agreed timeline. However, there are often unforeseen circumstances will may befall any of us, therefore, I will be patient with you in the event of some personal crisis. Don't surprise me at the last minute, call me, email me, and we will work it out.


-Thoughts about Writing.

Purchase a collegiate writing style manual. If you are unclear which is

the appropriate manual, please contact me and we can discuss this important issue. All written work should adhere to the writing style and manuscript preparation guidelines described in your style manual. Pay extra special attention to the rules related to referencing and citation of the academic literature. In all circumstances, you will be expected to acknowledge th works of others which have informed the work you wish to submit as your own.


-Academic Integrity

Academic dishonest in any of its forms, including cheating, plagiarism,

misuse of the University web site, failure to comply with guidelines for

the conduct of human or animal research, and all aspects of professional

ethics, will not be tolerated. Any form of academic dishonesty is grounds

for dismissal from the program.




Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.

Director, Project NatureConnect

P. O. Box 1605

Friday Harbor, WA 98250 USA

Tel: (360) 378-6313

Email: nature@interisland.net

Website: www.ecopsych.com


Communications should take place during daytime working hours in the western time zone or by appointment.

Contact: Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Telephone 360-378-6313
Read the Ecopsychology Journal interview with Dr. Cohen: http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html

Email: nature@interisland.net.
Website: www.ecopsych.com 
Personal page: http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html


Overview Article<http://www.ecopsych.com/hallucinatearticle.html>
Process Synopsis<http://www.ecopsych.com/transformation.html>
Fundamentals <http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen22.html>


 Journal quotes from students who are doing natural attraction activities:

"Many years ago I built a crude arbor out of wooden posts and poles. The structure was seized upon by the Port St John's creeper I planted there and transformed into a cool, green, sanctuary filled with filtered light and gently wafting breezes. Sitting in there is like sitting in the womb of nature. This is where I was drawn to do the activity and I non-verbally sought help to do it.

As I entered, ducking under overhanging growth, my eyes fell on a log I had placed there at least 8 years before. I was riveted by its shape and beauty and reached out to touch it. Parts of it crumbled into red-brown soil in my hands. I knelt on the leaf strewn earth, moved nearly to tears. Nature, as always, was teaching me, showing me the webstring way of knowing. This log was one of the many I had snaffled off various dumps and dragged back home in order to create habitat for life giving micro and macro organisms. For all these years it had hosted and housed various creatures, fungi, bacteria and a myriad of unseen organisms and it was now turning into rich soil, still furthering life. The picture unfolded before me: the log, the creatures, the soil, the creeper, my actions in bringing the log here, building the little structure, planting the creeper, nurturing it until it grew, it now protecting me and my own eventual return to dust. I also saw how nature had communicated to me through various senses like smell, sight, sound, touch etc that had been embedded in me since childhood. This is how Nature had moved me to act: heartbroken at the condition of the soil, I had remembered the smell, sight and feel of humus rich, healthy soil and everything associated with it (all the associations linked to various senses). Through these associations and memories I knew I had to bring in loads of organic matter to cover the damaged earth. With the organic matter I was driven to bring in, Nature was able to regenerate life processes in the soil and that is how the healing began.

Looking back, I can see that Nature spoke to me directly through various senses. I was just totally unaware of what was happening. I am in awe of this and I am so grateful for this partnership, this interwoven, meshing of life that I share with this earth.

I learned that life is continuous and re-establishes itself at every opportunity. It is a symphony of different forms working together in harmony and is able to communicate its needs to humans through our senses; provided those senses are connected to Nature. Senses that are disconnected from Nature distort all communication. I cannot bear to think about them.

When we moved here the land had been brutalized and stripped of all topsoil; it was so sterile that not even a lizard was left alive. I spent the first 3 years collecting leaves, logs and rocks off dumps and off pavements; I sifted through garbage searching for organic matter to feed this earth like a homeless person searches for food. I was an embarrassment and a joke to most people. I felt their scorn but the earth mattered more to me than what they thought. Now, when I see this log, this picture of the natural balance and beauty of nurturing life unfolding before me I am undone and I know that Nature was able to communicate to me her needs through my sensory perceptions.

I suddenly see that Nature actually communicated with me through my various senses and told me what she needed in a way that was as real as any worded language. I also understand that in order to understand Nature's language, we must be in direct contact with her. We cannot understand her any other way.

Life is continuously moving through various forms and is continuously transforming all the forms it moves through. Life/Nature is able to communicate and we are able to understand that communication if we learn how to listen through our senses."


"There was a huge presence of connection to nature in my energy field
this evening. The post ecliptic waning moon was fighting its way
through clouds and almost scolding them with a red ora as if to say let
me be seen!!! (in the most beautiful, peaceful n0n-evasive way
possible) ...but It's power was present and my words were not sufficient
enough to describe the phenomenal vision in the night time sky. IT was


I am in the process of being guided into a new way of thinking, a way of thinking without words. Words have scrambled true meaning for me, and have been used to control and manipulate my natural thinking process. "In the natural environment sensitivities provide a non-language, interspecies attraction communion" is another sentence which resonates with my soul. It goes on to say, "This communion permits natural systems to act sensibly as a community, 'to make sense', 'work by concensus', to organize, preserve and regenerate themselves responsibly, intelligently & diversely without producing garbage, war or insanity" (Cohen 1994). There is life in these words, life with a breeze that flows through the current of all life and runs through us as human beings. It is in this current of life that I choose to live. Yet, I am as a man between two countries, not belonging and being in community with either. I am realizing that I am experiencing, and undergoing, a process of change that can not be rushed. I have gone too far into it to come out, yet do not see another land.


Within the summary  for Chapter Four it is noted, "Carl Jung and many others, note 'Our feelings are not only reasonable, they are as discriminating, logical and consistent as abstract thinking.' Natural senses and feelings are the foundation of bio-logic, of nature's civilization which can best  be unprejudicially measured by its long-term survival effects, by its ability to create an optimum of life and diversity without producing garbage, insanity and war, without civilization's violence, stress or pollution."
 As these words emerge onto the screen before me I am drawn into my life's path and the direction it has naturally taken throughout the years. Trauma catapulted me out of the ordinary. "A still small voice" within continued to guide me without words into and through "briar bushes" and "oasis" of illusion. I heard words and saw situations that I thought were the products of my process. Each, of course, leading to emptiness. Now I see that what I have been following has always been with me, no matter where I am.

My thoughts reflect upon my youngest son. He has survived situations where most would never have dared venture. I remember his face at 12/13 years old. He came through the door telling me something inside told him to cross the street; he obeyed. A truck slammed into a large boulder that was directly in front of his path. He would have been crushed between the boulder and the truck had he not crossed the street. When he was older he walked across the country, sleeping in the wilderness and making connections with all he came in contact with. At one point I flew to Taos NM to meet him. He showed me places where he had camped within the mountains. Remnants of his natural habitat remained; they are etched in my memory forever. The forrest, the woods, and all living creatures, became his friends. He and I have shared many adventures, but none like he experienced himself. I also have watched him being misunderstood and sometimes rejected by others who didn't understand his naturally creative and courageous spirit. I have seen his loneliness and his joy in that loneliness. He probably will never understand how gifted he is. I have a daughter who wrestles with her gift of communication with animals. Living between two worlds is difficult for her, and she tries so hard to fit in. But I know she never will because she is guided by "a still small voice".
Those who sense more seem often to be isolated more. People caught up in the "garbage", and thus insanity of life, can be uncomfortable with the truth they see being lived out by those whose lights are burning within. We should all be more like them. It is my New Year's resolution to keep the light burning. This course is a true gift."


As usual I really enjoyed being bought into your world. Thanks for, as you put it..."going out on a limb". The view can be quite wonderful from an elevated position. I am personally glad that your children have a parent such as yourself that can allow them to be "who they really are". People who are guided by the unseen world must find a place for themselves away from the labels of 'Wierd', 'Crazy' etc. Having a parent or someone who you trust and feel safe with, who is willing to understand and nurture the 'gift' of being connected,  is really important. In reading your statement 'people that sense more, often seem to be isolated more', I find a lot of truth in that. I think the challenge is one of balancing out energies. One can also be alone, but not isolated. I think being  happy with the 'inner' connections and really understanding things from a higher perspective can sometimes make sensitive people choose to be alone. Not having any kind of understanding from others, or within oneself causes isolation. It really is about balance. I agree with you  that taking this course helps us all to keep the fire burning in ourselves and support others in their endeavors to do the same."

For an extensive collection of Journal quotes from students doing natural attraction activities:
Visit http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html

Achieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being.

Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest:


Alarm! Alarm!
Well-being at risk
Help turn the tide!



"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."

-Stephen Aizenstat


In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.

-Michael J. Cohen


Benefit from learning to enhance the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.





Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology Search Engine

Grant-funded, social and environmental science accredited courses, career training and holistic organic learning degrees: alternative adult education and sustainable career training jobs online for personal and global health.

Act now: student grants, scholarships loans for college online


"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."

"Truth is what stands the test of experience."

- Albert Einstein


Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Healing Hypnosis
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Healing Retreats
Spiritual Life
Free Ideas

Return to the top of this page
Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Healing Hands
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing
Healing Techniques
Spiritual Growth
Eco Activities

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development

Native American Indian Ways

Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Mind Body Healing
War On Terrorism
Natural Healing
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Spiritual Power
Spiritual Health
Christmas Gifts

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming



Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


Accredited nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money online and increase wellness, spirit and hope.

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

send email

All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature
and the
Naturally Attracted
DVD video